@NerdyPengin 2 күн бұрын
Today, I was told about being on a secret PIP. In the same tone when you call someone out for something they say that's very rude, and then they tell you "calm down, it was just a joke". We all know it isn't a joke. I'm not taking it as a joke and I didn't even laugh. I continued being professional and am acting accordingly going forward. It's too fresh, being today, but I'm on this video, so that should tell you something.
@YY-zg7qd 23 күн бұрын
I got a PIP because of retaliation based on me disagreeing my boss for one thing, her believing I spoke ill of her behind, which I have never done so, and my one simple mistake. My performance evaluation is "disrespectful and dishonest." I have never had such feedback in my 30 year career. HR director and my boss are friends. There is no time for me to provide my story about those incident. They already decided. The plan is super-vague and subjective and no success measurement. I'm now reaching out to my network for an opportunity.
@profitpurpose Ай бұрын
PIP is your way out.
@eriktaylor1225 3 ай бұрын
A PIP is basically your employer telling you they don’t like you there and they want you gone…but they want to get a paper trail going so it looks like they made the effort to work with you to improve. PIP’s are a dog and pony show. If you’re presented with one, your days are already numbered.
@drunkdonutboy 3 ай бұрын
I think its best to not even contest it, just do it even if its bullshit which in my case it was. If youre "defensive" about it it never goes well. And i use air quotes because you have the right to defend yourself in that situation but at that point HR does not care and is there to support the supervisor and company not you. I almost beat mine and when i went into the room they told me they got rid of my position. Id rather have laid off then fired for cause and even if you were on a pip and you werent performing well that would still be better to other employers then being fired for cause or because you shyed away from adversity/difficult circumstances. That is a glaring character flaw. When times get tough you bail. Whether that was true or not if i quit or if i got fired i wouldnt have been eligible for a severence package or for unemployment.
@andrewh2u 3 ай бұрын
Its just a paper trail to cover the ash of company HR if the victim makes any legal claim when fired. Act accordingly.
@bai5479 3 ай бұрын
great thanks
@davidanthony8017 4 ай бұрын
These PIP plans are fishing expeditions used by management and HR to find enough cause for letting an employee go they don’t like. If you ever get placed on one, resign immediately.
@randyriegel8553 4 ай бұрын
Nope I got a PIP once because my new manager was interfering with my software engineer job and not letting me get stuff done. Old boss gave me great reviews. If they think that way I don't want to work for them. I had a 2 month plan. After a month I got told I was being better. A week after that I landed a great job. Went to my manager told her "I only stayed to get paid until I could find another job." and gave her a 2 MINUTE notice and walked out.
@randyriegel8553 4 ай бұрын
On a funny note she contacted me to ask some questions about the code I was working on. I told her to figure it out.
@kanchanmharnur7785 4 ай бұрын
Hi Kyle, How can I reach out to you? I am in need of legal advice for a personal matter at hand related to PIP.
@ssazerac 5 ай бұрын
PIP - Here is a set of tasks and goals you can't possibly complete or meet in the hope you get demoralized and quit.
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
Even if you dont have a pension...force them to remove you, you get at least unemployment and possibly a severence package. This is the whole reason these employers try to intimidate people, so they dont have to pay that. Stay strong and firce them to do what they actually dint want to do which will trugger consequences for themselves. This is the only reason they are doing this shit and trying to bully and pin it on the employee, they want you to think they have all the power...they don't
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
This gets really dicey when your at a company for 30 years, with a pension. They want you to leave...DO NOT LEAVE. force them to wheel you out of there with a generous severence package.
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
Personally, id have a lot of money in an emergency fund, and then wait ti get fired. The employer is doing this to avoid paying severence and unimployment. Fuck them, force their hand, they want you to quit/find another job so they dont have to ootentially pay severence and unemployment. Fuck them, force them to do want they dint want to do.
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
Im not on a PIP, im on a PAP, going on three years. After that amount of time it becomes clear as day to Stevie Wonder to see whats going on. The longer the employer pushes it the more obvious it becomes the employer is the aggressor. Im 55 snd have been at my employer for 30 years. They recently stopped offering pensions for new hires. I am in fact in the oensiin ststem. Ckearly they want old timers with pensions out of the place. Phuck them.
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
Get on FMLA each and every year for eternity. Anxiety and stress is enough. Get the medication and flush it down the toilet. You dont even have to use the days, just get on it on it.
