Beef: The Toxicity of "Happiness"
Eat Pray Love: A Nuanced Critique
The Conflicting Ideals of Hayao Miyazaki
Life of Pi is Misunderstood
2 жыл бұрын
'Up' & the Fear of Getting Older
@mahuexvii 12 сағат бұрын
The most haunting part of this film is the scene in the mall. I didn't know this until I saw a TikTok about it but he was stalking her the entire time and he's in the camera shot! It shows how unaware we are of danger. We as the audience are focusing on her eyeing out her crush and not noticing (just like her) that her killer is right there watching her just as she says herself "I wasn't safe, a man in my neighbourhood was watching me. If I hadn't been so distracted, I would've realised something was wrong."
@woolgathrr 12 сағат бұрын
I don't understand people's complaints with the in-between. It's literally not meant to depict heaven, just a childish preconception of "paradise" tailored to Suzie's still material-focused soul.
@littleaboutalotnotalotaboutshi 13 сағат бұрын
@hishmab.75 14 сағат бұрын
Some times ago, I saw someone said that the whole boat sinking was Pi's father and uncle plan to get money from insurance company. The person also believes that some points of the story are real whereas some must be imaginary. I really like this point of view and I just wanted to share. For the animals, his takeaway is the zebra is his father, the orangutan his mother, the hyena his brother, the rat his girlfriend (yeah that person thinks they never bid farewell but Pi had her hidden on the lifeboat from the beginning) and the tiger is Pi himself. The reason the hyena killed the zebra was because the father had told the family that it was his plan to sink the boat. The brother out of rage, despair and fear of death, killed him. The mother (orangutan) got angry at him, and in his fury, the brother killed her as well. Pi was devastated and started to scream at the hyena (his brother). The later realized was he had done starting to feel guilt. But Pi was too angry and too emotional to care, and that's when the tiger killed the hyena, Pi killed his brother. He immediately felt guilt and looked away. The three corpses were there, untouched. Despite not having food, tiger didn't eat them, they are his family; Pi can't bring himself to eat them. Thus, the tiger started to chase the rat (his girlfriend); she is the only outsider. When Pi threw the rat to the tiger, he flew away, running away from the guilt to have eaten her. As time went, the tiger ended up eating the zebra and the hyena, but not the orangutan. Pi still can't bring himself to eat his own mother, despite starvation. There came the island, when he found roots he could eat and a seemingly peace. Until the night, when he found the tooth he realized, he had given in, he ate his mother's corpse. I think the person said that upon this, Pi decided to bet one last time and try to survive and find land. Tiger not turning his head one last time as farewell, not only is characteristic of an animal; but why would you want to bid farewall with Richard Parker, cannibalism symbol, just let it go. When I watched the movie the first time 10 years ago, I didn't understand an once. I never really thought much about it. Recently hearing people talking about it that I am realizing how deep it was
@kyle__dotme 18 сағат бұрын
Stephanie soo's acting is so good
@kyle__dotme 18 сағат бұрын
8:44 you cut out a good line after that. "Even in a stupid universe where we have hotdogs for fingers, we would be good with our feet"
@chrisobrien9916 19 сағат бұрын
My favorite line! "I told you western therapy doesnt work on eastern minds" 😂
@leeleybanna6126 Күн бұрын
Hit on the hands doing homework??!!🤣🤣🤣
@leeleybanna6126 Күн бұрын
All American Girl was such a flop..Sooo.. they brought it back again as a Disney cartoon movie and a Netflix show and and a...
@552jacki3 Күн бұрын
Aa an child living in Asia watching these movie back then, half the jokes flew over my head, the other half I found hilarious. Me and my best friend love these movies, even more when we understood the jokes.
@milesdoesfimstuff Күн бұрын
14:40 I didn’t know this at all but it makes so much sense, I’m currently making a beast (from otgw) cosplay and naturally took inspiration from the movie without knowing why it fit so well
@aaabbb-ff1sp Күн бұрын
This movie was not racist at all what the fuck is wrong wit you people this is a classic American film
@SPDYellow Күн бұрын
I think there's some part inside us that wants to know what we can do, what strength we could find if we were far away from civilization and had nobody but ourselves to rely on. Jon Krakauer's book has its problems, but it did acknowledge that Chris left behind a lot of people who were irrevocably scarred by his actions. The whole thing with the guy referred to as Ronald Franz is just heartbreaking. The movie is just puerile romanticization--pretty to look at, but with little below the surface--from beginning to end.
@elijahroberts3044 Күн бұрын
The Goldbergs & The Limits of Pennsylvania Representation.
