@vivekgeorge3210 5 күн бұрын
Pretty nice comprehensive review! Game seems pretty nice light hearted fun definitely check out!
@oisinq 14 күн бұрын
ok but when are you entering your fortnite gameplay commentary era?
@olivergobrrr2935 15 күн бұрын
Ello ello! This was a pretty fun video to watch. I personally agree with some of the points for criticism of the video. Trying to pivot your deck towards more niche builds or perhaps builds that require specific cards such as a bust build just feels way to difficult to do especially when concise deck manipulation is very rare, excluding fights. It just incentivizes going with what you've got at the start with no opportunity to pivot. I don't think the difficulty for certain builds is intentional, and shouldn't be intentional (excluding maybe like, Signature Decks having a downside to balance their strength early game). Making certain (non-infinite) builds intentionally hard to do just discourages using them, which is just...purely bad for balance and enjoyment purposes.
@danieltinoco09 15 күн бұрын
Great video man, keep it up, now I just wanna go and play this.
@xxxpeachxxx9823 20 күн бұрын
very honest review, thank you. makes me addicted because of the ‘fishing for souls’ aspect of the game, but the game itself is not very rewarding. one grimoire is 10,000 gold coins, but the reward for buying is 1,000 gold coins, wth even is that?!?! might as well put all my hard earned money into bitcoin at rate so I can get $10 xin return😒 I’ll keep playing cause I love indie games, but the execution of this game is a hard no for me
@Warpded 23 күн бұрын
Honestly, I love this game. For a first shot, it's not bad. I took the time to acquire every upgrade and maxing all my favorite Legendary Sigils
@Xenronnify 24 күн бұрын
I watched Jacksepticeye play through this, and that made me want to go through myself because I couldn't stop chuckling at all the smarmy brit humor. that poor chap with the fireplace made me both laugh and cry so very much.
@PhantomMelody1876 Ай бұрын
i love this game
@jumpyspiderlady8454 Ай бұрын
I’m an American and I’ve never been overseas. I adore Thank Goodness You’re Here. I feel the same as you said. It’s somehow nostalgic despite being unlike anything else. I know a lot of the humor must have gone over my head, but I enjoyed every second and have played through a couple times.
@rizkyathallahputra396 Ай бұрын
Is the game actually online or offline? Does the game really require internet connection every time we open the game? (I thought that we need to login every time we open the game.)
@sektormk6484 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video, im glad youtube recommend it to me
@Yorick257 Ай бұрын
That was a great review!
@felixbarbarino Ай бұрын
8:16 I think these were the most beautiful lines I've heard about the soundtrack so far. You described exactly what I wanted to express with the music. Thank you very much! Also about the whole review in total ❤
@RadicallyMisinformed Ай бұрын
@@felixbarbarino that’s very kind of you to say! It was a joy to play and listen to
@fuckgoogle4538 Ай бұрын
I can see the DEI in the videos
@queeramalgams Ай бұрын
Really well said mate, seems like a well crafted experience.
@ivorywizard Ай бұрын
i LOVED isat.
@user-ow1bc4sx2r Ай бұрын
Have ever heard of this game lol
@samantha_t99 Ай бұрын
It just looked like a generic fantasy game, nothing about it seemed interesting. There's only so many times you can save the world before it gets boring.
@AlaiasAlias Ай бұрын
This. Same stupid trope, same boring aesthetic, no innovation(magic finger gun is still gun, but boring) 3A games really really are dying
@weswyleven9540 Ай бұрын
Eh, I took one look at who published it, the cast of characters, and what the devs were saying and knew right off the bat it was gonna fail. fine video tho.
@mattappl3119 Ай бұрын
Dude how can this game be the one that "kills" the studio, when it's their first ever game? Personally I greatly enjoyed it, once you got over some of the MCU style dialogue, it was a pretty well developed world with great supporting characters and a villain while simple, did an excellent job in bringing out the worst in everything around him. Plus the combat was actually pretty fun with decent RPG systems.
