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@Nigel_BC 3 сағат бұрын
As a budding ecologist, it’s really sad to me that the only “conservationists” That seem to get any traction in the public eye are people who are either blatantly dishonest or hype, beast, fear mongers. The frustration that I feel when these people take away from the achievements of actual dedicated scientists is immeasurable. I’ve always enjoyed TV, personality biologists (and adjacent peoples) like Jeremy Wade and Steve Irwin but I feel like nowadays, the purpose of these people has shifted away from disproving popular opinion in favor of real science to just saying whatever gets the most views.
@megadracosaurus 3 сағат бұрын
Its the same online to. Channels like TierZoo and Casual Geographic dominate because they're entertaining. But they're objectively (especially TierZoo) bad scources for actual information on wildlife. I'm generally fine with CG because he's a chill dude and he does admit he's not a professional and he tries to correct his mistake. But as someone who has personally interracted with TierZoo on his subreddit...Not so much.
@Nigel_BC 3 сағат бұрын
@@megadracosaurus Oh my goodness!! Don’t even get me started on Tier Zoo. I blame him for the power scaling plague on zoology and paleontology… I respect CG though. A lot of his older Contant is pretty bad, but I admire that he’s willing to admit his mistakes. Honestly, I think people like him are an important bridge between the general public and actual scientists.
@megadracosaurus 3 сағат бұрын
@@Nigel_BC Mhm. The entire ‘cheetahs suck’ myth started with him, even though actual research by professionals contradicts his claims.
@Nigel_BC 2 сағат бұрын
@@megadracosaurus Actually, 🤓☝️the whole “cheetahs suck” thing started with a very old Harvard study. There have been studies that have since disputed these claims, but the stereotype had already spread. I agree that he is by no means perfect but he’s better than many other channels. As you said, he’s also a pretty chill dude. Maybe Lindsay Nicole is a better bridge but I haven’t watched all a lot of her videos so I don’t know. I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far though.
@davidegaruti2582 4 сағат бұрын
Honestly him calling the tasmanian devil face tumur an STD is like incredibly reductive : Trasmissible tumors are extremely not well known and honestly messed up concepts , The idea of those nasty illnesses trasmitting themselves trough bites and vounds is fucked up , And i can't imagine how much pain those poor animals are going trough ... Describing it as "herpes" feels like a joke : It has the same air as an half remembered fact you hear on quora , Like : Tasmanian devil face tumor and the dog sexually trasmissible tumor are both trasmissible tumors , The TDFT is trasferred trough saliva , I can see these two facts mixing up in his head and creating that ... Wich even if he just claimed to be a science divulgator would br unacceptable : if you mix up informations like that you're not trustworthy to divulge . Even assuming he is purely intrested in informing pepole , and was purely in good faith , It would still be irresponsable to go in front of a camera and speak without a script displayed on telepromptor , since he may mix up lines he memorized ... He doesn't look trustworthy at a community teather reciting lines , i'd hardly trust him explaining stuff to pepole ...
@Slothmanpetergriffin 6 сағат бұрын
Finally some drama in the science community
@user-gm7hk3kh2h 7 сағат бұрын
Prior to the Thylacine he made a Megalodon video
@VoxTek426 9 сағат бұрын
I would like to note that 8 star online quest like the rathalos quest have the same loot pools as rare ticket dens so you can get bottle caps and potential super rare tickets by just doing 8 star online quest so you can get tickets without wasting any i would also like to note that if you save before going in an expedition and quit out while in the expedition you have a failsafe if the monster at the end kicks your ass you can just close the game and get your ticket back but make sure to save or this wont work
@user-ed5jl4zk2q 9 сағат бұрын
All Naturalists Are Frauds, Not Just Forrest.
@Junebug_420 11 сағат бұрын
It’s almost like 95% of the shit that’s online or on TV is fake BS. 🤔🤯 crazy!
@DreadEnder 12 сағат бұрын
I never really put that much effort into questioning a lot of the science channels I see and scientists. For Forrest I only watched his thylacine and tortoise videos the thylacine one was bad for all the reasons you talked about and the tortoise one felt setup but I don’t know he was actively committing fraud. Of course he has done good work in getting people into science and educating them on other things. But this whole extinct animal thing is a massive faliure. But it has shown me that I need to criticise these things more. Hell I’m wearing my favourite shirt, “question everything!” Of course I won’t be hypocritical and I’ll double check everything in this video too. But thanks for unintentionally showing me my own flaws.
