@jhg699 Күн бұрын
Just eat sugar and take aspirin dude
@zenamatthews9380 2 күн бұрын
I don't understand this comment section praising both men, Dr. Chaffee barely participated and his words weren't meaningful. Georgi had to make the case for carnivore because Dr. Chaffee couldn't. I'm a carnivore and came here cuz I was hoping to hear a substantive response to the Biosnergetic theory, but Georgi carried the entire convo. And a debate where everyone agrees is boring. I was hoping to learn more by hearing two coherent different perspectives.
@JG-do6eb 4 күн бұрын
Carnivore is king 🎉🎉
@ktgh768 4 күн бұрын
I don't know why Garret Smith doesn't talk about taking Vitamin K along side Vitamin D , functionally Vitamin K prevents calcification puts the calcium back into bones absorbed by vitamin D. Vitamin D doesn't harm if 100mcg of Vitamin K is taken for every 10,000 IU's of Vitamin D. He always flees from this concept and doesn't want to talk about.
@polibm6510 4 күн бұрын
First time this guy is saying something sense...
@polibm6510 4 күн бұрын
What about fructose?
@donaldmcpherson3226 5 күн бұрын
Isn't the body's ability to create glucose demand driven?
@gablison 6 күн бұрын
In low carb diets, the fat is what replaces the energy source, not the protein. No one who does carnivore, low carb or keto think protein is a good source of energy.
@mattvdh 7 күн бұрын
I think the toxic amount is much lower in reality and also it can accumulate over time. Whenever I took a multivitamin it made me feel poisoned for days. I'm not exactly sure if it was the vitamin A or D but likely one of the two.
@annbenson1076 8 күн бұрын
Hi! I love Jay Feldman’s work BUT please give a definition for the jargon of the biological world like double bonds and omega threes - just of what is it omega-3 and so forth because it feels like unless you’re a biologist or you have a dictionary at hand you can’t totally follow. maybe just right before you introduce Jay or somebody like him give a quick explanation of the terminologies so it’s easier to follow and don’t feel lost. Thank you so much!
@doloresguertin9601 9 күн бұрын
Hi, thanks for sharing. About vit a, seeing that 3/4 of the population has fatty liver, maybe it's not always about how much vita a you are getting in your diet, and more about your liver processing the vita a, moving it and how the liver is storing it. Given the prevalence of FL, it may need to become a standing and general consideration.
@benbrewer5853 9 күн бұрын
Does glipaside metformin really work the made stomach hurt
@SamiFiataugaluia 9 күн бұрын
If you need beef tallow for a meal, then your meal was never good to begin with
@nickwar469 13 күн бұрын
@nickwar469 13 күн бұрын
@cag19549 13 күн бұрын
"100 years ago, we ate very little chicken." Well, my great grandfathers raised them and not just for eggs. Also, legumes contain protein, and there's no fat in them.
@matijagrguric6490 16 күн бұрын
Most societies gravitate around water. Fishing is as old as anything. Bone marrow, brains... Our brain is about 30% poly. Also anecdotally, my lightheadedness disappeared immediately after intriducing fish
@nbleagle9561 16 күн бұрын
Eating large quantities of omega 6 & 3’s isn’t ancestral, that alone should tell people not to do it. They are only available because of modern society, and like most peddled garbage on us, they ain’t good. It’s common sense folks, stop trying to follow the clicky thing to do, boil it down to common sense brass tacks, and you can figure out this and other stuff aren’t designed to be consumed. Most humans are not going to live in freezing cold temperatures by choice where these oils are found in nature. So there is no reason for people to eat them in mass amount’s especially high dosing supplements 🤦‍♂️ everybody thinks some magic compound is the secret to longevity, it’s pretty funny. Step one, escape from the sheeple mentality. That includes the alternative sheeple mentality too. So don’t seek these oils, avoid as much as possible. Incidental amounts are prevalent in all animal meats to cover any need. You’ve been warned.
