@hedga001 16 күн бұрын
And these are the men and women ago swore a oath to the constitution to serve and protect us? 🤦‍♂️
@Tom-j4v7f 16 күн бұрын
The god who made his existence impossible to deny...made it possible for genuinely born again Christians to deny true theology via misinterpretation? LOL
@ericvandezande1929 20 күн бұрын
You are loved ❤️
@TheDiamond872 22 күн бұрын
I saw the full debate. Matt came on top by miles. Sye was more interested in preaching than actually debating Matt.
@Άθελι-παιδί-του-Θεού 26 күн бұрын
The fact that Sye had evidence of Matt's recorded comments shows that Matt is a liar. How could you say that "I know debate is important" than say that you don't know anything. Not only that, but Sye covered all of Matt's rhetoric and the audience still sides with Matt? Talk about falling for deception just because you do not want to believe in God.
@JasperOFlanigan-fb5lv 28 күн бұрын
It’s 2024. It’s amazing how far we have fallen. Sye was laughed at here. But if you re did this debate today and replaced him with Jordan Pederson the comment section would just be people saying Matt got crushed.
@mgrosser2197 Ай бұрын
Is the guy holding the camera Sye Ten Bruggencate? Haven't seen that guy in 8 years or so. Hope he is doing well, i enjoyed his religious debates and some of the polite discourse he had with atheists near the end of his time in the limelight of KZbin Apologetics
@answeranyone 29 күн бұрын
Guilty 🙂 I've been mostly active on X lately @syetenb
@joannetuinstra3274 Ай бұрын
@joeblow2069 Ай бұрын
Wow he just keep proving what a complete ass he is. Disrespectful toward law abiding American citizens. A complete ignorant ass!
Omg i love this channel. I have been saying this for years, cops eat ego for breakfast they cant apologize instead they try to ease in some final commands that basically tells you what you already know and what you have been trying to tell that hard skull cop in the first place. Kudos for you for calling his BS out in the end the other so called auditors wont do that after they got views.
@kristian.james-clement Ай бұрын
I'm assuming your DVD sales were not making the profit you wanted 😂 how unfortunate
Remember Sye is so Christian he got thrown out of his church because of sexual improprieties
@krackmusik97224 19 күн бұрын
What made you think tgat christians were perfect ??!
Sye Ten. Assertion after Assertion after Assertion after Assertion after Assertion after Assertion after Assertion after
@garzon53 Ай бұрын
Sye Ten Bruggencate’s confession of a moral failure in 2021 saw him stepping down from his ministry entirely was “more serious than simply a broad moral failure,” according to the elders overseeing his case. In a series of statements from the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church explained that following admissions by Sye Ten Bruggencate of fornication with vulnerable women, and following a formal complaint (with evidence) by the women concerning the particular admissions given by Mr.Bruggencate. He was suspended from all privileges without limit of time. The following is a statement from Sye Ten Bruggencate issued upon his resignation:: “It is with great sadness that I must inform you that I have been guilty of moral failure and will no longer be involved in public ministry. I have spoken with the elders of my church, and they have determined that my sin disqualifies me from the ministry. This means that I will no longer be involved in teaching, preaching, or apologetics. I am sorry for the shame my sin has brought upon the name of Christ and for the hurt I have caused.. Another Holier than Thou presupper that bit the dust - oh the irony!
@Jonathan-p9u3h 2 ай бұрын
How can I get this in Spanish? Either dub or sub. It will be a great blessing. Thanks.
@dutchchatham1 2 ай бұрын
What is the intended goal of Presuppositionalism? Is it effective in achieving that goal? For those who practice it as an apologetic, what first attracted you to presuppositionalism? Thanks!