@DreadEnder 12 сағат бұрын
The only true Forrest is Forrest Valkai
@DreadEnder 12 сағат бұрын
I’ve watched a little bit of him and some of their stuff is quite good. The thylacine thing was pretty bad though especially since he didn’t try to stop the spread of the hoax and actively spread it. That is one of the biggest red flags and bad points of being a scientist. It’s giving me victor Ninov vibes. I didn’t watch him very much though. Only two videos and only as of this month.
@scoon2117 20 сағат бұрын
If the thylacine images arent models, theyre most definitely AI images. Someone should look into it.
@scoon2117 20 сағат бұрын
Thanks man. This guy is the graham hancock of biology.
@IHeartMyHappyPlace 22 сағат бұрын
The fact that i innocently watched his sea cow video, either way i was not even convinced because he made no logical claims
@earthy205 Күн бұрын
I've actively sought out a video like this since his "hoax" video as I'm starting to see he is less and less legitimate every time he posts a video. Just because he has knowledge doesn't mean he isn't exploiting the topics he talks about
@NatureEnjoyer523 Күн бұрын
I don't trust Galante, and this is coming from someone who thinks the thylacine could still be around!
@Crabman-nq1bb Күн бұрын
Ever since hearing this guy fall for the giant python in the Congo hoax and defend it in JRE, I can't take anything he says seriously.
@scotttrageser5710 Күн бұрын
I finally spoke with Forrest last year about his shenanigans and he made thin excuses for everything. I suggested that, if he truly cared and wasn't a schmuck, he should follow through and support Sergio's work like he promised, after he stole credit for the Rio Apaporis caiman rediscovery. He agreed, I sent him Sergio's email and phone number, reminded Forrest about it after 3 weeks, and...crickets. He seems like a kind person when you talk to him but his ego seems fragile and hes obviously willing to compromise his integrity for fame. He works within a deplorable moral schema but, to be fair, it's almost like he's just a dumb puppet, blissfully unaware of how unacceptable his behavior is
@danthethomasfan2256 Күн бұрын
I’m so glad someone finally made a video talking about this guy I was sort of a fan a bit watching the show during quarantine I wanted to know more about these species he rediscovered and couldn’t find anything about his rediscovery and I at the time thought it was strange I didn’t really watch Animal Planet/Discovery Channel after that and last Shark Week I started to watch a shark biologist channel Shark Bytes who has actually written research papers and published articles and on a documentary with the guest star being Forest he commented how he didn’t really like claims so later on I watched a video from All About Nature about the giant tortoise and how the Galapagos banned Americans from making documentaries about them after Forests did what he did in the video
@thecrocogatorguy2859 Күн бұрын
August the Duck and SunnyV2 should watch this video.
@jackletooth09994 Күн бұрын
omg thank you 🙌🏾
@Dodoraptor4 Күн бұрын
Scanova: “Bob’s Tall Tales actually looks to be good and not as pay to win as the first impression gave”. A month later, Pyromane:
@absolutelyunepic3072 Күн бұрын
I don't really see this as some kind of seething takedown of his character. Sure he is a sensationalist that mostly talks big, but I don't think that makes him a bad person. I feel like his optimism about extinct animals is something rare in the biological community online, I think sensational but not very accurate stuff like this really helps kids get into animals. As a kid, I was obsessed with cryptids, and even if they weren't really scientific, they contributed to my love for biology I have today.
@YaBoiFratata Күн бұрын
@andrewhall7176 Күн бұрын
I don't think we need to invoke colonialism and "colonial science" when someone is really just being dishonest. This sort of social justice type phraseology is just off-putting, and gives the impression that a political agenda is involved (it also suggests that "colonial" inherently means dishonest or thieving). This is not a criticism of Scanova, because he was just quoting from an article that defined parachute science as "colonial", but the author of said article. There's nothing inherently "colonial" about being dishonest, and European colonialism (which is what the author was referencing) was no more especially dishonest than anything else in history. Sorry, just an aside from me. I think it's silly to label what is really just dishonesty in such a politically charged way. I'm not actually surprised to hear that Galante isn't terribly truthful; I think most of these types of celebrity scientists are, like most celebrities, just clout chasers.