@AllzaoMaximus 2 ай бұрын
DG wasn't without flaws, and it's unfinished state at launch and after it really left a sour taste on many. Add that to the fact that the first half of the game is a slog and Deacon isn't always the best and the hoard stuff doesn't play a part on the game much after, it's understentable why it flopped. I LOVE this game and think it's awesome. But I played much later, when it was all patched and after knowing what I was getting myself into.
@BMWe-oz9wk 2 ай бұрын
The ending of days gone was good and left so much more to be used in a sequel. Sad to think it'll never be.
@StillSpintheWalkingMan 2 ай бұрын
Wow man, there's a lot to unpack here.. I think that many of "Days Gone"'s flaws lie in its inherently non-linear story and the subsequent tonal whiplash a player can feel, dependent upon the order in which they do or don't do certain missions. This factor, in addition to it's slow-burn style of storytelling certainly led to more than a few moments during my playthrough in which I found the illusion of (story) immersion dispersed. One moment could be spent hunting your dead wife's trail for answers, and the next is spent with an upstart young teenager with PTSD and trust issues. The time spent between such missions as drip-fed through a seemingly (It's a long game, and I haven't the time to explore the intricacies of story triggers) arbitrary set of circumstances can leave a player who is invested in a certain storyline bereft of fulfillment because the next time they'll pick up that particular narrative thread may be 4 hours and 11 different "story" missions later. But to mention ludonarrative dissonance in the context of the Nero missions "humanizing" the freakers is just baffling. Those missions are meant to give context and history and a "cold" scientific evaluation of the freaker infestation and how it's an evolving process. They're world-building. Well crafted, and well thought out world building. Also, I don't see how you could say this game could have been more ambitious or more risk-taking. It is singularly unique. It's more of a narrative driven-immersive sim/rpg lite than anything before or since. The human connections, the emotional through-lines, the themes, the world, the gameplay systems and everything between craft this excellently realized real-world take on a recent zombie apocalypse. I've put in 130 hours and still haven't seen the 100% mark because I enjoy being immersed in the world so much. I played it on a PS4 Pro and noticed extremely few bugs, crashes, or glitches in my time spent in game. Maybe* once or twice did I have to restart a mission due to a companion not behaving correctly, but I struggle to think of a specific example. Also, saying that Deacon's ideological framework of "Man is the real Monster" and the story's gist of how Man help each other even to the detriment of themselves (paraphrasing) are antithetical to each other is a bit reductive given your following evaluation. I think you miss the character development that Deacon goes through. It's all about survival; helping camps, but staying impersonal to them is a means to an end for Deacon and, by extension, Boozer. But, through helping these people, Deacon comes to value, in his own begrudging way, their way of life, even if he disagrees with them. It's like the resuscitation of Humanity, not just in Deacon, but in those he interacts with. I think this is showcased in the final act by who joins/doesn't join the final attack, based upon camp completion. Deacon's selfishness gives way to selflessness through player action. That is powerful, player-driven, OPTIONAL, development of both character and story. Masterful. Your statements about Deacon being "actively criticized in the context of the narrative" (regarding his growth/change) and "political affronts aren't just textures, but excuses for Deacon to disconnect much like he did pre-outbreak" makes no darned sense. What political affronts? The criticisms of villainous characters to discourage him from growing past his old self? The only person that this *might* be applied to is Boozer, but he undergoes his own transformation through the course of the story. A transformation that aligns him with the strength of others through weakness and reliance, but ultimately empowers him to see his inherent value. While not exactly parallel with Deacon's growth, and at sometimes perpendicular, they arrive at the same conclusion. In fact, the characters that matter most are people like Iron Mike, like Rikki or Addi that encourage Deacon to give back and give more despite his own goals. The whole game is about a personal journey to reclaim what was lost in the Days Gone since Deacon lost Sarah.
