@KimMeigs-h7d 15 сағат бұрын
Titus Oval
@SharonCaudle-x3s 20 сағат бұрын
Orn Radial
@Angie0MGarland 2 күн бұрын
Love this!!! I will be adding these to my circle time!
@teachpre-k101 2 күн бұрын
Wonderful! Thanks so much for commenting!
@deidraeverett2127 3 күн бұрын
Hello! I am a teacher aid, and I just started listening to your podcast. I appreciate your tips. I am sharing this information with my lead teacher and hopefully we will see a difference in our classroom.
@teachpre-k101 2 күн бұрын
I started out as an aid! I love teacher aids so much...it is such a hard job and so important! I hope you are valued...your lead is so lucky to have you!
@therealsunnylife 6 күн бұрын
Million thanks
@eleniadamopoulos8103 6 күн бұрын
I teach three year olds and although I stay within the parameters of the pre written lesson plans, which come with the Creative Curriculum, I have to modify the lesson plans to meet the developmental needs of my students each year. I find that the curriculum caters more to four year olds although the Intentional lesson cards do give alternative ways to do lessons and activities according to the age group. I agree with everything you mentioned in this video. It’s impossible to have a one size fits all approach.
@teachpre-k101 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment...I think I would like to learn a little more about the Creative Curriculum...I know a little, but not enough to be knowledgeable. I am assuming that curriculum does what just about every other curriculum out there does...which is just what you say here...caters to either 3-4, or 4-5 with very little help as to how to level up or down. You can't blame them...it's hard! Those ages are incredibly different developmentally! I am wondering how teachers with mixed ages do it all!
@Eva-si1nr 7 күн бұрын
Which books would you recommend for 2 years old classroom please? I think i will do the same like you and bring my own books
@teachpre-k101 6 күн бұрын
Hey! Thanks for commenting. There are so many books out there for 2 year-olds! I would start with an amazon search for that age group and make a list. I bring books related to my theme for the week, and read some at story time and supplement my library center with some too.
@charmedlover251 7 күн бұрын
my school has just switched over to GSRP Pre-K to help with the Universal Pre-K to allow for free/greatly reduced childcare costs. We are headed to switch to Creative Curriculum per county standards and I am super nervous for this next challenge. For the last 4 years I have not had as strict of a curriculum to follow. Thank you for sharing your knowledge I am hoping that this will help adapt this curriculum to fit my group of students
@teachpre-k101 7 күн бұрын
The Creative Curriculum is a good curriculum...mostof them are, but remember that you need to fit it into your classroom with your kids and not the other way around and you will be great!
@christinenunes6051 7 күн бұрын
We don’t have a curriculum at all. It’s difficult to come up with everything on my own. But listening to this video helps me to be thankful for that
@teachpre-k101 7 күн бұрын
Yeah...you are lucky! It can make things a little more challenging, but ultimately, if you know what youare doing iti s lots better!
@amyfrancis9423 7 күн бұрын
Diane, THANK YOU so much for creating this video! I know many teachers struggle with following the curriculum. It really was so kind of you to create this video with my class in mind! You are an inspiration!😊
@teachpre-k101 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the inspiration! I felt your frustration and remembered being there myself...it is so hard! hang in there...I promise it will get easier...it will always be hard, just not as hard
@sunroom5536 8 күн бұрын
I really appreciated hearing this. I just started at a new school and we're using Creative Curriculum, which I've never used before. There's lots of great things and then there's so many book ideas and activities that don't connect at all with what we're actually teaching the kids. So I've just been switching it up and adding in my own books, resources, and materials. I still plan to bring in a lot from my old life (Montessori) and fill in as necessary. I keep saying that this curriculum is written for kids coming from homes where things are regulated, where parents speak and read to them, where they have had so many prior experiences and conversations. I have kids who are coming in after doing this curriculum last year and they're still not able to answer the questions. It's incredibly frustrating, but this is where we are. I'm determined to develop an environment where they can learn, be engaged, and become independent learners. I know it's going to take a lot of work on my end and I'm just trying to give myself some grace. We've been in school for 3 weeks, so I can't expect them to be the kids they'll be in 3 months.