@callmeishmaelk767 5 ай бұрын
Dont go to HR. i had HR come to me asking what the problem i had with my manager, i told them i didnt have a problem, that pribably totally perplexed them. Them coming to me puts me in the kings position. The peasants (in this case HR) petition the king, not the other way around
@danjohnson887 6 ай бұрын
I trust the author of this upload means well, but any/ all of this will ONLY work if you are working for a huge company. In medium to smaller companies HR is working hand in hand with the supervisor/s and directing them on what they can get away with. Insisting on things in writing when HR is telling the supervisor to have the meeting via Skype will result in a black cloud over your head. This advice sounds reasonable and well and ultimately is, BUT PIP is not about being fair or reasonable. It's about justifying the company to fire you without legal recourse and setting up a case for you not to be able to file unemployment benefits. That is what PIP is really about. Never forget that, and don't think for a minute you will ever escape PIP because you won't. It is your surest sign you have to move on or at the very least talk to to an attorney who will ultimately tell you the same things at $350/ hour.
@asmitachatterjee8979 7 ай бұрын
This was very helpful. Thank you for putting this together.
@bate01071 8 ай бұрын
I don’t believe it is always misused. If used properly by a manager that has given past feedback and wants to use the PIP as a more robust tool to help retain an employee and correct performance issues, it is a right thing to do. I was put on a PIP in this context and had legitimate performance issues. I think though the trust/reputation impact from the performance issues that were corrected and the PIP, gave me a strong desire to reset at a different firm. But in my context it was used rightly. And I fully agree HR is not your advocate, or at least less so than management’s.
@BoxingConceptX 9 ай бұрын
If you know your doing your job well and you think you can find a better one , than I would say just take that time and interview at other companies . Only stay on a PIP if there is a severance at the end of the tunel. Now if you know you messed up , or were not up to par. Than def focus on doing better . One because, trying to do better makes you better and 2 even if it doesn't work out atleast you gained more experience for your next role
@bobbyggezs2898 3 ай бұрын
Yes learn from your mistakes if you do need to improve, but still look for a better job.
@JustOne-qe7jl Жыл бұрын
Does a PIP follow you ? Even if you aren’t going into the same line of work?
@abcdabcd5108 Жыл бұрын
1. Can an outgoing supervisor write the PIP and wait for the incoming supervisor to make him sign your PIP on his first day at work, before even meeting you? 2. And when the performance evaluation just received is "meets expectations", negative comments but not a single "fail" rating? 3. HR refused to remove one of the findings in the PIP even though I brought evidence that it is a complete lie? And the other two findings are minor but in an exaggerated written up? And I've heard later that the new supervisor who signed the PIP without even meeting me, was told by the outgoing supervisor who wrote the unsupported PIP to fire me, not to pass me Please address that in your video. Thank you, great job, excellent videos. Finding another job would be a good solution, but it takes more than six months to a year to find a new federal job. They can fire you in only 60 days when put on a PIP.
@SCAR16L Жыл бұрын
This guy is obviously a lawyer for a corp. Anyone else knows that this PIP shit is horseshit, including the HR golems. ESPECIALLY the HR golems.
@geoffl Жыл бұрын
why would you fight to stay somewhere that doesn't welcome you? If you've been pip'd, they don't want you there. It's best for everyone involved if you leave and find somewhere you're appreciated.
@Adehead Жыл бұрын
Question-School HR only offered me to take unpaid medical leave and I had to use 26 sick days over four months to maintain my medical insurance . They knew my disability was based on not being able to wear a mask. They warned me that I would have to pay full med benifits as of End of year if I didn’t come back to work. Masks were still required to enter the building. The previous year I worked from home for mentioning i could not wear a mask. Is no pay accommodation effective? Well not for this 62 year old single woman. That was my job they didn’t like my view on mask efficacy. Terminated me for job abandonment because they didn’t want me to work from home. Paraprofessionals dont abandon their students. We get kicked bit hair pulled spit on yelled at hands mauled by students nails and still go back to help.
@excellence_is_me Жыл бұрын
My manager harassed me and put me in PIP... I have done all what you said in my email reply to manager copying HR DIRECTOR but guess what I am still on PIP and I am working one to most renounced non profit organization. I am.so disheartened by this and I have taken stress leave now... but I have to be back I have to be in PIP again... my manager is still working without any problems.. guess she has been appreciated of the abuse she did to me
@mr.atheist8848 Жыл бұрын
(16:50) I got surprised by a PIP without the manager telling me. The lack of feeback and transparency made me angry. Now, I also surprised them a resignation. What comes around goes around.
