Does Abortion Violate Rights?
Hannah Frankman: Rebel Educator
LevelUp 2024
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@Cooper-1717 2 сағат бұрын
23:10 "A foolish consistency is the hob goblin of little minds.". ~ George Waldo Emerson. Good for you Amala for changing your mind.
@Cooper-1717 4 сағат бұрын
12:00 How is it that OBAMA had the same care privledge, loving white mother upbringing and came to the opposite conclusion about white people?! 🤔
@sin3231 9 күн бұрын
Gaza is not a country, and it never will be
@mdesign100 11 күн бұрын
The west must heed the dangers of socialism. Our children are being brainwashed at our schools, colleges and universities. Be carful what you wish for.
@simonphuket7782 17 күн бұрын
Inspiring lecture! I must read Will Cather's great American novel.
@jbatts834 19 күн бұрын
Individualism, the cause of the downfall of the west.
@catrionalouisesheridan1727 19 күн бұрын
She is a perfect example of everything that's wrong with the world!!! Me....Me...Me!!! Sad if you live as she suggests You will lead a Very Lonely Life!!!
@jamesfranko5098 19 күн бұрын
Selfish nihilistic worldview.
@DeAnne1233 20 күн бұрын
Schrodinger’s Cat inside Plato’s Cave. Would Americans understand North Korea more if our World maps labeled it as ‘Little China’? 🤔
@BakangRamatlhodi 24 күн бұрын
Jessie Lee Peterson Grand daughter 😅
@zebrababy6267 25 күн бұрын
I respect Ayana, and much of what she speaks about, but to say that you researched and could not determine what “woke” is, to then say it’s equivalent to a “serial killer” just makes her sound like a mouth peice for the right.
@martaiarkadiusztrojanowscy9673 29 күн бұрын
@DerZocker4ever 29 күн бұрын
You cannot change who you are, you only change what you show others. Problem is most people cannot see behind what the other person shows to the outside world and the other person themself dont know who they really are. Thats why unconditional love is so precious and for the most people unimaginable. And yes it makes mockery of "normal love" because normal love means you dont know yourself and the other person good enough.
@LilyDoll-sl3pb Ай бұрын
Self esteem is the ego, and the more you feed your ego the more your ego wants. The ego is very useful to people operating under capitalism, like the people who take commission from selling you ugly luxury goods, and their bosses, and their bosses. Self esteem isnt real. If your interpretation of yourself is flawed or unrealistic, then your surroundings are the issue. You are a mirror that has been held up to the world, and if you and so many people dont like what they see when they look, then this is beyond a personal issue.
@DrivenByDetails Ай бұрын
Much of what she described is what people, who don’t realize they’re resisting being indoctrinated into a cult, experience. I will guess that one of the reasons why she was unconsciously resisting DEI indoctrination is because she never experienced racism growing up, and so the DEI bait wasn’t anything she recognized as being dear to her heart. Just this second she said DEI is a cult. What pro Palestine movements are mainly about is creating chaos, breaking down the bonds of civil society, and allowing disruptive evil minded forces on the left, or terrorist groups on the right, to swoop in to fill the void, and impose their will on you. Totalitarianism and communism are not the answers to a system that never pretended to be perfect.
@prakashshetty909 Ай бұрын
Wright brothers joined communist party in 1933 read history
@docalou Ай бұрын
Founding Father whitewashed from our history ultimately due to his anti organized religion stance
@MrNsoe Ай бұрын
People needed to hear this. Slave era still exists somewhere
@ExistenceUniversity Ай бұрын
Rumor has it this man is still on stage, not saying anything, and yet has stopped talking since the convention started.
@bingbong3643 Ай бұрын
@DinkSmalwood Ай бұрын
Fuck he's making a good point, I gotta stop swearing like an idiot.
@Claego Ай бұрын
Lots of stock audience footage. But her message is solid, regardless.
@mikentosh Ай бұрын
islam is Cancer!
@ugbuk1382 Ай бұрын
Repent Jesus Christ is coming soon to judge the world Christ is God
@georgekapiniaris9310 Ай бұрын
Yeonmi, you should have come to Australia, there are many South Korean immigrants here who have built a wonderful life here. We are a multicultural country. Please visit us one day when you can. Keep up the great work and have a happy life.
@beatsfromjericho9359 Ай бұрын
i’m smelling radio free asia
@DinkSmalwood Ай бұрын
From which talk is this?
@billstapleton1084 Ай бұрын
Freedom is hard to gain but easy to lose. It only takes one election. Need proof? Look no further than Venezuela.
