How Do We Deal with Old Movies?
David Fincher - Actor's Director
Food in Taxi Driver
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The 50K Q&A | Eyebrow Cinema
The Wendy Theory is Bad
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The Shining Dissolves
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The Film Bro is Dead
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@andrewattenboroughtwothumb4697 21 минут бұрын
Amazing analysis and about the movie and the story and plot perfectly
@SkinnyEatWorld95 37 минут бұрын
I actually like everything Kevin has made, except for the horror movies. Horror isn't my thing. Kevin Smith is a national treasure to me and always will be❤
@MrMaxtaurus 3 сағат бұрын
Of course the final bitter irony of the Wendy Theory, is to put the blame of violence and abuse on to Shelley Duvall's character after all the real abuse Ms. Duvall endured during the actual filming of the movie
@gregaiken1725 6 сағат бұрын
we all know what group is the new bully...
@dennisray3235 7 сағат бұрын
I was a teenager when I first saw OHMSS. I was disappointed since Sean Connery wasn't in it. Recently I watched it again and saw that it really is a good movie and enjoyed it very much.
@Segadrome 7 сағат бұрын
Seriously, who fucking cares?
@AllG98 9 сағат бұрын
Great points. Watching this right after the Kevin Smith video; you’ve got yourself a new subscriber!
@crave809 10 сағат бұрын
As someone who grew up with Kevin smith movies, I loved Jersey Girl. It is easily Ben’s best movie, I am not a fan of a fleck. Some of the commercial films, ie cop out & Zach & Miri, weren’t for me but love everything else, even tusk. Mall rats clerks are gems and fall in the same space for the 90’s as 16 candles and breakfast club do for the 80’s and super bad for the early 2000’s. I agree, Kevin’s magic is in his writing. Dogma was one of my favorite of all time, it’s one of the best parts of Kevin is his personality and wit.
@anthonygerardcondon7870 12 сағат бұрын
this was a really great review / critique of one of American cinemas great films...just one quibble, you mention the evils that Polanski perpetrated, just for clarity he committed 1 crime ( i dont condone what he did of coarse and wish he didnt) but for what its worth he has apologised, not many in Hollywood would even accept responsibility let alone apologise for doing wrong, and she has forgiven him. There are far worse people in Hollywood than Polanski, anyone on the Epstein Flight Manifest...or closer to this review, John Huston himself who has done dreadful things in his life..check out how he treated Susan Tyrell on his film Fat City..itll make your skin crawl...but great review none the less
@charlieb1575 13 сағат бұрын
The part here about him being a writer much more than a director is so true in my opinion. I know nothing about movie making, and I prefer to watch critic videos over the movies themselves. But even I couldn't help but cringe at the way the dialogue was done. Especially the way one character speaks until done, then the camera switches to a different character, who waits a beat, then says their part. It was bizarre.
@voorh33s 13 сағат бұрын
His masters of the universe was super bad too.
@mr.voidout4739 13 сағат бұрын
I've barely watched much of his work, but by proxy of a friend that was a huge fan, I became fond of him as a person. Unfortunately at some point he did a complete 180 and grew a huge ego. I think social media got the better of him.
@buffbatman2 14 сағат бұрын
His politics became more important than his product. People qtent going to buy that sh*t
@spookrockcity 14 сағат бұрын
Smith should have quit making movies after the 90s ended.
@bigboss2670 15 сағат бұрын
Best Bond, and Bond movie ever.
@markpalmer9844 17 сағат бұрын
I live online. Never heard of this term.
@MrBlink1980 20 сағат бұрын
I have the same overall thoughts of Kevin Smith's progression as a story teller. However, I disagree with your take on Jay and Silent Bob reboot. I found it very entertaining and had a better deeper message than the previous Jay and Silent Bob. You can't criticize the Reboot for having a lot of inside jokes when the original Jay and Silent Bob was made just for that idea. You have to be a fan of the View Askew universe for both movies to work. I loved Kevin's take on reboots while giving his own a deeper meaning about fatherhood. As for Clerks 3, I will pretend it never happened and Clerks 2 is the end of Dantee and Randal's story. If Kevin wanted to make a deeper point about GenX hitting their 50s. He should have kept Dantee losing his wife BUT it was from childbirth of his daughter. Have the same plot of Randal making a movie BUT his realization will that is deeper meaning was being part of the "family" with Dantee and his daughter. Maybe even have Dantee die from a heart attack but knowing Randall will take the responsibility to being the father figure to his daughter. And minus the insane amount of geek movie references and make Randal not be a pick to Dantee for all of the movie. Go back to the banter of the previous Clerks. There, I made a better plot than Kevin did.
