The Perimenopause Diet I Recommend
@carolwong9279 3 күн бұрын
The literature suggest an estradiol level of at least 50 to 70 tp prevent osteoporosis. Is there a level for progesterone since you can't follow subjective symptoms for osteoporosis?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 20 сағат бұрын
@carolwong9279 not that I know of. And truthfully, hormone testing reliability is SUCH a debated topic amongst my peers. We don't know what specific level will protect the body from the silent systemic changes, so providing a standard measurement that can be applied to all women is challenging. Not to mention that progesterone (HRT) cannot be measured accurately in any testing. Although we can measure metabolites (24-hour testing via Meridian Valley or Rhein Labs is best).
@carolwong9279 19 сағат бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Thanks. So do you check estradiol levels at all? If not what is the recommended dose of estradiol for preventing osteoporosis?
@Karikk72 6 күн бұрын
Anyone have thoughts on oral estradiol ? I understand when they test your blood that it’s a snapshot in time but two months ago they tested it and it was 72 and tested it two weeks ago and it was 21. Ugh no wonder I have hot flashes again
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 5 күн бұрын
@@Karikk72 some providers are against oral estrogen because it can increase risk of clotting (if you have history of clot, it’s contraindicated). However, if no history of blood clot, some women prefer that route and may do better with it than topical. Also need to assess other risk factors with your provider. I personally use topical estradiol in a patch. Some ladies like cream, gel, or even a spray.
@Karikk72 6 күн бұрын
Have you heard of women using the oral pill vaginally to help with side effects ??
@Karikk72 7 күн бұрын
Thank yu for this video. I started on 100mg of progesterone and my “menopause induced anxiety “ sky rocketed for the first 8 weeks. It was awful. Started to help with sleep around the 10 weeks mark. My progesterone only went from <0.1 to 0.1 Maybe I need more ? Ugh the anxiety was so bad and is still here
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 6 күн бұрын
@@Karikk72 so sorry you’re experiencing anxiety, but yes you likely need more. 100 mg is very lose dose and it’s more common to take 200-400 mg.
@Karikk72 6 күн бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 it’s so frustrating. I would have thought my number would have increased more too. We are also still trying to find my right estrogen dose. Six months so far and still not having luck
@Karikk72 5 күн бұрын
Saw my doctor today ! She increased my patch from 0.05mg to 0.075mg. Also increased my progesterone from 100mg to 200mg. She told me to try the oral tablets vaginally and see if that helps alleviate some side effects for me
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 5 күн бұрын
@@Karikk72 great! Hope it all goes well 💗
@michellelauer4212 7 күн бұрын
How do you become a coach?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 6 күн бұрын
@@michellelauer4212 get a health coaching certification - lots of great schools! Check out my About page on my website for the programs/courses I’ve done. But you may want to check out School of Applied Functional Medicine and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition if you want to dig deeper, learn testing, blood work etc.
@peacelovejoyandhappiness 15 күн бұрын
This is a great video!!! 🎉❤🎉❤🎉New Subscriber!
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 14 күн бұрын
@@peacelovejoyandhappiness thanks for watching! 💗
@jessicahitchens6926 23 күн бұрын
The cholesterol scam is mind boggling to me. How people fall for it is still unbelievable in this day and age 🤣 Excellent podcast you know what you are talking about.
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 23 күн бұрын
@@jessicahitchens6926 agree 🤪 glad you like it!
@Unbound1117 Ай бұрын
Had normal mammogram last year. Started Estradiol patch and progesterone 4 months ago. Feel like my normal self again. But my mammogram shows dense breast this year. Should I be worried?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@Unbound1117 so glad you’re feeling well! Dense breasts are super common. I would watch the episode which airs next week with breast surgeon and integrative oncologist, Dr. Jenn Simmons. Make sure you subscribe to my channel so you’re notified when it’s available 💗
@26evajdiaz Ай бұрын
Thank you for clearing the HRT effects it’s true been on Climara very lowest dose and have very tender breast my cortisol goes up and down might need to increase in the next two to three weeks. Or how long would you recommend waiting I’ve been on for a month and a half.
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
Is it an estradiol only patch or does it have levonorgestrel as well? If it's estradiol only, you should also be on progesterone (oral micronized such as Prometrium). If it has levonorgestrel, I would opt for an estradiol only patch and also get an RX for Prometrium. Levonorgestrel is a progestin, which is NOT bioidentical progesterone.
@26evajdiaz Ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 I’m on an estridiol patch .25 mg and a generic of progestin (provera) 2.5mg. I’m going to get checked with ultrasound on left breast area next week but was told I might be benign cyst looking at from last time ultrasound. It’s been said HRT caused tender breast and hoped subside in the next few weeks.
