The Reason ANYTHING Exists
The PERFECT Civilization?
Space Gorillas Are REAL?
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Ending The Crisis of Meaning
What Do You BELIEVE?
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@outspeaker1229 11 күн бұрын
18:36 Kants teaching of the categories in a nutshell
@outspeaker1229 11 күн бұрын
The Noumena may be a pure light or something related to light, as light being processed is what generates our reality from our consciousness. The consciousness is grounded and centered in a pure awareness that is inherently singular. So it may be possible that the physical and ideal realms are both equally grounded in a singularity of awareness and light unified in the common attribute of being. And with this philosophy goes back to Parimenides, who taught that the Truth is simply "it is" or in other words, being.
@clintmishra 13 күн бұрын
800 AD monk Shankaracharya theoretically proved existence of consciousness and God . And that's how he defeated Buddhism in India
@diamonddelver3845 14 күн бұрын
This one is hard to think about
@ryanhughes2053 14 күн бұрын
The minds eye genetates the picture from memory which was once physical
@jadenrea980 14 күн бұрын
What about blind peoples imagination
@gweilo965 14 күн бұрын
When I shut my eyes and think of a green wall.I can hear it, but I cannot see anything.My eyes are shut
@ryanhughes2053 14 күн бұрын
@@jadenrea980 what about blind people on lsd too
@jadenrea980 14 күн бұрын
@@gweilo965 if you can hear a green wall you might need to get that checked out buddy
@jadenrea980 14 күн бұрын
@@ryanhughes2053 what I'm saying is that people who can see have their picture based on memory but blind people cant see anything so what is their imagination or images in their head based off of?
@robertjsmith 14 күн бұрын
Where is the “self “ that either has or doesn’t have free will ?
@Belinor6 15 күн бұрын
I don't think I even want free will. I want my thoughts and actions to be determined, by my past, my experiences, by my mood, without this is sort of like playing a game but the game has no rules, none whatsoever, it's not a very good game. And ultimately I think you become more free when you abandon the notion of free will, because being influenced and having you actions determined are the rules of the game, this happens even if we pretend it doesn't, once you accept the rules you can actually start playing. For instance I used to get in much more arguments, but once I understood the impact that low blood sugar and cortisol have on aggression this happens a lot less, if a discussion starts to get heated I have lunch and after I solve whatever I have to solve. I had to accept that these behaviours were not mine they were external to me, once I understood the rures of the game I had more freedom to play. This is a very basic example, but it extends to every single aspect of our existence, from childhood experiences to genetic predispositions, the more rules you accept as determining you the better you can play the game. At the same time I feel even better with my choices specifically because they are not free, I understand where they come from.
@CouchDoritos 16 күн бұрын
There is no scientific evidence of a soul just as no other religion has evidence for it. Modern science is effectively a religion. It has arbitrary standards of belief necessary for something to be considered truth. These standards are set by science's clergy: academia, industry, and governments. Despite this lack of evidence, if you blindly follow your intuition/gut instinct long enough in your decision making, then you'll eventually begin noticing a series of coincidences which steadily become more and more unlikely. These synchronicities, frequent experiences of deja vu, and seemingly random thoughts are signs that you are becoming aware of the nature of your reality. Inevitably, you will come to realize that free will and fatalism both exist to a degree. Life is like a choose your own adventure game. Many things which we like to think we have free will over, we in fact do not. For instance, you and your friends are thinking of where to eat lunch and the idea to try a place your co-worker recommended pops into your head. You voice the thought for you believe it is your own, and so you and your friends go to that restaurant. You did not choose to have that thought pop up in your head, and you did not choose to believe that the thought was your own. Therefore, you never really had a choice in where you and your friends ate for lunch that day. Despite many apparent choices being illusions constructed by the ego to rationalize its subservience to the unconscious, there are points in this game of life where true free will does exist. Whenever you have a choice placed in front of you and your gut/heart/conscience is screaming at you to the point of feeling nearly ill, then that choice is a "real" choice and it will affect the course of your life whether you believe it will or not. This feeling is extremely distinct and will not be confused with common feelings like regret or guilt or anxiety. You likely felt this feeling sometime in your childhood and remember it as a random moment that you either regret or are happy for. For myself, I distinctly remember not helping an old lady who called out to me for help rolling out her garbage bins while I was walking to the bus stop during my Freshman year of high school. My gut told me that helping the old lady and risking missing my bus was the "right" choice, and I chose to ignore it. Within 30 seconds of me ignoring the old lady, another student walking to the bus stop stopped and helped the old lady instead of myself. I asked the student later what she had needed help for and he told me that she had asked if he could roll out her garbage bins each week for $50, which he of course accepted since it was extremely quick and easy money. Had I listened to my gut, I would have had a great early source of income while in high school which likely would've changed my life in ways I cannot expect.
