@austrianemotionalman 10 күн бұрын
Wow! 12 engineers! Well that´s impressing. Another scam? Another scam. What is that cultural thing with scamming in these indian/pakistani countries? No paper to wipe their b*tts, but thinking to be more clever then the rest of the world...
@rodfer5406 10 күн бұрын
What grad student discovered it? Not mentioned.
@SlackersIndustry 11 күн бұрын
That battery is only 50 percent recyclable, if all cars run on it, it will still create a big environmental problem, that will nos work either. Sorry combustion engine is here to stay.
@auspiciouslywild 10 күн бұрын
Redwood Materials recover 95% of materials from EV batteries in a commercial process right now. Nice try with the anti EV propaganda, but it doesn’t work if you pull the numbers out of your … And if we can do 95% we will probably be up to 99.9% by the time most of the batteries from new EVs today need recycling in 20 years time. And that’s not to mention that we have countless examples of EV batteries being reused for stationary energy storage applications is effectively re-using 100% of the materials. (For a while, eventually you need recycling to fully renew the battery)
@SlackersIndustry 10 күн бұрын
@@auspiciouslywild didn't pull it out my ass that's what the guy said in the video, pay attention
@auspiciouslywild 10 күн бұрын
Wait.. wait.. why am I even defending the recycling rate of BEV cars vs combustion cars. Were you joking? If not: You know how much gasoline is recycled right? Exactly 0% And the extraction of oil is very often far dirtier than any form of mining. Remember deepwater horizon? If you’re serious the argument is literally insane.
@SlackersIndustry 10 күн бұрын
@@auspiciouslywild pay attention to the video, she stated all these EVs ain't the way to go, until they have this new battery in the works. Yeah all them kids mining think otherwise , your the one with the propaganda, you probably sale EVs for a living 😆
@auspiciouslywild 10 күн бұрын
@@SlackersIndustry They’re trying to sell their product, of course they’d say we *need* it. Kids mining? Like for cobalt? You mean the stuff you have in your phone, in your laptop, in stainless steel and which is used to refine the gasoline for your car? The only time people care about kids mining cobalt is if it goes to EVs. Child labour is A-OK as long as it’s for combustion cars! EV car companies have policies for ethical sourcing of cobalt. You think fuel refineries have that? Nobody cares when it comes to fossil fuels. They can be as dirty and unethical as they want. Only EVs are expected to be perfect. The cobalt mining child labour story was originally written directly by the fossil fuel lobby. If you’re repeating it you should go to them and ask for a pay-check cause you’re doing free work for them. We should eliminate child labour. But that has nothing to do with EVs, since we all use cobalt.
@FRMaverick6 11 күн бұрын
Some mention the fact that fueled A/C get lighter during the flights, massively increasing their overall performances. One thing to add to that is that it also allows the A/C, being lighter, to land on shorter runways, or runways under degraded weather conditions. And it's the same for take off: if your aircraft is too heavy to take off on a given runway under the current weather conditions, you can reduce the amount of fuel you take. An electric aircraft will always be the same weight, meaning it will have to be designed for worst case scenario in regards to runway planned for take off / landing, and weather conditions. Makes it very difficult to optimise the design
@user-ox1ip8cs5l 11 күн бұрын
@galaxiedance3135 11 күн бұрын
News Flash... Batteries are always going to get better and better, especially now with A.I. helping. Just like Nvidia is now using A.I. to design it's future chips, same will be true with Batteries. What is amazing this week will be surpassed next week, and so on.
@desertblbuesman 12 күн бұрын
Potential for a better battery😏
@piad2102 12 күн бұрын
New vape vare salesmen, m/k Next year Gadget, next year. We are confident, bla bla bla.
@clarkkent9080 17 күн бұрын
All LIES. EVERY power plant nuclear or otherwise builds whatever they can in a factory and have it shipped to the site so there is NOTHING new with that idea. You cannot build a nuclear power plant in a garage. A 1 Gw nuclear power plant spans many acres and levels and everything on site is there to produce electrical power. The bigger the plant the more efficient and the smaller the plant the less efficient it is. So, small or even micro has no magical way to shrink a nuclear power plant. A 20 Mw small nuclear plant will always be LARGER than 1/50 th the space needed for a ! Gw plant.
