@GentlemanH 7 сағат бұрын
What was that all about ? Is it no longer common courtesy to introduce your subject? 👎
@stephenhardwick4101 13 сағат бұрын
Anyone with hair that is brightly coloured, need to visit their therapist more often than they do.
@davidjupp961 16 сағат бұрын
The two legged pond life from Clacton must be applauding, except they won't know because " politics is nuffing ta do wiv me " etc 😂
@steptay 19 сағат бұрын
You’re deluded Europe is a mess & the eu caused it. As for Plaid Cymru & Liz Saville Robert’s don’t make me laugh. Robert’s claims that it’s cost us 140 billion. How much has being a member of that club cost the British people losing its culture & homeland to mass uncontrolled immigration. Not everything is about figures on a spreadsheet.
@JohnRice-vb2ze Күн бұрын
Hes laughing because he knows you lot are full of shit.
@markperrin8098 Күн бұрын
Sadiq Khan is taking the opportunity to speak about Brexit yet again in a speech tonight. The London mayor has for a second time commissioned (with taxpayer funds) a fresh report on the “cost of Brexit to the UK’s economy” from Brexit-bashing firm Cambridge Econometrics. The so-called “independent” analysis paints a sorry picture with the price tag of Brexit at £140 billion. The pessimism is hardly a surprise seeing as the firm has a Khan-loving CEO who publicly praised his “prudence”, and counted Corbynista mouthpiece Richard Murphy as one of its directors. No surprise that Khan’s a repeat customer… Khan is obviously jumping on the “findings” to claim the UK “urgently needs to build a closer relationship with the EU”. As free market economist Julian Jessop points out, the report is modelling a UK that voted Remain and immediately concludes that GDP is 6% smaller than it would have been had we stayed. It claims any difference in actual UK GDP from an invented trend of a Remain-voting UK is the fault of Brexit and of course national factors like Covid-19 are ignored. Real-life data shows the UK is actually performing well in comparison to the Eurozone. Not like that will stop Sadiq spouting the same old hot air… UPDATE: The report cost the taxpayer £55,000.
@JohnRice-vb2ze Күн бұрын
These people are such liars and frauds. As i like to remind these people. There are 3 kind of lies. Lies, damn lies and statistics. And also GDP is not an accurate measure of success. Quality of life, standard of living and life expectancy is all i care about. I didnt vote to leave the EU for economic reasons. Some things are more important that the economy and GDP figures.
@adampeckham8541 13 сағат бұрын
Julian jessop had no counterfactual to Springfords analysis and every single macroeconomic impact assessment for Brexit was negative. Why haven't people's lives improved as promised? Also, jessop supported Truss's budget!! 🤯
@markperrin8098 12 сағат бұрын
@@adampeckham8541 Jullian Jessop had no counterfactual to a doppleganger modelled counterfactual, wow.🤡 Of course every impact was negative, he ignored any positive or non Brexit Brexit counterfactuals. Jessop is a free market economist, of course he approved Truss's budget, please dont pretend you understood what happened.
@markperrin8098 12 сағат бұрын
Both Springford’s SCM and Gudgin’s ECM can, by definition, only measure the ways in which the UK’s growth changed after 2016 relative to other countries. They cannot measure *why* it changed. While some or even most of that change may be attributable to Brexit, other factors - for example, as Gudgin argues, changes in US fiscal policy, or the acceleration of economic recovery in Greece - will also affect relative growth rates, as indeed will changes in the UK economic environment unrelated to Brexit. For example, the recent slowdown in UK labour supply growth is not primarily a Brexit phenomenon. The various tests Springford applies - dropping particular countries or constructing confidence intervals - can only partially account for this when it comes to other countries, and when it comes to the UK not at all.
@ancietman Күн бұрын
Its not like the EU is doing any better they got all the problems we got even worse in some EU countries.
@sonofednawelthorpe8609 Күн бұрын
We are doing better than most countries in Europe
@adampeckham8541 13 сағат бұрын
Awesome. Can you show us the data please? Are we doing better than we would have been had we stayed in the EU? The Springford data from the CER suggests not and the pro brexit economists Gudgin and Lu used a different methodology and produced similar data 😬
@paulholdstock4751 Күн бұрын
Farage doesn`t care about any damage. What baffles me is how anyone believes this man?
@ancietman Күн бұрын
But the EU is struggling just like Britain. EU Germany been in recession that can't be Brexit can it.