@Fuck7russia7Fuck7islam Ай бұрын
Move to POLAND ,the last stronghold of values, christendom , people are normal there :) or to LITHUANIA
Ай бұрын
I hate the arrogance of the "pro choice" side to make a decision from when life is "life" and "valuable". I rather have a conservative definition of life (being ULTRA careful and in doubt rather not kill a baby), than risking murder of a person which is 100% innocent, has done nothing wrong and is killed. This is ending up in eugenic thoughts pretty quickly. I am also tired of hearing this rape argument. Check the statistics 99% of abortions in the US are not done because of rape. This is mass murder and the fact that some people feel ok about it, speaks volumes about our modern ethics. Especially, when you learn that planned parenthood is selling baby parts for profits. This is so sick, one could think we are living in a satanic cult.
@justifiably_stupid4998 Ай бұрын
6:01 "Now, it is not always moral for a woman to have an abortion." This is where this video parts ways with Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand believed it is ALWAYS moral to act on an individual's rational self interest. Listing contrivances is unecessary. There is no requirement for special pleading for any exception to a principle. Abortion is always moral regardless of circumstance. It does not depend on receiving permission from a doctor who is personally concerned about risk factors.
@TheWorldTeacher Ай бұрын
Why would any thinking person care what some BITCHY dead Russian woman say about any important topic? Incidentally, OSI, you may now block this account of mine, as you have already done to another KZbin account of mine. We all know that you cannot bear to hear the truth about your esteemed goddess, Mrs. O'Connor.
Ай бұрын
Did you ever consider that the baby has rights, too? You people are killing innocent humans, by labelling them as "non-humans". On which basis? Because the body is not fully developed? This is not any better than eugenics. Murdering unborn babies while boldly thinking you are in the right. SICK. SICK. SICK.
@Fictionosophy_Angel Ай бұрын
Rand believed it should always be *legal,* not that it's always *moral.* As you correctly point out, Rand believed it's always moral to act on your rational self-interest. We don't need contrivances to think of cases where it wouldn't be in one's self-interest; a woman waiting longer than needed leaps to mind
@TheVeganVicar Ай бұрын
Why would any thinking person care what some BITCHY dead Russian woman say about any important topic? Incidentally, OSI, you may now block this account of mine, as you have already done to two other KZbin accounts of mine. We all know that you fools cannot bear to hear the truth about your esteemed goddess, Mrs. O'Connor.
@justifiably_stupid4998 Ай бұрын
@Fictionosophy_Angel According to Rand, politics is just an extension of ethics into a social context. If it is sometimes immoral then it is also sometimes illegal.
@justifiably_stupid4998 Ай бұрын
You are correct to begin with defining the terms. "Liberties" are required actions for a self-directed means of survival. "Rights" are permissions of action given by an authority. In secular political societies, Rights are established when legitimate governments promise to use force to protect an individual's liberties. Having Rights begs the question, "by whose authority?" If government protects liberty, then Rights begin at personhood (political acknologment usually through birth certificate). If God protects liberty, then Rights begin at conception. If in a state of anarchy, then Rights do not exist whatsoever. Since there is no evidence that a God will intervene to protect individual liberties, it is correct to say that only governments grant Rights; protections of individual liberty.
@justifiably_stupid4998 Ай бұрын
It is the anarchist position to argue that Rights pre-exist governments. Governments are established for the purpose of instituting Rights. Ayn Rand failed to make the distinction between liberties and rights, which is why Libertarians today see government as superfluous and unnecessary. Libertarians believe Rights are intrinsic to each individual by their own authority to weild force in the protection of their own liberty. This is Rand's definition of anarchy. Intrinsic Rights are the philosophical antecedent of "Might Makes Right." Protection of Individual liberties through the monopolization of force is the antecedent to Capitalism.
@TheWorldTeacher Ай бұрын
Your username says it all, SILLIEST of my Silly Sinful Slaves. 🙄
@TheVeganVicar Ай бұрын
​@@justifiably_stupid4998 Your username says it all, Silly Sinner. 🙄
@mikeb5372 Ай бұрын
You should probably work on understanding right better than you have explained here
@mikeb5372 Ай бұрын
​@@justifiably_stupid4998Rand didn't fail that at all. It is you who failed to comprehend it from her writings
@S.J.L Ай бұрын
Dependent people have no rights, ok. There is no logic here that will stand up to a stiff breeze. Yes, your opinion here is very close to the view of advocates of slavery. Pathetic.
@ExistenceUniversity Ай бұрын
No, because slavery has no biological facts. Fetal growth requires food literally taken from the stomach of another person. Big difference. Your false equivalence is just an emotional argument with no grounds in reality.
@DinkSmalwood Ай бұрын
This lecture was absolutely splendid! Fuel for the soul indeed.