@factnotfiction5915 5 күн бұрын
Like most anti-nuclear activists, you lose your credibility by foaming at the mouth and raving. > All LIES. EVERY power plant nuclear or otherwise builds whatever they can in a factory and have it shipped to the site so there is NOTHING new with that idea. As we can see from the transcript, 1:13 "our internal Target is from groundbreaking to producing electrons less than 60 days this is something that we have not". 1. Their _internal_ target is to install a reactor from groundbreaking to online in 60 days. 2. That is an extremely aggressive target that nobody else is attempting. 3. They never claimed to be doing 'anything new'. > You cannot build a nuclear power plant in a garage. Again, they did NOT claim to be building the NPP in the garage. Their claim was (you really should reference what is said, vs what you imagine) "we are allo atomics we design and build nuclear reactors that are small enough to fit in your garage ". So something, that post-installation, could fit in a garage - not having specified a small 1-car garage or a big 6-car garage, or anything like that. Y'know, a garage. > The bigger the plant the more efficient and the smaller the plant the less efficient it is. Unless you are not optimizing for thermal efficiency. Perhaps you are optimizing along some other axis, like financial efficiency. > So, small or even micro has no magical way to shrink a nuclear power plant. A 20 Mw small nuclear plant will always be LARGER than 1/50 th the space needed for a ! Gw plant. Perhaps English is not your native language, but your statement makes no sense whatsoever! You CAN shrink a NPP if you are willing to accept a lower output. You may be correct that, proportionally, a smaller-output NPP will be physically larger than a bigger-output NPP, but AGAIN this was not claimed in the video. They claimed 'smaller', as in the size of a garage, which any reasonably educated person with a grasp of the English language (high-school or perhaps middle-school level) would interpret the holistic concept as being volumetrically small in absolute terms. So, you claim "LIES" (all caps, nice touch), yet about what? You missed their 'something new', you confused their manufacture and installation locations, and you failed to grasp their claim in absolute terms. In baseball, 3 strikes and you're out!
@carey-rq3ul 20 күн бұрын
@RaninjEntertainment 22 күн бұрын
Super cool
@averroussaloom893 23 күн бұрын
great video! clearly need more marketing for the videos. Shorts will be one great move!
@jarvisconrad2348 26 күн бұрын
Brilliant. ...this is gonna be a game changer on this blue planet of ours.....Imagine designing a component and its delivered to you with orders of magnitude more precision and strong materials at a cheaper price... Bravo bro ..
@ScottBrown-zz4sk Ай бұрын
@TricksterJ97 Ай бұрын
The machine which can make everything will never be as good at making a specific item as a machine designed specifically to make that same item.
@mknone40 Ай бұрын
In short, this is stupid, not efficient, slow. Our management implemented a robotic line in production, replacing highly paid and qualified workers. Results? Production slowed down by 15-18 percent.
@whereswaldo5740 Ай бұрын
They are not ai. They are not safe and don’t think or look out for you anymore than chain saw or a screwdriver
@whereswaldo5740 Ай бұрын
I worked for white metal die casting shop. They were trying out robotics. It was too slow for the multi station drill process. But we’re great in the die casting area. I was an inspector at that time. Castings usually came on a conveyor in tubs. But they were trying to eliminate steps and transport. So there were some where we inspected them at the machine. In one instance they had two small machines with robots grabbing them and drop them in a tub to be inspected. One poor older guy was blind in one eye. And while he was looking at one casting the robot came from his blind side and clocked him knocking him to his knees. It was pretty upsetting. Later we joked about rock em sock em robots. But it wasn’t good.
@Rusty_B_And_The_Gang Ай бұрын
Trying to bring about the advent of poost-imdustrialism. Sign me up
@carmatic Ай бұрын
now the question is, how difficult is it for these robots to build more of their own? there is a lot more to a modern piece of machinery than sheet metal... especially when you include the cost....
@jhonsnow4116 Ай бұрын
Great, I wanted to understand this company and its technology
@MickeyD2012 Ай бұрын
So, what I hear is, they don't want YOU to own a factory. Or your own equipment.
@robcat2075 Ай бұрын
No, I did know about it.
