Sex is NOT Casual (Part Two)
Sex is NOT Casual (Part One)
Bring Back Classy Women!
2 ай бұрын
You're Not Ugly, it's Just Puberty
Lets Face it, Women are MEAN
ASH Liza Racer Review
4 ай бұрын
Self care doesn't need to cost
“Christians” are scammers too
Stop Praising Boyfriends
5 ай бұрын
Do 2024 with God
8 ай бұрын
ASICS Review (Gel Quantum 180)
Goodwill Haul | Fall 2023
10 ай бұрын
Detox from Celebrity News
11 ай бұрын
I'm Tired of Seeing Twerking
11 ай бұрын
5 Affirmations from the Bible
@lukewood2662 5 сағат бұрын
Nice. This is not talked about enough. Imagine if most people thought about it like we do. So much less problems, drama, hurt, bad choices and bad consequences.
@PRUDENCEAIM 17 сағат бұрын
Definitely subscribing.
@tatiyanahpotter1 Күн бұрын
toooo cuteee
@chaurielle Күн бұрын
Thanks Tati <3
@Clementine0458 Күн бұрын
*⚠️DISCLAIMER: For all reading this, I will ignore any negative comment or unnecessary hate to my commentary below. This is solely and simply MY opinion, so please take this with a grain of salt, unless you share the same opinions as me!*👍⚠️ ------------ As a 17 year old girl, I think “corn”, OF, and any other adult website is absolutely evil. The worst thing to ever happen to society. It’s physical, mental, emotional, moral, AND spiritual poison to the body and mind. Now, I’m not a religious fanatic, but I can’t help but feel like there’s something seriously evil and demonic about the type of sexualized content being dished out and shoved into our faces nowadays… I don’t wanna have my potential first time with someone who I don’t even know is clean or not…😞
@mackpunch368 2 күн бұрын
A lot of men lack the ability to reflect and question themselves and the status quo of why things are the way they are and how to solve issues ethically and being aware of the autonmy and boundries of others
@mackpunch368 2 күн бұрын
Intercourse, is indeed somthing that should be intimate, private, and seriously considered, and both male and females should be aware of and consider the implications of engaging in it as they could possibly procreate a sentient child which has to be raised and carries a whole bunch of legal trouble and expenses. It is okay to engage in it if both parties consent to it and accept the implications and should feel happy and not ashamed to engage in the act to express thier appreciation and connectedness to be together with their partner passonatley. Now sexual casualization of females or males needs to be stopped, as it misleeds people to think it is okay to act indecent in public as this could promote sexual violence for males and causes females to be targets of sexual abuse or objectifed, as lots of people dont understand how to control or process their urge or why they feel a certain way when they see somthing or ask themselves why they are taught a certain way to behave and think about things. Source-George Carlin.
@mackpunch368 2 күн бұрын
Drop all roles and mannerisms and roles society keeps linking or sterotyping with your sex, its all sebjective, opinions. When society realises this, we will change in a more compassionate way- My source is George Carlin.
@mackpunch368 2 күн бұрын
I think most people do not know or consider that your, idenity does not need to align with your biological sex. Society fails to question and ask them selves why they think the human race deserves to keep existing on this plannet when many other organisms and species have been born in and then been wiped out over millions of years and we, homo-sapians are no execption, we may have a more complex brain and thought process but that doesnt mean we our right to exist shouldnt promote our self important belief that WE SHOULD BE THE ONLY species to exist and keep on going FOREVER without considering we may evolve or get wiped out like all the other species that came before us. Again theres no "GOD"or higher power stating a rule saying that we have to reproduce, its entierly your choice if you want to extend homo-sapains existance and there is no reason to judge that, but society has not structued everything to be equal or fair. Our shitty government and wealthy institutions have made it so there is a "TOP" and there is a "Bottom" and you NEED TO ACCOMPLISH AND SUCCEED TO REACH THE TOP. this is a fucked ideal as no one individual has any clue what they are about to experiance and they are born out into this society with out their consent because two people decided to ingage in intercourse cause OH MY LETS HAVE A BABY. (society also has this werid facsination and obsession with family and having children to make our family tree bigger). All for what? its all bullshit. Religon and government has fucking brainwashed young new individuals to adopt these limiting and subjective ideals, family and lineage are bullshit BUT if two people are actually wanting to establish a relationship and are really really adore and appericates and values the partners self and what they are in their true and honest self, they NEED to consider how to help their child understand the world they live in and all the bullshit socialization and anti critical thinking the people in power want americans to belive and not make them feel like they have to follow the same career or hobbies or same anything (still legal and positive) that they did when they were younger.