@mar10gaming 16 күн бұрын
obviously it's the soul. The body and mind does not need the conscious observer to operate
@diamonddelver3845 16 күн бұрын
Ive thought about this one a good bit on my own. While id tend to agree that speaking purely technically, no free will is the more 'correct' answer, it exists in a state similar to Shrodinger's Cat in that it exists until definitively proven not to. This proof would also cause problens of its own. For example, were you to ve able to prove that in 30 years, a baby in fornt of you would go on to do the most heinous crime imaginable, what are you behooved to do about it? Would you learning this information change the outcome? Id be interested to hear other's thoughts on this.
@philipparr5580 17 күн бұрын
You have stunning point of view and an excellent calming delivery. I look forward to your next video.
@PoundlandPELE_007 17 күн бұрын
Wow; your thinking is so deep. That was very unexpected following your last video. Looking across all of your work, I kind of feel that this is going somewhere special, but I have no idea where that is. I can’t wait to here your next one. This must take a lot of preparation. Thank you
@svt1483 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, in reality, no there’s no error
@AreyouintoSports 18 күн бұрын
Dark Energy.
@Irish0wl 18 күн бұрын
Materialism: All phenomena is physical Logic exists Logic is immaterial Therefore not all phenomena is material
@Barefoot-Jaycee 18 күн бұрын
Considering the nature of this video and your comment, I'm assuming you're referring to "logic" in the philosophical sense (dealing with the formal principles of reasoning, involving the study of arguments, fallacies, and the structure of propositions.) If so, this argument may be committing a category error by conflating different types of existence. Physical phenomena and abstract entities like logic exist in different ways. Logic is a conceptual framework used to understand and describe physical reality, but it doesn't exist as a physical object. Logic is an emergent property of complex physical systems, just as software is an emergent property of computer hardware. The organizing behavior of the material does not exist independent of the material itself. Logic IS material, because it cannot exist any other way.
@joshuafirth5867 19 күн бұрын
Which is?
@bparr6968 9 күн бұрын
Explained in the full video, worth a watch
@ScarletOSakura 20 күн бұрын
I'm just gonna say "Why not?"
@HakeS71 23 күн бұрын
Universe is not physical, it's mental mathematical...😑
@Archeidos-Arcana 25 күн бұрын
Very illuminating! I've been thinking we need something like a 'meta-religious' framework for essentially this reason. It seems like mankind is rapidly disintegrating into many 'simulcra', and there has to be some kind of metaphysical revival, and a movement which will unify these disparate dimensions of our phenomenology/psychology. Some kind of unifying logic must emerge out of this post-enlightenment era that we seem to be entering.
@Xandros_Official 24 күн бұрын
Thank you! And yes, exactly. For some background, back when the "New Atheist" trend was in full swing, I was quite enthusiastically in favour of the rational direction I saw emerging in society. While I still believe in the absolute necessity of rationality for modern human civilization, I also now see that - though the New Atheists were very effective in showing the holes in religious dogma, they made little effort to erect anything in religion's place. Religion has survived for so long and arisen independently so many times because it near-optimally serves both an important psychological and social function. I think the optimal solution for humanity must find a new framework that achieves this, but that exists without appealing to irrational modes of thought. - Xan
@inesgehrmann8628 25 күн бұрын
How did Leibniz know that this is the best world of all possible worlds?
@almo1337 26 күн бұрын
You're never going to get Islam on board. They think that death and destruction is good.
@limeangelo6019 26 күн бұрын
@outspeaker1229 28 күн бұрын
11:36 Kant already did that with the Categories
@Xandros_Official 27 күн бұрын
I Kant believe it
@labdo_ 28 күн бұрын
Materialism doesn't explain everything then [fill in blank] exists
@Belinor6 28 күн бұрын
I think the way we should approach the problem of consciousness it to abandon the somewhat unfounded idea of and "I" separated from everything else. We don't experience feelings or sensations, we are the feelings and sensations. When you look at a green wall you are the green wall. It might seem silly to think like this but take it just one step further, add more colors, diversify them and you have a painting. When you look at a painting and it captures you attention, in that moment the painting is you, it shapes you thoughts, it takes hold of them and diverts the cognitive power to study itself, the colours the contrasts, and takes hold of your actions, makes you move to catch the light better. Is this not what it means to be you? To be the thing that shapes your thoughts and actions? And you might even become the painting permanently, a tiny bit of you at least, if the painting truly impacts you, from that moment forward your actions will be slightly different, influenced by the painting, and as such the painting will be making a little to your decisions and as such it will be a little of you. Like a bit of clay being added to a large one, it so happens that with the green wall the bit of clay is much smaller, but the difference is in scale not in nature. I the Cartesian theater we must not see ourselves as the spectator but as the screen.
@Xandros_Official 24 күн бұрын
Yeah. I'd put it like this: You don't HAVE perceptual fields, You ARE your perceptual fields.
@alexkt3400 29 күн бұрын
Hey Xandros, the red underscore and overscore lines over your thumbnail, almost made me think I had already watched your video. Just a heads up
@theobserver9131 29 күн бұрын
Another interesting project was dispersing random number generators around the earth, and monitoring them for synchronicity. They seemed to have a relationship to human events, spitting out more coincidental matches when large dramatic events were happening. I wish I could remember the name of the may be ongoing. It seems related to this subject.
