God of the Oppressed: On Palestine
Existentialism in 5 Minutes
2 жыл бұрын
Was Karl Barth a Socialist?
2 жыл бұрын
The Creed Has No Atonement Theory
What is the Nicene Creed?
2 жыл бұрын
@adrianreid2055 50 минут бұрын
Important to point out that Girard’s view point led him back to his Catholicism. He saw that only the person of Jesus Christ, the God Man breaks the cycle. Also Girard’s insights into the influence of imitation in culture.
@fortunatomartino8549 13 сағат бұрын
No such thing as white supremacy CIA was involved in that "shooting" The Congolese conquered the Congo, are they black supremacists? The arabs conquered the middle east, are the arab supremacists? Black god can't create light and blackness doesn't create an afterlife All you have is blackness Black people can't live in civilization
@scottsimpson1343 3 күн бұрын
Hi Stephen, thanks for your KZbin sessions, I enjoy them greatly and shar your admiration of Barth & Torrance. I appreciate that perhaps St. Origen is providing some possible options which may on occasions be helpful. I can however, see some problems as you no doubt do too. Torrance is quite adamant, as I think Barth, that Jesus was a particular historical figure (amen) who allows us to know God and by inference understand at least some important things about God. Without this, faith would be impossible. I also think of those who question the historical accuracy of the Gospel account of Jesus, the so called Quest for the Historical Jesus.' By the time these Bods are finished, Jesus is largely a figment or invention of the early Church's imagination. In terms of Genesis 1 -3, I refer you to John Lennox who says that if you read it carefully, it doesn't actually say that God created the universe in 7 days, simply that He created it systematically. Further, Jesus Himself refers to Adam and the fall, and it is difficult to see why we need a second Adam if the first one didn't commit sin, body, souls and Spirit? Just some thoughts. Many Blessings - Scott
@StephenDMorrison 3 күн бұрын
Hi Scott, you definitely raise an important issue with this. I would say that the goal here is to remove stumbling blocks, but not to say that everything is only spiritual without having a literal event tied to it. So, I do not think Origen would use this to suggest that Jesus never lived, died, and was raised again. However, he does use it to dismantle impossible narratives, such as the one in Matthew 4, which he uses as an example. The Genesis example is more about the phrases in italics regarding God planting a garden, walking among us, the apple being literally good and evil, and Adam hiding from God. These are not "bodily" events but allegorical narratives with spiritual meaning. Hopefully that's helpful, and thanks for watching!
@ScottSimpson-zl7uu 3 күн бұрын
@@StephenDMorrison Thanks. I take your point about not having to insist on the literal in every case, so to speak. I just don't think that this is a helpful way of theological explanation. The Bible takes our bodily existence very seriously, i.e. we don't have any real existence without it, and most evangelicals already have what NT Wright calls a Buddhist view of no-bodily eternal existence. The incarnation and resurrection show that bodily existence is what it means to be human. I know you are not disputing this and I take your point about the apple not being literally bad, nor eating the apple, but the story is still designed to show that good and evil are both bodily and spiritual/intellectual and I think Origen's method is confusing on this point. To quote TF Torrance, theology (orthodox) has always referred to the soul of the body and the body of the soul without dividing the two. Thanks Stephen, I shall trouble you no more on this topic - Scott
@StephenDMorrison 3 күн бұрын
@@ScottSimpson-zl7uu I agree with you about this. I do think there is room to critique Origen for a somewhat neo-platonic approach to the body. But when it comes to the Bible, I read him as using bodily as a metaphor. But I can see where you might push back on him about this, and I would as well. Thoroughly agree about the need for a embodied spirituality.
@universalistsnape8584 4 күн бұрын
Saint Origen
@osks 6 күн бұрын
You address a very important theological issue Stephen - well done! As a Christian epistemologist, I am in the process of completing a writing after nearly 23 years of research wherein I deal with this matter both philosophically as well as theologically… But there’s something I want to propose (with some hesitation as it tends to provoke a response of surprise and even disgust): why does anyone feel compelled to try and prove the existence of God? Even if one could, why would one want to???
@MarcusTrawick 7 күн бұрын
Love your channel.
@kyriacostheofanous1445 8 күн бұрын
You're not a Christian if you support sin.
