Omg 20.5 !!!! Need to proof read !!!!! I need one of those old guy phones with the huge buttons lol. Is 54 old ? Oh s%@@* i think i am getting old !😮
@ToddJackson-hg8px4 сағат бұрын
Ur way farther than myself in the bag of tricks forsure but, flatland is a luv of something that has alot of failure but, also achieving sum of the most awesome things we can do as flatland riders. It takes alot of time and discipline to achieve greatness. Keep up the the work and content. Looking forward to the next. I have a Majide with a 2.50 top tube and just over 13" chainstay . I'm also 6' 4 and it gives me room but also nimble enough. Flatland for life !!!
@ToddJackson-hg8px4 сағат бұрын
Omg the fat fingers!! 20.5!!!!!!
@brianrand719116 сағат бұрын
Is this Tom Green?
@flatlandjourney14 сағат бұрын
haha, I used to get that back in the day. But it's been a while.
@drumfanatik316Күн бұрын
The Haro Lineage bikes are awesome!!! I built a 2021 Master and I’m going to buy the 2023 for $1000! That’s a great deal when you consider the rims bought separately are $600!!! The frame and fork is $600, so you’re basically getting the rest of the bike free!!!
@flatlandjourney14 сағат бұрын
That’s a great deal. I think they are great bikes too.
@chumslick26282 күн бұрын
Maybe try a one handed x-up while goin into the time machine
@flatlandjourney2 күн бұрын
Ya, I've seen some guys do that. It seems less stable, but I might give it a try. Thanks.
@xj220sc3 күн бұрын
No wonder I had so much trouble as a kid trying to do flatland stuff on a jump bike…everything was working against me. Good video
@flatlandjourney2 күн бұрын
Ya man, a smaller bike does make a big difference. But people can get used to riding almost anything. Flatland is really hard.
@nowherebrain3 күн бұрын
BigBear!!! used to camping up there when I was a kid...lived in SanDimas Ca.....ofc, now I live in germany...
@flatlandjourney2 күн бұрын
Ya man Big Bear is beautiful. It's only a few hours away from where I live in San Diego. Wow, you moved to Germany? Thats a big move. How come you moved?
@nowherebrainКүн бұрын
@@flatlandjourney Too many bodies. :)
@uptowndann1093 күн бұрын
another good thing is only $49 shipping to us for flatland fuel. And only Iowa is subject to sales tax.
@flatlandjourney3 күн бұрын
@@uptowndann109 ya that’s really awesome deal.
@brdnl34 күн бұрын
So you’re talking about flatland and pointing out a crap bike ! Flatland back in the day was all about split top tube pegs and standing platforms built into bikes .. This bike has none of that
@flatlandjourney4 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out this video and offering your perspective. Those classic freestyle bikes from back in the day were really cool, so I totally get where you are coming from. In this video, I was focusing more on some current affordable options that could work to help people get into the sport or back into the sport at a reasonable price. Are you interested in getting a bike with a split top tube? I'd love to hear more of what you are into.
@josephcorso50813 күн бұрын
Dude I rode in the 80s and I ride now. Sure the 80s bikes had more style but modern bikes are way better to ride. We realized platforms and extra tubes are just dead weight.
@matthewroot16064 күн бұрын
Always love when you post! I’m just starting to get into flatland and really appreciate the info you share. Stoked to see your progress…Stay Rad!!!
@flatlandjourney4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it! Would love to see what you are working on!
@l.a.maclin65914 күн бұрын
I just started riding Flatland 7 months ago & my 1st bike was The LaBastille. I knew nothing about bikes when I bought it, only got it because of the color. Lol!🤦🏾 It turned out to still be a great bike... BUT!!!! I had to basically hybrid build it by adding a 1. Gyro 2. Front Break 3. New Fork (With Break Mounts) 4. Seat Post - The seat that came with it was a half inch above the tire. 👎🏾 5. Pegs - The ones that came with it are strictly for street rail grinding & heavy AF!!!! 6. New Tires. - The tires that came with it were so fat they wouldn'tfit through the new fork with the front break. So I dropped down to (2.5) Even those are a little big, but definitely work (100psi) If I knew then, what I know now, I would have just bought the Groundmaster, which I still ended up buying anyway, 2 months after The LaBastille. They're brother & sister. Lol! Dope Whips! L.A. (aka) Nite Rider STL 4130 Flatland Crew 🚴🏾
@flatlandjourney4 күн бұрын
Ya, that makes sense with the La Bastille. If I were to get it, I would probably just use it as a completely brakeless bike, and put some grip tape on the pegs, then call it a day haha. Once brakes come into play, it opens up a whole chain reaction of upgrades that need to be done haha. I've experienced that first hand as well.