@johnnyblackrants7625 17 күн бұрын
Can't recommend *white sugar* enough for people who "don't tolerate carbs." It's not the macro-nutrient you're allergic to, it's the food itself. I am (sadly) minorly allergic to almost all fruits, honey, maple syrup, and many other whole food carbs. As an athlete it's impossible to get 300-400g of carbs per day without triggering reactions. Sure, I can have 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and be fine, but I'd need more like 10 in order to power a hard training session, and if I do that I'll get a massive cystic acne breakout. White sugar is the answer. A pure, non-allergenic energy source that you can eat as much of as you need to. It's more complicated than whole fruits, because you need to get things like B1 and Vit C separately, but it's such a life saver for people like me who simply can't eat enough carbs without triggering allergic reactions if they're in whole form.
@mattvdh 17 күн бұрын
Dom is clutching on to his remaining grants for ketogenic studies. That trend has one foot in the grave. He tries to sneak in little pro low carb arguments on occasion and doesn't listen want to listen. At this point, I consider these low-carb/keto 'gurus' to be dinosaurs. Same with any dietician/doctor recommending PUFAs. Layne Norton and Mike Israetel are propagating the old obsolete caloric model and are proponents of seed oils. These guys are on steroids and drink energy drinks, why would anyone listen to their health recommendations--do they look like they are going to live in to their 90's or probably die of a heart attack in their 70s?
@ALiEIIN 18 күн бұрын
Why am I put on a ppi if my acid is low I don’t understand
@heretohavefun5646 18 күн бұрын
to anyone: began recommending a colon supplement like dr bo's 2 week colon cleanse for 2 to 4 months with high hydration key factor if your body needs "more water" due to any reason whatsoever then reach out to me here spread word!!!!!
@heretohavefun5646 18 күн бұрын
@user-vl8ex1rg8t 18 күн бұрын
Not me eating ice cream rn😂
@klae-who 18 күн бұрын
well quality of life and life expectancy keeps going up, so does it really matter?
@MrOK-np5go 19 күн бұрын
Good information, thanks 👍 I did not know stress could reduce stomach acid
@ReiLovesYurisAndRoses 19 күн бұрын
Cool, then stop drinking.
@ghostiespook 19 күн бұрын
Immune system has left the chat.
@ezekiellackey3439 20 күн бұрын
I feel that man. Chicken will actually make my gut gut where as I’ve never had a problem with beef or fish
@matthewnikas1541 20 күн бұрын
What a bunch of BS no wonder you have 4 views stupid
@polibm6510 21 күн бұрын
Fortunately, I don't listen to the advice of clowns.
@jonathanberry1111 22 күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00:00 *🐟 Problems with Omega-3 Fatty Acids* - Omega-3 fatty acids, like Omega-6, are prone to oxidative damage and inflammation. - High unsaturation of Omega-3s makes them more susceptible to damage than Omega-6s. - Discussions on their metabolic impacts and mitochondrial issues reveal complexities in their benefits versus harms. 00:06:09 *📊 Omega-3s and Mitochondrial Function* - Increased unsaturation in mitochondrial phospholipids due to Omega-3s can lead to heightened oxidative stress. - The membrane pacemaker theory of aging posits that high unsaturation in membranes reduces energy efficiency and affects lifespan. - Omega-3s' incorporation into cellular structures may exacerbate mitochondrial inefficiencies and ion leakage. 20:08 *🐟 Omega-3 and Omega-6 Relationship* - The level of Omega-3s in cell membranes may reflect lower oxidative stress and inflammation, rather than direct intake. - Lower Omega-6 intake can significantly increase Omega-3 incorporation in membranes. - Examples like the MSAI diet highlight how low Omega-6 intake can lead to higher Omega-3 levels despite minimal direct Omega-3 consumption. 21:00 *🥛 MSAI Diet Composition* - The MSAI diet is predominantly milk-based, supplemented with some meat and carbohydrates like honey. - Despite extremely low Omega-3 intake (0.15% of diet), their Omega-3 levels in cell membranes are relatively high due to low Omega-6 intake. - Changes in diet due to historical relocations have influenced their traditional dietary practices. 22:38 *🍔 Impact of Omega-6 Reduction* - Lowering Omega-6 intake, such as by avoiding processed and fried foods, can increase Omega-3 incorporation into cell structures. - Studies show that reducing Omega-6 without increasing Omega-3 intake directly improves cellular Omega-3 levels. - Emphasizes the role of minimizing oxidative stress and inflammation over directly increasing Omega-3 consumption for health benefits. 