@canissagrant4680 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I was going crazy with trying to follow the curriculum that was not working for students. Especially, the books were not great for read aloud. Teachers should be able to choose and write their own curriculum when necessary.
@teachpre-k101 8 күн бұрын
I agree! Thanks for the comment!
@amyfrancis9423 9 күн бұрын
So I just finished the first two full weeks and I have only completed one bulletin board that is in the hall. This week we talked about feelings and class rules briefly. We have a "Question of the Day" that often feels too abstract such as "Have you ever felt scared?" or "What makes you happy?" I need to print visuals because I get staring faces. Then choice time, I was supposed to introduce 3 centers as listed. How do I not allow a class to play in certain areas until week 2? Centers are long and twice a day! Also, how do I teach procedures to an entire class and get them to practice without it being boring? I bought the chick/procedure activities but never introduced it other than we have a chick! With the one child that needs constant attention, I get distracted and am trying to make all the other kids happy and engaged while staying safe. The kids attention span is very short and they wander around the room. Thanks!
@teachpre-k101 9 күн бұрын
Hi! First off...who cares about bulletin boards? get your routine down first. For free choice centers, why are you only introducing 3? What curriculum are you following? I have a lot of freedom at my school, I have tried following a published curriculum, but those are written by PHD's who haven't been in a real classroom that they have to run by themselves with one aide...if you are lucky. They set these curriculum's up at university lab schools with almost unlimited materials and LOTS of teachers and students running the classroom. I figured out really fast that I had to deal with reality and start adding my own stuff to the bones of the curriculum and toss out the things that were not working. This is how my little company began...I created what I needed and passed it on. My feelings on questions of the day are as follows...yes/no questions only with a visual yes and a visual no that make sense to the kids. or 2 options such as Pizza or Popcorn using a visual for the kids to place their name under and create your graph. Think simple...then make it even simpler than you are thinking. As far as practicing procedures...you practice them every day as you do them. If lining up is a nightmare...think of a reason to line up to add extra time to practice. Just review the high points every time you line up, every time you go to the rug, clean up, go to free choice centers, etc...that's where the practice comes in. Little by little you will be able to use less prompts and just say things like "When I call your name you can use your quiet walking fee to go to the line". I have some kids that need nearly constant attention too...sometimes you just need to be there redirecting them while you are doing what needs to be done at the time...it is a juggling act, and it is not easy! I use Little Chick here and there. If we had a problem at he sensory bin...I would bring out little chick and say, "our friend Little chick noticed a mess at the sensory bin yesterday. Let's read about what happened to little Chick at the sensory bin and how he learned the right way to play". Then I'd read just that one little part and we would talk about how we will be better at the sensory bin like Little Chick today. Don't be afraid to close a center when kids are being chaotic. It's ok. 2 weeks ago I took all the rainbow rice out of the sensory bin because one little girl was literally dumping handfuls on the floor. I told the kids why I took it out...I just said that they showed me they were not ready to have the rice in there. I didn't put the rice back in the rest of the week...they were great last week with the sand. I can't imagine not opening all of my free centers...especially if you have centers twice a day. It makes no sense. You have to have enough places open for play so that centers don't become overcrowded chaotic play areas...but what do I know I don't have a PHD...LOL! Give yourself grace. Take a breath and concentrate on one thing to work on this week. Get where you feel good about that one thing, then...keep doing what you're there and find another thing to work on. Rome was not built in a day. I have lots of days where I feel like I was run over by a truck...thats teaching early childhood. It's HARD! People think we just play with kids all day...nope! We have the hardest job in education outside of special ed. I hope I was helpful. Please email me at [email protected] if you want to continue the conversation or if you need more help.
@phoolkumariepersaud607 11 күн бұрын
I wish all the teacher take your approach.
@teachpre-k101 9 күн бұрын
Honestly, it's the only way to get the kids to feel safe and secure at school with their teachers. We have crying the first week...then rarely ever after that.
@patriciabutler7893 12 күн бұрын
How do I purchase the journal pages for preschool journals from you?