@ewallt 10 күн бұрын
Another approach one could take to arrive at the same place is to ask the question of what it is that causes death. If death is the organic, or natural consequence, of sin, due to the fact that sin separates us from God, not God from us, but us from God, by impacting our minds such that we believe things about God that aren’t true, such as that He us angry at us and wants to harm us (such as seen by Adam and Eve’s response to God’s calling them for their daily walk), then the solution is to effect reconciliation. How is reconciliation accomplished? By revelation. The power of the cross is in what it reveals.
@ewallt 10 күн бұрын
I really liked this video a lot. Many good thoughts. In regards to PSA requiring violence, that’s especially an excellent point, because if anyone was non-violent, or, better yet, anti-violent, it was Jesus Christ, who said “When you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.” How, then, can God be violent?
@gail4331 11 күн бұрын
Because you’re not a Christian. You can’t be a Christian and blatantly deny the teachings of the Bible. Remember you are to be the salt of this earth not pandering to world views. You think you are being loving but instead you are a wolf in sheep skin leading these people to hell. Jesus loves all of us but would say go AND SIN NO MORE.
@theanswerisa3758 12 күн бұрын
I've always believed God loves me no matter what. What scares me is the amount of people who think God doesn't. Thank you so much for this video.
@ronfeledichuk531 14 күн бұрын
The erroneous PSA is called the "Gospel" by the reformed groups. Amazing to not see the Gospel proclaimed in the early Christian Symbols of Faith.
@marcchitwood2352 16 күн бұрын
Pretty sure the book of Job provides a model for the atonement - here is my own personal investigation into this - /goodnewsaboutjusticeblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/13/the-trial-of-justice-atonement/
@your_moms_favorite5864 20 күн бұрын
Deuteronomy 4:2 says, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you". This verse suggests that people should not add to or take away from the word of God in order to keep God's commandments
@allenolson1036 22 күн бұрын
Very concise and non judgemental. These are after all theories, constructed by man, to explain how and why God does what He does. I have come to believe that if God didn't explain something clearly, either we didn't need to know lack the capacity.to understand it. Still, we cannot help but be curious about such a magnificent God.
@gregory_bloomfield 25 күн бұрын
Thank you, Sir! I’m a gay Christian and came out 11 years ago. I had to leave my church, and have been churchless for the last eleven years. I miss my church. It was an Assembly of God. I youth pastored there and had a song ministry there as well. I had to leave because I wasn’t accepted there as the pastor was very much against and preached again homosexuality. He even preached that homosexuals should be executed. I couldn’t sit under that condemnation any longer. I had to leave.
@Laury-tg5pm 16 күн бұрын
Have you sought out a new church? I'm in Canada but more and more churches in my town welcome all.
@gregory_bloomfield 25 күн бұрын
I’ve got to get Douglas and Jon’s book. It sounds amazing and is what I’ve become to believe the Gospel truly is.
@despina013 25 күн бұрын
Thank you so much.
@cheri9168 26 күн бұрын
The clear fact is that Christians aren’t better than anybody else. We all belong to the same God. And one religion isn’t better than another. We are ALL worthy in all aspects of life. Jesus’s teachings are about being our best selves, bringing love to each other, sharing the love of heaven on earth as we learn and grow spiritually. Heaven is waiting for everyone. Judging one another stems from religion. But no one is in an elite club with God. We all have the same worth. 💕
@tanstaafl5695 27 күн бұрын
How does your concept of law being "promise vs punishment" fit with the model of covenant within which the law came? The concept of covenant (which both logically and historically preceded the 10 commandments) certainly included promise, but it also included clear, articulate, and understood threatenings of punishment for ignoring or transgressing said law. I do not understand how you can make a claim that punishment is not an attribute of Divine Justice in light of this. Help me understand, please.
@StephenDMorrison 27 күн бұрын
I would recommend Douglas Campbell and Jon DePue's new book 'Beyond Justification' for a full response to this question, which is too complex for a youtube comment to address. It is a good question, for sure. I would say that most Jewish scholars or scholars of the Hebrew Bible also reject the Christian idea of a "covenant of works" vs one of grace. The law is a gift, and the punishment is not a vengeful act of God against sin, but the consequences of not living up to the standards of flourishing set by the law. That's one way to think about it, anyway. There is a lot more to say about this, but I can recommend DePue and Campbell's book for a primer. But I can also recommend checking the introductions to the Hebrew Bible by Ellen Davis and Jon Levenson, two of the best living scholars I know of for the Hebrew Bible. Barth's argument is theological, but biblical scholars have been demonstrating that his arguments also fit the texts themselves, even while Barth was not a biblical scholar. Hopefully that's a few helpful leads!
