A Doctor Who Missing Episode Hoax!
The Might of the Daleks - Trailer
@matthewevans97 Сағат бұрын
Very good animation of this story. Shame you couldn't add the audio to it though, but great video nonetheless.
@Paccyd33 4 сағат бұрын
i love that pillow
@andrewdmcgill1 4 сағат бұрын
I just don’t accept that the stories originally planned had to be abandoned just cos they went back to 25 mins. I think it’s more likely a JNT decision on the basis that he was trying to prove he was changing the show to appease the bosses.
@OtaKing77077 6 сағат бұрын
I did backgrounds and character designs on The Reign of Terror, Tenth Planet and Moonbase animations many many years ago for Planet 55. It was one of the most fun projects I've ever been involved in and everyone in the studio was having a great time, with Gary's obsession with getting the exact placement of the plastic tennis balls right on the Cybermen, and people throwing themselves around the office so we could rotoscope them for Cyberman death scenes. Obviously the strange head rigging on Reign was quite bizarre and if I was supreme ruler everything would have been fully 2D animated all the time with no shots ever reused, but the time just wasn't there, sadly. And if I was in charge it would never have come out on time anyway and the studio would have died within a month! I haven't watched many of the recent animated recreations but some of the ones you showed in this video look shocking..!
@JoshSnares 4 сағат бұрын
Love, love, love your work! The detail you added was just beautiful. Great to hear your insight!! 💕
@ukvhstelevisionarchive-fs9ut 18 сағат бұрын
Fail. This is not 100% accurate. It's ten times better!
@brianmacdougall9200 21 сағат бұрын
I just watched this... With captions.. And No Audio!! Terrific stuff!..👍🆒 If possible, can you post here how many actual “work-hours” this took..by Yourself???😳😳
@Funniguy2011 Күн бұрын
No way it was real????
@tompritchard6945 Күн бұрын
I thought they already did sell plain Blu ray box sets? I'm pretty sure they do in the UK at least
@johnshoepack Күн бұрын
I had a dream where u uploaded a video that was completely unscripted and it was about a Blu-ray box set that came out and secretly found episodes of Doctor Who, making all those stories found. The found episodes were "Marco Polo", "The Daleks Master Plan", "The Smugglers", "The Tenth Planet", "Power of the Daleks", "The Macra Terror", "The Abominable Snowman", and "The Web of Fear"
@JoshSnares Күн бұрын
the dream!!!
@Paccyd33 Күн бұрын
Great vid josh! I sorta hate the 3d animation of the celestial toymaker it’s putrid imo, I don’t think they should keep doing 3d until they get a larger budget
@AnomalySource 2 күн бұрын
It’s amazing the Ash Williams was so involved in Doctor Who preservation. Freaking crazy
@mgailp 2 күн бұрын
I didn't find Doctor Who until high school, after a lifetime of being a Trekkie. I was bullied for so many other things, no one considered the sci-fi worth the effort. Once I hit college things changed, as often happens, and I found a sci-fi community, with several different fandoms represented. I also was first introduced to Doctor Who with all Doctors 1-4. The local PBS station played it weekday afternoons, so had to fill in the most recent received with older stories to have enough to fill the time.
@Jamesalec63 3 күн бұрын
Why stop there it could be more important for the current fans to have a better insight in the secrets of stories sometimes forgotten or reset or not. Tales Of The Tardis is larger than the inside it is a Fantastical history with sadness and darkness and many unknown mysteries due to plot holes. I imagine even the Tardis have memories, and should have a tale to tell. Though how it could have been done surprisingly. Additionally, if it is possible a very different version from those behind the cameras 60 year's worth of pictures and lost notes and some oddities say around the 70s and 80s with possible outtakes unseen orf Forgotten? Memories Of Time and Space insight inside The Tardis. Dedications to the first second third Doctors by some who knew them best families and companions and especially William Russell because he and his co-star deserve more they were the first alongside Susan Foreman. Carol Ann Ford.