@teachpre-k101 9 күн бұрын
Good Morning! Sorry this took so long...it's been a crazy week at my house! you can find my journal bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers. just copy the link below and paste it into your browser...it'll take you right to it! Thanks for your interest! www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Preschool-Writing-Journal-Prompts-Preschool-PreK-Writing-BUNDLE-3848745?st=d6e36ffe6e11fa7f0c922472ed8abf6f
@macandfire5477 13 күн бұрын
Omg I am a teacher for two year olds and they don’t listen at all. They barely sit still to do an activity. Never sit for circle time. Don’t clean up. Barely wash their hands. Push, hit etc. It’s so hard. I feel like I don’t know how to be firm and haven’t even established set boundaries/rules. I try to but they don’t listen. Glad to have found your channel because I care about my job and love the kids so much but they make it so difficult 😂😅
@teachpre-k101 13 күн бұрын
getting 2 year olds to do anything is so difficult! Lower your. expectations for sure...and just let them play. My teacher bestie teaches 2's and she is so good at it, but they don't listen, they roll around during circle time, they don't clean up...they are SO 2! I love your attitude about hem though...it will get a little better after winter break...but I hate to say it...no much! LOL!
@saracarty494 15 күн бұрын
Hello! I’m a first year teacher and I’m really enjoying your videos! How would you recommend handling a student that will not sit to do his work and is extremely disruptive? I feel like I’ve tried everything 😅
@teachpre-k101 15 күн бұрын
Hi...I know kids like that...it's never easy. First, sitting and doing work might be the problem. I have a child right now in my class who doesn't ever want to come to teacher-led centers, which sometimes involves sitting an doing an art project, or playing a game. His problem is that he doesn't want to leave the free play centers because he is having so much fun. He's 4 going on 5, so if the child you are speaking of is younger...you may need to modify this approach. That said, I don't always make him go to all the teacher-led centers, if there are 2, I have him go to the one I feel would benefit him the most, or that he would like the most. I will also let him bring an item he is playing with at the free choice center with him to the teacher-led center. I have also let him miss a center that I know he would love and suffer the consequences of that choice-we made Stop signs this week and he was doing everything he could not to go...when he saw all the kids playing with their stop signs, he was really sad...now I have an example to bring up when this happens again. I know it sucks for him, and I hate to see him sad, but life is full of natural consequences. Also, I don't like seat work for kids 3-5 at all. I rarely do 'seat work unless it is in the form of sitting and sorting, building, playing an interactive game...etc. Sitting and tracing letters for example can be very tedious...you need to find ways to make it fun. I also don't require sitting. I know that sometimes I am much more engaged and productive if I can stand up and work if I want...that is absolutely acceptable. My classroom is noisy! The only time we are quiet is during circle time-and that is only here and there, I have the kids up and moving, responding out loud, and I find as many ways as I can to make them not just have to listen to me...even though attending is really important too...It is hard for them...very hard for some. In your first year you have high expectations of yourself and the kids. You want to be the best teacher and classroom manager in the world...but remember, you are new to this too...grace must be given to the kids...and yourself. Step back from your teacher role and begin to see your classroom and everything you do from the eyes and maturity of a 3-5 year-old. Thats where it all begins. You have to meet their world...they can't meet yours because they don't have the tools. Your job is to see things from this child's perspective...what is important to him/her? are they new to playing with other kids? Are they young or old for this group? How do they learn best? How can you incorporate different ways to learn in your routines? It's a tough job, and what you try won't always work. Keep trying, keep talking to veteran teachers like me...it will never be perfect. Each year will give you new challenges...but it sounds like you care a lot and will seek out all the information and help. you need to become even more amazing at your job than you already are...I don't know if any of this will help you, but keep trying different things. Respect the child while earning their respect too. Get to know tis child better and you will figure out what makes them tick. Find ways to get kids out of their seats and doing work in new and creative ways...you got this!
@saracarty494 15 күн бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 Thank you!! It never even crossed my mind to not have him sitting at a table! I need to change things up and do some thinking out of the box asap! Thank you!
@BushHarte-b6n 16 күн бұрын
Dare Centers
@teachpre-k101 16 күн бұрын
what are those?
@xtinamariegraffiti7184 17 күн бұрын
I work with TK and Kinder, and I call this generation the Honey Badgers. They "just want to" do whatever they want and do not care what the group is doing or what you want them to do.
