@lauramlpfang4g5 4 минут бұрын
I prefer sunny having a achance to defeat opaline in twilights honor lol.
@kingtechnology9350 5 сағат бұрын
Instead of just 3 pony tribes I would make them 3 pony planets earth pony planet, the unicorn planet and pegasus planet! I would also make Queen Haven the main villain instead of Sprout! I would also make the pegasus build their own robots and gadgets and weapons like there's a pegasus version of the Canterlogic factory in Zephyr Heights that sells anti unicorn and earth pony weapons! And the same thing in Bridlewood the unicorns have their own weapons they make out of recycled stuff! I would then have the 3 tribes battle each in other in a war like a galactic Star Wars space battle between the 3 pony planets! In the movie Sprout just crashes his giant robot into the light house we don't really get to see an epic battle like in MLP Season 9 finale! The Roots Of Evil in MYM was closer to an epic battle like Season 9 finale I think the Roots Of Evil did a better story than the movie!
@blueblaze7312 5 сағат бұрын
MLP: Flames of Change
@lauramlpfang4g5 7 сағат бұрын
I love g5 im so mad at hasbro for canceling it early it helped me in a bad spot and is comfort show
@grazielledalmeida1927 9 сағат бұрын
Anime opening? Yes pls!
@TailsClock 10 сағат бұрын
G5 was the biggest pile of crap. And I mean that in a good way. It explores a future world and does it so poorly with so many mistakes. Showing how a colorful world can come from even the worst of actions. G5 is the perfect continuation of the episode in Which Starlight ruins the timeline. Creating a version of the world that is so similar, but Twilight never learns the right friendship lessons and goes on to be a bad ruler. I really like the exploration of this doomed timeline, and it becomes more clear that's what we're seeing when you are watching it knowing that there's 1 episode left. It is crap, in that it is fertilizer. I would LOVE to see G4 be given a fanon continuation from the best writers of the fandom, and for us to maybe see some G5 events occur, only to be dealt with the right way instead. I don't hate the G5 Mane 6, as bad as their episodes are. But I do so hate their world, and the lack of care for it all. I'd love to see them rehomed in a good future of G4. Which is why I am excited for this video. G5 now exists as fuel for the imagination! A lesson on what not to do. Making the show darker feels like it's gonna go down the Sonic the Hedgehog route, which is not a good thing. The tonal whiplash of that series with the Shadow having a gun stuff is insane... Then again the Satam show was very dark and that was GREAT! So hey, maybe that path could work. Also nice to hear praise for the movie's strengths, and using Bluey as an example of how to do things right is always good. The movie really did have a lot of charm despite the setting and cliche plot. It's everything after that really did it dirty. keeping the movie canon feels fair, but outside of a dark setting it still seems like more work than it's worth. I'd watch it though. Keeping it canon up to Spike? Wow you're playing on hard mode... Oh. Oh okay that's sort of cool. Still ha many problems but it's COOL. And cathartic... God I hate that this would resonate with me so much. But even if I can't have my win, I'd love to see Misty get hers. Wow... This 3rd one went DARK dark. I still don't think that's the right path but would this have been better than what we got? Hell yes! Now this is a bit more what I expected with the full reimagining. Despite all the name changes, this feels the most G5ish. It's just that the world makes more sense here. Though if you want a story about racism still, then what I don't get is why it keeps being set in the future or an alternate world, when we already know the past 1000 years before G4 was PERFECT for this setting! But also this feels a bit funny that I am now realizing my friend's MLP setting is really dang close to being a G5 AU. It just keeps the extra races in and makes it a more worldly kind of racism, where Ponies being racist among themselves is just not as common, because it distracts from the REAL enemy. I prefer it for it's more sensible difference in cultures, and language, and that each side has their own gods and lore. Also it's pirate theme which instantly makes it superior. A dark racist world really is such an easy one to make good. Even without trying, making a better version of G5 seems like the kind of thing any fan can do. I'm more partial to steampunk ponies, but cyberpunk is only just a little behind that for me so I like this. But this feels like such a change that it doen't feel like a replacement for G5.
