Writing Through Fear With Caroline Donahue
Tips On Writing Memoir With J.F. Penn
@skylaindigoink2013 Күн бұрын
Wow. This is a remarkable question-thank you for this…I haven’t set upon an answer yet, but I too ponder about my works in progress and the happenings beyond my lifetime. Hmmm…
@richardetjames Күн бұрын
The best interview so far this year . What an inspiring woman Aurora is. Especially for someone like me who wants to turn their books into TV . 👍
@adventureswithtime 2 күн бұрын
Very goo overview of this tool. Two questions Does it correct punctuation for dialogue? Can I target its editing for middle grades (ages 9-13) fiction?
@thecreativepenn Күн бұрын
Yes :)
@caliworkhorse3695 5 күн бұрын
Best software on the market, great video!
@DreamDetective 6 күн бұрын
I found the last part of this the most interesting. I can relate it to having many books on my shelf I have never read. In fact today I gave up on the book that I was 3/4 finished reading I just wasn't enjoying it any longer. I'd love to know more about my own personal interest in books, what I love and what keeps me reading. Sometimes I'm just not aware of why I love one book and don't like another book that my friends tell me they really loved. This will be interesting if in the future somehow we can analyse are reading styles and the writing style and maybe able to match it up with our readers I think this is very fascinating and I wish you would have talked to her more about that topic maybe you can have her back on or have another person to discuss the topic a little bit more in depth.
@thecreativepenn 2 күн бұрын
Glad you found it interesting! We are speculating now as to what can be done in the future, but I loved talking to Rachelle, so yes, will get her back on as AI continues to develop.
@JerodimusPrime 8 күн бұрын
That was a really inspiring podcast. Keep up the good work Johana.
@thecreativepenn 2 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@kim.brockway 9 күн бұрын
Another wonderful and informative episode. Thanks Jo & Rachelle ❤ lots of new things for me to have fun playing with.
@tomaria100 10 күн бұрын
Loved this! You are so helpful! But I'm disappointed that as a Christian author and entrepreneur you promoted the work of someone who uses Tarot (divination).
@thecreativepenn 2 күн бұрын
I respect your personal views, but of course, many people find Tarot useful as a creativity tool, not for telling the future.
@tomaria100 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for letting my comment stand!
@moonstone1159 10 күн бұрын
I'm interested in AI writing tools for research and historical context. I, too, worry about the question of the human voice and the loss of creativity when using AI. Thank you for an informative and interesting interview.
@mmcreative7058 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for another interesting episode. The huge problem with AI is that it provides a disincentive for young people to develop fundamental writing skills. Established authors may find it a useful compliment to their seasoned skill set, but youngsters would not have had the same hard earned experience to draw on yet. AI can foster a culture of taking short cuts and to NOT put in the work to develop fundamental skills. I've seen this happening in visual art too. Keen to hear your thoughts on this topic.
@thecreativepenn 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment, but I think that things will just change as they always have done. I used to hand write my essays when at University, and in my final year there was a discussion that maybe we should be able to use computers (this was 1996-1997 so still pre-widespread-internet). The teachers said that it would make us lazy and we wouldn't work as hard and it would make it easier - but in fact, it helped us make more of our knowledge, I was able to organize my thoughts more easily, and they could read it! The same happened with the internet. It was going to make research easier so people would be more lazy and wouldn't have to go to the library anymore. But we adapt and we learn, and we learn specifically the things we are interested in. Those who love whatever medium they love will still get into the fundamentals and they will excel more than those who don't want to learn. So I am not worried - it is just another iteration of technology. Young people will adapt to the news ways of doing things. The question is, will older people?
@CJEdmunds 13 күн бұрын
Coming back to this because of your latest episode. Loved this episode then and it hits differently now that I am a published author and have embraced my Creativity fully. Bless you Joanna. Thank you for you and your work. Love and Gratitude from a fan here in Manila.
@thecreativepenn 2 күн бұрын
Thank you :) I'm so glad you have embraced your creativity!
@AllForOneAnd 13 күн бұрын
Loved Becca's insights! Thank you for having her on your show.
@jorje0068 13 күн бұрын
You look exactly how you sound
@thecreativepenn 13 күн бұрын
I'll take that as a compliment :)
@jorje0068 13 күн бұрын
@@thecreativepenn you sound splendid
@d.owenpowell9023 14 күн бұрын
" Skip navigation Search Avatar image 0:04 / 1:11:34 "Writing Through Fear." What a luxury that most will not have. To write out of fear that one's publisher has given a deadline to finish the first draft and she is running late. Publisher, and agent. One of the hurdles most won't make on his/her journey to a published story.