@KP-vy9ro 20 сағат бұрын
You know I respect some of the points that you made but I think with any of the askewniverse that if you take any of them too seriously besides clerk's 3 you're missing the mark of the movies. This is why Kevin Smith says he's not a professional director because he knows he's not. So when you talk about his cutting and clerks 3 why does that get you so bent out of shape? It's supposed to be mostly about them being able to make the original clerk's movie and how and why it happened but you're focusing too much on high brow things that he does not care about in his movies. Like I get some of your perspectives and I understand where you're coming from You're not necessarily wrong but you're just kind of trudging down the same path that everyone else that doesn't understand why he made those movies does. And yeah the reboot and clerk Street aren't as funny as its predecessors but it's because he had life-changing events before both of them so he wanted to say something with both of those two movies now he said it but like I said he isn't that kind of director that's going to do like a art house feature of clerks man. Either get it or you don't and if you overanalyze it you're going to find huge holes in all of this stuff so thank you for the hour and a half point out of that
@plaidchuck 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah I agree. I don't get how people grew up on this stuff thinking he was always super deep and then getting mad when it was shown he wasn't. People in the last 30-40 years really have this strange attachment to pop culture and making it their personality and then lashing out when it wasn't what they thought it was.
@Fres-no 21 сағат бұрын
Thank u.....great stuff! DUUUDE!
@zetetick395 Күн бұрын
Lol John Cusacks 'reaction-to-Lester' face 🤣7:22 🤣
@zetetick395 Күн бұрын
There's another really enjoyable 'office adjacent' flick from 1999 called *The Big Kahuna* (it takes place in a hotel room before a sales conference) with the always wonderful Danny Devito getting surprisingly deep. Funny and Humane: Def worth a watch!
@mikeycomicguy8670 Күн бұрын
I watched it for the first time the other night, and loved it. I'd even rank it in my top 10
@kuokublaikhan Күн бұрын
Is it really necessary to include these much louder, discordant moments, like that clip of Alien at 17:49? Not all of us have destroyed our hearing you know.
@ProfessorFalken Күн бұрын
Man goes into cage, Cage goes into salsa, Shark is in the salsa, Our Shark. RIP
@rebeccawalsh6921 Күн бұрын
'THE SHINING 3: WENDY"S BACK HOME' ...the nightmare continues as Wendy turns psycho in this thriller sequal...yes! Wendy will have another psychotic break in a Colorado library! This time books will be removed and its your job to figure out which ones on the aisles and aisles of books shelves got moved, if any? Watch her hurry down the aisles of the library calling for Jack and Danny...Is Jack dead? Did she really kill him? or...Did she just imagine it! Find OUT! But don't hide nothing, because that means...their is an hallucination in your theatre!
@shawntapley6733 Күн бұрын
i think that dante dying before his "living life again" arc is a great creative choice. there are a lot of people who don't get a phase 2 in life and you never know who's going to be one of them. and that hits very hard
@dreaziemobbins Күн бұрын
kevin smith has always sucked. the grocery store movie sucked (on the way through the parking lot). you fall in love with those movies while you're a teenager and you are the stupidest and least interesting version of yourself and, thanks to that, you have to love kevin smith movies until you evolve enough as a person to grow out of it. Thanks to that, we all have to listen to uninteresting and unfunny people talk about kevin smith for years and years. Now you've spent a lot of this video so far showing off how you haven't finished growing up yet so this video also sucks on some of these (_)_):::::::::::D~~ but hey that's just a theory a film theory. that's just a film theory getting fisted but dating her best friend who is a man for some cheap recreation
@garyv2498 Күн бұрын
I should have gone to bed an hour and one minute ago, and instead went looking for something to waste 10 minutes of time. But you got me.
@yournamehere6002 Күн бұрын
Chasing Amy is awful, and Jersey Girl is a saccharine, completely by-the-numbers formula film. Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back are the only movies worth watching. Clerks II isn't completely terrible. But the rest are atrocious.
@plaidchuck 12 сағат бұрын
Strange take. Most people and critics think Chasing Amy is him at the top of dialogue and story.