@megadracosaurus Күн бұрын
Colonial science is very much a real thing and it’s very well recorded. Forrest is not the only example. It’s very common in African conservation for westerners to come in, do some stuff and then leave. It’s also noticeable in a different field: paleontology. Mongolia is a very good example. Most if not all research is done by American, Chinese and South-Korean paleontologists. Mongolian paleontologists are very rarely credited, involved or be allowed to do their work due a lack of funding and resources. Mongolia’s own laws also make it so that its difficult for its own citizens to excavate anything. As a result, the average Mongolian citizen doesn’t have much influence and is actively discouraged in having an interest in the science, while the actual paleontologists are often passed over in favor of foreign researchers. At first glance, it may seem like some SJW thing but it is a genuine problem across most of the world.
@andrewhall7176 Күн бұрын
@@megadracosaurus That's not "colonial" science though; it's simply unfair, and potentially dishonest. That doesn't make it "colonial". Using the term colonial here comes very much across as a deliberately politicised usage, and is akin to calling money laundering "colonial finance". If the foreign researchers are stealing the research of local researchers then that is totally wrong, but if it is simply a case of local researchers get little to no funding, but foreign researchers get lot of funding, and thus the latter can do lots of research which the former would like to do, then that is not a case of the foreign researchers doing anything wrong, it's just a case of their having the money to do research while the locals don't. There's nothing unjust or immoral about that, it's just not a nice situation for the local researchers to be in. And if you are suggesting that foreign researchers have an obligation to credit local researchers purely based on the idea that the locals have some right to the things being studied, then that's just silly. It looks to me like this use of the label "colonial" is done very deliberately for political reasons, rather than being purely descriptive.
@megadracosaurus Күн бұрын
@@andrewhall7176It’s not silly at all. If a local researcher spends years researching something, then a foreigner come’s in, writes down what the local researchers learned and heads back and publishes it as his own findings, then he should credit the local researchers. Or perhaps expert guides who knew the land and did all the hard work in discovering something, only for the colonial sciencetist to take credit for the discovery. We have ample examples of such things happening and the local experts being ignored, dismissed and downplayed. And it’s called colonial science because that’s where the term dates from: it was the norm for a long time in science and it arguably still is. Westerners would go to other countries, make use of local knowledge, resources etc and then go back without ever aknowleding anyone who did the hard work there nor thinking of things to improve the situation. Africa is once again a very good example. In a lot of projects, westerners call the shots. Local people, layman and professional alike, are often ignored and dismissed. This created problems because all the knowledge and skill is imported. It makes on site research and development difficult because the ‘colonial sciecentist’s’ stay is usually relatively short and they leave everything and everyone without thinking of how things should proceed.
@xanderomeister7828 Күн бұрын
It is also worth noting that social justice... is not a bad thing. We live in a democratic society, and this also necessitates opportunities for all people, on a national and global scale. And this has always been an ideal of democratic societies, among civil rights movements anyways. People should not be at a disadvantage for societal reasons beyond their control. In a way, the strive for increased recognition and funding for local science does relate to social justice. And that is not bad by any means either. There are clear benefits, for local communities or on a national scale with the strengthening of a country's academic community and its international recognition. Though not related to your point, the state of developing countries has a lot to do with international political and economic practices. They're the way there are... because that's what is enforced or promoted, not because this is inherent to these regions.