@RadicallyMisinformed 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply! Agreed on the first point. As for the humanising, I was cautious of overly spoiling experiences people can have themselves but I'm actually talking about a few major points along that investigative line. First: Freaks hold on to sentimental ornaments like jewelry and this is intended to give you a much more human look at what is essentially the animal in front of you. Second: I show this in the video but Deacon is directly critical of the cold, analytical nature of the way NERO study freaks and thinks the way they torture them is morally wrong. Given how this leads into the main ending, there's this disconnect where Deacon is genuinely quite sympathetic to Freakers but the story doesn't explore it more and this feels a little unsatisfying at points, especially considering the ending. The same happens when (spoilers) Sarah gets you to capture a freak little girl to try and cure them. Not too sure what's so baffling about this, given I say most of that in the video itself. Deacon's words and actions clash sometimes and are not fully explored as a result. The game chooses to engage in those topics but I don't believe it commits enough to get at much deeper analysis. For what it's worth, I think it's a game that could justify that analysis and sets itself up decently for it. The political affronts I'm talking about are the politics of each camp. As a "cynical drifter", he has spent much of his life both critical of politics and alienated by it. There's a parallel here I try to enunciate. As for it being less unique, I say why I think this throughout the video. It takes from popular games at the time and, to me, some of the world exploration feels a little stale as a result. I think the same about some of the game's story beats, particularly the ending. I think part of his relationship with Sarah is unsatisfying too as a result. "It's all about survival; helping camps, but staying impersonal to them is a means to an end for Deacon and, by extension, Boozer. But, through helping these people, Deacon comes to value, in his own begrudging way, their way of life, even if he disagrees with them" I make pretty much this argument at points throughout the video just in different words. His relative apathy initially makes way for him to grow into the person he is at the end. I make the argument that he grows past this indifference thanks to the likes of Iron Mike, and the game pays reverence to him as a result. When I say the story is antithetical to the 'humans are the real monsters' storytelling, I'm not saying that humans and monsters can't be evil/good at the same time, or a mix of both. I'm talking directly about the line of reasoning that comes with "humans are the real monsters" in a cultural sense. When people use that phrase, that is fundamentally what they mean, and what they're critical of. People find it hacky, cliche, and unnuanced. As for your take on the way the world explains itself and the immersive sim elements, I think I just disagree with parts of this. I find parts of its exploration unsatisfying and feel many of its collectables are too caught up in being busywork to really commit to a more thorough analysis. I think there's worldbuilding I would like much more out of far less runtime. I like a slow burn but I don't think the pacing here pays off that burn. "The whole game is about a personal journey to reclaim what was lost in the Days Gone since Deacon lost Sarah". I sort of make this argument around grief at the very start of the video so not sure why you think I wouldn't agree. I just think these other elements are part of that growth
@RadicallyMisinformed 2 ай бұрын
Reply cut off here! Either way, even if we disagree, I appreciate you sharing your perspective. Always love to see the way people look at these games. It’s part of the reason I even started the channel!
@_BicKoin_ 2 ай бұрын
I loved Days Gone. Felt like it actually did a good job from the mechanics to the play to the story itself. For sure left me wanting more.
@texasfuneral4787 2 ай бұрын
It was great but I could not stand hearing "uh" every sentence the mc said. As someone that grew up in a small town of 318 pop. my English teacher was very strict about us speaking proper without saying "uh" or "um."
@CyberpunkF 2 ай бұрын
In my opinion the worst thing about this game is kind of no outfits or secret weapons. Like a Ripper outfit would have been sick as hell.
@sleepymushroom9403 2 ай бұрын
Cool video
@EwolYT 2 ай бұрын
Soldiers eyes playing on the way to town during the drive was such an amazing choice for the soundtrack.
