CPF Mystery Solved!
14 күн бұрын
Condo Rental Market In Trouble Now!
@vvvv5287 51 секунд бұрын
Trump will still win.
@chanphilip3851 3 минут бұрын
Already prophecied Trump will win. No one can go against God
@mamoswim 5 минут бұрын
if this clueless person gets in, we all goners
@MichaelChao777 35 минут бұрын
You are totally ignorant! 终于如我们所预测的那样,拜登退选了,而且推荐了替补队员贺锦丽。但后者从来没有机会展示自己的领导力,未必能得到党内大佬的支持。共和党曾因川普而分裂,但又重新团结。分崩离析的危险现在轮回到民主党头上。从川普被遇刺未遂预言,但民主党分崩离析,神迹奇事不断,神的大能可见一斑! 今年的选举也许可以算提前结束了,就看贺锦丽自己是否愿意把自己摆在公众火力之下,代表民主党节节败退崩溃。这意味着她的一切瑕疵会被翻出来拿放大镜检视,并且为民主党分崩离析的后果(至少部分)地负责。 【川普遭遇枪击】不久前我们专门提醒过:川普下一步可能面对暗杀。在流氓和邪教作王的世代,应该“不惮以最坏的恶意”揣测污鬼。所以保罗反复说:“我是天天冒死”。没有别的原因,魔鬼急眼了。求神保守这位勇敢的基督徒政治家,并让我们看见主的公义而大得安慰:因为主说,流人血的血必被人流。
@deanliu5378 38 минут бұрын
Follow vivek comments
@deanliu5378 39 минут бұрын
U are out of it
@deanliu5378 41 минут бұрын
Don't talk on US politics when u don't follow
@deanliu5378 41 минут бұрын
U are so main stream , sad
@deanliu5378 41 минут бұрын
U are wrong. She is worse than biden
@elysium888 50 минут бұрын
interesting view. Other videos i saw mentioned that KM would be much easier to beat than Biden
@genosypheus Сағат бұрын
can tell you barely follow US politics. Cackling Kamala is a well known air head even amongst the dems and polling even worse than Biden. She is the DEI hire, substantiated by her track record of 3.5 yrs as VP, including her abysmal failure to carry her duty to secure the southern border. Her name may not even be in the ballot come November, key decision makers like Obama and Pelosi have not even endorsed her.
@yvettejoyce9716 Сағат бұрын
You kidding?
@khgoh9109 Сағат бұрын
She is actually quite lousy. Not a strong candidate at all. Not much brain.
@jeff6161 2 сағат бұрын
KM?? You have to be joking
@Multiverse678 2 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful retirement in Malaysia!
@ocswoodlands 2 сағат бұрын
kamala harris is a double minority in the corridors of power in the US (Woman and coloured). would be wonderful if she wins! ABT - Anything But Trump
@ricohflex777 2 сағат бұрын
Mr Loo, why speak to create a video when you are in a SIA plane cabin. Were you disturbing other passengers when speaking into the microphone? The stock market is independent of US election candidate changes. It is too far down the road. Everything is not yet predictable.
@bbq8708 2 сағат бұрын
Bitcoin let go. 1m :)
@peterng3886 3 сағат бұрын
What makes one so sure Harris will win?
@boonliangkhoo1750 3 сағат бұрын
Harris worst....
@bessieling3719 3 сағат бұрын
Mr Loo, I don't quite agreed with some of your views of her What significant good have she done and bought it to the table as vice president for America & the world. Hardly hear anything she done or carry out work mission or visiting countries or even during trade war and turbulent times. Is she really good n have the polical muscle to withstand in the world stage? Let's see! I wish her well n best.Tks.😊
@lowboonhong7383 Сағат бұрын
I agreed with you. Vice president Kamala Harris hardly any news of her during her term. America need a strong leader to lead.
@cashewdadify Сағат бұрын
@@bessieling3719 agree, she was designated the border czar by Biden to review the influx of immigrants. it only got worse and no word or proposal from her on border solutions. total disaster.
@bessieling3719 Сағат бұрын
@lowboonhong, tks. Remember the only time I saw her @ Sg gave her speech, half way I already don't want to continue listening. Like not convincing. I don't know the rest.Tks.😊
@ho2786 3 сағат бұрын
65 years got 4 million got use meh? See doctor and buy medicine?
@gparamaeswary7276 3 сағат бұрын
Woman cannot be an American President.
@KelvinByrd233 3 сағат бұрын
I know nothing about trading /investment and l'm keen on getting started. What are some strategies to get started with?
@LisaJackson198 3 сағат бұрын
As a beginner, it's essential for you to have a mentor to keep you accountable. I'm guided by a widely known crypto consultant
@LisaJackson198 3 сағат бұрын
Mrs Mary Patricia Hester
@-ec9ze 3 сағат бұрын
This is correct, Mary's strategy has normalized winning trades for me also, and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started..