@thanushaanyoga2698 2 ай бұрын
(Conversation from another threat) Claiming that God cannot be found through evidence because "he prohibits it" is an unfalsifiable position. It allows for an infinite loop of belief without requiring any justification. If you claim that 'if a holy God exists, then he created the universe, you’re still making a conditional statement that requires exploration. If you do not have evidence for God, then there is no reason to believe. Your argument suggests that without absolute certainty, we can't evaluate evidence. But in the real world, we operate on degrees of certainty. I can evaluate evidence without being absolutely certain about everything. Just because i can’t claim absolute certainty doesn’t mean i can’t reason, investigate, and come to reasonable conclusions based on available evidence. The absence of absolute certainty doesn’t negate our ability to evaluate evidence or hold beliefs based on reason and logic. You said," If we live in a dream or a simulation, everything around us is illusory, including anything you might call evidence", but until you provide evidence that we’re living in one, there’s no reason to accept it as true. Hypotheses need evidence to be taken seriously. We operate under the assumption that our experiences and evidence are real unless proven otherwise. So, until you can show we’re in an illusion, I’ll trust the evidence i have.
@dtw322 2 ай бұрын
0:08 absolute clown
@harlowcj 2 ай бұрын
34:04 Wowza what a confession. It's like the equivalent of Trump saying he would run Republican because they are too stupid to figure out he's a con artist. Lol
@josephjohnson1013 2 ай бұрын
They can't account for knowledge or reason or anything outside of christ
@RodrigoFernandez-k2i 2 ай бұрын
24:40 uhhh. Yes, it does actually.
@RodrigoFernandez-k2i 2 ай бұрын
Im about 10 minutes in. So far this is just childish. What is wrong with this silly man?
@krackmusik97224 19 күн бұрын
So what ?!
@RodrigoFernandez-k2i 2 ай бұрын
Aaaand...... more "brilliant" Christian propaganda thats likely to miss the mark so wide ill curse myself for wasting my time. But ill give it a go. Meanwhile, on the search for a Christian to answer a simple question about free will. Aint saying there isnt one. So far its like trying to find Bigfoot.
@MissAprilMarie 3 ай бұрын
Anyone here in 2024?❤️
@kierananthony25 3 ай бұрын
I'm really worried for the commenters here. Thinking Sye on, oh dear...
@2014express 3 ай бұрын
A believer, talking with an atheistic evolutionist one day, took out his watch, looked at it and put it back into his pocket, saying: “I have a wonderful watch; it keeps perfect time; never misses a second.” “What make is it?” the atheist asked. “Oh, no make,” answered the Christian. “Well, who manufactured it?” “Oh, nobody; it just put itself together somehow.” “Nonsense,” said the atheist, “A watch can’t just come into existence. Somebody had to design it and somebody had to manufacture it.” “True,” said the Christian, “yet you expect me to believe that this universe, with its billions of stars and planets, all working together in perfect order, just came about by itself; that it had no Designer, no Creator and no one who keeps it running? Isn’t that nonsense?” No wonder Paul says that the godless are “without excuse,” including even the vast majority of “religious” people, who salve their consciences by giving a small part of each week or each day to the performance of some religious rite but keep God out of their businesses, their politics, their social relationships - their hearts. But thank God, as He has revealed His power and glory in creation, He has revealed His mercy and grace, His plan of salvation, in the Bible, where we read how “Christ died for our sins” (I Cor. 15:3), so that we might have “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7)
@bryceferguson8409 2 ай бұрын
A watch is man-made this argument is a fallacy any man made thing will be however we decided to make it… that has nothing to do with if the universe was made by an intelligent being
@joelwilliams8887 3 ай бұрын
A baby is a human life, regardless of what stage the baby is in. As for the first officer, he is absolutely unprofessional and antagonistic.
@5thkiechannel 3 ай бұрын
I really don’t like Matt at all, especially how he is nowadays, but he clearly won this debate. Sye didn’t validate his presupposition
@thelonelybarbarian 3 ай бұрын
Lol what is this nuttery? I must be in the weird part of YT again
@d3adagain385 3 ай бұрын
This debate was hilarious :D The guy sat there whole hour yapping " oh I know gawd exist therefor reason hu hu hu" :D I envy Matt patience. idk how could he resist temptation to say that he knows that Fairies gave him reason.
