The ULTIMATE FF7 Remake Review
Abyss and Beby
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Abyss and Dancing
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Another Abyss Cycle for the Hoard
cabbage baby [Exploring Sumeru - Part 2]
Abyss and Strife
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Holy Hidden Strife, Batman!
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The Only Good Astrology
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@mightaswell 18 сағат бұрын
I don’t get the hate for the messmer attack with the fact the timings on the actual snake heads are spaced apart enough to read and dodge it if you just take a look at the actual attack and you’re also trying to punish him in the middle of the attack, even if their is waiting while you dodge it he literally repositions himself infront of you for a free heavy attack afterwords as well, in the case of radahns meteors that was an attack that was nothing but downtime and detracted from the fight since he ended the attack miles away from you in phase 1(though the main talking about radahn is basically just phase 2)
@EmeralBookwise 20 сағат бұрын
The heck are you on about with NPCs? Not a single one of them requires being summoned to advance their quest line. At most summoning them get some extra, but entirely optional dialogue. Also, if anything, I found the NPC quest structure in the DLC far more streamlined than in the base game. Pretty sure none of them appear at more than two locations, and it's really only the second location where any critical progression occurs. The first location is generally just for optional dialogue that gives more insight into their background and motives, but isn't otherwise required to complete anything.
@thelegendofxander 20 сағат бұрын
Igon and Hornsent require you to summon them into the Bayle and Messmer fights, respectively
@EmeralBookwise 19 сағат бұрын
@@thelegendofxander: nope, both are still entirely optional. You can still get all the same items regardless. The only difference summoning hornsent makes is that instead of joining on Leda's gank fight, he will invade you solo at Rauh. If you want to prevent him from joining Leda though, you can also help her kill him in Shadow Keep prior to fighting Mesmer. You get slightly different rewards for helping Leda, but they are equally unique to the what you could get by helping Hornsent, so both options are an equally valid resolution.
@austin0_bandit05 21 сағат бұрын
I think the dlc is a solid 7/10. But I think that's gonna piss people off. Its because it has 11/10 moments but then it will have 5/10 moments. So its in a weird place. DS3 and BB dlcs are just more focused and consistent.
@thelegendofxander 20 сағат бұрын
Absolutely. Ringed City is my favourite dlc. Old Hunters still has its low points but it’s less of a level design thing and just some bosses being kinda bad. Living failures suuuuuck and Lawrence isn’t good either. But the level design is peak and the other bosses are badass.
@christianbell8347 18 сағат бұрын
I'm gay and even I think Living Failures and Lawrence are good, so it's just you being an idiot.
@x_angelkawa1i_x Күн бұрын
Sacdu felt weird, and bosses are WAY overtuned. But, the looks are cool and the new items are baller
@generalock3015 Күн бұрын
Is this even a question? This by far the best fromsoft dlc
@thelegendofxander Күн бұрын
Gonna disagree. It’s great (which once you watch you’ll find out), but it’s not their best. Ringed City and Old Hunters are so SO good.
@austin0_bandit05 21 сағат бұрын
By far? You're joking
@givesrespect8788 Күн бұрын
Nah fuck bayle 21:50
@808nzaro Күн бұрын
jump button makes ER easiest souls game
@Trash_TeeVee Күн бұрын
Not watching this click bait instead im thumbing it down and leaving a comment that says OF FRIGGIN COURSE ITS WORTH IT FRICK THIS DWEEB.
@ennayanne 23 сағат бұрын
@@Trash_TeeVee you thumbed him down for sharing the same conclusion as you
@MrOriginal4Life 21 сағат бұрын
some must get gud they don’t understand
@thelegendofxander 20 сағат бұрын
@ennayanne at least we can say for sure they didn’t watch the video?
@KyngD469 Күн бұрын
It's worth playing for sure. I am not excited to revisit this world though.