@William_Green297 3 сағат бұрын
Isn't she the same Mrs Mary Patricia Hester neighbors are talking about, she has to be a perfect expect for people to talk about her so well.
@Para-pv8fp 3 сағат бұрын
Her platform is wonderful, and her services are exceptional
@user-ff5js6hj2k 3 сағат бұрын
The beginning of the decline
@JamesEvans-t3u 3 сағат бұрын
Thanks for continuing updates. I'd rather trade the stock market as it's more profitable. I make an average of $30,100 per week even though I barely trade myself.
@ApurbaSaikia-k3n 3 сағат бұрын
As beginner what do I need to do? How can I invest on which platform? If you know any please share.
@JamesEvans-t3u 3 сағат бұрын
As a beginner, it's essential for you to have a mentor to keep you accountable. I'm guided by a widely known crypto consultant
@JamesEvans-t3u 3 сағат бұрын
I think I'm blessed if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert mrs Harmony Camille.... High recommend 🙌
@Olivia-i3o 3 сағат бұрын
Same here, I'm blessed only. God knows how much I praise her, £32,000 every week! I now have a good house and can now afford anything and also support my family, and never will I forget to pay my tithes because God has been so faithful to me and my family
@YvetteVeney 3 сағат бұрын
Can't imagine earning €32,000 biweekly, God bless Ms Harmony, God Bless America❤
@cashewdadify 4 сағат бұрын
the best and easiest prediction is that the market will be volatile. regardless of which way the market goes, u will always be correct.
@R6ex 4 сағат бұрын
Harris better beat Trump!
@MasterChiefSpartan 4 сағат бұрын
The 2024 US Presidential race just got turned on its head.
@chyelinchong9269 4 сағат бұрын
Hi Mr Loo thanks for sharing 👍👋🩷
@phongy45 4 сағат бұрын
opposite of alamak
@Lawrenc139 5 сағат бұрын
Well learnt from your LEEders... "wait and SI" 🙄
@MariaTeresaAlejandro 7 сағат бұрын
recently bought some recommended stocks, but now they’ve dropped to penny stock status. With the market tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business in the last half of 2023 and early this year, I'm worried. How can rapid interest-rate hikes benefit a value investor, or is it better to avoid stocks for a while?
@SophiaTurner-im6cg 7 сағат бұрын
Just "buy the dip." In the long term, it should pay off. High interest rates usually lead to lower stock prices, but investors should be cautious during a bull run. It’s best to connect with a well-qualified advisor to meet your growth goals and avoid mistakes.
@OliviaWright-q7q 7 сағат бұрын
It’s not as difficult as many people think. It requires diligence, which many ordinary investors lack. That’s why a financial advisor is useful. My friend made over $84k last month with help from his advisor. That’s how people make such huge profits in the market.
@NancyAllen-n7t 7 сағат бұрын
Who is your advisor, if you don’t mind sharing?
@OliviaWright-q7q 7 сағат бұрын
Her name is BONITA JEANETTE RODRIGUEZ. You can research her name
@NancyAllen-n7t 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you! I searched her name online, found her website, and filled out her form. I hope she gets back to me soon.
@bigpapa1472 7 сағат бұрын
2nd, 4th and 5th applies to everyone no matter who you are.
@dfr13 10 сағат бұрын
volitility = opportunity for seasoned investors.
@Jeff-sm8of 11 сағат бұрын
My wife is vietnamese. When visiting her handbag was cut open. She only realised much later. Guess where? SINGAPORE!
@miaoking2271 11 сағат бұрын
5m ya? So most of us just average joes, cannot consider rich indeed
@Jeffrey.S.Harman 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the good summary! Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC ) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Donna Mikalonis Program for helping me get into her trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Donna.
@Jeffrey.S.Harman 12 сағат бұрын
@Jeffrey.S.Harman 12 сағат бұрын
she's mostly on Telegrams, using the user name
@Dorothy.F.Myers44 12 сағат бұрын
Investing has proven to be an incredibly beneficial decision. My cryptocurrency profits continue to play a substantial role in growing my overall wealth, reducing my reliance on my salary.
@Diana.G.Barrett 12 сағат бұрын
Profitable trading requires experience, a solid strategy, and preparation, which we lack. Understanding buy/sell ratios, identifying market leaders, and diversifying are key to reducing risk.
@Hildegard.J.McCarthy 12 сағат бұрын
Her technical analysis is excellent and her interpretation and projections of the market are so accurate I sometimes ask myself if she is human haha. The point is that Donna is the perfect trader to follow for advice and daily signals..