@andrewhall7176 Күн бұрын
​@@megadracosaurus Well, first of all, the situation you are describing in your first paragraph is simply a researcher being dishonest. There's nothing "colonial" about it. It would be just as accurate to call it dishonesty. The researcher is claiming someone else's work as their own, or is failing to acknowledge another person's work. It is no different from if a local did it to another local. By calling it "colonial" rather than just dishonest, it is clear that the idea is to present it as being something a bit different from academic dishonesty, and to link such behaviour to colonialism. It is a way to try to make it seem as if there is an injustice beyond simply theft of ideas (as if theft of ideas by a foreigner is somehow worse than that of a local). It is also a way of trying to tie the scientific endeavors of the colonial powers, and their successor states, to theft of ideas. This is an inherently politically motivated use of the term. As for claiming that this was how Western scientists went about their research during the colonial period (by basically taking the credit for the hard work of the locals) this is actually false; they didn't do this. The work they claimed credit for was not work that some local sages had done and which they had stolen. If they were shown a plant they named it and classified it, but they did not say that they were the first to discover that plant; if the local tribe used it medicinally, they did not claim they were the first to have found a medicinal use for it. This idea you have of how science worked in the colonial period is not historically accurate, and is actually a caricature of how the colonial world functioned. You mention for instance a local guide taking someone to a specific site; this does not mean the person being taken to that site has a moral obligation to credit the guide when he writes up a description of the artifacts there, or ends up identifying the language used on some carvings. The guide didn't do that stuff, the researcher did. You didn't have colonial era researchers going round to locals who were already researching all of this stuff, and then stealing it. The researcher also doesn't have any moral requirement to make a place better or help to solve its problems if they do research there; that simply doesn't follow. You have no obligation to improve Haiti if you go there to study its insects, for instance. As for your Africa example, it's not the fault of the international experts if whoever is behind a major project (probably their government more so than anyone else) does not have a plan in place for when the expert leaves; that's just bad organisation. It's also certainly not their fault if there are no locals qualified enough to take over from them. The fault of both is generally going to lie just as much, if not more so, at the feet of the locals than any international players. The label "colonial science" is based on bad assumptions about how colonialism worked, bad assumptions about what rights people have and do not have (and why), bad assumptions about what obligations a researcher has (and why), and is clearly a politically loaded term. You already have far more neutral terms for what is actually going on, so why go for the less neutral one which is going to bring to mind a particular period of history and a particular group of societies? The answer is almost certainly that whoever coined that term, wanted to connect those societies and that time period with the dishonest behaviour of some researchers (although based on your comments it looks like this term is also applied to many totally honest endeavours and is used because there is the assumption that by doing research in a given country the researcher ipso facto has a moral obligation to the inhabitants of that country).
@artiefufkin88 Күн бұрын
Well done, and past time for the public to know. Biologists have known not to have anything to do with this guy since the Fernandina Island tortoise incident. The balls to say it was them piggybacking off of him is hard to quantify, but they're big.
@megadracosaurus Күн бұрын
@@remixgarden632I mean, I hate to break it you, but…Forrest’s is actually treated with a lot of skeptism by many biologists nowadays. The video mentions a few of them, but there are quotend few number of articles, papers etc where Forrest is treated with a more skeptical outlook. They just never make it to mainstream news or scources. I’ve spoken with a lot of professionals over the years and I have yet to meet one who isn’t ateast a little bit suspicious of him. The mainstream loves Forrest, but in the world of conservation, science and academics, this isn’t universal. Particulary the herpentology community is rather negative about him, for what went down with Sergio and for promoting unethical individuals.
@MrBGS101 2 күн бұрын
Happy Pride everybody.
@augie1272 2 күн бұрын
Forrest is just a delusional person. He wants the Thylacine to be real, to the point of obsessing over it. He wants it to be real so bad that he takes any tiny piece of evidence as great proof, and he dosen’t take any criticism because he wants it to be real. He’s just a delusional idiot
I like his podcast but what absolutely grinds my gears like no other is when he refers to Plesiosaurs as "DINOSAURS" like nigga how could you be a biologist and not have atleast a bare minimum understanding of ancient life I mean dude I know fucking normie young earthers who know a plesiosaur is not a dinosaur
@SirTimid95 2 күн бұрын
@bluesteno64 2 күн бұрын
The Chased by Dinosaurs music makes it iconic.
@bluesteno64 2 күн бұрын
I GOT SUCH BAD VIBES FROM HIM. The first clip I saw of him I thought he looked off… thank you for the detailed explanation
@Barakon 2 күн бұрын
I thought this was that 1 KZbin shorts Florida man guy…glad to know I can still watch a guy go meet swamp puppies. Aka I confused him with FishingGarrett.