@AngelikaDV 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, Joanna and Caroline, for shedding some light on the fears of writing (and providing tips for overcoming them), however you still took it to the usual place - that most writers fear being creatively inadequate, that they will "do it wrong" and be judged for it, and that that is the core of all our fears. I beg to differ! After years of listening to shows like this, no one ever talks about fears related to financial problems, survival, family, health, and other daily stresses that some of us just NEED to prioritize over writing - in other words, fears unrelated to self-esteem issues. As a pro writer for the past 15 years, I do not fear being inadequate when it comes to writing. It's what I do best. I also used to consult authors on indie publishing and marketing, so I do not fear that either. And I also honestly don't care about being judged! My only fear is that I will STARVE by spending time finishing my novel as opposed to allocating that time to doing something actually fruitful, like a side hustle that will boost my currently INADEQUATE salary (hence, a fear related to survival)! And since I already write for my day job, I'm often too tired to write novels at the end of the day and I deal with unbearable neck and shoulder pains, too - which proves to be yet another reason completely unrelated to "getting it wrong" or "being judged" (rather, it's a fear related to survival yet again, splashed with some health anxiety - Will my body be able to handle more writing?). What can I say, maybe I am the exception to the rule? Maybe most writers have an easygoing life with only very few responsibilities, more than adequate income, no health concerns, and plenty of free time, with their only real problems and fears being related to their self-esteem? Sorry for the lengthy comment, just wanted to respectfully share my thoughts (and fears!) to showcase that this view/conclusion on perceived inadequacy as a core fear doesn't apply to all writers. P.S: Thanks for the Kickstarter tips, that might actually be worth setting up!
@thecreativepenn 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment, Angelika and I absolutely respect your opinion. But most authors do not write full-time and have other jobs, so the fear is not about money as it relates to books as that is handled elsewhere. For most writers, it's a hobby or a side hustle. But I understand what you mean, and I certainly consider money as this is my fulltime living, although I have multiple streams of income, like the podcast and patreon etc as I find book sales to be too erratic to be my only income.
@RuthAnnNordin 7 күн бұрын
@@thecreativepenn Hi Joanna! I've been making a living with just my books since 2012, and I actually have this fear. Income fluctuates like crazy. At one time, I made $200K a year. I don't make that anymore. My income has steadily dropped over the years. I'm still making a living wage. Last year, I brought in $46K. (This has been the lowest it's been since 2011 when I made $18K.) While I do attribute that to not marketing very well and taking time off from writing due to burnout, I am now worried I won't be able to get my income back up. The fear of survival has started to kick in. I don't know if inflation is crazy where you are, but in the US, it's been awful. Groceries and gas are at least double what they once were, for example. That only compounds my fears. I will be attending the Inkers Con online conference next month to sharpen my skills to help me compete. I will also be taking a six-month course on being a virtual assistant in case I need a side hustle. So I am trying to improve my situation. But anyway, if you can find someone to interview to speak on writing and publishing through the "fear of survival" mindset, that would be wonderful. If you can't find someone to do it, I understand. I don't think most authors struggle with this fear. I do believe people like me and Angelika are in the minority. That all being said, I still love your show!
@123gp1833 15 күн бұрын
I don't like asking permission. Can you use drawing like in ink or pen.
@thecreativepenn 13 күн бұрын
I haven't researched drawing - but I don't do that - I do photos :)
@123gp1833 13 күн бұрын
@@thecreativepenn cool. There are artists who do that kind of line drawings.
@fawnfindslove 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much.
@thecreativepenn 15 күн бұрын
Glad it was useful!
@redheadedandblessed8061 18 күн бұрын
No Audio?
@thecreativepenn 18 күн бұрын
It's fine for me, maybe check your settings?
@friendlyone2706 19 күн бұрын
Wanting things done instantly is a very old human weakness and affects how we interpret even the Bible, even in its original language -- which is why the only word in ancient Hebrew that can be interpreted as "era" or "day", "day" is the most common interpretation. Too bad, or it would be common knowledge that, according to Genesis, in the eras leading up to the final one, the one in which we humans appear, there existed an era in which the family of animals defined by birds were the dominant life form. When we discovered birds are remnants of dinosaurs, and they once dominated the biosphere the way mammals do now, it would have been seen as a confirmation of Genesis not a challenge to it. And you 7th Day Adventists professors would have been able to be morally and intellectually honest.
@JaquelineKyle 19 күн бұрын
Wow - I would love it if thylacine's were a thing again - but "Colossal Labs" definitely has a Crichton vibe. Or Skynet vibe - definitely ominous!
@thecreativepenn 19 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! I think the thylacine will be back :)
@stevebaldock4967 22 күн бұрын
Would PWA be suitable for analysing, say, a book of person studies as a result of findings from genealogical research (make sense?) ?
@thecreativepenn 22 күн бұрын
Just try it and see :)
@stevebaldock4967 22 күн бұрын
@@thecreativepenn it's all in my head at the moment!
@mindfuleats4517 22 күн бұрын
Do you pack and ship yourself Joanna? Or do Book fault do that?
@thecreativepenn 22 күн бұрын
BookVault do that. They are print on demand and do the shipping. bookvault.app/ You can order a print run and do it yourself if you want to though.
@sidsm3978 23 күн бұрын
Thank you Jo for this. i've been a listener of your podcast for years. Being a wannabe author information like this is quite useful.
@thecreativepenn 23 күн бұрын
Thanks, and glad you found it useful. Many authors have started using Kickstarter but it does take some getting used to.
@xanderunderwoods3363 23 күн бұрын
This sucks so much. Smashwords was so much better. I'm definitely considering pulling my books out.