@xtinamariegraffiti7184 17 күн бұрын
and I have 40 of them....
@teachpre-k101 16 күн бұрын
NO! 40...not all at once I pray! "Honey badgers" is the perfect name! LOL!
@amyfrancis9423 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video! The child's father came to conferences yesterday. My director sat in on the meeting. She emphasized that the child's behavior is concerning: no eye contact, his level of energy in the classroom. Based on experience, other students his age (almost 4) have more developed speech. The father listened but kept saying his son needs to adapt to new voices and tones. It's only the first week and that he has no problems at home. We left it as the dad having a conversation with the mom about seeing the pediatrician for speech. I do not think they will go to a pediatrician for this. I had at least 5-6 other parents complaining about their child being pushed by him. A few of the kids do not want to come to school. Do you think if this goes on for another week, if parents get involved they might put pressure on the boy's parents to seek help? I know this is a process but I don't see how I can teach without a daily 1:1. The floaters that come in or my assistant try as hard as they can to keep him away from the others but it is exhausting.
@teachpre-k101 16 күн бұрын
I know exactly how you feel. Great job having a meeting and including your director though...that's the first step. I would suggest that there be a notebook in a location that your aide and the floaters know where it is. Start documenting the behaviors. When you feel it's time, schedule another meeting. Talk to your director before the meeting, share all the notes you and the aides have been taking. Sometimes you need to suggest an evaluation of more than just speech before the child can return to the classroom. Parents are really reistant to anything being wrong with their child, or their child neecding some extra help. If there is a behavior specialist in your area that can observe this child in class and observe what is going on with the other children ...that is helpful too. Sometimes if you have a behavior specialist join in on the meeting and talk directly to the parents, it will diffuse the situation a bit so the parents don't get into blaming mode and blame you or the school. I will tell you the hard truth, the parents might just pull the child from the school and find another school...the same thing will happen and they will try another school. DEnial is really difficult to combat. The fact that they say this isn't happening at. home can only mean 2 things...they are not being honest with you or themselves, or they let the child do whatever he/she wants so there is no conflict..thus perpetuating the problem. Good luck!
@amyfrancis9423 16 күн бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 thank you!
@Tig02ger04 17 күн бұрын
Taught PreK since 2009. 23/24 was a crazy year for me also with unbelievable behavior issues. Thanks for all of your comments. It’s helping me not to feel like I was a failure.
@teachpre-k101 16 күн бұрын
I'm glad...but it is so hard! We think we should be able to handle everything, and if we were just a little more loving, firm, on top of it, PERFECT....it would be so easy. I learned something big that year...sometimes it's not me...it's them. And there is very little I can actually do.
@UnderAttack-x1s 21 күн бұрын
During the Covid year, it was a meat grinder for me. Just about ruined my career - I am still trying to get back into Education.
@teachpre-k101 21 күн бұрын
Yeah...I hear you! I feel like I"m finally back to myself this year. It took 3 years of really difficult kids, and trying to find my footing, my passion, and my love for teaching again. I started to feel it again last year, but this year it is finally back. funny thing, I have a little girl in my class this year whose mom is teaching my really difficult class I'm talking about in that video...she cries everyday after work and sometimes during. I've had to go up and give her encouragement and let her vent...and we are only a month in...they are STILL impossible! And she was the behavior specialist that had no idea how to help me! COVID did a lot of damage to our collective psyche.
@97cyclone 22 күн бұрын
Oh my your timing on this video was absolutely perfect!! I’m dealing with a similar issue. Thank you for sharing and confirming that we don’t need to go it alone and it’s ok to ask for help. When I started teaching in the 90’s it was assumed you were a failure if you had to ask for help. So glad times have changed.
@teachpre-k101 22 күн бұрын
Staci...I think we have lived the same experience...I always felt like an island! Some kids are just too difficult to handle on your own...especially when they are difficult at such a young age. I don't hink people realize what is hoisted upon preschool and Pre-K teachers...it's a lot! We aren't just "playing with kids" all day! Good luck...keep me posted on how things are going!