@Renin_Viper 2 ай бұрын
@amoney11 2 ай бұрын
I don’t know but the ending was kind of unsatisfying, of course finishing the game you could appreciate how the devs beautifully executed this game, you definitely understand the true meaning behind this game and the message it conveys, but in a story sense it just wasn’t fulfilling, krill goes through all that trouble for his shell just to give it to another hermit who’s homeless which was a noble deed as the narrator said is what makes earth worth fighting for, but still, correct me if I’m wrong but it’s still unclear if krill ever got his answer to what he wants to do, not sure he got his closure
@sebosebo4661 29 күн бұрын
I think the lack of closure is part of the point. Krill now has a righteous sense of anger but is still searching for a home to settle in. In this way, he's a lot like people who feel like that in the real world. I quite like the ending personally
@amoney11 24 күн бұрын
@@sebosebo4661 yea I guess so, plus also is a really good ending to bounce back for a part 2 lol
@ursovani 3 ай бұрын
This essay is structured so well, i love this
@RadicallyMisinformed 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@paulfahy3901 3 ай бұрын
Haven't played the game but I will after this! Really insightful, I love media like this game (and happy belated birthday (thumbnail looks great!))
@RadicallyMisinformed 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Would love to hear what you think to the game if you pick it up! Will let Abi know you like the thumbnail!
@plu2oo 3 ай бұрын
bro i ain evn realise this channel didnt have 100k subs bro u make good content keep it up
@RadicallyMisinformed 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@mintazura6143 3 ай бұрын
THIS IS AMAZING!! How does you only have 463 subscribers?!!
@RadicallyMisinformed 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it
@qvcybe 3 ай бұрын
i hope that they do add something of a skill tree so you can flesh out builds more that is alway more fun when you can be the odd ball in your friend group who plays a sneaky dude in every game that allows it btw the skill tree idea is more of a idea i had for rewarding the player for being extra clever for figuring thing out and give small effects that change the game up slightly ( aka like slightly better vision at night or other small boost )
@NicksyBruvs 3 ай бұрын
This game is amazing but having mouse smoothing/acceleration on as default is a little strange. I turned it off immediately after I realised what was causing the off aim feeling. So much better.
@Jarboe420 4 ай бұрын
Sub'd like your content, keep it up.
@YoRepLay 4 ай бұрын
Conetent warning is ass . Lethal comapny and abiotic factor are on top
@frezzypop4973 4 ай бұрын
Eh content warning has the ability to record the funny moments of these games and it’s just a flanderized version of these games😊
@creativeapparatus1111 4 ай бұрын
Fire video
@Yousef71017 4 ай бұрын
very well put together video man, you make great points. i personally quite like this game, solo, with friends and even with randoms.
@NORKIE 4 ай бұрын
@dubbybeats 4 ай бұрын
spoilers man wtf, good review until you start talking about the later enemies
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
Apologies for spoiling anything on you. I intentionally left out any information on enemies or environments that aren’t already in promotional material on the Steam page, trailers for the game, and Abiotic Factor’s own social media accounts. However, I acknowledge you may not have seen them prior There’s still plenty in the game I didn’t touch on so people can discover it themselves
@dubbybeats 4 ай бұрын
@@RadicallyMisinformed all good man I never watched any of the trailers or anything so I just assumed we were supposed to figure stuff out on our own.
@kirshak7007 4 ай бұрын
I enjoy Abiotic so much, so did Helldivers2 but SONY ruined it, I pray to god Abiotic will stay away from Corporate overlords
@INoahZI 4 ай бұрын
Dont worry. Psn is optional now for good. While AH is trying to get the countries unblocked from steam
@Fratz. 4 ай бұрын
good vid hope this channel blows up soon, gj man
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate it. Thanks!