@TailsClock 55 минут бұрын
My own idea was to keep a tech level between G4 and G5, and most characters have similar roles. Misty follows a light to a lantern in Sunny's house and discovers that there's something special about it, when Sunny notices her and calls for help at seeing an intruder. Hitch arrests her. Sunny then asks her best friend Izzy if she can check out the lantern, as she is a bit curious about it lighting up. Izzy has no ideas, and agrees to keep this secret. Pipp then asks for more details, being the skilled town gossip she managed to get the info from Izzy right away. She's brushed off. Then Zipp is dragged into it as she is an investigator and finally Sunny tells the pair about her lantern. They cant get it to light up the same way, so Sunny and the others goes to ask Misty what she did. She tries to explain she's just trying to figure out who she is and was never trying to steal, and that magical objects just seem to react to her. But she is unable to get the lantern to light up again. Finally Sunny goes from wanting to keep this under wraps, to exploring it entirely once she realizes this might be a good excuse to bring the lantern to Twilight Sparkle to check out. Misty is mostly believed to be innocent now and part of this mystery, and asked to come along, which Hitch is very hesitant about and allows only if he can keep an eye on her. So our 6 make their journey to Canterlot. Zipp and Pipp are not royals here, Pipp is a professional singer that loves gossip. Zip is a wonderbolt trainee who loves to investigate. Sunny is living a simple happy life selling smoothies and tries to keep her Obsession with Twilight quiet. Izzy is the slightly unhinged creative friend with a lot of optimism, but no idea what to devote her energy to, and Hitch felt fulfilled in his dull position as the sheriff in a town that has no crime. It's really very similar, but the main journey now includes Misty and the 6 go from town to town where the show would give more worldly lore and we see this bright and great future with a mix of so many races, and the advancements in technology. Sunny would learn to open up more and find her inner strength to be a leader, Hitch would slowly learn to trust Misty, and be drawn in by Zipp's exciting stories of solved mysteries. The entire show would be about them becoming better friends until they activate the lantern just outside the castle and start to think that maybe this means they're the new elements of harmony! Someone geets them, takes the lantern, says they'll get their experts to check it out, thanks, bye. And also haha no you're not the elements, and Sunny we already banned you from the castle, sure that was years ago but the ban does not expire. The group is surprised that they did not get to have an audience with Princess Twilight and were dismissed so rudely, and Sunny is embarrassed to bring up that this is not her only time trying to see Twilight. But she was simply an overbearing fan that never did anything wrong back then. Unwilling to let things end like this they all use their own strengths to try and get into the castle, having to work together. Sneaking in with Izzy's idea, Hitch using his authority to get past a checkpoint, Zipp and Pipp find out where they need to go from here, with Sunny keeping everyone up to date and quickly planning their next moves out. Misty is aware that she's not gotten to be helpful yet. The group makes it to a room of artifacts and Sunny can't help but get excited as she recognises things her dad told her about. Misty causes several objects to activate and causes a disruption, blowing their cover, but also grabbing a book that looks familiar to her. The group has to flee before they get in trouble and once out, Misty reads the book. Words appear on the pages as her cutiemark glows, and it tells of the alicorn sealed away. The group is horrified to think that Twilight might actually not even be ruling anymore, that she's been overthrown without the public knowing. Season 2 is the group following the book, finding magic items, magic locations, and