@26evajdiaz Ай бұрын
Thank you for clearing the HRT effects it’s true been on Climara very lowest dose and have very tender breast my cortisol goes up and down might need to increase in the next two to three weeks. Or how long would you recommend waiting I’ve been on for a month and a half.
@cozinha8945 Ай бұрын
Thank you for mentioning (and the reminder) that it's not always beneficial or necessary to avoid any food 3 hours before bed. When I did this, and I tried for almost a year, my blood sugar would dip, therefore waking me up from 3-5a. Ugh!
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@cozinha8945 no problem! I had to have a snack myself last night. I just always make sure it has some protein in it 💗
@cozinha8945 Ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Do ever find that you wake at 3-4a starving and then can't get back to sleep? This has been a regular occurrence for me recently. I'm eating 3 meals a day and consuming an adequate number of calories. What gives?!
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@cozinha8945 rarely because I’m eating ample protein during the day and sometimes a snack before bed. How much protein are you consuming daily? Typically that can be a blood sugar dip which raises cortisol, then wakes you up.
@cozinha8945 Ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 I aim for 30-40 grams per meal
@shannasemel4805 Ай бұрын
I am 43. Peri with hasimotos on meds. Last few mths hit with alot of symps including itching. Tried progesterone twice. Once vaginally and then topical and had anxiety and shortness of breath sensation both times. Did not even use the full dose bc I'm sensitive to meds usually so I puncture and squeezed out some of the dose. Very frustrating since I can't start estrogen I'd I can't tolerate PG since I have my uterus still. Any thoughts?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@shannasemel4805 was this a topical cream you bought over the counter or RX via a compounded pharmacy? And you were not able to use oral micronized progesterone? I know some women have progesterone resistance. But if you’re not using a compounded formula (via a compounded pharmacy) I would try that (a doctor/NP has to prescribe of course). Less inactive ingredients.
@shannasemel4805 Ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 I used the prometrium and punctured the cap since it's an oil liquid. Attempted it vaginally after squeezing out half the drops that are in the capsule and one time actually just used one drop transdermally and had the same reaction both times but obviously less severe would just using the one drop
@lorim3b357 Ай бұрын
Claudia, I’m taking HRT and I’m still experiencing some issues. My dr just upped my estrogen but not my progesterone. I’m hesitant to start a higher dose of estradiol without upping the progesterone and I’m wondering, is the safe?
@lorim3b357 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I’m hoping HRT will help me with this. I only have anxiety at night when I wake up at 2/3am.
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@lorim3b357 also consider your diet (could be blood sugar dipping and causing cortisol spike)
@lorim3b357 Ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 thank you for replying. I will keep that in mind.
@lorim3b357 Ай бұрын
I just upped my estradiol patch, hoping that it will help me sleep better. 🤞🏻
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@lorim3b357 keep us posted!
@grayisthenewblonde 2 ай бұрын
So glad to have stumbled across your video. I am very concerned, bordering on outrage at the number of doctors who I have seen very recently on KZbin pushing progestins. I’ve sent messages which of course went on, answered to basically ask why are you pushing a cancer-causing option? It is such a disservice to women. Ty for your video
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 2 ай бұрын
@@grayisthenewblonde so often the terms progesterone and progestin are used interchangeably - it’s one of my biggest frustrations because they are DIFFERENT molecular structures and act differently in the body. My goal is to educate women so they can use the right terminology and advocate for themselves 💗
@cynthiaphillips9373 2 ай бұрын
I had an ablation over 10 years ago but still have a uterus. What dosage do you recommend for progesterone?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 2 ай бұрын
@@cynthiaphillips9373 I don’t know what dose you need, but most women start at 100 mg and increase if necessary.
@carriebilbrey 2 ай бұрын
My doctor has prescribed what I asked of him…estradiol patch, 100mg Prometrium, and testosterone. I am way more informed than he is so he is allowing me to test this out for 90 days and do another blood draw at that point. I have been on it for 2 weeks and then got a cycle. I am late peri. I could feel my estrogen naturally rise on day 4 of my bleed and so I didn’t think I should apply my patch. I feel great and am afraid too much estrogen would give me not so pretty symptoms. Prior to this bleed I went 4 months without a cycle and always know when my estrogen goes down…which is why I wanted to try HRT. I guess I just don’t know if I should keep applying the patch even knowing that my estrogen has risen because of my period. Yes, this is probably why it helps to work with someone fluent in all of this but money is an issue and because my doc is willing to prescribe this is what I have to work with for now. What would be the benefit for keeping the patch going even if it means I may have too high estrogen for a time?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 2 ай бұрын
Estrogen will fluctuate in peri - a lot. Estrogen HRT helps mitigate the symptoms that come with those ups and downs. Some providers believe in cycling HRT or using at certain points in your cycle. I personally use the patch and take it all month. You’ll know when your dose is too high but also know 100 mg Prometrium/progesterone may not be enough. Too many women think they have “too much estrogen” when it’s often a case of too little progesterone. And yes, there’s a trial period and working with someone to find your sweet spot. And as you age, your needs will change. I just adjusted my own (increasing both progesterone and estradiol). Hope that helps 💗
@cynthiaphillips9373 2 ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 how can progesterone be adjusted? It only comes in 100mg and 200mg. I started 100mg a week ago and experienced a drop in heart rate and blood pressure. It's gotten better but I don't feel 100% yet.