@tanstaafl5695 26 күн бұрын
@@StephenDMorrison Thanks. I am reading a number of texts right now, but will attempt to look at the references you cite. I should tag on the front end that I reject both the bicameral nature of covenants (works v grace) AND the idea that punishment and/or retribution demands a vengeful moral (or immoral?) character....., so attacking those does not really address my problem here. I do appreciate the emphasis that my rational faculties and logical capabilities are not sufficient to contain the full scope of the "morality" or "justice" of God. I use quotes because I believe these (as all) attributes of God are transcendent and beyond my ken. You are certainly right that KZbin comments are not the venue to hammer out long and sometimes abstract issues like this. I hope to be careful to avoid. I am glad to have found your channel.
@juzeus9 28 күн бұрын
*in america a quarter million children have families because gays exist. that's why god made them. that's why the devil rewrote the bible.*
@felipesoto4955 Ай бұрын
Rest in peace, Lehrer
@alecfoster448 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful and good faith propositions. What of the witness of the historic church? Why wouldn’t this be more clear to the fathers of the church throughout time? It is very good that we love people at all times. I’m confused why sexual desire is being linked to the identity of the person, or even the humanity of the person. Do we not all have desires that God must prune from us before the end? We may believe that our desires make us, “us”. We may only see what we truly are at the end.
@juzeus9 28 күн бұрын
theists can't argue against homosexuality if they accept they are born that way. that's why they try to downplay it as "identity" and "lifestyle". god makes gays to care for orphans.
@mrcorat Ай бұрын
Do you believe marriage is a necessary step to take within the christian faith when you'd like to spend your life with another person? Or can two people be with each other in faith without marrying?
@juzeus9 28 күн бұрын
gay marriage ✅
@alecfoster448 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this. I haven't read any Barth. What should I start with?
@StephenDMorrison Ай бұрын
I have a video on where to start with Barth: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5fafH1mp86ae7Msi=5pLKTapkiKEjeNvq. The description includes the books I recommend. Probably best to start with "Evangelical Theology" or "Dogmatics in Outline." Happy reading!
@josephkuzara2609 Ай бұрын
The scriptural conundrum those who are ensnared by penal substitution is that with accordance to scripture as a whole anyone who dies under divine wrath are in a sinful state that is unforgivable. But also nowhere in the Law and teachings does God ever transfer the guilt of the offender to an innocent person.such is a perversion of justice according to scripture . to be declared guilty by God one must at first sin. Also Yeshua offered Himself to Father as a ransom to redeem but also for atonement, in fulfillment of the Animal offerings and sacrifices, where the animals had to be unblemished outwardly, Yeshua had to be morally unblemished inwardly. If at any point yeshua became a child of wrath as we are and were then yeshua in that full embodied corruption while offering himself to Father, Father would deem the offerer and offering abominable according to scripture. Thus God would reject the offerrer who is the offering. Because of Gods promise to not lose one child of Their election but to bring them to glory, God would not even allow one legit child to voluntarily be blotted out of the book of life in the place of another. As per example of Moses in exodus 32:30-33 how much more the eternal Son?!
@jamesmccluskey7 Ай бұрын
Really good!! I was PSA believer for years but in last 6 months have learned the error of PSA. Your video is best I’ve seen thus far explaining the error. Thank you!
@neurodivergentdad Ай бұрын
Thank you for your perspective. I think I understand the first point: the Gospel is Good News that liberates the oppressed. It seems that the argument is that “the oppressed” is defined as any group(s) of people who are marginalized by society. Are there boundaries around which groups are considered marginalized/oppressed?
@StephenDMorrison Ай бұрын
That designation leans on a social-critical analysis of material conditions. Liberation theologians treat sociology and economic analysis as a necessary conversation partner with theology because of the conviction that the gospel liberates the oppressed. So if we do not know the conditions of the oppressed, we cannot proclaim the gospel rightly. There are a variety of criteria depending on who you ask for deciding the oppress / oppressor divide. I'm typically one that uses an intersectional analysis that looks at multiple identities and conditions. LGBTQIA+ is just one axis of oppression, though certainly not the only one. There is also the material class divide of rich and poor, the gender divide, etc. James Cone's short essay on Marxism and the Church discusses this some in regards to marxism as a tool for social analysis. Thanks for watching! Here's a link to the PDF of Cone's essay: ia801300.us.archive.org/4/items/TheBlackChurchAndMarxismWhatDoTheyHaveToSayToEachOther/BCM.pdf
@neurodivergentdad Ай бұрын
@@StephenDMorrison if it’s the same guy, I read his The Cross and the Lynching Tree and absolutely loved it. I’ll check out this article. I truly appreciate it 😊
@StephenDMorrison Ай бұрын
​@@neurodivergentdad Yep, that's him. Cone is great! I think that essay makes a good case for engaging in social analysis, if I remember it correctly. But either way, it's a good essay.