@jeffmoo9235 4 күн бұрын
I always thought the 12 included with Dave Ross looks more like Super-Hans than Peter Capaldi
@SockFullOfCatLitter 5 күн бұрын
8:36 "OK folks, hold onto your butts." The animation in the new Toymaker looked like Sony PS1 cut-scenes. They should have tried to afford the folks who did the TinTin movie, that was just the right amount of realism in CG, but not the creepy uncanny valley factor such as Polar Express.
@SockFullOfCatLitter 5 күн бұрын
Is Underwater Menace On IPlayer yet? It looks to be just a couple of B&W fill-ins. And thanks for covering this Josh.
@Gojirawars03 6 күн бұрын
What we need is for someone to go back and give Invasion of The Dinosaurs some proper, lifelike Ray Harryhausen stop motion dinosaurs.
@Ben_Kirkham 6 күн бұрын
I think any cutdown recons would be a real shame, but I am sympathetic to the issues presented. Extremely good, imaginative recons (like the recent one for The Celestial Toymaker) would be brilliant.
@user-wx8ri2ki8s 6 күн бұрын
Absulutly AMAZING! (can you do 'out of time 3: wink'?)
@user-mw1sg1eo7g 6 күн бұрын
This is absulutly FANTASTIC! I love to see more of your work! (please make 'Out Of Time 3: Wink'!!!)
@Ben_Kirkham 6 күн бұрын
This is brilliant! 😂
@Ben_Kirkham 6 күн бұрын
It’s important to try and look past the brown face. Totally unacceptable today, but done out of naivety and laziness back in the day. It helps that Bernard Kay is brilliant as Saladin and Walter Randall is brilliant as El Akir.
@justsayin2899 7 күн бұрын
What an incredible recounting of this story. This was produced so well! Thank you, Josh, for taking the time!
@jazmorrison9030 7 күн бұрын
She’s now Miss flood
@bobo577 8 күн бұрын
First Doctor: My dear fellow, what an odd sense of humour. Me. It’s funny though.
@melodysoundy7627 8 күн бұрын
Definitely gonna watch the full animation
@SomebodyThatIsUsingYouTube 9 күн бұрын
I have a request, can you compare Fury From The Deep's original version and the animated version?
@keldrean 9 күн бұрын
I want the missing First Doctor episodes, what a great start!
@keldrean 9 күн бұрын
It goes from Vicki to Dodo, and it was so tidy up until then.
@SomebodyThatIsUsingYouTube 9 күн бұрын
Man, it was so emotional in the scene where the Doctor tells Peri " ".
@TheGalacticSummit 9 күн бұрын
My grand hope is that in this RTD2-era, we'll learn The Timeless Child was just some sort of mind-trick played by The Master so he could carry out his genocide of The Time-Lords... though I hate that too... I'm not sure how to undo that bit.. Davies loves his "Last of the Timelords" thing... on balance, I think a lot of us do too.
@veganconservative1109 10 күн бұрын
I loved the animation style of the very first ones put out (mostly Hartnell's), but then something happened right after Troughton's Invasion. The quality took such a deep dive that I was no longer interested in watching even though Troughton is my favorite Doctor. I LOATHE how they drew TWO. If they had done a better job (just not making his hair look like Mr. Spock's) I would now be the happy owner of his animated stores just like I loved the heck out of the Target produced novelizations until they fell apart from reading them over and over.
@Tygosaurus 11 күн бұрын
Whoa, Josh - incredible work. How long does it take you to do these? They're always incredibly on point!
@JoshSnares 11 күн бұрын
This one was about 3-4 months!
@shawnrobinson981 12 күн бұрын
Are you doing a full version? I don't know if you are interested in suggestions...but the 7th Doctor stories Enemy of the Daleks and The Magic Mousetrap would be wonderful choices for animations...