@radkesrods11844 күн бұрын
i know whats wrong! you need a 88 haro freestyler to do that trick LOL jk. anything balancing on front pegs i go right down like a sac of rocks lol as an automostive custom painter you killed it. powder is lame. looks like shit to me. bmxers are the only ones that think powder is the god of finishes im not sure why? most dont even ride hard. i paint everything only the forks get rashed if u ride hard and theyd get rashed if it wa powder so why cut your nose off to spite your face? URETHANE FTW
@flatlandjourney4 күн бұрын
Thanks man! Ya, I do love the finish I can get with paint. Plus, I don't have the gear to powder coat and would lose the joy of doing it myself if I had to take it to a shop. I would love a Haro Freestyler! The reissue looks great, but not affordable.
@cuadstar18 күн бұрын
@cuadstar25 күн бұрын
[PRO TIP] : You'll need a front brake caliper like the odyssey bulldog so you can spin the front bars though the bottom of the fork if you don't have a fork with double mounts on the bike for center pull caliper from the start. (Regular front rim caliper won't work. 👍
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
That's right. I think Dia Comp makes the bulldog and Odyssey makes the 1999, I've never personally used either of them, but I think both should work with a fork that lacks 990 mounts. There is also a Dia Comp 990 adapter that can be added to a fork that has no mounts.
@chuckgood397228 күн бұрын
It's getting huge in Japan. Carry the torch for us Japan until we catch up!
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
We will keep trying to grow the sport here. I would love to ride in Japan sometime.
@Paved_ParadiseАй бұрын
Love the journey bro!! Keep it up Super stoked for you and proud of ya. 💪🏼💪🏼👊🏼
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
Thanks man, I appreciate the encouragement! I like seeing your videos!
@Paved_Paradise19 күн бұрын
@ anytime man. Also thank you too! Means a lot to me. 💪🏼💪🏼🙌🏼
don’t give up, you’ll get it💪🏾💯 I used to roll the tire and grab the seat before I set the back wheel down, foot to the top tube🤙🏾
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
Thanks man. I have been playng around with a few different techniques. Rolling the tire and grabbing the seat is one of those and it seems to be a little more controlled.
@reggielavoie5048Ай бұрын
Tuck your legs up more and getting the whole way round avoiding the front tire. Just gotta commit to it.youll get it dude.
@freestyleflo9689Ай бұрын
@user-gm3fy8kw8eАй бұрын
Man this is EXACTLY what I’ve been trying to find! Got into bmx at 34 and couldn’t find anyone that showed these fundamentals. Thanks dude!
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
I'm glad it's helpful. I was in the same place as you, couldn't find many videos that broke down the learning process of the tricks enough, so I started making them.
@sambonney8884Ай бұрын
Does this mean you're selling that S&M Dagger?
@flatlandjourneyАй бұрын
I sold the Dagger to a friend. It was a great frame.
@frankruiz7375Ай бұрын
I realize this was from 8 months ago. Hope you got the brake issue sorted out. After going through every comment I didn’t see any that spoke about linear cables being problematic when used for a front brake cable. I could be wrong but it looks like you are or were using a linear cable shield at the time. Linear cables are used for racing and are meant to be used for rear brakes. Best used in a straight cable setup. When you bend the cable shield it will bind thus making the cable hard to pull. Switch to a Teflon cable shield and you’ll be good to go. If you want to take it a step further you can add a flexie to the upper half of the cable shield. This eliminates the barrel adjuster from the level and move it down close to the stem. It allows you to move your lever in further and it also your fingers protected from those sharp areas on barrel adjusters. If you want to take it even further you can add a second front brake. I made a how to set up double front brakes years ago and it might still be on my channel if you are interested in a setup like that. Hope this helps you and anyone who read this. Stay humble and stay focused on your journey, the reward is like no other ✌🏽
@flatlandjourneyАй бұрын
That is super helpful! I had no idea about linear cables, but that makes so much sense. I'm also interested in checking out your video about the dual front brake set up. Thanks for the comment:)
@sambonney8884Ай бұрын
I know that you fail at the trick a lot more gracefully than I do. Lol... my fails dont look as good. Thanks for the inspiration. My son and I love yoir videos.
@flatlandjourneyАй бұрын
Thanks man! I appreciate you guys watching the videos! Would love to see some videos of you guys riding!
@Low-effort-individualАй бұрын
Looking at getting a we the people utopia frame just because it looks nice will be more to just cruise around
@flatlandjourneyАй бұрын
Ya the Utopia frame is really nice looking. Are you thinking about getting the hybrid version, or the flatland version?