@Combustibleporcupine Ай бұрын
i'm a grown ass man, but i hope i can grow up to be as strong as this woman
@celesticahex6866 Ай бұрын
she sucks
@abanger Ай бұрын
Finally somebody discussing health under an Objectivist banner that actually knows what they're talking about
@tamirushifera-ta Ай бұрын
thank You&❤
@michaelmichael9441 Ай бұрын
One of the best conversations around food as medicine, that does not feel like a sermon of "You should do this". Thank you for posting this.
@nicholasfarabaugh1672 2 ай бұрын
Charlie and my great great great grandfather were cousins on Charlie’s mom side and grew up together
@brunocogan1051 2 ай бұрын
Does anyone know his name?
@torvenhartz1002 2 ай бұрын
It's always a smart move to leave something like the regressive left behind. It's some kind of extremism - and that's always bad. Unfortunately nowadays it seems that you've missed the exit to independent thinking. Instead you defend everything, the regressive right broadcasts even if it is the largest bullshit ever. That is sad.
@DinkSmalwood 2 ай бұрын
Great lecture! A very clear and interesting comparison.
@TheWorldTeacher 2 ай бұрын
Great and lowly are RELATIVE. 😉 Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
@TheWorldTeacher 2 ай бұрын
philosophy: the love of wisdom, normally encapsulated within a formal academic discipline. Wisdom is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, insight, and good judgment. Wisdom may also be described as the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period. E.g. “The wisdom of the Tibetan lamas.” Unfortunately, in most cases in which this term is used, particularly outside India, it tacitly or implicitly refers to ideas and ideologies that are quite far-removed from genuine wisdom. For instance, the typical academic philosopher, especially in the Western tradition, is not a lover of actual wisdom, but a believer in, or at least a practitioner of, adharma, which is the ANTITHESIS of genuine wisdom. Many Western academic (so-called) “philosophers” are notorious for using laborious sophistry, abstruse semantics, gobbledygook, and pseudo-intellectual word-play, in an attempt to justify their blatantly-immoral ideologies and practices, and in many cases, fooling the ignorant layman into accepting the most horrendous crimes as not only normal and natural, but holy and righteous! An ideal philosopher, on the other hand, is one who is sufficiently intelligent to understand that morality is, of necessity, based on the law of non-violence (“ahiṃsā”, in Sanskrit), and sufficiently wise to live his or her life in such a harmless manner. Cf. “dharma”. One of the greatest misconceptions of modern times is the belief that philosophers (and psychologists, especially) are, effectively, the substitutes for the priesthood of old. It is perhaps understandable that this misconception has taken place, because the typical priest/monk/rabbi/mullah seems to be an uneducated buffoon compared with those highly-educated gentlemen who have attained doctorates in philosophy, psychology and psychiatry. However, as mentioned in more than a few places in this book, it is imperative to understand that only an infinitesimal percentage of all those who claim to be spiritual teachers are ACTUAL “brāhmaṇa” (as defined in Chapter 20). Therefore, the wisest philosophers of the present age are still those exceptionally rare members of the Holy Priesthood! At the very moment these words of mine are being typed on my laptop computer, there are probably hundreds of essay papers, as well as books and articles, being composed by professional philosophers and theologians, both within and without academia. None of these papers, and almost none of the papers written in the past, will have any noticeable impact on human society, at least not in the realm of morals and ethics, which is obviously the most vital component of civilization. And, as mentioned in a previous paragraph, since such “lovers-of-wisdom” are almost exclusively adharmic (irreligious and corrupt) it is indeed FORTUITOUS that this is the case. The only (so-called) philosophers who seem to have any perceptible influence in the public arena are “pop” or “armchair” philosophers, such as Mrs. Alisa “Alice” O’Connor (known more popularly by her pen name, Ayn Rand), almost definitely due to the fact that they have published well-liked books and/or promulgate their ideas in the mass media, especially on the World Wide Web.
@ghostX-c9o 2 ай бұрын
Do some real research
@thedayisyoung6460 2 ай бұрын
Zionism is a plague
@Big_Daddy_Pyro05 2 ай бұрын
@taldal6198 2 ай бұрын
The amount of hypocricy is unbearable. Shut the hell up. You make it sound as if Israel hasn't been attacking Palestinians since the 1940s. Western hypocricy has been compromised infront of the whole world.
@Freedomtotheworkingclass 2 ай бұрын
You are full of crap it worked for us till Big Satan came and screwed us up
@lights473 2 ай бұрын
Kiyah Willis is another one lost to the ARI war propaganda. The only rational ones are in the Atlas Society. It's like Objectivists turn into collectivists when it comes to foreign issues.
@DinkSmalwood 2 ай бұрын
Sandefur is brilliant!