@neurodivergentdad Ай бұрын
Thank you for presenting Moltmann without commentary/opinions. Enjoyed this intro to him 😁
@stevendubberly8106 Ай бұрын
Great research on PST. Now let's move on to the false dogma of the trinity.
@dwreanchinotan Ай бұрын
21:50 not the start of your point in the video, but it brings up to mind how the devil quoted religious text to jesus to tempt him, though in essence asking him to test his god. the essence is to ask whether two people who love each other enough to try to create a better whole for each other and therein to the betterment of society is wrong.
@juzeus9 28 күн бұрын
the devil would have a lot more fun taking verses in the bible that condemn child abuse and rewriting them to oppress people who god created to prevent child abuse. god made gays to adopt orphans. Gay and lesbian parents are raising 4% of all adopted children under the age of 18 in the United States. a quarter million children have families because gays exist
@craigslist6630 Ай бұрын
What do you make of this passage from Romans referring to the forgiveness of sins (context implies gentiles also) BEFORE Christ? Romans 3:25 - NKJV “whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,” The context is Jewish works, and Paul saying gentiles are justified by faith now because no one kept the Law, and Christ’s blood payed for gentile lawlessness since they were not punished for sins in the past.
@stevendubberly8106 Ай бұрын
So i am a Unitarian. Am I an heretic?
@marinka424 Ай бұрын
I hope to see on all at church every Sunday, and don’t forget to help feed the poor, visit the sick, and visit prisoners during your spare time. Also make sure you mow your neighbours garden every week. Be nice and polite to everyone, love your enemies, especially the bigots, forgive your enemies, forgive everyone who has a view that you dont like , in fact love them, and give them your last bit of food. Do unto them as you would have done unto you. Finally, and most importantly, avoid the Christians with machine guns. I don’t need to tell you why.
@marinka424 Ай бұрын
You sound like a 1990’s Anglican vicar. Keep up. Marxism has so infiltrated the Anglican Church, that any political extremist group now left or right, now feel they have the right to infiltrate, work their up to influence, in the church, and promote their own kind. It’s become like an American political race. The irony is, that by destroying Christianity, you are fulfilling what was prophesied in Revelation. Of course, you don’t read Revelation, because you don’t believe in eschatology. If, you are right, and Revelation is wrong, then your killing of the church will simply make room for other religions which won’t tolerate you one iota. Do you have a death wish, or do you just lack wisdom and insight.
@seandonnelly4051 Ай бұрын
As I lay in hospital after a heart attack, this is the answer, strength and wisdom I have recently asked God for when I feel my heart cannot take any more. The same monastic order that built me up, knocked me down because of who I love. The good people of this religion chipped away at my hope, joy utter the words 'There is no God'. Yet God HAS not gave up on us. Thank you Stephen for your determination and efforts to bring about understanding for so many of your brothers and sisters. Respect and love to you, Sir.
@nelacostabianco Ай бұрын
The meaning of life is to meet the LIFE!
@craigmorris8979 Ай бұрын
Thank you for being such a good alli, and the organized video that is researched, and very clear. I am Christian, but stopped going in the late 80s when so many Christians were claiming HIV/AIDS as God's Wrath, rather than "I was sick and you cared for me." When churches were having debates about whether queer people should be allowed to be in church membership, if they are let in at all, such a sign of arrogance, I chose to quit church, but not God. The worst was in the 80s, being told by supposed Christians that I was hated by God, that he thought I was an abomination, disgusting simply because I exist, and the US prevents my execution, which is God's will, so I should kill myself. I heard this at least a dozen times, and am diagnosed with depression, and under stressful conditions, become suicidal already, so, to say something like that to anyone, let alone someone confused at the time about sexual orientation and the Bible with depression that gave way to bouts of suicide attempts, is such a gross transgression against me and others that it has taken me a very long time to heal and forgive. But I had given up on Christianity, and your video gives me hope, shows me that there are those who actually live their neighbor despite the flack you will surely get. So. I may return to the church again, one that affirms me, and acknowledges that I am worthy of love.