@Low-effort-individualАй бұрын
@@flatlandjourneyI’m looking at the flat land frame so I have something a bit different feeling to ride plus it just looks so good going to get the 20 inch version
@Sunsets-h7wАй бұрын
Song name please
@Tony_Schneidewind2 ай бұрын
I put together an old DK Signal this spring with old parts. And it’s been upgraded to my main ride this year. 19”TT compared to my 19.75 TT Big Daddy previously. I’m 5’10” also went brakeless for the summer.
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
That sounds really cool. I'd love to see it. It's nice to switch it up from brakes to brakeless... then back again.
@Nickelstyx352 ай бұрын
Option 3 I prefer and would appreciate advice or insight on companies and frames you think are worth investing in. I got out back during the Morales, Big Daddy era and I am unfamiliar with newer frames and companies. Love your content, thanks so much.
@flatlandjourney19 күн бұрын
This reply is way overdue. Ya, I might make a video on that. I bet there are others seeking that as well.
@drumfanatik3162 ай бұрын
Nicely done. Just an observation. If you would’ve had your right pedal forward, you would’ve ridden out almost every time! Not sure if you’re comfortable riding like that or not? I’ve also seen some people do it from the back pegs.
@flatlandjourney4 күн бұрын
Your right about the pedal placement. Thanks for the comment!
@fitzy00082 ай бұрын
Last bike I owned was an ‘87 Dyno Pro Compe, so it’s been a while! I recently bought a used redline Recon to see if I can still do some old 80’s tricks. This vid was super helpful to know what is important for flatland. Thanks!
@andybarrett64722 ай бұрын
Awesome video. Love the flatland content. Im 50 and still riding. Flatland is my choice after all these years of street and dirt. I converted and am still loving 20” bikes but in a new way. Keep em coming
@andybarrett64722 ай бұрын
You told me too late. I have 8 of many geometries. Thats my advice😂
@SPSquirtle2 ай бұрын
hardest way to learn. Every beginner should practice on a Unbike first
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Interesting, do you have a video on that? I'm always open to better tips on how to learn tricks.
@SPSquirtle2 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourney all you need is front wheel, fork, stem, handlebars, and pegs !
@Paved_Paradise2 ай бұрын
@MormSineng2 ай бұрын
Bmx best thanks 🫡🥰🤝🤝🤝Bmx
@robinferdinando40382 ай бұрын
Hey turned out really nice, im been wanting to get in to flatland and some street stuff and realised i had a old gt performer from 2005 layin around in my parents shed, got a new headset and a new handlebar. Im pretty tall, 6.1 but hope this will bike will do to starts with?
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Ya use the bike you have and start learning tricks. What year is the GT?
@robinferdinando40382 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourneyyear 2005
@MormSineng2 ай бұрын
Bmx best 👏👏💯🫡🥰🤝🤝Bmx
what frame is that
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
It a Far East Cycles “Black Wind” frame.
@nowherebrain2 ай бұрын
finally went bigger huh :) decades are's all about having the balls to do them. rollies(rolling decade)....they scare me.
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Ya, I had the frame in my garage, so just went for it haha. Looking forward to learning decades. I spent a little time today messing around trying to get the feel for it. Doesn’t seem too hard. Tips are welcome.
@nowherebrain2 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourney don't be afraid to make the "leap" it's not a boomerang, it is literally about jumping up nice and steep over the head tube...those brakes will support you, no fear.
@clarenceantoine19722 ай бұрын
Awesome color choice Kevin! Reminds me of the midschool Fly Suelo bikes. Great that you now have back brakes. Now to learn decades. I can help you along the way!👍
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Ya man I would love some help with decades. Especially if you have tips on how to break it down into steps for learning it.
@bmx082 ай бұрын
The front wheel was just out of place. All I had to do was move it more to the right and it would stop touching the brake.
@Metaldadbmx902 ай бұрын
I'm riding a 20.5 fit mixtape and like it so far. Fit also has the shortcut frame that comes in 19.5-20.25 toptube, but the standover height is almost 9". But the shortcut frame is also on clearance for $220 (plus $30 if you want them to drill gyro tabs) could be a good option. Bike looks great!!
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Nice! Where is the shortcut on clearance?
@danielsmith87222 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info! Getting back into riding at 49. So basically a newbie when it comes to bikes and compents. I use to ride perigrine super pro 48s back in the day only rims that could handle flatland stress with my weight, i dont see 48s anymore are 36s just a strong nowadays? What brand of freecoaster do you recommend? Thanks!