@amyfrancis9423 22 күн бұрын
Diane, I think you have amazing patience and follow-through! I hope this child makes a lot of progress and I can see he will. You are also fortunate to have an additional aide. I am only two days in with students last week. The majority of my class was well-behaved and I know there is that "honeymoon" period so I may be seeing typical 3 & 4 year old behaviors. However, I have a 3 year old (turning 4 end of October) who came in last Thursday throwing toys all day off shelves. The hardest part was he would push the other children and grab toys from them. I have a new assistant this year and I asked her to stay with him all day. The second he is unsupervised is when he would tear apart the room or grab/push a student. I am not special ed. certified or a doctor but with his lack of language skills (he seems to only speak english) and behavior, I am convinced he is on the spectrum. Have you had any students like this? Thank you.
@teachpre-k101 22 күн бұрын
Yes I have...it sounds all too familiar. I'm not certified special ed, or an autism specialist or anything either, but we know what we know and when we see atypical behavior...we KNOW it! I've had kids who are mostly nonverbal...They are frustrated that they can't communicate or socialize, or that no one is understanding what they want or need...they communicate this through some behaviors that are aggressive in nature. I know from experience that this is how they are dealing with their frustrations, but ...whoa! It is so hard! You absoulutely have to get the admin and parents on board. You have to have a meeting and discuss what you are seeing, you have to have your admin or director come and observe. The first step would be a speech screening, then the speech therapist can recommend other avenues to explore without you having to bring up "Spectrum-like" behavior...that freaks parents out and has the potential to make things worse for everyone. I always use the words "I'm seeing some behavior that is no typical", Or "i'm seeing aggressive behavior in cases where it is not defensive" or "i'm seeing this...(whatever behavior is most troubling) in the classroom, how do you handle that at home?" We all KNOW that we see behaviors at school that are usually not as bad as they are at home, but have the potential to get as bad as at home the more comfortable the child is in the classroom. Any parent who will tell you they never see that kind of behavior is either in denial or flat out lying. We have had to ask 2 children in my 16b years to leave the program because we just did not have the manpower to handle their issues. Have some community resorces to suggest. We have a child center here in my city for kids with behavior issues. They recieve a lot of different therapies and they have a huge staff so kids can get more 1 on 1 attention and supervision. It's a tough choice to ask a family to leave your school, but sometimes it has to be done. YOur situation sounds really rough. I wish you the best. Keep me posted!
@amyfrancis9423 22 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the great advice! The parent came early the first day and somehow ended up coming in my room for awhile. I could barely read a book to the class. The child was acting out and even pushing his mother. She did really nothing until finally she nearly dragged him out. My classroom is now changed to the main level and it is literally next door to the office. I may have to wait 30-40 days before I can request any kind of evaluation. I hope not because I don't think my assistant can handle him solely by herself all day. Again thank you very much and I will keep you posted. Wishing you a fantastic school year!
@clemontbrown6475 22 күн бұрын
Boy do I have behavioral problems this year😩 10 boys and 3 girls and 8 out of 10 give me problems 😢🙏🏽 Thanks for the tips though
@teachpre-k101 22 күн бұрын
I had that 2 years ago...just remember...It's not you...it's them! Seriously though, I know how hard that is. Don't beat yourself up! You are a good teacher, you are good at classroom management...some things are just too hard to manage.
@SharonBrown-n8j 27 күн бұрын
Vladimir River
@teachpre-k101 27 күн бұрын
i'm not sure what you mean...
@CarlaDecker-v3t 29 күн бұрын
Where do I find teachers pay teachers?
@teachpre-k101 29 күн бұрын
www.teacherspayteachers.com. That'll get you there! Get ready for more teaching resources than you could ever imagine!
@amyfrancis9423 Ай бұрын
Diane, I am so glad you were not hurt in that car accident! Thank you for this video and I hope you feel better soon. Prayers for only good things to come and you have a better school year soon!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Thank you! I’m ok and on the mend
@ngocnguyen3206 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your helpful and detailed video.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@elizabethst.andrews3717 Ай бұрын
First year teacher here and will be in Pre-K. Your videos have been a blessing helping me feel more prepared/confident to start the year
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
I'm so glad! You got this! Go slow, give yourself lots of space and grace. Best of luck!