@saymumssoul5062 2 күн бұрын
Carnivores triassic
@Terraformer-17 2 күн бұрын
Remember me
@Ace0Spades17 2 күн бұрын
If you’re gonna make a show like that I’d have the people that did the research for me as at least an interview but I hope people learn about those people that ACTUALLY found the animals
@CRGtx325 2 күн бұрын
Everyone please show support to Scanova during his gender reassignment process. God bless
@VegasRen 2 күн бұрын
Wow, I think you & many are taking this too far. If you do not like him then don't watch his shows or podcast. Everything you are critical of when it comes to Extinct or Alive, are all things that are common in that industry. Forrest Galante is ultimately a wildlife entertainer & host. There's nothing wrong with that. When you said that he needs to be held accountable... I was 😲 shocked at this being said about something so insignificant. Also, one could accuse you of hating on Forrest Galente as a way to boost yourself & your channel. That's what it looks like to me. Sad
@megadracosaurus 2 күн бұрын
I genuinely had no idea people were so OK with theft and fraud, just as long as the person doing it is a famous person with a nice smile. Forrest is actively stealing credit from people who did the real hard work and continues to break his promises to them. This has consequences for the animals he claims to care about so much. Just look at the caiman. Forrest not only took credit for someone’s else’s work, but he then lied about how he’d continue to help with protecting the animals. And you think it’s OK because…he’s fun to watch, I guess? I dunno about you, but “stealing and lying is fine as long as you’re famous!” is not the great take you think it is. Forrest claims he’s a professional biologist who cares deeply about conservation. If that’s true, then he should be held to the same standards as other professionals. We’re not talking about Forrest here as a TV host, we’re talking about him here in the context of a professional zoologist and conservationist.
@megadracosaurus 2 күн бұрын
@@bmw895 If you're talking about Forrest, then you're certainly right.
@xanderomeister7828 Күн бұрын
Scanova is saying this stuff... because it's true. Galante is not an academic nor does he have a substantial amount of experience (like for instance Steve irwin had). He additionally never elaborates upon and backs up the claims he makes on videos (especially physical evidence, like the thylacine jawbone). He shows an outright inability to critically evaluate and justify his own claims, and compare them to those of other people. His claims in themselves are just absurd, especially in his youtube content. Nor does he actually consult authorities on these topics. It's quite literally as if he doesn't actually care about being an honest educational figure and is doing this shite solely for profit. While researchers have been presented in Extinct or Alive, his role has largely overshadowed them, and Gallante has effectively stolen credit in the press for a number of discoveries. This detracts attention from the actual scientists and their own published work. As Scanova brought up in the video, he has even falsely claimed credit for rediscoveries which were done by other scientists years prior. In short, Gallante is not credible and it's incredibly obvious if you'd just look a bit harder. Which is not hard to do, either. However, your reasoning for defense seems to be because he is a celebrity, not because you actually want to do any thinking for yourself and evaluate his actions.
@megadracosaurus Күн бұрын
@@bmw895 Only one of those accurate and his name starts with an F.
@VegasRen Күн бұрын
I find it interesting that my motives are now being assumed & that I am only giving him a pass because he is a celebrity or is entertaining to watch. 🤔 I assure you that this is not the case. I simply wanted to express that the way things are done in "Hollywood" or by networks when making these shows are oftentimes misleading & can even be downright offensive. Most of the time, the person hosting the show has very little ability to control this. A great example of this is Paul Rosolies experience working with Discovery. Paul unfortunately paid a huge price for his participation in that show. Paul's had pure intentions & had no prior experience in showbiz yet he was still shredded by critics. Anyway, my point is that Forrest Galante's motives & intentions could also be pure. We do not have all of the facts or know the details in each circumstance. I would rather give someone the benefit of the doubt until I learn otherwise. He clearly cares about wildlife and has been successful at making a career out of it so far. I think there are far worse offenders out there doing real damage to habitat 💔 & bringing harm to animals. Time & attention dedicated to those offenders would be more beneficial. Just my opinion.
@TheSnoringAllosaurus 2 күн бұрын
yoooooooo, may i make this my intro
@GODZILLA2915 2 күн бұрын
I remember really enjoying his ‘extinct or alive’ show. Real disappointing.