39:12 *🍏 Low energy production, not overeating, leads to fat storage* - Low ATP production leads to fat accumulation despite reduced food intake and increased exercise. - Energy deficit due to mitochondrial inhibition is the primary driver of obesity, not simply overeating. - Leptin resistance is a consequence of ATP deficiency rather than the cause of obesity. 40:22 *📚 Inhibition of TCA cycle and obesity* - Obesity results from inhibition of the TCA cycle enzyme, aconitase, reducing ATP production. - Diminished energy supply triggers fat storage and metabolic dysfunction. - Environmental factors and chronic inflammation contribute to this metabolic shift. 43:19 *🦠 Factors affecting energy production and obesity* - Polyunsaturated fats and endotoxins (like lipopolysaccharides) inhibit mitochondrial respiration, leading to energy deficit and fat storage. - Other factors include stress, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental toxins. - Physiological stressors such as low-carb diets and excessive exercise exacerbate energy deficits. 46:18 *🌱 Psychological and physiological stressors impacting energy metabolism* - Psychological stress from work, finances, and sleep deprivation impairs energy metabolism. - Physiological stressors like low-carb diets, pollutants in food, and excessive exercise also hinder ATP production. - Stress-induced metabolic shifts can promote glycolysis over fat oxidation, complicating metabolic health. 01:00:12 *🍔 Carbohydrate adaptation and past dietary struggles* - Discusses transitioning from low carb diets and occasional 'cheating' behaviors. - Mentions binge-eating tendencies during low calorie and keto phases. - Highlights current dietary satisfaction and regulated hunger signals with balanced carb intake. 01:01:22 *🍠 Current carbohydrate sources and dietary adjustments* - Lists primary carb sources including fruits, honey, and starchy foods like sweet potatoes. - Emphasizes cooking starches in coconut oil for added benefits. - Discusses the role of these carbs in meeting metabolic needs and enhancing food satisfaction. 01:03:37 *🍌 Misconceptions about carbohydrate consumption* - Addresses misconceptions about carb quantities needed for a high-carb diet. - Highlights challenges of transitioning from low carb to moderate carb intake. - Discusses the satiety levels of different carb sources like potatoes and berries. Made with HARPA AI NOTE: If this theory has ANY merrit, and it might, you would NOT want to consume Omega 6, but either C15 (fatty 15) or Olive oil (Extra Virgin) as it is mono-unsaturated meaning "almost saturated", there is a lot of evidence that this helps build muscle.
@pursuingtruth13 22 күн бұрын
Great timing
@markaguilera493 22 күн бұрын
Nice to know there's an ongoing debate but ultimately isn't it up to the specialists to figure out the truth?.. What's the point appealing to the general public? How would we know better than what the experts seem to be struggling with?
@polibm6510 22 күн бұрын
Vegan diet is better than SAD but it doesn't mean it's a healthy diet...
@mfkleven 22 күн бұрын
Your case against omega-3s and PUFAs generally is entirely mechanistic. It’s a fascinating hypothesis, but it’s contradicted by all the outcome data, both observational and interventional.
@JFwellness 22 күн бұрын
The membrane pacemaker theory I discussed here (as well as the other points I made) is based on observational and interventional data as well as mechanisms. It's literally observed across every single species - this is observational data. Many interventional studies are also cited in the papers discussing the membrane pacemaker theory. And the figures I shared in this episode were observational data. I also mentioned the data on the Masai, which is observational data. This is a fraction of the support for my view on PUFA. If you're interested, we went through a ton of studies (both observational and interventional) on omega-3s in this podcast series: kzbin.info/www/bejne/e5Szc6yoeNx3jrM
@cumwotmayinat 22 күн бұрын
@traceler 23 күн бұрын
Rhonda Patrick have talked extensively about omega 3 in details.
@hovsepshro 22 күн бұрын
Yeah, and she is wrong on many things.
@nbleagle9561 16 күн бұрын
@@hovsepshrolike bananas 🍌 😂
@retire14pattaya9 23 күн бұрын
If I did what this guy says about carbs my bs would shoot to the moon.
@retire14pattaya9 23 күн бұрын
@retire14pattaya9 23 күн бұрын
Rice seriously?