@jewls808 Күн бұрын
8:31 unless we 4b
@mcleanblades9234 Күн бұрын
The writers were assumed you were American even when the actors were FOB. So the actors came across as telling jokes that only Americans would find funny - but even then - for Americans the jokes aren't funny. For example at 27:00 if you're FOB you wouldn't know who Patrick Swayz is. And why is if funny to be stuck between two worlds. Might be interesting. But not funny.
@hiinternet4542 Күн бұрын
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio is certainly a _must-watch_ for people! Before the movie, we were stuck with the live-action Disney remake, and we thought it was _terrible!_ We didn't know what to do! We thought that there won't be any Pinocchio remakes at all! But, not to fear! Why? Guillermo del Toro swoops in to save the day with _his_ version of Pinocchio! Sure, it was different from the titular Disney film, but we gave is 5 stars and 100% positive attitudes! And it's still getting all of the extra credit! Now, we all know about the original story. A carpenter carves a wooden boy that comes to life. Now, the wooden puppet tries to be good, but he gets into all sorts of trouble! He performs in a puppet show, he gets robbed out of his inheritance by a cunning fox and a wily feline, he goes to an amusement park where he gets turned into a donkey, he gets swallowed by a dogfish, and towards the end, he saves his father, changes his ways, and in the end, he becomes a flesh and blood boy! Now, Del Toro's version is much different! Instead of Pinocchio learning to become a real boy, it's about Geppetto learning to accept his son and trust him, even when he's disobedient and naughty! This was evidenced by Geppetto denying to the wooden puppet that he is not his real son. At first, the old man can't stand Pinocchio's antics and he even calls him a burden after failing to make him like Carlo. But towards the end, he learns that once something is gone, it's impossible to bring back, and that you just have to live with what you already have. And that's what the old man does in the end! He finally trusts his new son and accepts him into the family! Not only does Geppetto get to trust Pinocchio, he even gets to know the other characters! Take Sebastian J. Cricket for example! In the beginning of the movie, Geppetto is startled by him living in Pinocchio's "heart". Why, he even mistakes him for a cockroach! Why does he do this? Well, it easy! Geppetto doesn't know him! But, throughout the movie, he slowly gets to know and trust Sebastian to the point where they form a bond, _even_ in the belly of the dogfish! And, bonus! Sebastian gives Pinocchio permission to lie so they can get out of the dogfish, and even Geppetto understands the cricket's idea passed on to the wooden boy! And towards the end, Sabastian dies a peaceful death where he sings his song during the end credits! Not to mention both Geppetto and Pinocchio understand what he says, even when they're confused, and another thing! He uses his wish to revive Pinocchio! After that, the family lives happily ever after, with the wooden boy outliving all of them, but keeping a firm heart as he travels the world! And, boom! That's my opinion on Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio! A _must-watch_ movie that is better than any of the Pinocchio adaptations!
@student7052 Күн бұрын
It's a white man's world. Now from 2024 to 2043, it is a white woman's world.
@student7052 Күн бұрын
Never thought of it. The first USA movie to have 2 main characters who are not white, other than Bad Boys
@tamedshrew235 Күн бұрын
Too bad. Never saw the show but it sounded good. The book's author's harsh criticism doesnt take into account the realities of TV medium. It only succeeds on mass appeal and thus must be watered down. TV is not a medium for nuances. Perhaps better suited for a film or subscriber service
@cb-9938 2 күн бұрын
This is based off flash information. The books isn't true to the case
@Wallish-q3n 2 күн бұрын
This is literally my worst fear oh god
@maddyjohnson3868 2 күн бұрын
me when you said you might not want to watch this more than once (I've seen it like 50 times): 👁👄👁
@spirals73 2 күн бұрын
Maybe for GenXers it's knowing how a lot of us as kids, even little kids, sort of ran wild. My mom had the Mom News Network--nosy neighbor ladies--but still, she didn't know where we were most of the time. The "be home by the time the street lights come on" was real, y'all. I lived in an area that was city bound but wild enough and large enough that we had to watch out for mountain lions. Anything could've happened to any one of us. If an adult had walked up and authoritatively lured us, we might have gone with him/her. We say we were street smart and we were...up to a point. Many of us are incredibly lucky that no one harmed us. And yes, the predators were out there in the '70s and '80s. There aren't more of them now; it's just more widely talked about and reported.
@yourlocalhinata.channel9893 2 күн бұрын
Such a beautiful video very informative on one of my favorite animated series ❤
@stevee8472 2 күн бұрын
It failed because the mother was morally bankrupt
@greglongmore6503 3 күн бұрын
I paused it at less than one minute to say how dare you put forward "Everybody Loves Raymond" as part of a lull! Away with you!