activating the spell to unseal the alicorn. Misty is in charge of this and feels she finally has her purpose known. But, when they finally achieve this goal, the alicorn they release looks wrong. They all wonder who is this Princess Opaline? Sorry if that was too long. I think the cast are entirely salvagable, if their characters are given more focus and not left to lose all their character like Sunny, or be given multiple conflicting hobbies and personalities like Zipp. Hitch also never gets ruined by finding an egg. But I want it to be set earlier in time, in which things are going great, but the G4 mane 6 are very busy because things are going so well. Establishing this world as a good one, but still one with challenges feels like a much better world than what G5 gave us, which had nonsense racism problems that have no reason to exist after the events of the battle against the trio of doom. That episode was about every race coming together! Things are not going to fall apart after that. I imagine this as being a series that lasts 3 seasons minimum, with the 3rd one being the group dealing with this evil they have unleashed, how to set it right, and what to do afterwords since they were to blame even if they also were the ones that fixed it. In the end Sunny does meet Twilight, and she tells Sunny that she should jsut think of her as another pony, not as this special figure. And that Sunny needs to let go of this elements of harmony idea. Sunny needs to let go of her obsession, and be the hero of her own story, have her own adventure. Not everything has to tie back to the old mane 6, it can be Sunny's turn to be something brand new. An ironic and meta comment that G5 does not need to be G4 part 2. It is at this point, that I don't have any concrete ideas, but I'd like for season 4 onwards to make good on what Twilight said and from that point on, the G4 cast don't show up again. This is where we'd get more exploration episodes, Misty learns who her dad is, Hitch becomes dragonlord for a single episode and enjoys his ability to force dragons to literally obey every one of his laws and rules. I might introduce Sparky as a spike-tier character who then joins them. Just a whole bunch of normal eps, and ones that keep building the characters up and exploring their backstories and pasts. Season 5 is absolutely too far ahead. But the FEEL of the show would absolutely be something I want to keep as G4 as possible. But to also let the old cast rest after a job well done. So less a Naruto > Shippuden type thing, which would better fit a show starring Luster Dawn. And more a Legend of Korra type sequel... uh, with less awkward shipping and dubious writing. G5 as we got it kind of already is that kind of sequel, but it fails instantly by tearing down what was built up before to synthetically recreate old problems. the G5 we got is SO MUCH WORSE than the worst things Korra did. It doesn't build on G4, despite pretending to. So I hate when people say that it building on G4 was a mistake or the main problem. It was a lie. It never would have been hard to do it right. It would never have been boring to have it take place in a utopia.
@Kocham1bigos 11 сағат бұрын
47:18 my little pony minty is best horse without doubt or debate so we gotta save her
@Kocham1bigos 11 сағат бұрын
46:10 hell yeah i am
@Kocham1bigos 11 сағат бұрын
@RCOLLINS1446 11 сағат бұрын
47:12 - I would like an anime animatic.
@Liminal_Odds 12 сағат бұрын
Smosh horse jumpscare
@Makakaka 14 сағат бұрын
I actually watched the entire thing and thought, 'Holy moly, I need to animate this,' but at the same time, I was like, 'Ah dang, I don't have time to do it'
@DomausCharles 17 сағат бұрын
( Son on the mother phone ) I love G5
@luckychaos2997 19 сағат бұрын
Man I love the horse lore
@arrrr-1 Күн бұрын
Damn this is awesome
@badgerdoesstufff Күн бұрын
@evilandmaliciouswarwick Күн бұрын
this was epic to watch as my brain required a distraction. everyones ideas are so fun, i love a ponie, especially little ones
@_meldrop_ Күн бұрын
this is so fucking cool cant wait to watch more of yalls videos!