@26evajdiaz Ай бұрын
@@carriebilbrey estrogen is at it lowest while on a period that’s when I feel the worst but Dr Claudia is right I’m glad that you mentioned this with adjusting accordingly.
@puffchickpam1 Ай бұрын
Get micronized progesterone instead of prometrium. Can’t believe they’re still using that. Comes from a compounding pharmacy. May even need a new doctor
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 Ай бұрын
@@puffchickpam1 Prometrium IS micronized progesterone - you must be getting confused with Prempro which is a combo estrogen and PROGESTIN - which is not bioidentical. Prometrium is commercial/FDA approved and is, in fact, bioidentical. You could also get compounded progesterone at a compounding pharmacy of course, but it’s not always accessible for all, nor covered by insurance.
@kimbe910 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@Karikk72 3 ай бұрын
Thank yu for explaining the slow route. And that yu can feel worse before better !!!!!
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
My pleasure - I wish more people talked about this so women know what to expect 💗
@Karikk72 3 ай бұрын
@@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 me too !
@nicolematthews5930 3 ай бұрын
Since starting my Estradiol .25mg patch and 100 of Progesterone my blood sugar has been very high. I am diabetic and wear a Dexcom continuous glucose monitor. I am trying the hormones to hopefully address shortness of breath for 2 weeks prior to my period every single month for years now. Any thoughts or suggestions on this issue of higher blood glucose?
@evianevans292 3 ай бұрын
Try intermittent fasting, i eat 2 meals a day 3-5 hours apart and fast 12-16 a hours a day and my fasted glucose level went from 105 to 85 in two months i also went semi keto by just cutting out process carbs and replacing half the flour i use with zero carb flour, cream cheese and pork rinds panko and making alot of meat and fruit jerky for snacks
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
You’re certain your blood sugar is high since starting them? And are you testing glucose, HbA1c and insulin? I wouldn’t rely on glucose alone. And so many factors here - not sure what your diet is like, stress level, etc.
@nicolematthews5930 3 ай бұрын
Yes I wear the Dexcom G7 and have been for many years. I have data from before and now during. I also have bloodwork every 3 months.
@nicolematthews5930 3 ай бұрын
@@evianevans292 I stop eating at 7pm and don't eat until 11AM. Unfortunately, my old "tricks" don't work anymore.
@anne10127 3 ай бұрын
My provider said that exact thing about estrogen… that she wouldn’t prescribe it because I still have a cycle. She is a big supporter of hrt generally. What info can I share with her?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
I would give her a list of low estrogen symptoms that you have 💗
@destinyramsey4 3 ай бұрын
Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is for HRT but what about BHRT? Am I suppose to fall in line with hrt stuff when i'm on bhrt or is that a horse of a different color?
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
Not sure I understand your question. I use the terms BHRT and HRT interchangeably - but I’m always referring to bioidentical hormones.
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
You may want to watch this video if you haven’t yet:
@paulbarnett7588 3 ай бұрын
Replacement Therapy is better than nothing but the root causes of hormonal imbalance was hidden from us in plain sight, having us focusing on the major function of the ovaries and not their main function. This is where the subtleness lies !
@tinaromo8065 4 ай бұрын
Very informational video. Thank you so much for breaking down your symptoms as I am experiencing quite a bit of them myself. I hear testosterone also helps with libido. Did you experience low sex drive? Also, how much weight were you able to lose? I have been trying so hard for the past 2 years, strength training regularly, eating healthy 80 percent of the time, and although I've gained some muscle, I just can't seem to shed some pounds. Grrrr so frustrating.
@christinagowda3064 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant explanation. Thank you!
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 3 ай бұрын
You're very welcome!
@Adm1727 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this podcast
@claudiapetrillihealthcoach8545 4 ай бұрын
My pleasure 💗
@caroldean7710 2 жыл бұрын
Herpes is a common infection/condition, affecting about 1 in 4 American adults. Hsv1 & Hsv2 are the common types of Herpes virus and if untreated, they can get unbearable and cause severe medical issues. I'm so glad I'm over herpes and its stigma. all thanks to Dr. Aloha ☘️🇺🇸❤️