@ludyhernandez7409 Ай бұрын
Please tell me where I can find the attention getters windchimes.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
They are from Bella luna toys. They are super inexpensive too! This link shulod get you there, if not you may have to go to their web store. www.bellalunatoys.com/products/music-wands-tree-blocks?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=17870025074&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrKu2BhDkARIsAD7GBov59wYqAl_JRkmRY3PGZ-_ST7mMIKS0IvI0Hi504IbrcM1XUt8FlMEaAiWxEALw_wcB
@faithedeko239 Ай бұрын
You've earned a new subscriber. I've decided to do a career change into early childhood education, and your videos have been so inspiring!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I love teaching preschool so much and I am so happy to share what I know and how I do things with other teachers!
@remyaquino8738 Ай бұрын
Super duper helpful! I would love to be considered subscribing your lesson plans.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I am always happy to help! I'll send you the link to the lesson plan subscription. . I'm working on next month's right now! preschoolplanned.com/sales-page-with-opt-in-5702-6336-8534-2651
@meganstickland9757 Ай бұрын
Would you read one of these a day? Or multiple in a day?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
What I like to do is read the first one “Little Chick Goes to School to introduce Little Chick. Then I read the others as needed. Like maybe before we use markers for the first time…I’d use that one in small group. The free choice center books I’ve read before we introduce the center in small group, or if there’s been a rough day at a center as a review.
@amyfrancis9423 Ай бұрын
So I revisited this podcast and I have a few questions. It is mentioned that you change your block center daily. What does that look like exactly? I have always been required to basically put all my center toys out. So in my block center are two types of wooden blocks, trains, foam blocks, cardboard blocks along with toy tools, people, animals, etc. I would love to just have one type of toy out per day but may not be allowed to do that. Also, my school does centers twice a day with the same class. Wouldn't the kids get bored with access to only one or two toys? The only closet I have is a shared closet in the hallway. You also say you set up toys for kids to play with on 3 tables. So, I have only two long tables (one we use to serve breakfast). I only have two other smaller tables (Discovery and Dramatic play). I think we will have another small table in the library (for writing). My room is an awkward shape and in a basement. Thank you for any ideas!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Hi...I am happy to answer your questions. I only change my block center each day during the first week of school to introduce the kids to a variety of building toys and how to use them. After that, I change it weekly. I will duplicate building materials several times during the year but will add different animals, action figures, etc. for mini centers that I do on the 3 tables at arrival, you might have to use your rug, or other areas in your room. it doesn't have to be a table. That just makes sense for my tiny room. My classroom is in a basement as well...so I totally understand the life of the basement dweller. not ideal, but workable.
@amyfrancis9423 Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 Thank you for responding Diane! Have a great school year!
@amyfrancis9423 Ай бұрын
This video was really helpful to me in thinking about ways to make an activity "more fun." Thank you!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
thank you
@amyfrancis9423 Ай бұрын
I can access the link to purchase your "Little Chick" activities but where do you buy the chick?!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
There is a link in the resource. I'll see if I can find it for you.... amzn.to/3T0DmZC
@LeotheMiniDachshund Ай бұрын
Hello, Do you know when in August will you be launching the lesson plans? I’ve been waiting patiently 😊. I signed up for the freebie, still waiting for the subscription. Thank you ❤
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
It is launched! I'll send the link...there has been some issues with the automation...so if you purchase and you don't get an email with a link right away email me and I'll send it to you immediately after school today! preschoolplanned.com/sales-page-with-opt-in-5702-6336-8534-2651
@LeotheMiniDachshund Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 thank you so much for the reply. Just to confirm, if I purchase the yearly subscription in august, I’ll get to keep all the lesson plans indefinitely? Thank you so much in advance 💕
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Yes! That is right.
@marialindskog4492 Ай бұрын
You are Amazing Thank You!!!!!!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
you are so welcome! I hope you love them! I've been deepinto Little Chick for two weeks now!
@debraholmes3299 Ай бұрын
Hello, great video. I couldn't get the link to work.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Hmmmm....I'll put it here and try to fix it. Thank you for letting me know www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/First-Week-of-Preschool-PreK-How-to-Use-school-Supplies-Procedures-10043910?st=0296944d04bac404f6e03d83ff1bb31a
@debraholmes3299 Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 thank you! Got it.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
@@debraholmes3299 no…thank YOU! Enjoy!