@yournamehere6002 11 сағат бұрын
@@plaidchuck It's terrible. Ugly to look at, overwrought. shrill performance by Joey Lauren Adams, the drama is inert. The conflict is shallow. Yeah, everyone likes it, and they're delusional. It was just a low bar---Kevin Smith attempting something with depth, and people gave him more credit than he deserved.
@yournamehere6002 Күн бұрын
Ya gotta shake that upspeaking thing
@zetetick395 Күн бұрын
22:40 Wow, I had no idea that Fight Club was by that guy!
@mst3kpimp Күн бұрын
if you want to see something scary, there was recently a clerks cruise ship event.
@PorphyryOvTyre Күн бұрын
Not bothering with this shit. Can’t skip ads? Fuck you and your shitty channel
@loboneiner1034 Күн бұрын
Clerks 3 was a depressive drag. I'll never watch it again and it ruined Clerks 2 for me.
@refinedrapture_ Күн бұрын
we have all the time in the world
@marcacosta7594 Күн бұрын
The only three Kevin Smith movies i need, are Clerks", Mallrats", and Dogma". And, I'm good.
@Mr._Anderpson Күн бұрын
Kevin Smith is to filmmaking what Bethesda is to games development. From acclaim in decades past to a punchline in the present. Like a Bethesda game, his films often have all the necessary elements, but the execution is fumbled. Branching out in new directions often leads to poorly-received media, which in turn encourages him/them to push out products which are uninspired. I like many of his films and most of their games. The material is there, but he/they seem stuck in 2011.
@numberoneson1953 Күн бұрын
Michael's daughter did for the Godfather franchise what Jar Jar Binks did for the Star wars Franchise. F'd it up! GF3 sucked!
@sin3231 Күн бұрын
Sounds like you just love the sound of your own voice. Kevin smith was never a great director, but he is good at telling meaningless stories. He is an easy target for every "genius" who thinks he knows better, while missing the true fact: while kevin smith actually got to make films, you became nothing more than a mere critic. The difference between a director and a critic is this: a director got live his dream, while a critic does nothing but trying to smash this dream, because he could have never in a million years achieve this dream
@sueb5312 Күн бұрын
Love Kevin flawed, raw and wriggling❤
@parasiticoak Күн бұрын
I'm a vaguely nerdy Gen X guy . Just vaguely . I never really liked Star Wars but i liked Kevin s . When Clerks came out we worshiped it . Kevin Smith was our voice and I got to hear that voice getting more and more quiet over the decades . This is a good video . I had fun . Thanks
@jnb756 Күн бұрын
Clerks III ruined the legacy. If I could flip off Kevin Smith in person I would be happy to.
@plaidchuck 11 сағат бұрын
Lol I think he ruined it pretty thoroughly by about 2013. Clerks 3 warts and all is actually an improvement on anything he's done in the last 10-15 years.
@Talisac80 Күн бұрын
I always thought it was because his liberal daughter influenced him too much
@Jgotmilk555 Күн бұрын
I thought Clerks 3 was really good. My only complaint was the metaphor wasn't honest. Kevin Smith followed his dreams & it worked. Clerks 1 was a huge success & he's had the blessing of being a filmmaker ever since. He hasn't had a "real" job since he made Clerks 1 which makes him successful in my opinion. He seems like a good guy. I look forward to more movies.
@jeffgreenberg5306 Күн бұрын
i agree, for full immersion, you need to go to a theater. and for 10 bucks a person, well, whatever 2-3 hour immersive experience is nearly that inexpensive? prices for live sports, concerts, and other "experiences" are way higher than for a movie.
@RenzorTheRed Күн бұрын
"I killed Seth Rogan's career!" What a pompous ass.
@TammyBundleballs Күн бұрын
The best things that came from K Smith are Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Comic Book Men, and Tell-Em Steve Dave. Whatever curiosity I had for the K Smith movies I hadn't seen are 100% satisfied by this video. In conclusion, not worth my time.
@TammyBundleballs Күн бұрын
I recommend Jason Mewes in Madness in the Method. That was quite good. Yoga Hosers is such a disgrace. Everyone involved in that crap should be embarrassed. Straight up garbage.
@thecinematicmind Күн бұрын
I believe one aspect missing here is more the unethical films made in film production than story and character. Cinema history is full of trial and error and the meh.
@Robert08010 Күн бұрын
Ok, you just completely ruined "The last Temptation of Spiderman for me!"