@mackpunch368 2 күн бұрын
I agree, we have to demad, prod, and challange and set ultimatiums when things arent getting done to proceed and grow.
@jay-x2b6b 3 күн бұрын
@nomoretearz06 3 күн бұрын
There is definitely a a difference in using something that GOD created because of its natural healing properties v.s. allowing it to take the place of God. There are plants and minerals in nature that have been found to be good for the physical body. But when you begin to depend on them to give you the things that can only come from God, it is idol worship.
@nomoretearz06 3 күн бұрын
Continue to do what you are doing. God's word is true. Regardless of how anyone feels about or tries to justify wrongdoings. Continue to stand on TRUTH!!
@jkseraphim4 3 күн бұрын
I still remember when my family friend told me that having S-E-X is addictive. This is when I told her and her I want to be an old maid, an unmarried woman with no kids. She said she wished she made the choices I made.
@Christtheonlywaymovement 3 күн бұрын
I don't fathom how women can expect husband benefits energy and lifestyle as soon as they meet a man. Wheres the logic and sense in that?
@esketitesketit-c4r 4 күн бұрын
so was the sexual liberation movement a mistake or not? What if a woman wants to be promiscuous?
@jkseraphim4 3 күн бұрын
I would say yes to the first question. And it's really up to the woman choice. If you warn her not to and she doesn't listen she reaps what she sowed
@hermi1-kenobi455 4 күн бұрын
I think it’s fun to remember that the people that left their home countries because apparently they were ‘straying from god’ are the people who have normalised $3x to this degree
@Napalm2131 6 күн бұрын
Woman’s risk assessment in relationships is already close to none. But when they get around a rich man it goes completely out the window. They know exactly what they are getting into. Woman will be treated like trash just to be close to a life they want. This video should be for adolescent girls. Not grown woman.
@Bravetreee 7 күн бұрын
My second time here, commenting for the algorithm. Keep going girly!! Excited to see your growth!❤🎉
@chaurielle 6 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏽
@starstorm1267 7 күн бұрын
I’ve said this since I was young, sex is a tool that people treat as a toy. And your parents always told you not to play with tools.
@A.Masculine.Reminder 7 күн бұрын
If you get an STD prepare to be broke trying to save your health as well as having a shorted life. I knew a guy that caught HPV (the most common STD) on the tongue and it developed into a white callus. Developed quick into Stage 3 especially with the 2020 jab. Took 1 million dollars with insurance to save his life with chemo and radiation therapy. His brain and body doesn't ever return to normal after these things on top of having body scars and a lisp. It's insane and you should pick your partners wisely. Health is wealth 100X over.
@ashleysalazar2012 8 күн бұрын
Aside from the diseases. Casual sex is disgusting. To let someone you don't know touch you and be inside of you is not normal. Realistically, a lot of people could sleep with thousands of people in their lifetime, so it really isn't impressive to hear that someone has. A lot of people could, it doesn't make it a good decision. I have probably been attracted to maybe six men in my entire life. Attracted enough to sleep with, just my husband. I can not understand these people who are attracted to so many people. It's not a flex to sleep around.
@Allystargirl 8 күн бұрын
I joke with people ik that I graduated from the most fertile class in 2021 LMAO (yes I was in high school like yesterday. I’m 21) because a vast majority of the girls I graduated with or even graduated the year before and after me, ALL HAVE KIDS. Many have 2 or 3 as well. And I’m pretty sure out of all the girls I graduated with who’ve had children now, I can think of maybe ONE couple who’s actually married. Quite a few are engaged, but honestly, engagements don’t really mean what they used to anymore either… it’s either a shut up ring, or something of a stand in for marriage altogether, rarely have I seen it actually tune into marriage and I was IN THAT TOO. I was engaged at nineteen. I’m thankful to myself everyday that I broke it off before I made the worst mistake of my life. But it’s crazy out here.
@goth1155 8 күн бұрын
True. Women plz get right n b with some one that is too
@goth1155 8 күн бұрын
Make sure both clean
@christopherolivo3747 8 күн бұрын
This girl got mad and blocked me the other day bc I said no when she wanted sex bc I just don’t see a connection. It’s just weird how people are these days.