@JFwellness 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for having me on again Brian!
@briangryn3680 21 күн бұрын
Any time!
@muttleyZZZ 23 күн бұрын
Brian, at about 10 minutes your guest says (in relation to the membrane theory of aging): “the ones with the least unsaturation will live the longest“, when I read the theory, it says the exact opposite.
@cumwotmayinat 23 күн бұрын
Umm does it? To me it says maximum life span is associated with "low rates of mitochondrial oxygen radical production and low degrees of fatty acid unsaturation of celular membranes"
@JFwellness 22 күн бұрын
Maybe you misunderstood the phrasing - "least unsaturation" = most saturation
@alexwithletters3215 21 күн бұрын
​@@JFwellness Really, the more untired a person is the better he can express himself.
@SG-ji5ij 21 күн бұрын
​​@@alexwithletters3215 True. In your case, "less tired" doesn't sound as backwards as your choice of wording, but maybe you were tired. ;)
@robjohn6943 24 күн бұрын
Fruits are not packed with nutrients. Compared to what?
@ciprianpintilei4702 23 күн бұрын
@@robjohn6943 nutrient packed or not I tried eating fruit as carbs in constructions made me weak like a squirrel . Hard to find a ez carb source that you can eat loads of besides white rice . Got any idea man ?
@robjohn6943 23 күн бұрын
@@ciprianpintilei4702I love fruits but I avoid all sources of carbohydrates for optimal health reasons. I get everything my body needs from unprocessed red meat and eggs and water. It’s a boringly simple diet but there no better diet for humans.
@mattvdh 24 күн бұрын
is fiber necessarily a good thing or beneficial though?
@robjohn6943 24 күн бұрын
not beneficial
@mistbooster 25 күн бұрын
Yes, just ignore the part genetics, medical condititions and environment factors you cant affect, play in this. And blindly go about your life.
@TrustMelDontCare 24 күн бұрын
It's not a for certain fix for all folks, this is still usefull information that almost anyone would have a chance to implement into their lives at some point :)
@KJB0001 28 күн бұрын
Ermahgerd!!! You should interview Marty Kendall from Optimising Nutrition. He has data from 70,000 people and their satiety results
@gratitude2880 Ай бұрын
WAY TOOOO MANY ADDS. Very disruptive
@parkercornwall4253 Ай бұрын
This guy has helped me beyond explanation
@ronnaza Ай бұрын
Ok, what was life expectancy back then, 30! 35!
@ArixSage 14 күн бұрын
Because people starved to death and had infections
@Augusto9588 3 күн бұрын
Around 70 if you take into account their high infant mortality rates, which is about the same age that people in agricultural societies lived as well before modern times.
@ricardodiaz6187 Ай бұрын
I get 200+ from 20 daily eggs and a pound of ground beef 🤘🏽💪🏽. Broken up into 5 meals.
@megbotchi98 Ай бұрын
being on a whole food plant based diet is the best thing you can do for over all health. is it easy? nooo its a fucking hard way to go when you were used to eating lots of meats and dairy nearly every day (like I did) but the Information is out there, and it just makes so much sense. Also I think if you really love animals as sentient beings, you couldn‘t kill them yourself - so is it okay to pay someone else to do something for you, you can‘t? I dont think so. Also this should be a sign that maybe it‘s not the right diet for you. A vegan diet is not the same as a healthy plant based diet based on mostly whole foods and raw foods. It‘s not. So if you are on a plant based diet and feeling tired (and you did not before) it could be because your diet is unhealthy (like using lots of oils, fats, processed foods like vegan meats, ect. …) also your body has to adjust and it will take time, but cravings ect. go away and you actually feel the benefits immediately :) also tiredness can come from a whole range of other causes (I mean let‘s be honest- no one ever considered their diet to be the cause of anything untill they switch to a more healthy diet… it’s ridiculous) for all concerned about whether humans are meant to eat meat or not, I can recommend watching the video on KZbin from Dr. Milton Mills „Are we designed to eat meat“ :) lots of love
@polibm6510 22 күн бұрын
Milton Mills is probably the best stand-up comedian in the world, but has a bad luck with the audience that doesn't laugh...