Is Inflation the Product of Greed?
21 сағат бұрын
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@EmilienBandrac 6 күн бұрын
How you did Von Mises is great, but I think the real Marx would have different verses.
@KingB77 6 күн бұрын
7600 comunist dont like the video
@JonathanSchmallippe 7 күн бұрын
Marx wasn't a Socialist, he was a Communist. He literally co-wrote The Communist Manifesto with Engels and is widely regarded as the Father of Communism. Socialism is informed by Marxist ideals, sure, but Marx was most certainly not a Socialist. Idk who these guys who created this video are, but they must've done little to no research on Marx and his political beliefs lmao
@jaszczureki2637 6 күн бұрын
name one diffrence between socialism and communism
@donuthunter2621 8 күн бұрын
I like the extended length compared to ERB.
@sarahtuscany-andreski6675 8 күн бұрын
Both had a point, but both were also wrong. We need socialist ideas for things like medicine and education, and an open market for everything else
@ExPwner 4 күн бұрын
We do not need socialism for healthcare or education. Both of those are awful under the monopolized control of the state and better and cheaper through an open market.
@rfinnegan7106 9 күн бұрын
Yes, when you consider a private bank adds money to the supply at will. Usually, we keep an eye on them. Covid they went beserk printing at least 14 trillion dollars. This, and 0% for decades, is why inflation, not $800 million to the people.
@jasulliv3 9 күн бұрын
Inflation is always and only a product of monetary policy. Create more money the fraction of economic activities it can command is redused and nothing more.
@SeekerAppleSwordSerpent 9 күн бұрын
Is this an AI narration? The pronunciation of certain obvious words is .. unusual.
@romulosouza527 10 күн бұрын
Marx falando de Controle e ditadura e o baba ovo no final ainda fala que ele está certo, tem ser humano que nasceu pra ser escravo mesmo a escravidão já tendo acabado.
@CWFpresentes 10 күн бұрын
First you should have chosen a better theorist to represent capitalism. David Ricardo or Adam Smith, easy choices.
@brez7029 10 күн бұрын
i love capitalism
@ForTheJerusalem 11 күн бұрын
Huh wait this doesn't make capitalism out to be an incredibly bad system and even has people who think that marx didn't get destroyed? Oh "AIER educates people on the value of personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government and sound money.".
@gregpresley1466 11 күн бұрын
I heard him assess the accuracy of the wonderful school curriculum called The 1619 Project. Phillip Magnus is a clown. 🤡 🤡 🤡
@TomasMikaX 14 күн бұрын
Komentář kvůli algorytmům.
@rfinnegan7106 18 күн бұрын
Inflation caused by dollar printing in 2020 by the FED. Blame a stim package that came 9 months later and ignore 3 trillion "given" to Wall St. that same year. 2.1 within a week of lockdown. Inflation caused by greedy FED not consumer spending. We aren't feeling it because eggs are $5. Our dollars are shrinking.
@TheBerserk69 18 күн бұрын
Von Mises was against Central Planning and in his amazing work explained why (central planning=/=Socialism). Marx was against Capitalism and made an amazing scientific analysis explaining why (Capitalism=/=markets). Think the economy as a dot between a two axis diagram (simplying to oblivion but the general point still stands): Axis x: Who benefits from labour (the boss/shareholders:capiltalism, the worker socialism) Axis y: How the goods and services are distributed(Supply and demand: Markets, Centrally planned: Goverment-soviet model) If you are market socialist (companies compete in the markets but are democratilly managed by thier workers instead of bosses/shareholders), you can be fan of both of these legends' work.
@ExPwner 18 күн бұрын
Marx did not provide any amazing scientific analysis and his ideas were refuted in his own lifetime. Capitalism benefits all and not just bosses or shareholders. Socialism does not benefit the masses.
@rappakalja5295 11 күн бұрын
​@@ExPwnerSo you didn't read Marx. Got it.
@ExPwner 4 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295read the refutations dumbass. Marx is complete bunk and always has been. I don’t read flat Earth theory. I know what they believe and have read the refutations, and that is enough.
@soloporcasualidad8725 19 күн бұрын
Me encanto y soy mexicano
@soloporcasualidad8725 19 күн бұрын
No lo tienen en españaol
@pandong360 20 күн бұрын
Btw Pol Pot was not a communist he was more of a facist and self proclaimed Communist
@rappakalja5295 20 күн бұрын
That's why the US gov. funded his regime after all.
@judithlewis9634 20 күн бұрын
I could not get into this once the woman kept interjecting with " yes, uh huh, mmh mm. " It's distracting.