@VenusManTrap-777 8 күн бұрын
5:46 I think it’s more empowering to say: *YOU CAN’T TOUCH ME* #MybodyMychoice
@silento8252 8 күн бұрын
@TheFuture36520 8 күн бұрын
Very erudite and well informed lady cheers to your awareness bravo 👏 🙌 ❤
@zutesuit3765 8 күн бұрын
I'm a 21 year old virgin woman. By choice. Mostly because my brother and I were taught by my mother that the body is a temple and that the only person who should have access is the person you can trust and love, vice-versa. And the other reason for my continued celibacy is that I find people disgusting. I want my future partner to be patient, clean, respectful, and not be a regular participant in intercourse. I've been told that you have to lose your vcard in high school. Otherwise, I'd be a prude. Nah, I'd rather not be used, catch anything, or experience a pregnancy that I will most likely not get help with. I'm good on that, I'll get married first, and then I'll experience intimacy.
@ninjetti9898 8 күн бұрын
There is a God shaped hole in all of us rhat yearns to be filled. If you don’t fill it with God then you will fill it up with something else, cosmmetic surgery, money, fame, alcohol, drugs, pills, etc... i have seen some youtubers gain millions of followers and thousands in endoresements and then walk away from it all to convert, because none of it brought them any lasting peace or fulfillment.
@xeno120 8 күн бұрын
I agree with your points but I don't say it out loud too much as I would be ridiculed
@suvi1502 8 күн бұрын
The amount of times I’ve been rejected for a relationship but wanted as a sexual partner by the same men. I’m so tired
@MarKOPoLO2321 8 күн бұрын
As a man, I don't subscribe to the foolishness that men (and women) take part in these days. Not saying it didn't exist before, but it's so pervasive now. I listen to one of my boys talk about their se*capades and without judging him I know that lifestyle and choices are just not for me. More than anything, that lifestyle is chaotic. I'm not perfect and did engage in promiscuity for a time in my younger years and after a while I realized how unfulfilled I was. Also, I value myself and all the hard work I have put into my life and I'm not just gonna give that away to some rando that I see no future with.
@EmmanuelAniTheSchism 9 күн бұрын
Since I was referred to these videos back to back by KZbin, I guess I'll continue my comment analysis from part one: 5. Sounds like the answer is to wear a condom here. Once again it's a matter of discipline and moderation. You can still have casual sex if you protect yourself, you just have to make sure you have it on you before you start - which speaks to intentionality in and of itself. Also, as somebody who is a medical doctor, technology does not dictate cures. Your HIV map made you consider America number one because we have higher technology but it has taken us over 20 years to even build upon the anti-retroviral medication because the stigma around the virus kept the government from funding those efforts en masse. With that in mind I think we've gotten pretty far when compared to a lot of the world. Also 6:41 it was Christian conservatives that blocked a lot of disease research in America. We would have been a lot further along if we had unanimous support in doing what we needed to do earlier. 6. I'm sensing a lot of discipline as themes here. The discipline it takes to moderate yourself when having casual flings is key. The same way you need discipline on the other end. Also, @ 11:26, The reason it's jacked up is actually more because it's scarce - I said in your previous part that the generations following Gen x have been having statistically less and less sex, so when somebody finally gets the thing that they were pining for, they're going to turn a blind eye. Hence the need for discipline and moderation. Many people don't get girls, so the girl that comes after them / reciprocates is going to take priority regardless 😂. 7. Just like #4 I find myself agreeing somewhat with this one. Although, this point implies - like a lot of these points - that someone does get girls constantly. Speaking from personal experience, a lot of the sex I had was in relationships, which didn't happen a lot. The explanations for some of your points throughout the two parts seem to be more for individuals who have the capacity for being a player on the male side lol 8. This point is true and untrue at the same time: it's true because your reputation will proceed you with a lot of people depending on who you talk to and try to be with, but it's very untrue because it is a big world and even then some people don't care - you ironically gave men a pass by saying that it's harder for a man to commit unless there much younger or a simp, because one of those two is not having a lot of sex, which would mean that is the guy that the woman should go after - Even though it's more than likely that wouldn't happen. I think reputation is nice and all, but people get over it when they realize who the person is as an individual, and if one isn't able to get over the reputation they just find someone who will. Your example Riley Reid was able to find someone to marry despite the struggles 🤷🏾‍♂️ Overall, I know nobody's going to read this but these two videos were pretty good. Felt nice to finally get some of my points off seeing as I hear a lot of this. Tldr: moderation, protection and discipline in your casual activity will keep you fine. As much as some think it ain't casual, statistically it doesn't happen in majority, and restricting the minority in this case will probably lead to 1950s era repression 😅