@gabrielscoccola5960 Күн бұрын
Having no option to replay the bosses is a crime against humanity
@ennayanne 2 күн бұрын
this video is too kind. are you afraid of the fans? I don't see how it's fun exploring a massive empty map looking for fragments, and I don't know how you can call the bosses well designed when they're some of the most abhorrent bosses from has ever designed
@thelegendofxander 2 күн бұрын
Those are absolutely things I mention! It’s certainly not perfect, but the good outweighs the bad, at least to me
@ennayanne 2 күн бұрын
​@@thelegendofxanderI just don't see it to be honest. You explain a lot of what's wrong with it but then say it's worth it despite the problems because it's still fun and the dungeons are good. I just don't agree with you. It's weak and has all of the problems of the main game but exacerbated. The only point I agree with is that the side dungeons have been improved, but I still don't think they hold a candle to souls dungeons and I don't think souls works well in an open world, so all of the concessions they've made for it are just pointless to me.
@thelegendofxander 2 күн бұрын
Totally fair! I like the tighter level design too, which is why shadow keep is my favourite part. The overworld, barring some exceptions is a bit featureless, yes, and some of the bosses are purely frustrating. I think if the scadu blessings were gone then the scaling wouldn’t be anywhere near as insane and it wouldn’t feel as frustrating.
@ennayanne 2 күн бұрын
@@thelegendofxander I like tight level design when it means something, but the over abundance of graces meant there was no tension and the lack of enemy variety made most of the legacy dungeons really dull and pretty easy. Then I'd just get killed a billion times by one really overpowered horned knight enemy. If scadu fragments weren't a thing it still wouldn't solve my problems with the design overall
@generalock3015 Күн бұрын
There's a reason er outsold all 3 dark souls games 😂
@jupitercmr3688 2 күн бұрын
I haven’t watched everything yet but I just wanna say greatsword gang
@thelegendofxander 2 күн бұрын
@theluckduck548 2 күн бұрын
@thelegendofxander 2 күн бұрын
Correct! Now watch the video haha
@lelela2211 6 күн бұрын
I loved most of Elden Ring but what dropped my enjoyment of it immensely were the reused bosses… sometimes a bit less is more.. it just ruined my immersion of this otherwise awesome world somehow :(
@HannonHawkes 6 күн бұрын
I'm confused, why is he talking about Malenia input reading as if attacking *any* boss while they're idle is a good idea in this game? You don't attack bosses if they're not in a endlag animation, isn't that Elden Ring 101?
@RingingTheBell836 7 күн бұрын
Guess dude didn't beat Margit first try
@theblancmange1265 8 күн бұрын
17:35 Sony won't make Blodbrone PC a thing, but the community has finally.
@kapiteinlulhaas7612 10 күн бұрын
I still think about Bloodborne on a weekly basis 9 years later. Elden Ring... i struggle to remember most parts from the story and world. Apart from the legacy dungeons, those were fantastic. The story is just so bad..
@Wile_E_Cyote 12 күн бұрын
The orphan is the source of the nightmare. A lot of npcs will claim its Kos but the game shows/tells you its the orphan.
@smokingpotato8318 13 күн бұрын
Wtf?? I was able so summon torrent vs elden beast. Did they add this or what?
@theblancmange1265 8 күн бұрын
It was added with the dlc
@josephhobbs4680 15 күн бұрын
I like volcano manor's shortcut where you activate a draw bridge to access the last site of grace instead of just slapping a stake of Marika outside the boss room. It felt way more interactive and I wish they fleshed it out more to justify the enemies being so hard in some places.
@wingedgeek2 16 күн бұрын
100% agree. The moment I walked through the cave boss veil to a second Astel, I was mad. Up until then, I was into exploring and delighted with new creatures … and then I was pulled out of it by what was clearly a copy paste to inflate an unnecessarily large world.
@JoJoFan87 16 күн бұрын
@aschelocke5287 17 күн бұрын
"i'm a normal guy with a job. i can't invest that time [to learn waterfowl dance]" > makes a 45min video
@JGrantUK 18 күн бұрын
32:10 - I know this is old, but I gotta point out that Elden Beast IS foreshadowed. I wasn’t necessarily waiting for Elden Beast, but the second it started to appear I went “Oh, fuck. That’s right. The star beast!” In Deeproot Depths at the end of the cave with all the ants, you find the Elden Stars incantation and it reads: “It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.”
@l.apastore4208 21 күн бұрын
Elden Ring is the greatest Souls Game for me. Having played it all, Elden Ring has been my favourite. DLC was a bit of a let down i feel. But it''s fine. Bloodborn combat is the best combat i agree.