@Sylla_Siben 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't the sane argument apply to Mohammad Buddha and the thousands of other gods. Hopefully your listners see though this egotism.
@deniswallace-vp9tb 3 ай бұрын
Sye didn't take part in the debate he just said god done it he should have just wrung in and said that then hung up he presents no evidence as he doesn't have any
@sarcasticscottsman8581 3 ай бұрын
Sye shovels delusional BS like no other. He cannot debate because he has no supportable rational thoughts rattling around in his empty head. The fact that he can spout any of his so called arguments with a straight face is his only skill.
@ChristAloneNoRome 3 ай бұрын
The Truth destroyed Matt and atheism from the onset of this video - you have ZERO basis for anything you think or say -- self-inflicted finishers !!! "He (Jesus Christ) was delivered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification." Romans 4:25 ESV "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins.” Jn 8:24 ESV Stop rejecting and start accepting what you already know to be true today - and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free - John 8:32 God offers you the free gift in Christ Jesus, of paying for your sin debt with His perfection and on the cross - change your mind now toward and for the Lord Jesus Christ today, or pay for your own sins in eternal punishment - be reconciled now because HE is worthy!!
@thanushaanyoga2698 2 ай бұрын
@cadon35 3 ай бұрын
There is a golden nugget the size of a small car buried in my back yard. Don't believe me? I don't have to prove it. The very fact that you don't presuppose the existence of the gold nugget means that you are unqualified to even discuss it. Who are YOU to judge the existence of the gold nugget? A fool. A fool hath said in his heart, there is no golden nugget.
@krackmusik97224 19 күн бұрын
I believe you
@rockhardsolid3394 3 ай бұрын
This is truly one of the best and most important documentaries ever made. Absolutely exposes the absurdities of claiming and relying upon certainty and truth, without God.
@Geimouver 3 ай бұрын
The goody playful music when good arguments are presented and the inspiring graceful music when sye talks is my favorite part of this garbage video
@SaltyApologist 4 ай бұрын
Rampant skepticism like what Dillahunty espouses results in absurdity. Anyone watching that debate and thinking Matt actually won when he said he can’t know anything, is lying to themselves.
@davondh7 4 ай бұрын
This is a mess
@dmustakasjr 4 ай бұрын
Of all the illustrations, the bicycle one really drives home the problem with modern evidential Christian Apologetics. Possibly being affected by a misunderstanding of other doctrinal or theological areas. I become more confident over time that a major influence (and problem) is western evangelical Protestantisms approach to the great commission. #AyeCouldBeWrong
@twowardrobeswardrobes1536 4 ай бұрын
Ha ha. Is this a spoof?! Christian’s truly will believe any old rubbish 😂
@jamesnewman8011 4 ай бұрын
What Sye did during the debate was cram God into every hole in his logic and ask Matt twhat he thinks would fill those holes. Matt is honest enough to say, "Idk." God is not the answer to hard solipsism by the way. Hard solipsism consumes everything but me.
@sparkyy0007 4 ай бұрын
95% of world population believe in a creator and 65% of Nobel Prize winners are Christians. Denying God is like fish denying the existence of water.
@Lucas20520 5 ай бұрын
Sye has thoroughly brainwashed himself and lots of other people.
@camallison7199 5 ай бұрын
I have a great respect for Sye. I get exhausted reading people criticize without hearing, and those criticisms aren't even directed to me. Praise God's great faithfulness.
@dangilbertson592 5 ай бұрын
You can't know if god is lying to you. Presupp done.
@dangilbertson592 4 ай бұрын
@ReyWho I Within the assumption that this reality is real, my senses and reasoning are accurare and detecting a real reality, I used logic and reason. Where's your proof I need a god to do that?