@dudotolivier6363 3 күн бұрын
Uno, nice that you have use Zoo Tycoon 2 and Carnivores Ice Age musics here. That welcomed old good boys nostalgic games memories here ! Secondo, I find this video very well made and worked, doing good presentation and resume of the entire topic and about the main person mentionned in it that Forrest Galante is. And which was relevant and needed to spread the reality/truth, about most if just anything related and going currently around this guy. Really you did well. Things must be taken against him, in order to protect and actually support conservation efforts and biologists works. And as usual, it was done with your own proper style of your, like for the others videos you do. Making it very pleasant to watch again and again. I really hope this video will never be strike or something like that.
@speedracer2008 3 күн бұрын
Parachute science is also a problem in paleontology. Many countries, such as Brazil, Mongolia and Morocco, have fossils that are discovered by teams that don't include paleontologists from those countries, due to the fossils either being smuggled to Europe and the US for paleontologists from those countries to study, or due to foreign teams choosing not to engage with local paleontologists in the countries they go for their research. I hope you talk more about parachute science, especially as it relates to paleontology.
@ScanovatheCarnotaurus 3 күн бұрын
YUP. Ubijara is one I recently remember where this was a serious issue. The paper got pulled because of it and I've seen pretty racist comments from the head paleontologist who described it as well so that doesn't help things.
@speedracer2008 3 күн бұрын
@@ScanovatheCarnotaurus Indeed. I actually gave a presentation about the controversy surrounding the description of Tetrapodophis and it addressed similar issues. In case you don't know, Tetrapodophis is an extinct reptile, whose fossils were described as coming from Brazil's Crato Formation, but were found by the same paleontologist you mentioned in the private collection of the Bürgermeister Müller Museum in Solnhofen, Germany. The fossil really shouldn't have been there at all, but it was studied by a team of European paleontologists anyway. Understandably, a lot of controversy came out of this and it shined a light on the issue of parachute science in paleontology.
@speedracer2008 3 күн бұрын
@@ScanovatheCarnotaurus Also, the racist comments you're referring to were made in an interview where said paleontologist was questioned about the circumstances of Tetrapodophis' discovery.
@kade-qt1zu 3 күн бұрын
I did a research paper on the subject, and I was surprised at just how big the problem was.
@speedracer2008 3 күн бұрын
@@kade-qt1zu Oh, yeah. It's a major issue. What kind of parachute science did you look at?
@cmkosemen 3 күн бұрын
@gabrielshoebrigde6399 3 күн бұрын
I dont hate Forrest he sounds like a good guy but i belive hes chasing a dream to find an animal that has been dead for almost 100 years now.
@sethwestcott3786 3 күн бұрын
just me who finds it weird that he also is a professional spear fisher and hunter surely that to me seems of . He is also put against people like steve backshall who is both famous but also in the past few years has released papers and got a phd all while having three kids and constantly filming shows . and having a yt channel . i dont know how to explain it but he also looks fake with the "safari look " and the almost mr beast levels of hyperness in his videos and shows it just all seems a bit fake .
@megadracosaurus 3 күн бұрын
I know biologists who also hunt and fish. And Forrest, afaik, mainly hunts invasive fish. So just this once, he didn’t do anything wrong in that regard. The exception not the norm, lol.
@sethwestcott3786 3 күн бұрын
@@megadracosaurus that is true tbf . i was a fan of him for a while but he seems to fake now
@megadracosaurus 3 күн бұрын
So I have a question to all the Forrest stans under this video. You keep claiming Forrest actually has a lot of accomplishments, that he made major contributions to science and that's not fair to critique him. So my question is: what contributions are you talking? Everytime I asked someone here, they either bring up Extinct or Alive (which was debunked in this video, proving they never even watched it) or they just result to petty insults. So Forrest stans, please answer my question: what contributions are you talking about?
@dudotolivier6363 15 сағат бұрын
Don't know either much, butmust be small, minor stuff and as Scanova have put in the video at 0:44, these are by far very outnumbered by the bad stuff Galantes made. So while Galantes seem to have made ok actions in the past, all of bad he made then mostly afterward ruin and cancel these. So, by current standards (and even when these good/ok stuff were made), these ok contributions aren't no more relevants or worthnothing to be talk about. Nor relevant or enough to be use in defense of Galantes, who did too many bad and important stuff to be saved.