@therextwins1086 Күн бұрын
I agree G5 kind of sucks😅
@CooperGal24 Күн бұрын
So the artist who came up with a MistyDragon!AU...I love the idea, but I'd like to add something to that idea, and this is inspired by a certain character from a video game. What if Alphabittle's wife WAS a dragon species? Remember how there were some fan art of Rarity and Spike's children if they had a family together? Well, I think Alphabittle's wife could've been a dragon pony, from the Eastern villages far away. This dragon mare would've met Alphabittle during one of his trips, and they started to slowly fall in love, way before the events of the next gen movie. However, because of her being dragon, the mare used a special type of magical amulet to change her appearance from dragon to a unicorn. (Just a quick moment to ask, but sealing away the Pegasi and Unicorns' "Magic" because of racism, but the Earth Ponies didn't have any forms of magic until the next gen episodes via "Earth Magic"... Was it a good idea to do that or no, because I'm unsure at this point...) Moving on, Alphabittle and the mare would eventually get married and have Misty, who's born a unicorn/dragon mix, dragon horns and wings, unicorn horn, magic and all. Now let's say that both parents are worried about what'll happen to Misty if the other unicorns finds out about her heritage. Using the magic from the amulet, the mare would create a type of temporary spell on their daughter, to conceal her appearance until she was old enough to learn about her heritage as a dragon/unicorn. Unfortunately, the mother ends up going missing or dying years later, leaving Alphabittle to raise Misty as a single father, with only his wife's magical amulet as his reminder and the only way to change Misty back into her true form. But Misty gets taken by Opaline, and the rest is history up until the AU part. Except for one thing. Along with the powers from Spike and the other dragons, the amulet Alphabittle hade suddenly started to glow, before it flew out of his home and straight towards Misty, where it's magic joined that of the other dragons. Not only giving Misty the powers of the dragons, but also removing the disguise spell and revealing her true form as the dragon/unicorn pony that she is, born from the love of her parents! Misty, the true holder of the Dragon Arcane magic, has been revealed as the Dragon/Unicorn she is born as! As for the inspiration of this idea: It's Whirlwind from Skylanders! And I brought this up because Whirlwind just happens to be a dragon/unicorn hybrid! Skylanders gave us some very unique dragon hybrid characters, like Whirlwind and Sunburn the dragon/phoenix hybrid! I thought this little backstory of Misty would be perfectly understandable with the artist chosing to have Misty as a dragon/unicorn in this AU. I don't know if they liked the backstory I created for their Misty DragoCorn, but it was in my mind after hearing their AU idea!
@Bird-wz7nx Күн бұрын
Before I watch, Imma hazard a guess based on a thumbnail, but also based on my own G5 theories on scrapped materials- I suspect that we have all these animals with pegasus/unicorn traits, and dragons with weirdly pony traits (and friggin Special Talent magic) because of whatever was supposed to have gone down in some earlier draft. That, perhaps Opaline stole the dragon magic, and Twilight crystalized all pony magic in what was meant to be a temporary measure, and used some of it to save the dragons. (who would, like, die without magic or something idk) This left them transformed into something more ponylike, and this conversion got spun as Equestrian Imperialism, causing a rift between the ponies and other species, who developed a growing fear that they, too, would be ponified. This interspecies strife stirred up the wendigoes, which fed into pony strife, enhanced by the threat of Opaline, and the continued lack of pony magic, as Twilight had it all in the crystals still. She then used them to try to end the Wendigoes, which dispersed so much pony magic that Equestria got saturated with Pony magic and nature started functioning on its own. It caused the animals to get pony features, and interacted with the Tree of Harmony-based buildings to convert the Everfree into a much safer, crtstaline forest. Something something the pony populace increasingly distrusted each other, the Elements broke/got depowered, and the girls had to get Limbo/ded-ed, probably while ensuring Opaline was indisposed. Sparky would be the first non-ponified dragon (with raw dragonfire) to be born, and likely the key to breaking whatever magic had been initially set by the first use of the unity crystals. This makes Opaline's fixation on his fire make sense, when she could have realistically found the dragonlands by now. I think the Pony magic crystals were some temporary thing that was never meant to be permanent They're too dumb to be intentional that way. Perhaps it was meant to replace the elements after aome mishap, sourcing power from all ponies like a Spirit Bomb? But the lore pieces of G5 actually fit nicely, if pony magic started leaking into places it wasn't supposed to, and G5's world was basically an accident spawned from desperate measures. (and if it hadn't been retconned a bajillion times) ...And now to see what the video says and if others thought along the same lines as me. To go with that thumbnail though, I could totally see the unity crystal opening doors between ponies and other creatures, by the logic of what I just had mentioned. "Unity" and all that. But it would definitely need to be done with consent and trust, the desperation that would have surrounded a post-Opaline'd Dragonlands. Edit: Ok, was expecting more theorycrafting than just AU fanfics, but I usually watch theory stuff. Still, that was quite entertaining. Will sub and watch more
@SelineGreen Күн бұрын
@jimmygoodlove1139 Күн бұрын
ANIME ANIMATIC PLEASEEEEE edit: ALSO the AU should be called My Little Pony: Friendship is Earned
@vincenthorn4767 Күн бұрын
Dragon misty!!! Awesome concept😮
@somerandomdude7785 Күн бұрын
I actually made a rewrite that is better than what G5 currently is. It reads as follows: G5 takes place 2000 years after G4. 500 years before the story begins, a cult promising happiness, wealth and power started appearing before the public eye. This cult is known for its dark magic which allows its members to summon monsters from another world, raise dead corpses to serve them and of course, influence others to join their cause, and is then revealed to serve a demonic race from the underworld, who intends to revel in a dark world full of terror, suffering and hatred, eventually declaring war against the entire world. Every nation failed to resist this dark following is forcibly assimilated, and by the time the story begins, the entire world has been taken over. However, Equestria is the only one that has successfully resisted thanks to the Magic of Friendship and the Elements of Harmony, and a prophecy is told that a pony with dormant alicorn powers is destined to rid the world of not only the dark cult, but also the demons it serves. An earth pony named Sunny Starscout, who believes in this prophecy, decided to go on an adventure, gathering numerous friends along the way to save the world from darkness.