@thecreativepenn 23 күн бұрын
IMO, Draft2Digital has a lot of options, I use it for library services, Nook and others. You can go direct to a lot of platforms, but not all of them. Smashwords is not coming back as Mark Coker has joined Draft2Digital.
@scottconley2545 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for continuing to fill my well!
@thecreativepenn 23 күн бұрын
You are so welcome!
@omeganine2647 24 күн бұрын
Love your show! Still getting used to the new music 😅
@thecreativepenn 24 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoy it! I know it's an adjustment, but I'm glad it's done :)
@JaquelineKyle 25 күн бұрын
I also love to travel. It's a great way to get a collision of ideas. It's also interesting because America is still very much the New World, and we Americans don't realize it until we (for example) walk through a castle in Germany and encounter the thousand+ year history of where you're standing. There's nothing like that in the US.
@thecreativepenn 24 күн бұрын
You do have some gorgeous ancient natural wonders though :)
@colleenhix5978 27 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this very much! Useful and interesting, would love to have more.
@thecreativepenn 25 күн бұрын
Thanks, I might do more of these round up kind of podcast episodes, but they are pretty labour intensive so it won't be too often!
@Get_YT_Views.98678 27 күн бұрын
Radnom question, did you invest in crypto?
@achasonc 27 күн бұрын
Entertaining & educational.
@thecreativepenn 25 күн бұрын
@kit888 27 күн бұрын
Did you write Spear of Destiny because of Constantine?
@thecreativepenn 25 күн бұрын
Not specifically. It was more inspired by 1930s Germany - more about inspirations here: jfpenn.com/exploring-ancient-relics-and-writing-thrillers-ancient-heroes/
@ronnieroberts7189 27 күн бұрын
I’m in western Canada and should be sleeping… and this pops up!! Oooh-should I make a quick cup of tea and dive in? Yuppers!
@thecreativepenn 25 күн бұрын
I hope you found it useful :)
@violetashen 27 күн бұрын
oh hell yes
@candyv4921 27 күн бұрын
Love her poetry and books. She's such a light ❤
@ronvitale 28 күн бұрын
I couldn't agree with you more!
@123gp1833 29 күн бұрын
Natalie Goldberg wrote in her book Writing Down the Bones how she went in public and wrote tons of poetry for the public.
@winkletter 29 күн бұрын
I'm only ten minutes in and you've given me a bazillion other podcasts to check out. Apparently I'm listening to podcasts, today.
@EmmaRosenBooks 29 күн бұрын
How exciting!
@thecreativepenn 29 күн бұрын
Thank you :)
@lauramccarthy3639 29 күн бұрын
I think I’ll listen to this a lot! X
@LedgerAndLace Ай бұрын
I'm too much of a wimp for thrillers, but since you mentioned Discovery Writing I wanted to take this opportunity to THANK YOU again! After reading all the "classic" books on writing, I was should-ing on myself about plotting and planning and blah blah blah. And then I got your book and thought, "FINALLY! I'm NOT undisciplined or lazy or unfocused!" Whew! You gave me such peace of mind and encouragement. AND I just finished my first novel--completely different to the one I had started when I was first reading your book. So my first will become my second. Wishing you all the BEST for this new one!
@thecreativepenn 29 күн бұрын
Great! I'm glad you can embrace discovery writing!
@journofay Ай бұрын
Just like writing your Audience dictates all of your content creation and social media creativity.
@jasonstrange1490 Ай бұрын
Hey, Joanna, if I set up my own Shopify store, do I need to use ISbn numbers for my books? Thanks
@thecreativepenn 29 күн бұрын
If you want to distribute print books in stores, then yes. But i you want to just sell ebooks or audio or even print to just your audience, then it's not necessary. It's just a good way to track things. I also sell my books everywhere else, bookstores, libraries etc, so I use my own ISBNs.
@jasonstrange1490 29 күн бұрын
@thecreativepenn Thank you. I use Amazon and D2D for Print and eventually want to do what you did opening a Shopify store. That seemed like a great pivot for you - have your own store and take control of your own destiny in a sense. Has that helped your overall sales? I'm not one to talk, and Im giving me my own advice, dont be afraid to put your face out there. Many people know you already and know your face. You are your brand, and you're a likable charismatic person. Also, has any of your books been pitched for movies? If there was one book, which one would you pitch first if you were in an elevator with Steven Spielberg? Great podcast by the way...its kept me a float for many years.
@claricesmyth Ай бұрын
Wonderful podcast. Much enjoyed. Is it an effective strategy to increase your sales of a book or series that may not be doing well by promoting it in the back matter of a book or series you have that is?
@thecreativepenn 29 күн бұрын
You have to think about how far readers will go into your back matter and what the order of things are - for example, most of us use a Call to Action at the back like 'please review' and 'sign up for my email list.' You could include sample chapters etc and see what happens.
@idraw4me181 Ай бұрын
Joanna good for you with the improvements in your powerlifting! Can't wait to hear about your experience after doing your first competition.
@thecreativepenn Ай бұрын
Thanks! That's in the calendar for 2025!