@verafeiyd 21 күн бұрын
Personally I dont feel like the Animation Reading is that big of a deal, all games have ai, all bosses are designed to lose. I am also a solo only player, it took me 280 attempts to take out melania at SL149, with 60 vigor and 50 strength. No Magic, No Summons, No Enchantments, No Status Effects, No Pots, Nothing. A 2 handed dismounter. While I do agree with a lot of the points here, I think this comes down to you being too greedy. I saw MULTIPLE times where you just take a hit because of your own greed in half of this footage. You talk about rules, but then praise Hoarah Loux when he breaks literally all fundementals outside of his stomp buff from the phase prior. What exactly are these "rules"?
@verafeiyd 21 күн бұрын
I also dont think you understand the full point lore-wise of the elden beast, it was coming from a Meteorite that hit the Lands Between, and is actually THE elden ring itself, not just showing up out of nowhere. The Elden Beast doesnt want to kill Radagon because hes been trying to reforge the elden ring which Marika initially broke, which is in tune with the Greater Will of the Golden Order. While I do agree that the boss itself comes out of nowhere in a sense, i do not agree that it has no place whatsoever. Should it have very specifically been unlocked from an ending? sure, but its not dogshit, the endings however were very very cookie cutter outside of 2, I'm with you there.
@verafeiyd 21 күн бұрын
All in all, i do agree with a lot of this video, especially the linearity of what is past Leyndell, the lack of shortcuts, and gripes with consecrated snowfield/the brace of the haligtree. Good video, outside of a few minor things, I might actually sub
@LonelyRiverLilly 22 күн бұрын
The best way Ive found to describe Bloodborne’s combat is that your enemy can kill you just as easily as you can kill them even basic enemies are on your level. But in elden rings late game it never really feels like you rise to the level of these demigods, and more like your just the person god will keep on resurrecting until they manage to defeat the demigods.
@MCPunk55 22 күн бұрын
This is a perfect example of atrocious game design. This is just one of the many glaring flaws with it.
@darkzentai7417 22 күн бұрын
They do the straight line to the ending in all the dark souls games I do wonder if it’s because they recognise that most people won’t get there. So all the quality material is at the start of the game.
@contemporaryconundrums93 23 күн бұрын
You keep praising Bloodborne but watching that 30fps trash footage is physically painful lol. Console plebs...
@matthewmartinez9835 24 күн бұрын
Bloodborne is the best and probably my favorite game so far the dlc I loved but rn I’m enjoying dark souls 1 rn
@Arkolob 24 күн бұрын
the map points are fair for sure but the shit about the reading just makes it feel more like an actual fight instead of a rythm game where it feels like the boss has an actual brain instead of just some code, honestly feels better it’s annoying but that’s the point fighting someone smart is annoying cause it isn’t easy. the same way people spam ashes of war for optimal damage the godskins will spam their fireballs. it’s really not even as hard as u make it out to b ik it’s a trope but it really do just seem like a skill issue im not saying you’re bad or nothing just that this new design to the fights prolly just has you stumped. as a vet
@Hydractive_YT 24 күн бұрын
Havent watched the video but bloodborne base game is shit all the way though.
@theshortstack02 24 күн бұрын
Wild opinion BB is the weakest in the series, when it comes to replayability, but my problem is that there aren't enough weapons in BB and I just dislike and a lot of people cope by saying "each has a unique moveset" but I don't care about that as I want cool looking weapon and the customize-ability of my loadout and I love that about elden ring, also BB was far too easy compared to ER as you can definitely feel that BB was made balanced around the weapons they have where as ER I love that balance is thrown out the window against some bosses as it bring and great challenge, and with the DLC I love that I'm getting one shorted by the bosses because it reminds me of first paying ER where I was fighting margit at lvl 13 and not realizing it's and open world and I should explore, compared to like BB and Ds1-3 where I have to throw my myself at the bosses repeatedly, with eh only area I truly dislike being crumbling farm, but I also love Mt of the Giants it's my favourt area because it makes sense lore wise as to why it's empty an baren, but this is just my opinion on it
@strxwbxrryfixlds 25 күн бұрын
pretty much every point made in this video or in the comments comes from a skill issue or just plain stupidity and not understanding.