@JoshSnares 12 күн бұрын
Nah I’m not doing a full version
@DarthAzabrush 12 күн бұрын
"I love all of the fates of Ace created during the Wilderness Years. The one RTD lumbered me with in the remake... not so much"- Sophie Aldred
@Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. 13 күн бұрын
Offline or online makes a *massive* difference to my view of fans. The offline lot are usually endearing if very eccentric, and very often possessed of some genuine talent. Anyone with the time, effort, and talent to recreate Colin Baker's outfit and have the guts to wear it in public, I tip my proverbial hat to. Online fandom however...certainly in the case of Doctor Who make me both cringe and my skin crawl. The bad faith critics who you can tell want to make a name for themselves by slating the show (they existed back in the days of the Classic series too, believe it or not!), and the bad faith praise where people go into paroxysms of glee over an objectively bad episode and respond viciously to the mildest of disagreement. Maybe it's just the internet doing what the internet does, and souring things for the rest of us.
@doubleluckydub.7782 14 күн бұрын
Make something with evelyn please
@pcguy5491-the-modern-retro-man 14 күн бұрын
For how she had a death scene in trial of a timelord mindwarp and then you see her alive in terror of the vervoids...they should have made her a timelord like Romana without the doctor knowing at first that way she could've had been with mel but with a second incarnation to be played by Australian which named Fiona Horne aswell.
@yuri7885 15 күн бұрын
Take a shot everytime you say "so, what does exist?" "How can you experience ____ today?" *AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!*
@octaviusfooks7194 15 күн бұрын
39:41 - Apparently, regarding to Cosmic-hobo, Sydney Newman exclaimed, "Hey, fellas, what are you doing with this guy?! For Chrissake, flop his hair, make him a cosmic hobo! Rough 'em up! Make 'em zany!"
@stephenreed2093 15 күн бұрын
Considering the many lengthy scenes in Season 22 of Peri and the Doctor bickering, one wonders why Eric Saward never thought to include a conversation like this.
@DeadCat-42 16 күн бұрын
Two sweaters, one tied around the waist, the other tied around her neck.
@JoshSnares 16 күн бұрын
Inventor of fashion
@davidaston5773 17 күн бұрын
Recently, I came off methadone. Coming near to 50. This scene has more meaning. It may be a relationship between characters unfamilar to a lot of people now, outside of Doctor Who fandom, but, a scene like this, can be related by anyone. There comes a time when we all have to REGENERATE as people and MOVE ON. It's a scary thing to do, at any age, but, change will come not a moment too soon.... one way or another. “We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s OK, that’s good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.” Weird the more older you get the more you see and understand things which were there for SO LONG before right in front of you? I saw that on a TV show once.... You'd like :)
@gaius68 17 күн бұрын
Great video and love the explanation from Peter Purves at the end!
@josephchambers2000 18 күн бұрын
If I was RTD…this would be my second series 1. Susan and David on The Dalek Invasion Of Earth 2. Jo and Benton on The Daemons 3. 4 and Leela on The Robots Of Death 4. 5 and Nyssa on Black Orchid 5. 6 and Mel on Terror Of The Vervoids 6. 8 and Bernice on the TV Movie
@Grayvorn 18 күн бұрын
Space Museum, my favourite Hartnell story ever!
@kurtvanderbogarde8402 18 күн бұрын
Just saw the Toymaker DVD. We DID get a vvet D0d0 after all. Hurrah.
@kurtvanderbogarde8402 18 күн бұрын
and we got the photo still of the original 1966 vetting, sadly minus any vvater to be eeen- I guess they save that for the actual take. Hopefully Fury pt1 will be redone so we get a satisfactorily Foamed Victoria.
@kurtvanderbogarde8402 18 күн бұрын
I've been listening for DECADES now about how Doctor Who Fandom is supposedly Cringe. If you ask me, it's all so much Autismophobia.
@Estes705 19 күн бұрын
Betty Cash had a British accent??????????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@incognito9292 19 күн бұрын
Resurrection of the daleks... bad effects are one thing... but are multiple scenes in the story where there are no effects at all!
@verilybitchie 19 күн бұрын
I think the "I made a jigsaw out of your history" thing in "The Giggle" was nice, I think that's a cute idea, that actually we're not trying to make all of this consistent, its just that the Doctor's timeline has been screwed up in cosmic ways, so it can all be true at once. Lovely!