@flatlandjourney2 ай бұрын
Yeah, pretty much. No one rides 48 anymore. And as you mentioned, it is because the 36s are strong. The technology has improved a ton since 48 were the standard. You also save weight by using 36s. Also using a double wall rim will double the strength of the wheel. So definitely invest in double wall rims. For free coaster Hobbs, it really depends on your budget. if you go on you can find complete wheels with double wall rims for under $200 and they will be good enough to get you going for a while. If you are considering buying the hub wheels and spokes separately, then I personally would buy a far east cycles, free coaster hub.
@ArrKoKo3 ай бұрын
Always more than one way to do a trick there is. Gotta love it when old gets mixed in with new as well.
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
@toekneecastillo99293 ай бұрын
awesome!! please make more videos this was a great tutorial
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Thanks, will do!
@clarenceantoine19723 ай бұрын
Great tutorial bro!! Keep posting them👍👍👍
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Thanks man!
@ThinMantheGhost3 ай бұрын
How tall are you and what tt size is your frame? I am 6’3”, and what to get back into in. Haven’t rode since 2002.
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
I am 6’2”, so where about the same height. I am currently riding a 19.5 inch top tube. I am thinking about moving up to a 20 inch top tube. Some Flatland riders even ride a 21 inch top tube if they are very tall, but that does make it a little more difficult to learn certain tricks. You may want to go for a frame around the 20 inch or 20.5 inch top tube. Something like the utopia hybrid or Haro lava steel 20.25 inch version. If you are looking for a complete bike, I might give some different options.
@nowherebrain3 ай бұрын
you should mention bar position(fork aligned, slightly forward...etc...heavier people will have trouble keeping that back wheel to stay grounded :) I always found I am less spinning around the head tube and more..sorta jumping over the bars(not completely :) ) and then coming back...maybe I am just weird :)
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Yeah, that’s a good point about the back wheel coming up. That definitely happens a lot. Yeah, I see what you mean about almost jumping over the bars. Personally, I find that tucking my knees up above the crossbar of the handlebars can help with that. Probably I should’ve mentioned that. I hadn’t thought much about handlebar position now. But I do have mine tilted forward just a bit.
@nowherebrain3 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourney I do as well(bars forward..tall guys) does make positioning easier, but also initially brings my back wheel off the ground....every time..and I am thin(we have about the same build)... My post was not intended to judge...just B.S. -ing with you. liked, I will always like a vid..I can do the tricks, but I understand the family/work/youtube balancing act.
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
@@nowherebrain yeah I’m always thinking about how I can set up my bike better as a tall rider. What frame/size are you riding? I appreciate all the comments!
@nowherebrain3 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourney I think it's 19"..or 19.5" autum bikes katze V3..had it for about 4 years now...but in all honesty I still jump on my pro performer from 97 and it is a much better ride....people seem to love the 75deg HT angle...I hate it :) the GT pro perf had like a 73 or so...and it is just great. What frame are you running?
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
@@nowherebrain i’m riding a far East cycles black wind frame that has a 19.5 inch top tube. I’ve been thinking about trying something a little bit longer like around a 20 inch top tube. But I do like my set up pretty good.
@dopelordz3 ай бұрын
Great tips thanks, I got the footjam boomer and with a front brake the back end comes up half the time. Need to learn to flail roll it out but my arms give way ha.
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I personally have not been able to do it without brakes. The backend does come up for me sometimes as well. I find that tucking the knees can help.
@raultriana84673 ай бұрын
hi¡ your frame is.....¡?¡
@Paved_Paradise3 ай бұрын
Awesome vid and how too man. Been working on some as well for people. This was great! Love my boomerang from the back pegs to that no handed thing I do. Anyways ride on buddy
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Thanks man, its cool to see other flatland riders posting videos and helping each other out. Especially since it's such a small sport and many of us don't have alot of people to ride with locally. Looking forward to checking out your videos.
@Paved_Paradise3 ай бұрын
@@flatlandjourney thanks a ton man! I truelly agree for sure
@BloodOrangeFreeman3 ай бұрын
Glad to see you posted today - hadn’t seen a new vid from you in awhile. Love your stuff, cool to see other Christian flatland/BMX creators. Hoping to be able to start posting by the EOY. Would love to connect!
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
@@BloodOrangeFreeman yeah man I was just telling my wife that it is cool to see other Christian Flatland writers posting stuff. I look forward to seeing some of your videos and would love to connect as well.
@clones10933 ай бұрын
Would I be able to add a gyro to the haro la bastille?
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
Ya totally!
@clones10933 ай бұрын
Awesome, thank you! Your video was very helpful btw, u got my subscription!
@flatlandjourney3 ай бұрын
@@clones1093 thanks for subscribing! I really enjoy getting to talk with people about finding a good set up for them.