@rocknrollmandolin Күн бұрын
Truly horses explaining why? Who knows. Horses time express wooo!
@SpineBones Күн бұрын
I have an oc named Kerfuffle!! :0 They're Fluttershy and Minty's kid Wild Its such a fun word also :>
@voltrainferno6360 15 сағат бұрын
wait, i though that's an official character name. Or your OC also has the same name?
@SpineBones 14 сағат бұрын
@@voltrainferno6360 I have an oc with the same name and they're the child of Fluttershy and Minty in my next gen au :> Discord created them with magic as a gift for Flutters And Minty is the background pony, but my version of her who owns an icecream shop :>
@Zwooshification Күн бұрын
I wish horses were real
@DraftHorses Күн бұрын
god that'd be great
@DaniBummle 15 сағат бұрын
@BeesOfInk Күн бұрын
Melody's AU sounds awesome!!!
@Valosinki Күн бұрын
@DeepForestDarling Күн бұрын
all these aus go insanely hard !!
@greythegriffon9278 Күн бұрын
@DraftHorses Күн бұрын
hasbro dm me $15,000,000 plus marketing budget so this can be real
@BeaconSearchlight 14 сағат бұрын
@clairecooper7178 7 сағат бұрын
animatic screech
@diegamer2325 Күн бұрын
@timsplosion Күн бұрын
@diegamer2325 Күн бұрын
@@timsplosion horses 👍
@DomausCharles 15 сағат бұрын
( Son on the mother phone ) Horses!!
@stardustandflames126 Күн бұрын
Peak thumbnail
@akineko1854 Күн бұрын
@thebirdgang2240 Күн бұрын
@EmmyPupcake 2 күн бұрын
okay "THREE PRONOUNCES AT ONCE?" has wormed its way into my head as an S-tier line
@sunflowerscreech 3 күн бұрын
I’m so glad i come back to this channel every time and always feel so much better! Just wanted to tell you all that it’s such a joy to watch you guys draw anything related to pony ocs, hope to see them more often on this channel! 🌟🌟🌟
@DraftHorses 18 сағат бұрын
We're glad you're sticking around! We have some stuff coming up in the next month or so that puts our OCs back in focus again, so keep an eye out for that!
@SpecialInterestShow 14 күн бұрын
0:45 no as someone who had a polly pocket obsession nah I can confirm this is just how little girls are Source: thought I was a girl when I was little and didn't know what nonbinary was
@tyler_not_you4135 23 күн бұрын
i love pony drawfee
@transjeffdr 24 күн бұрын
Smosh ponies are unironically so peak
@zettaidullahan5913 25 күн бұрын
Thank you, Tim
@Emma_The_H0ppin_H00ligan 29 күн бұрын
Smosh pony jumpscare
@sanddall-asy9310 Ай бұрын
Thank you Tim
@stardustandflames126 Ай бұрын
OMG Poxy cameo!
@DrMrProfessorPatrick Ай бұрын
Smosh pony jumpscare
@DoggoDoesStuff1 Ай бұрын
Smosh horse jumpscare
@thebirdgang2240 Ай бұрын
Smosh pony jumpscare