@theobserver9131 29 күн бұрын
Wouldn't the double slit experiment represent an overlap of physical and consciousness?
@mbt66 18 күн бұрын
No, it's the act of measurement that causes the change rather than consciousness itself. Like trying to measure a ball floating on a pool without moving the ball.
@tommoody728 29 күн бұрын
Great video thanks. I’m in the idealist mindset however conceptualising how the highly detailed material world emerged from experience is very challenging!
@Shady-Shane 29 күн бұрын
The Caspian Sea Monster.
@michaelflores3713 Ай бұрын
I just finished my college philosophy class and still it has me in these loop holes that I enjoy being in because every idea is a start to another. Just found your yt channel but will be following along from now on 🤟🏽
@JustAnotherVatsal Ай бұрын
Just found this channel. Since my discovery of Lemmino, this is the happiest I've been upon discovering a KZbin channel. ❤❤
@Xandros_Official Ай бұрын
Thank you very much! More to come in the future :)
@CrashHeadroom Ай бұрын
...why is Superintendent telling me how to live ? :S
@bparr6968 Ай бұрын
He's back!
@rosaflorist8308 Ай бұрын
I had remembered a long ago that i have always been here and there had never been a time when i have not existed. ;)
@PoundlandPELE_007 Ай бұрын
Wow; you’ve done it again. I am going to have to lay down for a while to let that sink in, but try to both concentrate on this with eyes closed in a quiet space and remain conscious. 👍
@jimo9555 Ай бұрын
the question that would answer everything is ..."What is consciousness?"
@hgracern Ай бұрын
Oh my, your measured pace, cadence, is sooo calming. Thanks for avoiding music too.
@wulphstein Ай бұрын
@Belinor6 Ай бұрын
It's really nice to find people who share the same ideas as we do. In particular the idea of an universal ethos constructed on top of an all encompassing model of reality, is something I have been wrestling with for the past few months. The idea came to me when I was researching ethics and I stumbled into stoicism, an important part of the philosophy of the stoics is that one must live in accordance with nature, this sounds good but what the hell does "nature" means? For the ancient Greeks it certainly meant something different than it does to us. There's an infinite amount of possible interpretations of what the natural order is. And as such I sought to find my own and to try to make it as objective, encompassing and pragmatic as possible. It's a work in progress but I think that I have a pretty good foundation. Using this model I'm able of deriving structures like life, inteligence, social behaviours and possibly consciousness, form 2 basic principles of the universe. I know specially the consciousness claim might seem pretty bold, but I do have a masters in neurocognitive sciences and aim to do my PhD in the field of consciousness, I think I have a good working understanding of what consciousness might be.
@DocDewrill Ай бұрын
if i were one of the blacksmiths, id give him a sword in a seath. were he to try to draw the blade, hed notice the sword is permanently stuck in it. the perfect sword is the sword you never need to draw.
@Tsukinotaku Ай бұрын
Alright. So the self-insertion is already failing because i hate swords and would never ask anyone to make me a sword. A spear maybe.
@magnum8256 Ай бұрын
good video mate
@verbugterherrderdunkelheit6086 Ай бұрын
I would have brought an empty blueprint and said "the perfect sword is never needed to be used". I know that's just the same result as guy 1 and 2 but at least I sound smart
@HorFoxPlanet Ай бұрын
4th blacksmith: I actually designed and built a sword that shoots projectiles. I call it "Gun" and beats any of the other previous swords.
@verbugterherrderdunkelheit6086 Ай бұрын
"I know what a gun is you smug peasant, I asked for a sword"
@HmmmmAdam Ай бұрын
I have you ⚇ :)
@user-op5gr7vr7e Ай бұрын
The fourth blacksmith stabs you
@lukathissen9357 Ай бұрын
Time to make this some philosophical shit; a perfect sword is one that has no use, for war is not fitting a wise and benevolent king.
@luiiibilll00 Ай бұрын
Beautiful video I came to a similar conclusion. I think deep down we all understand this fundamentally as we can break it down. For me this kind of brings inner peace but for another this could bring forth an existential crisis. But perspective is everything! Wink wink.
@Lost_Phoenix360 Ай бұрын
Yes. Because perfekt doesn't mean indestructible or unbeatable, but just the best of its kind. And no other sword would be indestructible or unbeatable, so the perfekt sword is neither of those. It just optimizes the properties if a normal sword, to perfection.
@raselriju Ай бұрын
bro aree u from Germany
@Lost_Phoenix360 Ай бұрын
@@raselriju yea why XD
@raselriju Ай бұрын
@@Lost_Phoenix360 because of the spelling of perfect as perfekt
@Lost_Phoenix360 Ай бұрын
@@raselriju hahaa omg i didn't even realize. Yea zhe mother tongue can rilli influenz aua speech, right ;)