@jaszczureki2637 21 күн бұрын
viva la libertad carajo! taxation is theft!
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
So is underpaying workers.
@jaszczureki2637 21 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295 no it isn't theft is basically taking something that you do not own without the permission of the owner (mostly under the threat of force which is what the state does)
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
@@jaszczureki2637 You are forced into paying your taxes, you are forced into signing a contract with a capitalist. Capitalists gain their wealth by underpaying workers and stealing the produce of their labour. It's odd that you, a fellow working class person working for a wage as I do, would have a hard time acknowledging this fact.
@jaszczureki2637 20 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295 no you are not forced into singing a contract with a capitalist xD you don't know what force means and no that's not how capitalism gain their wealth they gain their wealth by simple quid pro quo exchange and i don't care if im working class or not your ideology is wrong doesn't work led to tyranny and is based on envy. i am a libertarian and i doubt it will change
@ExPwner 20 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295capitalists are not underpaying workers or stealing labor value dumbass. Quit parroting this labor theory of value bullshit when it was refuted over a century ago and never taken seriously in economics since
@LegionAlpha2002 24 күн бұрын
Capitalism one love
@Rick01650 24 күн бұрын
Wonderful and important discussion!
@gfrostgfrost7067 25 күн бұрын
Mises all the way bro
@user-uj5lf7zu2c 25 күн бұрын
세금을 줄이기 위해서 또는 기초연금을 많이 받기 위해서. 1.젊은이들의 세금을 줄이고 노령연금의 가치를 높이기 위해서는 매년 화폐 구매력을 두배로 높여야 합니다. 2.매년 화폐의 구매력을 두배로 올리면 세금을 지금의 절반으로 줄여도 되고 노령연금의 구매력이 두배로 뛰면서 기존의 동일액수도 두배로 가치가 상승하는 효과가 있습니다. 3.매년 화폐의 구매력을 두배로 올리기 뮈해서는 밀턴 프리드먼은 경제성장률에 맞추어서 화폐를 증가시키면 인플레이션도 디플레이션도 없는 상태가 된다고 했습니다. 4.그래서 정부가 경제성장률에 절반만 화폐를 찍어내면 딱 두배로 화폐의 구매력을 두배로 올리게 됩니다. 5.다른 방법은 대한민국의 해외 수출을 두배로 만들면 화폐의 수요가 두배로 올라서 화폐의 구매력이 두배가 됩니다. 6.물론 이때의 화폐 증가량이 제한적일때에 그렇습니다. 고맙습니다. 김도헌 올림.
@bmaiceman 27 күн бұрын
That gas can has an enlarged prostate!!!
@user-bs1fc3rf9x 27 күн бұрын
I have a feeling that the authors did not understand either Mises or Marx
@ExPwner 25 күн бұрын
They understand both and have an entire series devoted to breaking down each of the lines and how they correspond to the ideas of each.
@Artem-og8vv 29 күн бұрын
Социализм всегда приводит к ГУЛАГу, по опыту совка (ссср) можно сказать.
@Chosen1_of.the.NONexistent_God Ай бұрын
Marx unlike Nietzsche is responsible for the application of his philosophy in the 20th century?
@paulhyd Ай бұрын
Free speech to collectivists is a justification of means to an end of their own value system whlle for the individualists it's a justication to an end by whatever means.
@slevinchannel7589 Ай бұрын
@SiJullianToGuys Your confusion stems a simple lack of knowledg + efrom uneducated wild-guesses what's going on. I'd be also confused if i had no clue Internet wasnt build by apitalism at all, that's a silyl lie you catched somewhere Love how you shrugg at it all when knowing literally less than someone who has all their knowledge about capitalism and ocmmusm from a random rap-battlle
@ExPwner 27 күн бұрын
Capitalism absolutely built the internet as we know it today. Only dipshit leftists equate the early stage project from the government to the actual internet and that is because you are not just willfully ignorant but a liar who gets his supposed facts from left wing KZbin videos.
@rappakalja5295 25 күн бұрын
​@@ExPwnerThe internet was built with government funding by workers, not capitalism. 😂
@ExPwner 25 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295no it wasn’t dumbnuts. The government funded the bare bones basic idea of it and private enterprise created what we actually use today. Amazon is a private company that built e-commerce and web hosting/cloud services. KZbin built the site you are typing on now. There are plenty of examples of this and none of them remotely resemble what the government put out.
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
​@@ExPwnerLmao, you're bragging about the corporate hellscape the internet has become? 😂 Why am I not surprised, you seem like a person who wants every corporation to sell off your data to the highest bidder.