@seanmacguire8988 25 күн бұрын
Elden ring is my favorite game but I can agree late game can drag. Aesthetically I love mountaintop of the giants. Same with consecrated snowfield but it is just so empty compared to other areas. And also I think maliketh and radagon phase 1 are actually really really fun for me. FUCK ELDEN BEAST THAT SHIT STUPID
@yuri2205 26 күн бұрын
At this point, with all the world talking about Elden Ring non stop, saying the game failed feels like a bit of a leap.
@regularbeaneater 27 күн бұрын
"..while not traversible, the fact that all the nightmare realms are physically next to each other in the same space is so awesome." Hahah, yeah, totally ...wait, what?
@TheHipClip 28 күн бұрын
Elden Ring is too long and the open world formula really isn't the best for the Souls formula. I've made 3 characters and at the end of each I justed wanted the game to end. Especially now with the DLC.
@TheUndeniableDialect 29 күн бұрын
@CommanderCodyChipless Ай бұрын
It's not that ER has issues, in fact, it's not about me not liking the game at all. It's just still hard, even after 200+ hours in the game, to understand how to truly play the game. I enjoy it, and there's even parts of the game I'd say are better than any level in Dark Souls 1-3. But it's just hard to understand what mechanic I'm supposed to use at which time. Depending on your run (because it's open world) you could run to one boss where the method is that of dark souls, straight to another boss in which the method is that of BB, or sekiro. But I do take appreciation from that, because that just shows how diverse the game is, you're not stuck doing the same method. But at the same time it feels like I'm not "getting it". I'll beat a boss, but feel unsatisfied because it feels like I'm may have not done the "true" method for that boss, and rather I just found a cheese/or just cavemanned my way through it until the boss died. Whereas when I play sekiro it's VERY clear on what mechanic you're supposed to use and when. And mastering that feels so much rewarding because I'm doing what the game is conveying. ER is still a good game, I just feel it lacks the simplicity that makes DS3/BB/Sekiro feel like it has a specific direction and purpose.
@levicurtis6669 Ай бұрын
I saw overinflated health pools and had to look at the date. Past Xander had no idea
@desklamp4792 Ай бұрын
I feel like many of these critiques can be equally applied to ds1: the linear lategame levels, the lost feeling of interconnectedness and the copy pasted boss enemies (Lost Izalith). I don't disagree with them but I feel you fail to mention this pairty.
@heyguyslolGAMING Ай бұрын
Elden Ring is more about Quantity where Bloodborne is more about Quality. Some ppl prefer quantity over quality. Me? I prefer Quality over Quantity.
@MichaelFowler-bu3fd Ай бұрын
I suck at counters in every game but bloodborne. The gun counters are so much fun.
@edl4767 Ай бұрын
This franchise peaked with old hunters. Lady Maria is a better boss than Malenia by far.
@thebigdoginthisbitch4733 Ай бұрын
@@edl4767 Consort Radahn is way better
@Hunt9-qb1if Ай бұрын
Blood-borne is the most overrated game in history and if that’s your favorite game of all time, boy you have shit taste
@tyler547 Ай бұрын
The game itself is pretty good but it’s soooo overrated. Many bosses are extremely mid, performance is not good, and it feels carried by the DLC.
@Hunt9-qb1if Ай бұрын
Tell that to the 25 million copies, they sold were blood-borne was barely scraping 3 million units for the longest time and saw more sells because Elder Ring popularized the series
@nunchukGun Ай бұрын
DS1 was peak map design. To me, Bloodborne didn't match it because it's really linear with shortcuts back to a hub. It's basically the same as DS3 in that way. As for the combat I completely agree. Some of the DLC bosses in Elden Ring have AOE effects that cover the entire arena and you just have to know when to dodge. There's a delicate line between difficult but satisfying and arbitrarily difficult that I think From finally crossed. I still beat them but I didn't feel like I beat them through skill.
@Kidkinsey Ай бұрын
It's true that everybody has a different soulsborne experience. Because mohg LOB was ANNOYING to me😭 that claw fire attack was blowing mine