@gilchristhaas9865 13 сағат бұрын
Really appreciated your detailed presentation! I’m American rather than Singaporean, but my favorite part of the world is SE Asia, and I’m considering Malaysia as a retirement option for me and my Taiwanese wife. My first thought on your food presentation was, “Gee, I could spend a fraction of that on cheap hawker center options and be very very happy!” My second thought - “Glad that Malaysia is still retaining the kampung spirit that Singapore has been vanishing from Singapore in the 21st-century.” Cheers!
@gilchristhaas9865 13 сағат бұрын
P.S. I would love to consider Singapore as a retirement possibility as well, but it’s not really an option for non-wealthy non-Singaporeans. It would be going from the most expensive place in the United States (Hawaii) to the most expensive place in SE Asia. So living across the border in JB, where I could visit Singapore frequently, seems highly desirable. Also considering Thailand. Would love to be able to consider Taiwan, where I met my life, worked and lived for twelve years, but Taiwan like Hawaii and Singapore has become unaffordable, at least in terms of real estate.
@lohdanwee474 15 сағат бұрын
Trump can 1.start trade war with the rest of the world. China will do business with the rest of the WORLD. Who lose out? 2. Who ultimately pays of import tariffs? The US consumers. 3.Can USA make it's own McDonald toys, underwear, socks, T shirt, trousers, MAGA banners? Yes. But at what costs? Who pays?
@tansueann8840 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you Mr Loo for the reminder. I must Invest in financial education, health, self care, family, passion
@TLK281 17 сағат бұрын
You only concern about money, money, money . God is not in your life and NEVER pass down to your children. How do you face Christ on the day of Judgement. Sad for your and your family!!!
@eugeneleeproperty 15 сағат бұрын
U do realise this is a financial education channel right? As a subscriber to financial information, I would unsubscribe if the channel no longer becomes relevant for a protracted period of time
@cindyhow392 18 сағат бұрын
For the last 10 years, I have been planning to retire in JB in our Austin Heights cluster semid. But family not keen and I watched the value of my JB house depreciate with forex. Now we are buying a Sg freehold landed which we already profit a million SGD even before exercising our option as we bought it cheap. Likely going to sell our JB house in the next 3 years.
@Freddie-09 21 сағат бұрын
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.
@Elliot-Ivan 21 сағат бұрын
I feel your pain mate, as a fellow retiree, I’d suggest you look into passive index fund investing and learn some more. For me, I had my share of ups and downs when I first started looking for a consistent passive income so I hired an expert advisor for aid, and following her advice, I poured $30k in value stocks and digital assets, Up to 200k so far and pretty sure I'm ready for whatever comes.
@Freddie-09 21 сағат бұрын
@@Elliot-Ivan That's actually quite impressive, I could use some Info on your FA, I am looking to make a change on my finances this year as well
@Elliot-Ivan 21 сағат бұрын
@@Freddie-09 My advisor is VICTORIA CARMEN SANTAELLA;
@Elliot-Ivan 21 сағат бұрын
You can look her up online
@VioletJessica- 21 сағат бұрын
@@Elliot-Ivan The crazy part is that those advisors are probably outperforming the market and raising good returns but some are charging fees over fees that drain your portfolio. Is this the case with yours too?
@wuqs5458 22 сағат бұрын
Invest a house in the jungle
@leenathayil2039 23 сағат бұрын
Mr. Loo, would you be comfortable to share how much you spend while in Europe? Maybe some of us can have a benchmark as to how much it would cost for a month's stay. 😊
@1m65 10 сағат бұрын
About the same as I spent in Singapore
@discerningacumen 23 сағат бұрын
Please don't go to Malaysia. There are lots of better options around the globe.
@Mike-e1n Күн бұрын
Very wise to invest in your skin and look Mr Loo. I do invest heavily with my skin care and good food
@mushroomtarian Күн бұрын
Hi Mr Loo, may I ask for your take on spending money on medical-aesthetic treatments to look good? Thank you.
@1m65 Күн бұрын
No lah… just Korean skin care. About $30 a bottle. Use for 2 months each. I use about 4 different types a day. So $4x30 divided 2 = $60 a month roughly
@1m65 Күн бұрын
My hair transplantation is the big bomb. Cost me a one time $12k. But it can be amortised over my remaining life say, 30 years. So about $30 a month also. My most expensive body tonic is my ginseng pills. Roughly $80-100 a month.
@mushroomtarian Күн бұрын
@@1m65 thanks Mr Loo for your fast reply! But they cannot remove wrinkles and facial droopiness after a certain point :(
@1m65 Күн бұрын
@@mushroomtarian aiya, I don’t need to look so good. Just better than what I was pre-covid will do. 😇
@mushroomtarian Күн бұрын
@@1m65 😁 thanks Mr Loo for your sharing your invaluable wisdom through all the videos ! Good night ☺️
@abcxyz1242 Күн бұрын
Thks Mr Loo. You are best!!