@ExPwner 20 күн бұрын
@@rappakalja5295I am pointing out that you use the internet made by the private sector and not the version created by government dumbass.
@hhasn991 Ай бұрын
@Zagirus Ай бұрын
"In the untouched wilderness of innate ambition, where courage roars louder than the winds and the law of the jungle is written by the unforgiving claws of destiny, Adam Smith, enshrined in the majestic aura of a regal lion, strides across the savannah of enterprise with a dignified grace, his mane glows like a crown of pure gold, symbolizing the radiant success that comes from the sweat of one's brow. Each step he takes imprints the legacy of unfettered opportunity and the sanctity of individual achievement upon the earth, his growls the hymns of market freedom and competition's pure doctrine. Every chase, every triumphant kill under the scorching sun, reflects the core tenets of his existence: that prosperity is forged by one's own claws, that the spoils belong to those who dare hunt for themselves. In this realm where nature's unforgiving law dictates the survival of the fittest, Smith's feast is a hallowed celebration of meritocracy, a sacred ritual where the fruits of labor are savored in their earned glory. Yet, within the dark and deceitful shadows that plague the untouched corners of the vast savannah, a figure emerges that is both foreboding and out of place - Karl Marx, the ghost of collective despair, creeps with the stealth of disillusionment, his presence a blight on the lush landscape of innovation. His philosophy, a morass of dependency and entitlement, seeks to strangle the vibrant life of autonomy and merit, to redistribute the spoils of the hunt without the sweat of the chase. In the whispers of the wind, his doctrines spread like a pestilence, aiming to corrupt the natural order with the falsehood of utopian equality. His vision, dreary and monotonous, threatens to leech the color from the world, proposing a landscape in which the lion lies down not with the lamb, but as the lamb, denying the essence of its nature. This apparition of equal misery rails against the very laws of nature, against the survival of the fittest, pushing instead for a survival of the most numerous. It represents a chilling specter of uniform mediocrity, where the exhilarating chase of aspiration and achievement gives way to the lethargic shuffle of complacency. Nonetheless, despite his attempts to blanket the world in the fog of his malaise, Marx remains a ghost among the tangible triumphs of the individual, unable to fully extinguish the fire of ambition that burns within the heart of the savanna, as Smith's roar, a clarion call to the spirits of ambition and self-reliance, pierces through Marx's murmuring shadows. It is a battle cry, celebrating the victories won by claw and tooth-by wit, will, and work. For in this primal savannah, success is not a gift to be doled out but a prize to be claimed by those daring enough to hunt their dreams under the sun of free enterprise." - Andrea Zanzotto
@RealAdvocateForLiberty Ай бұрын
I posted on Facebook in 2020 when the gov was planning to send “stimulus” checks. I said everyone needed to watch for rising prices because that would be the result of the gov printing money to send to us. Then when I noticed the first container of ice cream shrunk. I took a pict and posted, told ya so!!
@SB-tp2jv Ай бұрын
Social Democracy, Public Welfare and Social Justice may live long 🌹
@yeboxxxchannel2505 28 күн бұрын
And that's where I agree the most. So hey, one on one. Wanna help me develop Theories about Psychology and Mentality of people that often exists within ANY Ideology?
@bellakrinkle9381 Ай бұрын
Children are brainwashed, first, by their parents - it starts with authoritarian christianity - long before most understood totalitarianism. Our society is ripe for totalitarianism.
@danielnadie9088 Ай бұрын
Milei Milei ❤❤❤ Milei 2027
@rappakalja5295 Ай бұрын
Poverty 💓💓💓
@jaszczureki2637 21 күн бұрын
​@@rappakalja5295 capitalism brought down poverty look at the chart's
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
@@jaszczureki2637 If you remove communist China from the equation, global poverty has increased since the 1980's.
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
@@jaszczureki2637 If you take out communist China from the equation, global poverty rates have increased since the 1980's.
@rappakalja5295 21 күн бұрын
@@jaszczureki2637 1. Capitalism is a driving factor in increasing global poverty 2. My comment was a response to Milei's neoliberal policies which always skyrocket poverty rates.
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
infant industry definitely make no sense. nor do tariffs against industries with natural advantages. (eg. indonesia has an advantage in producing rubber due to its climate relative to canada, so canada should not tariff indonesian rubber.