@projectgorgonfan 4 ай бұрын
2:03 I feel insane bcs I keep seeing the Half life influence mentioned everywhere, and sure, the visuals and setting are a homage to that series, but I feel like it gives the wrong expectation because the gameplay is not at all like those games. I think calling out System shock 2 instead as an inspiration makes more sense
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
System Shock 2 is a fair example, though I think that could also set the wrong expectations too! I think I very intentionally move away from saying “this is basically Half Life” and try to move towards “this element is like Half Life” and I think Half Life comparisons go deeper than just the aesthetic too. The way Abiotic handles atmosphere, the structure of its story elements, and even some of its enemy designs feel reminiscent to me (though i was cautious of spoiling too much of the surprise of the game) I think Half Life felt like a grounding point for the way I wanted to tackle the video but I could easily do an entirely different video about System Shock and the games that inspired modern day immersive sims! Looking forward to trying out the enhanced edition of the second game!
@sammdrish 4 ай бұрын
best video i’ve watched on the game, got me to purchase the game AND sub!
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
That’s very kind of you! Let me know what you think!
@t3floz 4 ай бұрын
Good video thinking of buying this. Can I save the game and then keep playing from where I saved it or do you have to restart from the beginning every time? If I play with my friend do we share a save or how does it work?
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
Yep! You can save and continue from that same save when you turn it back on. If you play with a friend, the person hosting the world keeps the save file so the person joining can only play from that save when joining the same world
@ICarverI 4 ай бұрын
Super glad you enjoyed the experience so far! I am one of the Level designers and its been super cool seeing people enjoy the project so far, cheers!
@RadicallyMisinformed 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! Can’t wait to see what the team does with the game next. Congrats on the launch!
@mrtomato5132 4 ай бұрын
I'm really enjoying abiotic factor. you guys have made something special! excellent work!
@capitalplayground 4 ай бұрын
Hi ICarverI wish I could have sent a personal message, but youtube doesnt allow that. But i saw your comment out of the blue, so yea. I'm just asking for any friendly advice on how you got into level design in a studio? Ive worked on a few small indie projects with a few friends that never really went anywhere I've don't most of the environment and level design in them and developing games around normal work and with friends who are also busy is pretty hard. So I'm just asking for any friendly advice on how you got your foot in the door basically and any tips/advice you might have. Would greatly appreciate it. :)
@Lewdisu 4 ай бұрын
This game is amazing and a good portion of it is the level design, good job man
@ICarverI 4 ай бұрын
@@capitalplayground Hey I'm not the best to ask on that subject, very similar to you I enjoyed map work as a pass time and was lucky enough to know a handful of the team and they decided to take a chance on me.
@beastied6886 4 ай бұрын
Wow cool video! Thought you were going to have way more subscribers based on the quality. Keep it up!
@Azzerdlpt 5 ай бұрын
I really like the points you brought up! I've been playing since yesterday I'm about 1/3 through. First of, I'm happy to see it I'm not the only one experiencing performance issues! I also had a lot of those lag spikes and was concerned, it might be my PC struggling. I also had an issue once, where the loading screen got stuck and my game wasn't saved. Lost about 2-3h of gameplay :c Other then that, I really like the new mechanics and unique spin, this game introduced. I like, how instead of new weapons provide a change in gameplay in Dark souls, another crabs treasure does this by having these different types of shells, thus armor being the medium. I am also a bit sad, that we can't change our fork, but it's made bearable by the shells and their magic system. Generally, spells being tied to different shells, that can be found anywhere in the world, proved a far more dynamic way of tying magic into the fighting system. A also really enjoy, how blocking and parrying play a much more prominent part in the combat system, which is something I really like (and also had the pleasure to play with in lies of p). Other than gameplay, I can agree with you, that the story and delivery is very comedy heavy, while being taken seriously. I also love all the blatant references to other pieces of media 💀 I'll see if the game can maintain this enjoyment all the way through. But overall, I feel its a really solid indie souls like. It's worthy of the title 'souls like'
@creativeapparatus1111 4 ай бұрын
This game just gets better
@suripto746 5 ай бұрын
Xbox gamepass always rocks my world ❤