@dangilbertson592 4 ай бұрын
@ReyWho I have evidence to justify my assumptions, which is reliable and continues to provide effective results. That isn't arbitrary
@dangilbertson592 4 ай бұрын
@ReyWho Which isn't a problem if it produces effective results. If you want to see if a pen works, you pick it up and use it.
@dangilbertson592 4 ай бұрын
@ReyWho No it actually wouldn't, it would be forming a hypothesis and carrying out a test to see if it works. You have to try and use something to see if it works, and claims of "circular reasoning" are meaningless in the face of the continued validity and reliability of my results. Even in the context of this bizarre need for "justification", you can't prove to me that you have it because you won't show evidence. You just assert you do and give me a bunch of bible hoo-hah about how you don't need to provide evidence. How do you know it's not Allah revealing it to you? Or some other unknown god? How do you know god's not giving you some illusion that is designed to make you feel 100% certain it isn't?
@dangilbertson592 4 ай бұрын
@ReyWho Yes, you have to assume that, because there's no way to confirm with 100% certainty. You continue to assert you have one, but I'm not seeing any supporting evidence that your god exists and is the one you have. To answer Sye's question: if your senses and reasoning were invalid, you could know it by having it tested by external machines or evaluated by others with expert knowledge in the fields of psychology or neurology. Aaaaand you won't entertain the possibility of god deceiving you because it blows the biggest hole in your argument and you won't admit it clearly, lest your entire religious worldview fall apart. You have the right to question anything you want, that's why I don't fall for this magic nonsense and you do. Thank you, and goodnight
@kyriacostheofanous1445 5 ай бұрын
lol silverman like all atheist gets flustered and confused by TAG. hilarious.
@TheoSkeptomai 5 ай бұрын
I know, right Here is my favorite TAG argument. Let's see if any atheists can refute it. P1. God exists. P2. If you disagree that God exists, you're wrong. P3. You disagree. P4. Therefore, you are wrong. (From P2 and P3). P5. If you are wrong, then I am right. P6. I am right. (From P4 and P5). P7. If I am right, then God exists. P8. If anyone one mentions "Begging the Question" or any other logical fallacy, you are wrong (See P4). C1. Therefore, God exists. (From P6 and P7). Come on atheists. Challenge me!
@kyriacostheofanous1445 5 ай бұрын
aron ra is delusional
@FECtetra1918 6 ай бұрын
Atheist: ‘I could be wrong about everything I know.’ Sye: ‘You’ve given up knowledge! If you could be wrong about everything you know, you know nothing.’ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Wow! This is so pathetic it’s actually painful. I cannot believe people follow this man and think he is doing a good job. It’s sad. It’s beyond me.
@jeremiclement5723 6 ай бұрын
Typical atheist response. Lots of emojis. Lots of scoffing. No argument. It's true what Sye is saying. If you think you could be wrong about everything you know, you are giving up knowledge.
@FECtetra1918 6 ай бұрын
@@jeremiclement5723 I CANNOT be wrong about everything I know. I’m sorry to break your fragile spell.
@FECtetra1918 6 ай бұрын
@@jeremiclement5723 I don’t think I’ve used enough emojis. Sye deserves a lot more.
@jeremiclement5723 6 ай бұрын
​​​@@FECtetra1918 I wasn't "casting a spell" at you. I said "If"... If you could be wrong about everything you know, you would be giving up knowledge. Now can you refute that? Can you demonstrate prehaps how it doesn't follow? Or can you just scoff?
@FECtetra1918 6 ай бұрын
@@jeremiclement5723 I CANNOT be wrong about everything I know. The ‘if part’ is absolutely irrelevant. Your premise is futile. It’s a childish word game that only works if I follow your script.
@jimmyv1233 6 ай бұрын
It ends in character assassination by the man who can't know anything 😂. Not surprised.... Welcome to atheism aka PRIDE!