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
one other concern i have with trade genreally is uneven regulatory frameworks (eg. environmental regs being enforced in some countires but not in all) or subsidies (eg. usa subsidizes its agriculture heavily/china and india subsidize their steel heavily) do to emulate "free market" conditons and align investment to where it should really go in the absense of other legal and taxing frameworks, targeting tariffs to selected foreign industries that are either extremely regulatorilly unaligned or massively subsidized would align price signals to funnel investment levels to the correct sectors relative to ones that are only peofitable because of foreign industrial policy.
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
one other concern i have with trade genreally is uneven regulatory frameworks (eg. environmental regs being enforced in some countires but not in all) or subsidies (eg. usa subsidizes its agriculture heavily/china and india subsidize their steel heavily) do to emulate "free market" conditons and align investment to where it should really go in the absense of other legal and taxing frameworks, targeting tariffs to selected foreign industries that are either extremely regulatorilly unaligned or massively subsidized would align price signals to funnel investment levels to the correct sectors relative to ones that are only peofitable because of foreign industrial policy.
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
are retaliatory tariffs justified? (eg. china heavily taxes most of our exports of finished goods so retaliating with tariffs of our own may make more sense)
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
replacing income taxes with a broad based tariff seems very preferable to me
@classiclibertarian Ай бұрын
domestic consumers ultimately pay for it but only for consumption of foreign industrial goods. we probably wouldnt be able to raise the same type of revenue as we can with an income tax, so that would mean reduced taxes overall. win win.
@a.randomjack6661 Ай бұрын
Totalitarian regime really is Pathocracy, or how psychopathy takes over a society More scientifically known as “Political ponerology” High level psychopaths are humans without humanity. No empathy, manipulative and without remorse. they make the best CEO's out there Of 'The Top ten Jobs that Attract Psychopaths' (article) CEO is number one.
@user-wo6qn3vf9n Ай бұрын
Ask "Conservative Momma", she'll tell you.
@rickeshpatel4025 Ай бұрын
Now about just stopping crime 🤦🏽‍♂️
@busigator96 Ай бұрын
4% unemployment is not bad. 6% is by rule full employment
@USS_Cringe Ай бұрын
ima say both of them is dumb,
@arofhoof Ай бұрын
"ima say both of them is dumb," What is third way?
@USS_Cringe Ай бұрын
@@arofhoof well, karl marx was mostly talking about communism , but uh i am a democratic socilist so, uhhh kinda a mix of both
@arofhoof Ай бұрын
@@USS_Cringe "uhhh kinda a mix of both" So you are dumb?
@8xottox8 Ай бұрын
@@USS_Cringe I have to be real with you brother. You realise democractic socialism is still just capitalism, right? Every "democratic socialist" system on the planet still only exists because they extract wealth from the global south. Just because you get free health care doesn't suddenly make the system not capitalistic or socialist.
@yeboxxxchannel2505 28 күн бұрын
​@@USS_Cringe Dobrý den, want a little thing on why I believe in State that Socialists and Anarchists often don't believe in? And I assure you, this can be fixed on most sides, even in a specific instance of Anarchism. Only fear there is for Socialism and Anarchism? Decentralisation. And I am talking decentralization of Education, Morals and Information gathering. Communes are not gonna work if it's gonna have the idea of a Commune spreading info by spreading it onto more Communes as EACH commune has the ability to stick to the main branch of the information, the truth or lie. But also the choice of side branches like lies or partial truths.. By that, Communes have a choice to spread onto other Communes either truths, lies or partial truths. Solution? Centralisation of Information spreading. Make Center revolved around other centers.. mainly about information gathering and spreading.
@BornEnlightenedNoSell Ай бұрын
Deci nu sunt folosit de nimeni ,ce se întâmplă este un joc total adica suntem frati in direct cine nu și-a dat seama este intelligence,nu ma folositi doar facem treaba amandoi ,spunele la aia ca arunc petarda ce a-ți inteles ca suntem in aceași oala amadoi ,acum cine e de vina eu s-au tu sri ,etc ? Asta înseamnă fratie si cand i-mi faci rau Dumnezeu t-e pleaneste cu cate un agent secret mort
@BornEnlightenedNoSell Ай бұрын
Pot sa arunc o petarda unde lucrez nu ca sriu le spune de dinainte ,fand ajung la munca deja sriu toti , înseamnă spalate pe creier ,eu arunc petarda serviciul secret spune tot 😂master of mind illuminati 👁️
@BotchuLeeSim Ай бұрын
I feel like capitalism with socialist elements would be a perfect system
@yeboxxxchannel2505 28 күн бұрын
Sounds very unlikely to be truly achieved. Here is a better alternative for now that proved itself. Capitalist State with mixture of Social Welfare. Social Democracy is related to that.