@megadracosaurus 15 сағат бұрын
@@dudotolivier6363 I'd say the good things Forrest has done are largely tied to raising awareness of animal cruelty and occasionally saving them. On EoA, it occasionally happened he saved an animal from a trap or wildlife trafficker, which is always a good thing. And he insisted the crew would film the whaling practices on the Faroe Islands, something horrible to witness and something he actively fought to keep in when the network felt it was to depressing. While I am super critical of Forrest and his show, I do admit that moment was incredibly respecteble. He didn't need to expose himself to that. But he did. That scene alone is much better then any 'rediscovery' on the show because it was actuall real and sincere. He also spoke to the US Congress about non-lethal predator control and tried to raise awareness on wildlife trafficking and wet markets. All good things. Does that erase the bad stuff? No. I really don't think it does and we're right to call him out on it. But its still worth remembering. I do find it funny that absolutely NO Forrest stan in the comment section has brought this up, lol.
@binnsy6879 3 күн бұрын
I was drawn into this whole thylacine drama when I saw the pictures. It was the first picture set I had seen that wasn't *clearly* a hoax or misidentification, the first time that it could actually be real. But after watching the interview video by Forrest I was very skeptical about the guy who claims to have taken the photos, but also of Forrest, so I watched another one of his videos, the "Why I believe the Thylacine isn't extinct" one. After he ends that video without showing the burnt jaw picture that he supposedly has I lost all trust in the guy. Thanks for sharing this, I knew he was untrustworthy, but man this is worse than I thought. What a grifter.
@antsfinland2760 3 күн бұрын
Based Carnivores Ice Age and Triassic backround music
@user-pn8ze3vy2x 3 күн бұрын
Nah you just a gay furry
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
That’s not the insult you think it is
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster that was because you were being a racist asshole
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster also… given the way you’re replying… seems you be making alts
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster let me bring your words back on you- “Though complaining about ‘colonial science’ or ‘parachute science’ just seems like far left bs. Like Galente has definitely brought attention to these animals than those natives ever could. They should still be credited but don’t act as people would about these rediscoveries if not signal boosted by this guy” Just in case you didn’t read it the first time. This is you *verbatim* in context. Again, if you find nothing wrong with this, re-evaluate your life choices and what you consume online
@Rvb_25 3 күн бұрын
Another guy milking for subs and likes
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
Just like Forrest
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster because you were being racist
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster so did I. You were being racist
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster you also deleted the original comment. Which makes you a bit of a coward on top of being racist (and incredibly patronizing)
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster then you won’t mind me repeating your own words for a third time: let me bring your words back on you- “Though complaining about ‘colonial science’ or ‘parachute science’ just seems like far left bs. Like Galente has definitely brought attention to these animals than those natives ever could. They should still be credited but don’t act as people would about these rediscoveries if not signal boosted by this guy” Also, very likely KZbin deleted it more than anything. Their AI moderation is stupid at best
@UdinJibral 3 күн бұрын
I don't know why but we got more and more drama about wildlife and paleontology than before like, this community barely disagree with each other back in the days
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster stop playing victim
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster let me bring your words back on you- “Though complaining about ‘colonial science’ or ‘parachute science’ just seems like far left bs. Like Galente has definitely brought attention to these animals than those natives ever could. They should still be credited but don’t act as people would about these rediscoveries if not signal boosted by this guy” If you don’t find anything wrong with what you said *verbatim* here, then you need to re-evaluate some things in your life and what things you consume online
@megadracosaurus 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmasterUh, my guy? Yes, you did. I saw the original post you made to. Multiple people did. I even made a screenshot myself to. I’m willing to believe you when you say it may have come out wrong and that it wasn’t what you intended, but you did infact say that. Best not to deny it, and instead focus more so on how it came out different then you may have intended. You made a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. Best you can do is owe up it and correct it. We all word things wrongly sometimes and they come out different then intended.
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster sounds like you tried to backpedal by editing and the comment disappeared. That’s on you. I got the screenshot before you edited it
@WildWorld81 3 күн бұрын
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster you getting called out for racism is a YOU problem. Not anyone else’s