@User-zzyyxxvv Жыл бұрын
I honestly never seen a PIP used in good faith. If you know your craft, don’t waste any more energy proving yourself to a company that doesn’t value you. If you are on a PIP, start looking or another job. Most companies use PIP for that exact reason - for you to get the hint and quit
@comicbookjerk Жыл бұрын
I was placed on a plan for requesting FMLA by HR..A month later FMLA was approved and Retroactivly approved...instead of removing the PIP, when I completed it My manager said I never shoukd have been on one...so they fired him and started another PIP on me again. They refused to remove it even after approving my FMLA...HR...will not listen and did not listen in fact he said my conditions weren't as bad as a water heater busting..So HR can but won't remove it.
@lauraromey4383 Жыл бұрын
I have a question, i had to exhaust all of my leave/vacation time at the beginning of the year due to major surgery/FMLA. i came back to work in April, with zero sick time or vacation time. It refills yearly, in january. So as of now, any sick calls or time off has to be approved and unpaid. I heard rumors of a PIP for attendance, which hasnt been horrible since surgery but its unreasonable to expect that i never have to call in. Would this be unfair/illegal since my time was exhausted initially due to FMLA?
@raamsvcsl.l.c.7811 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video!
@raamsvcsl.l.c.7811 Жыл бұрын
it's so sad to know there are so many horrible bosses.
@ElPablo390 5 ай бұрын
And so many of them are viewed as strong leaders and get promoted. Never get their comeuppance.
@shellyelle6852 2 жыл бұрын
What if there's no HR?
@orome9793 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot #1 mistake "assuming you shouldn't look for other jobs and leave your employer soon as possible". Even if you pass PIP, they will know that they can bully you into squeezing more work out of you (especially if this is a salary position), and will make your life living hell.
@bunnyfunny2130 2 жыл бұрын
My manager tricked me to sign the PIP after an informal meeting. Lucky enough I signed the document half way and realized that I hadn't even read what was written. It was shocking to find out the document was PIP. I rejected all the allegations and very quickly it was withdrawn. My manager did not consult HR before issuing PIP. I'm just wondering if HR needs to be informed before manager issuing PIP? Also I got this PIP because my line manager made mistake, so I was the one to be blamed. The reason was I spent too much time to fix her error. What can I say 😨
@theprtillierypodcast 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, just got a “Pre-Pip”. Already looking for another job. I’ll beat the PIP easily and leave anyway. Ironic for a company motto being “Employees First”, yet not even taking the time to understand why the employee may not be performing up to standard, even after having stellar performance marks until that point, and even making them aware of the personal reason for the temporary decline. Oh well, its like they always say- “People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad management”. ✌🏾
@danjohnson887 6 ай бұрын
"First break all the rules" book quote!!! Good for you..
@jamestatler4569 2 жыл бұрын
My sister is an HR manager and they had multiple cases of employees undergone a PIP who passed and kept thier jobs. Thier purpose of the PIP is to really fix what is wrong and to improve employees work performance. In other organizations maybe their purpose is different. The key is to look at the PIP details if the goals and expectations are reachable.
@bunnyfunny2130 2 жыл бұрын
My manager tricked me to sign the PIP after an informal meeting. Lucky enough I signed the document half way and realized that I hadn't even read what was written. It was shocking to find out the document was PIP. I rejected all the allegations and very quickly it was withdrawn. My manager did not consult HR before issuing PIP. Such a sneaky manager.
@raamsvcsl.l.c.7811 Жыл бұрын
What happens when the employee is stellar, but the boss does not like you?
@democracyjusticegod404 9 ай бұрын
😂 HR promises & commitments 😂
@bate01071 8 ай бұрын
Agreed. It’s not always misused. If used properly by a manager that has given past feedback and wants to use the PIP as a more robust tool to help retain an employee and correct performance issues, it is a right thing to do.
@youtub3808 Ай бұрын
Bullshit 🤡
@nikee0515 2 жыл бұрын
Can a employer denied you a reasonable accommodation for a reason and when you explain them, can they then change the reason after you appeal the denial?
@grazynawolska8160 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I missed an urgent email from a boss while I was away sick. My inbox receives 1300 to 1500 emails a month. It's unmanageable but I am suddenly due to that 1 missed email "not doing my job". Upsetting. I am a documenting queen who does nearly double the workload of my predecessor. Your advice was greatly helpful on how to proceed with caution now. No PIP yet, but I'm preparing as if it was happening just so I am protected.
@Tulisan777 2 жыл бұрын
Constructive dismissal.
@alexandras3501 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your work 🙏🏻
@roberttrask6826 3 жыл бұрын
There is no surviving a Pip. Your mgt has decided to terminate you and are just doing the legal CYA as requested by the HR dept. Why try to stay with people who want you gone? Use the time to find another job and say goodbye to these crumbs.