@jengiolando4159 Ай бұрын
That was funny😂
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Thought you might enjoy that! How are you?
@jengiolando4159 Ай бұрын
@jengiolando4159 Ай бұрын
How are u after that accident???? Ouch!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
I’m ok…car…totaled! I’m lucky. It could have been so much worse
@SandraPayne-s9z Ай бұрын
Do you share the Little Chick center books?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Not for Free, but Here's the link to the whole set in my TPT store www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/First-Week-of-Preschool-PreK-How-to-Use-school-Supplies-Procedures-10043910
@jeanettephillips4407 Ай бұрын
Great job, I would love the flip book templets. thank you
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Email me at [email protected] and I’ll get them to you after school
@jeanettephillips4407 Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 sorry, I forget to ask how you are doing? 🙏🏿🙏🏿
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
@@jeanettephillips4407 I’m fine! Hey…could you email me at [email protected] and I can get those templates to you! Thanks for checking in!
@KimAmstutz-tp7fh Ай бұрын
Will the calendar numbers fit in a pocket chart calendar?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
@sierravandestreek Ай бұрын
Hi there, I was wondering if you had a template you used for the necklace print out and center signs?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
for the center tags...you need to email me directly at [email protected] and I will send you a downloadable file
@sierravandestreek Ай бұрын
Hi there, I was wondering if you had a template you used for the necklace print out and center signs?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
You can find the center signs as a free download in my Teachers Pay Teachers store I'll leave the link below www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/FREE-Center-Signs-for-Preschool-Pre-K-7035264
@sierravandestreek Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101Thank you!!!
@lauryshattock7570 Ай бұрын
I hope you are ok from your accident❤️. We cannot have our cleaning wipes or adult scissors down low where the kids can get them. Everything has to be up high per licensing. Do you have to follow that? Love your classroom-can’t wait to see your self portraits up on the wall!!!
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
We are a private school and have some different licensing guidelines. in 16 years I have never had a child go for the wipes...not ever. But I do keep an eye on things and they know there are ares they cannot go. We use baby wipes when they help clean tables and placemats, then we go over everything with safe sanitizing sprays and use hot soapy water on the placemats with a good rinse. I am so excited to see the end result of the self portrait project too...it is my favorite of the year! My 3-4's are so young this year...I'm sure it will be the wonkiest looking bulletin board yet! I LOVE wonky drawings! They make me so happy...the wonkier the better!
@lauryshattock7570 Ай бұрын
@@teachpre-k101 I figured you might have different rules!! I wish we can keep our sanitizing wipes under the sink-it is a pain to have to store them in our closet. Some cleaners we cannot have at all in our classrooms which is a bummer! For many years we could not use shaving cream bc of the toxins. The just changed that last year and we are able to use it again-funny huh?
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
@@lauryshattock7570 I guess the toxins magically disappeared? LOL!
@moniqueralston2226 Ай бұрын
Hello, I'm glad you are feeling better. Can you please explain the watercolor name in details. I would love to do this next week.
@janetmccormick6445 Ай бұрын
I'm an author for preschoolers after 5 years as a preschool director. This is very helpful.😅
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Thank you! That is high praise for sure! I am glad you found it helpful. I really want to help teachers make their circle time fun and effective. It can be a really challenging part of the day.
@lorindavanmaanen6961 Ай бұрын
Your videos are everything i am needing right now! Is there an option to pay for completed calendars...like the one you open with in this video? Id love to use this as a guide as a new preschool teacher transitioning from a substantial middle school teaching career.
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Oh my gosh yes! That exact calendar is FREE in my TPT store! I will leave the link below. Thanks for commenting! www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/FREE-PreschoolPre-K-12-Month-Planning-Calendar-August-July-3958372?F11%2F2024&
@DemouDrame-pe8hb Ай бұрын
can i be a prek teacher with the associate degree in early childhood education
@teachpre-k101 Ай бұрын
Hi...I'm pretty sure you can in most states, but that is something you would have to look up and check Soemtimes you can just get a CDA by taking an online course too. Look into your options!