@extreme596 Ай бұрын
Her accent is strange
@mushroom_hatter Ай бұрын
Just for awareness if they don't say fine life but they find H2O with oxygen they will just take life forms from Earth that live in the ocean and take them to Europa and drop them off and therefore seed the planet with new living life forms
@Tucker_Bear Ай бұрын
Go Clipper! JPL has such an incredible group of engineers and scientists.
@SCARFACE69247 Ай бұрын
It would be nice if there were small machine shops that you could rent out all over the country like gyms but instead of working out, you could go and make something on a mill or learn to program a robot to do stuff. I bet that could be a good way to make money.
@spiral.stories Ай бұрын
Epic idea!
@hi-gf5yl Ай бұрын
So like Fab labs?
@omnianti0 Ай бұрын
the argument is a hand worker can make shield and sword then the robot demontrate to be able to make shield
@DontAddMe Ай бұрын
All the Best!
@spiral.stories Ай бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@constantinosschinas4503 Ай бұрын
Apart from the appealing editing, the resulting sheetmetal parts are attrocious, and the speed is horrendous. Good(?) for very early prototyping and nothing more. Where is AI used by the way?...
@pittwaymaina4759 Ай бұрын
Don't hate too much, I also wondered where the AI is used, maybe coordinating the tips and adjusting the pressure applied where thickness and stress change. By the way, they produce some nice parts, check out more of their products, they even make faces 😲
@constantinosschinas4503 Ай бұрын
@@pittwaymaina4759 I am just objective and know a bit about manufacturing. The video was nice in itself, so no hate.
@spiral.stories Ай бұрын
@@constantinosschinas4503 I think we could've highlighted the AI use in the video better. Thank you for watching though.
@kentaltobelli1840 Ай бұрын
​@@pittwaymaina4759 Smarter Every Day did a video and yes that was one of the applications of AI that they talked about. It's a complex inverse kinematic control problem to have 2 robots applying a specific angle and pressure of "pinch" against each other to draw the sheet metal out.
@Androidonator Ай бұрын
​@@constantinosschinas4503yeah your average servo press is gonna push out thousands of parts per day this ? Few at best.
@nicomotor Ай бұрын
Wow, phenomenal video!
@spiral.stories Ай бұрын
Thank you so much brother!
@ronniebyron3200 2 ай бұрын
Why not a hybrid system with a smaller engine and generator instead of big batteries
@FredrickWendroff-um2kn 3 ай бұрын
Let's see 2 options , get what you need on earth cheap or spend absolutely insane amounts to harvest the same stuff in space.
@superman217100 3 ай бұрын
this guy is amazing. im committing a bag to this person.
@matthewgarner8728 3 ай бұрын
This guy hasn't been outside the usa much had he?
@matthewgarner8728 3 ай бұрын
So my tax dollars are paying your dream instead of getting kids through gradeschool...😢
@PigsAintGotManners 3 ай бұрын
"There is no way to go but up", This man never heard of the Ocean?
@Jopanaguiton 3 ай бұрын
This sounds gay you and you sounds gay just like your gay Governor.
@mayaefrat3732 3 ай бұрын
@Laturals 3 ай бұрын
@scolee6408 3 ай бұрын
@mayaefrat3732 3 ай бұрын
@williamwaits 3 ай бұрын
Never happen
@user-od9bz7hp4d 3 ай бұрын
Single or dual electric planes has a market. flight schools around the world are prospect customers.
@tonylam9548 3 ай бұрын
You get great marks for being politically correct, but poor being practical and accurate. First of all, carbon is a gas of life and we need more in the air. If you are willing to sacrifice enough performance , anything goes. You can even have a coal boiler powering a prop and make it fly. Lithium based tech is not even good enough for cars , never mind airplanes , and I hate to have on catch fire in the air. The gov infiltrated by many of the climate religion , forced a sales spike with grants and rebates, and now even that is not working. Never mind electric, if some of these guy found out the real life cycle cost of hybrids, they avoid it like the plaque.
@DownTheRabbit-Hole 3 ай бұрын
IPCC climate data reminds me of an outhouse at a 3 day rock concert. Crap study piled on crap study. Each crap study relies on previous crap study findings and integrity of data.
@DownTheRabbit-Hole 3 ай бұрын
These people are Idealogues rationalizing their propaganda, not visionaries.
@DownTheRabbit-Hole 3 ай бұрын
Please emit more CO2, my pot plants love it!