@StephenDMorrison Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing some of your story. It is heartbreaking to read about how the Church/Christianity has failed you. And I am sorry to hear such violent and abusive things were said to you. It is terrible what Christians will do in the name of God. I hope you are doing better today. God bless you, wherever you end up-outside or inside the church. There are churches that affirm you, and I hope you can find a community that welcomes you in the way you deserve to be welcomed.
@CanadianAnglican Ай бұрын
Thanks for this great video.
@TheCondescendingRedditor Ай бұрын
Ransom, satisfaction and penal are all anti Trinitarian or you’re either Nestorian or Arian. None make sense.
@Tommy-hq1yz Ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this.
@AndreAy1975 Ай бұрын
Your objections to ransom theory are not convincing. Satan does not need equal power to God. He needs a legal claim. God has set up many elohim as sub-Gods over the nations and selected only Israel for himself according to Michael Heiser's reading of Deuteronomy 32, 8-9. A claim on a Jew in Jerusalem by a Satan is rejected by God by simply God asserting his claim on his selected people in Zec 3, 2. After rebuking this claim, God deals with Joshua's sin without Satan's presence according to v. 5. God was not happy with the works of the sub-Gods. He sentenced them to death according to Psalm 82. He had to get their peoples out of their clutches to not destroy the peoples with their sub-Gods like in Isa 34, 2-4. According to Rev 5, 9, the Lamb has bought people from every nation with his blood. The Greek verb in the vers meaning buying, like in the market place, in many passages in the Bible. The first point of the sacrifice is creating the legal possibility of opening up the new covenant for the nations. God respects the legal claim of Satan because he is just. Satan is not just, he doesn't care that he is paid what is due and still continues his efforts against the believers. That's why is thrown out of the courtroom by violence according to Rev. 12, 7-10. He is an accuser in his own interest, not a persecutor for the law or authority of God, just like the accusers against Paul in Acts 23 + 25 where representing their own interest, not the Roman law or government.
@Stoyd333 2 ай бұрын
@kevinrombouts3027 2 ай бұрын
Brilliantly outlined. My personal view is that the Spurit of Trurh is continuing to lead us into all truth. Giraud's model is an example of that. Great insight, so needed for us now in the 21st century. I am thinking of the Gaza war problem, which is clearly no easy fix, but violence is not working well. Is it?
@tylerbowers1623 2 ай бұрын
You are an abomination to GOD! YOU NEED TO STEP DOWN AN REPENT 😢. JESUS will forgive you An put you back on track. Love is not love what you are preaching is SIN. GOD IS TRUE LOVE!
@Kate-bf9xt Ай бұрын
Is it possible sir that you may need Jesus to put you back on track? I mean no disrespect to you but you are not God and therefore are not the judge. Jude 6:9 tells us that not even Archangel Michael judges but rather leaves it to God. May the Lord fill you with His wisdom. I wish you well.
@carlosaguilar06 Ай бұрын
@@Kate-bf9xt "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."(Matthew 7:1-2) When God says this, he doesn't mean that we need to turn off the critical thinking skills He gave us in order to "not judge", but He is insisting that by the way we judge others, we will be judged by Him, so He calls us to judge righteously, which is exactly what the comment above was doing. The guy in the video is leading people astray by condoning and celebrating what God repeatedly calls sin, he must repent.
@juzeus9 28 күн бұрын
tyler, quit talking to yourself
@nelacostabianco 2 ай бұрын
The Western Churches concept that the 'goodnews of the gospel' is we invite Jesus into our life isn't biblical. The patristic early fathers of the faith made it clear that its wholly Jesus inviting us into His life.
@AG-nu8ix 2 ай бұрын
Does anyone in the internet know of an Christian Oneness Universalist theologian who is on the internet who does Not believe in the Trinity but believes in Oneness Universalism ?
@homoousias 2 ай бұрын
Great interview… helped me think through and find a way to articulate some issues.
@mervynsykes3482 2 ай бұрын
Thousands of popes!!!loved that one,
@warrenroby6907 2 ай бұрын
I love books which detect order within apparent chaos, which identify the signal within the noise.