@mr.atheist8848 Жыл бұрын
Experienced PIP without even a manager telling me. This is great advice!
@danjohnson887 6 ай бұрын
That and if you're not careful you are building a case against yourself for filing unemployment benefits which I believe is the number one reason why they push PIP to begin with.
@bobbyggezs2898 3 ай бұрын
@@danjohnson887 Ill remember not to sign my Pip paper work next time.
@Healinglove Ай бұрын
If I didn't sign my PIP paperwork, does that mean when they fire me, I'll be able to collect unemployment??
@fburnsDubstepEnderFox 3 жыл бұрын
If I get PiP'd, I'm going to rip ALL of their skeletons out of the closet.
@Shadowgangster123 8 ай бұрын
they dont care bro trust if anything itll flag as a no rehire
@viktorask 3 жыл бұрын
AWS PiPing left and right. Just quit, there is thousands places where you will be valued.
@bluebo1212 3 жыл бұрын
PIP's are meant to mainly gather evidence to fire you down the road, especially when your boss does not like you as a worker or person. Get out before you have to check YES on the job application under Asked to Resign.
@samtx 5 ай бұрын
what is asked to resign vs fired for vague exuse in pip ,do you get unemployment
@sakuracardcaptor4709 3 жыл бұрын
I got a PIP because I had a performance issues I followed my new boss’s idea to help increase my performance evaluation and I’m doing great!!! So far. I also did a violation because I cussed at an old lady! Please help me! Idk how to fight a PIP!
@viktorask 3 жыл бұрын
Oh common, look for place where you will be happy. I quit on the same day I got pip and couldn’t be more happy. Universe has plan for you, don’t hold to old thing.
@mokhan1676 3 жыл бұрын
@@viktorask amen to that. I quit an hour after i got a pip. Cant pip me bitch im out 🖕🏾✌🏽
@rishi8840 3 жыл бұрын
I worked as a virtual employee for 2 years generated million dollar work promoted in less than a year my boss went on leave and manager changed... New manager put me on PIP in 3 months. I did not even work on any project with him in that duration still I was given improvement period of 30 days. Thankfully I got a 100% salary raise at a new org in 7 days. I think was purely racially motivated I guess. The description is very accurate.
@annielin2894 Жыл бұрын
@rishi8840 I have th ssame situation but I am being put on PIP after filing complaint with HR and DEI and they I hired an attorney! I am waiting to see how they fire me.
@jasondesignmedia7495 3 жыл бұрын
I was forced to go through the PIP process and was dismissed, it absolutely destroyed my career and years of hard work. Do not fall for the improvement lies you will never improve enough, it is about gathering evidence to fire you. In my personal opinion, you have two options to get a job elsewhere and leave before you are sacked or find valid evidence to quit and claim constructive dismissal.
@Vcagle30 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I was dismissed from a residency program and it made the chances of my succeeding anywhere else in medicine almost impossible. The meeting to inform me my contract was being terminated at the end of the year was the first meeting we had and the first time I knew of any problems. All my evals to that point had been excellent. I did everything they asked of me, including see doctors of their choosing and allow them access to my medical reports. Then later I agreed to social skill therapy and agreed to take adderall. I was under the microscope by then and very stressed. Ultimately nothing I did mattered. I was able to complete and get credit for that year of training but I left the program and was never able to get into another.
@brandenburg2388 Жыл бұрын
PIP is just an acronym for "Punishment In Progress". They are meant to cause you to spectacularly fail so that the company gains the pretext to fire you.
@tomsuh1362 Жыл бұрын
Bottom line is don't be loyal to any employer you work for but do your job if they treat you fairly and have a second career or try a part time job always and let them know in subtle way you have your own lawyer and know labor law. and to let any potential co-workers from bully you you let them know are a NRA member. Let the guess in their mind what a work place shooting will look like and they will never even think about being an a-hole towards you. It's all laws of the jungle in today's work place.
@hobgoblin4614 3 жыл бұрын
Slide on 3:13 highlights a key truth in this process and Corporate America as a whole. HR is never on the employee's side. HR people may have a nice demeanor. You may think that nice guy/gal in HR is there to help you. They are not. Do not be fooled by their "niceness". HR works for Management. There only job is (A) to procure human capital when the company needs it (B) administer payroll and benefits and (C) throw you out when Management decides you are not needed or when they decide they don't want you. HR does nothing else. That fight between two employees - they may fire one of them and the other (person who did not get fired) may think they are great but they are not. They shit canned the other employee because he/she was a lawsuit waiting to happen and/or was not worth the revenue they were bringing in. HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, ADVOCATE, ETC. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!