@owllover813 3 күн бұрын
It did feel very upsetting movie!
@constantinelheman 3 күн бұрын
90s are just better.
@mykalchchin8163 3 күн бұрын
here in sydney australia asians are the culture. if u in school the asians are the cool kids now. well still nerds but that's cool in 2024. All them white kids wanna go to china and japan, wanna learn our foods and date our culture. and if u r just australian with no other ethnicity you are now the outsider.
@SimonaCappentine 3 күн бұрын
@majopareja 3 күн бұрын
What a beautiful and poignant analysis, great job!
@Lizna-r4k 3 күн бұрын
I wonder how many people like Susie go through similar situations and their bodies never get found and how many murderers like Harvey don't even get caught and can be around us without us realising...scary and sad 😢
@SonjaLund-bd3ym 4 күн бұрын
”Best ass I’ve ever had” -Doug Jones
@justmumintroll 4 күн бұрын
This is an interesting movie at least because of how is it shows that no one is in safety and we are too. The victim is never to blame, because victims are nothing special - they are just like us and we can become victims too. Crutial thing to know.
@inkenoir 4 күн бұрын
1:26 Internal Family Systems would clear this right up.
@KairaSuperSayan93 4 күн бұрын
This looks interesting but I'll stick to the original
@aerykfilmsphoto 4 күн бұрын
Making this video while wearing an AOT shirt is definitely something lmao
@ryc5513 4 күн бұрын
People who don't care about representation are people who are utterly represented in media and culture. You know who I'm talking about.
@johnnycashrules157 5 күн бұрын
Courage the cowardly dog gives me a sense of the most amazing aesthetics of a Bosch meets Dali painting. I fell in love with it as a 5 year old, and I still love it to this day
@SillySunday0 5 күн бұрын
This scared me as a kid when I didn't even grasp the plot. It terrifies me still after a rewatch when I was sixteen.
@dustycatt 5 күн бұрын
this is such a good analysis!! it made me so emotional. I love these series to no end
@pilarq7886 5 күн бұрын
FBI highway task force says there's 400 serial killers posing as highway truck drivers
@MrHarryc727 5 күн бұрын
I grew the Bay Area. I never knew how unacceptable they way people felt. I would shame anyone who fucked with them.
@EndoliteM4trix 5 күн бұрын
This is such an overly sensitive garbage essay. The world is learning. Feeling like an extensive dissertation on how the past was more crude than now, is just stupid.
@pegfor1 5 күн бұрын
Loved this narrative on Taylor's career. Thank you! To the Author... please consider updating this narrative, with Taylor as she is at this point in time. And, PLEASE include how Kanye and Kim were proven to be the ones lying, with the release of the full unedited phone call. Adding the tremendous growth in Taylor's personal life, career, her world tours, and her philanthropy. Including her Swifites, and how loved and respected she is. Please consider this!
@rebecca1331 6 күн бұрын
I do appreciate how this movie focuses on the actual victim and her family. I think horror films, documentaries and overall news reporting on murderers worry too much about the person who committed the crime and we don’t genuinely process like what has happened to human life. And especially when we are talking about young children. With the presence of school shootings, we just report numbers and casualties. We are not processing how each small individual life was taken from us. And how those families have to handle that grief. I think this movie made my chest hurt in a way that it never has before. I like how the movie really makes sure to make sure we understand how insignificant Harvey was down to how he died. The sensationalism around killers is not helpful. I remember when I was obsessed with true crime. You feel kind of empty honestly. Just consuming all these dead lives in documentary form and learning about their killers. In the hopes of unferstanding why people do evil things. Some people commit crimes out of survival like stealing or robbing people. But these are not that, and most of these people provide no answer for why they do what they do. You feel scared and helpless and angry. Really really angry. And that anger does consume you. Wanting those people dead. It makes me wonder if I’m just as bad as them and that scared me and nobody really is honest about this confliction. I don’t think I could ever imagine what it’s like to handle loss when someone took a life away from you too soon. I would absolutely lose it and I don’t wish it on my worst enemy
@nettieb7604 6 күн бұрын
This was such a lovely tribute to my favourite thing about autumn! What I’d give to watch OTGW for the first time again - for all I love unpicking its layers, I’d love to linger a little longer in its misty mood without knowing what happens next <3
@nettieb7604 6 күн бұрын
This was a lovely tribute to my favourite thing about autumn! I love all the layers and depths to this story, but part of me wishes I could watch OTGW for the first time again just to revel in its misty, moody ambience without knowing what comes next