@EmmanuelAniTheSchism 9 күн бұрын
1. Even for the people with stashes, they still had addiction, meaning just because it's out in the open doesn't mean the addiction doubled. Also, as I'm in the medical field, if it really gets bad people with certain addictions can stop for 2 weeks and then get right back on it. The answer is actually to moderate the corn and become more open with talking about it ironically. 2. Again, this is a discipline issue. We have this statistics and regardless of drama, each generation that is being born is having less sex. Call that abstinence by proxy or discipline, the people that engage in it pretty soon will not have a pool. It can still be casual in this instance, people just need to get over themselves and practice moderation - like in the first point that I made. Also, obviously don't have a side when you're married or in a relationship ofc 3. Again, this is a problem of discipline and perspective. Not really much to say here on this point, except that it's Christian conservatives that are messing with the aspect of marriage and methods of birth control. Yes, the individual should put on condoms, but there should be stratification to the process regardless. Even if we play it out and you get rid of casual sex, now you have married couples who are unfit parents - which resets the problem for the child. 4. Weirdly enough this is probably the only point that I actually agree with somewhat. The irony is actually that the children point here still points to being disciplined. The lesson here, if any, is to achieve what you need to achieve before casually having sex, and discipline yourself to do so in moderation at a specific dedicated time. Athletes/musicians do it all the time - why do you think there's always a spike in condom usage during the Olympics, for example?
@Cam0005 9 күн бұрын
Wow super 🔥 S/O to you
@chaurielle 9 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏽
@abelsalazar2510 9 күн бұрын
Yes I am a father to my beautiful 8 month year old daughter. Her mother and I were not together. And I could not control myself. Once it ended I moved on and found the love of my life. My wife now (not the mother to my child) I hear about the news of my child and took full accountability and responsibility. It is painful for everyone. Me, my wife and the mother to my child. Painful in the aspect of many things. Not having a baby when ready or the person you are in love with. It hurts… I stay up late nights thinking about the pain I caused. I am not that same person I was before. Although it’s painful that I could not be the father in typical circumstances. The love I have for my daughter is like no love I’ve ever felt and inspired me to be so much more. I can never take back the pin I caused. But I can become the father I always wanted and needed growing up to my daughter. My beautiful wife who has stuck with me through it all and trays my daughter like her own. If you are in a similar situation. Be true to yourself. Do not lie to anyone or yourself. Be a good man or woman and spread love. If you think you have done wrong. You can change and you can become so much more. Believe in yourself and remember why you want to change. I wish you all the best of luck and happiness in the challenging journey in life.
@jaysouthmusic8230 9 күн бұрын
I don’t even post my personal life anymore. I just post my music and promote my KZbin channel and that’s it. I learned the hard way and now all my best personal moments never make it to social media anymore
@elenadesimone2605 10 күн бұрын
I wanna bring back the old times when people believed in marriage
@alysiaa. 10 күн бұрын
mhm! i was there. at 21 my first and only sexual relationship was toxic and doomed from the start. he was perverted and noncommittal. i experienced the negative emotions too, but i left once i realized my values are the only ones that matter here. and despite me having sex already, i still value it highly and learned to respect my body and set boundaries
@Anjemivas 10 күн бұрын
I feel like as a 21 year old guy I'm getting coerced into hook up culture by mostly men; we're like almost bullied for not being men who sleep around with various women. It's also really weird how women and men can't just be friends, it's like as a guy the bullying from other men never stops and we get bullied into becoming sex addicted misogynists. Either you're a man and feel like you HAVE to sleep around or just neber speak to women ever unless she could potentially be a sexual partner, it's Fucking insanity
@Iam_inevitabIe 10 күн бұрын
5:26 which technology exactly my sister 🤔
@alysiaa. 10 күн бұрын
pRep, Pep, testing, eHRs, certain treatments involving technology. medicine is health technology
@gracedarealbarb 10 күн бұрын
@gracedarealbarb 10 күн бұрын
Amazing video! My personal timestamps 17:10 17:40 18:00
@chaurielle 10 күн бұрын
@@gracedarealbarb thank you 🙏🏽
@BloodSweatandFears 10 күн бұрын
“This video is NOT for children” as a parent thank you for that, not enough people care enough to do that sort of thing ❤
@mithu2005 11 күн бұрын
people who still have the v card like ❤