@JohnRice-vb2ze Күн бұрын
Why wouldnt we believe him. I have asked people for years to give me examples of some of his lies and no one has ever been ever to answer me. They can only give examples of opinions he has had.
@markperrin8098 23 сағат бұрын
Having more than three brain cells?
@christurner2140 20 сағат бұрын
"Growth in Britain is set to outstrip every other major European economy next year, the International Monetary Fund has predicted, in a sharp bounce back from the recession in 2023. Report dated 16 Jul 2024" Oh no, let's rejoin the EU straight away. We can help prop them up again!!!
@adampeckham8541 13 сағат бұрын
​@christurner2140 Cool. Is from a lower starting point? Last time I checked it was. Have lives improved since brexit as promised? Is the economy better off? Are farmers and fishermen happier? Talk to me goose
@cfclazio621 Күн бұрын
Farage alias the Joker ! lol
@JohnRice-vb2ze Күн бұрын
The Joker was the hero in the last movie.
@brendanpmaclean Күн бұрын
Shameless, amateur man.
@liamfinch4129 3 күн бұрын
Liz Truss is clearly mentally ill. Sorry - but I was right! REALLY?
@communismwillbeeradicated.6128 4 күн бұрын
leaving was the best thing and the people voted it, if we rejoin we will have to accept the euro and all the legal migration from the poorer countries of the eu again, already at 2 million without the open borders policy so god can only help us to what would come if we rejoined, best thing we could do is actually honor brexit instead of getting half assed deals and mps that voted against brexit being the main driver of the deal making, farage should have been at the helm instead of being pushed out by the tories.
@user-jc4lb5mm7x 4 күн бұрын
14 years of Conservative corruption and cronyism, Truss was part of all of that.
@george150799 5 күн бұрын
We should have an inquiry like the one into the post office, the failed promises, lies and downright arrogance of the last lot.
@marmedli9124 4 күн бұрын
Be similar under Labour , bunch of liars top to bottom, Boris and Co wanted Brexit for one thing, and that's to make it harder to leave this shit hole , and we know why people want to leave 🙄
@johntomkins8906 10 күн бұрын
She has well and truely lost the plot
@martinellisbritten-jones6156 9 күн бұрын
Lost it, she never had it. Truss is a fantasist.
@nigelbaxter7050 10 күн бұрын
Why do we listen to this woman!
@martinellisbritten-jones6156 9 күн бұрын
Comedy value. You have to laugh while struggling to pay your mortgage.
@robertpodbery242 11 күн бұрын
I Its a bit strange to see L Truss do such a good impersonation of Nerine Skinner
@user-xb9wb8sc9l 11 күн бұрын
Child benefits should only be given to married couples of British ethnicity.
@Nate9273 10 күн бұрын
You mean those of Norman descent, just as William the Conquerer came from Northern France, and of Central European descent where the Elizabeth II and Charles II largely descended from, and West Indies where the Windrush generation came from, and South Asia where Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel descended from? You're g**d**n right! All British ethnicity should get child benefits!
@user-xb9wb8sc9l 10 күн бұрын
@Nate9273 ah, so you want foreigners which 85% are net-takers to take even more.
@davidlange3418 11 күн бұрын
No excuse for having children that you are unable to support properly this measure was of course NOT taken retrospectively.
@michaelpeirce8592 11 күн бұрын
Liz Truss was a disastrous prime minister and no amount of excuses will change that
@richardbelben7075 11 күн бұрын
It was your fault truss and you are personally responsible even now you are still in denial, it’s like listening to someone walking around thinking they were not at all the problem. It was your fault . Take it and stuff it
@reriuqne0-ny1er 11 күн бұрын
@devondickie 11 күн бұрын
Liz Truss is a glove puppet for the Tufton Street neoliberal traitors who want to turn this country into their wet dream offshore tax havrn for the feral rich
@BobDavies-ro1pz 12 күн бұрын
Frankly, the damage that Johnson, Farage and Gove et al did to Great Britain by engineering Brexit via a pack of lies, warrants them being charged with high treason. And that was before the appalling ‘oven ready’ deal? they ended up with!
@IanScout1 12 күн бұрын
Truss needs mental counselling,then just GO THE HELL AWAY AND RETURN THE STOLEN PENSION AND HONOURS LIST.!
@ianbarker1241 12 күн бұрын
Half the lies they tell aren't true
@jon780249 12 күн бұрын
If it looks like an idiot and talks like an idiot…..
@kenjepson1908 12 күн бұрын
Low tax, high growth... Thw Tories have been trying that for the last 14 years, and here we are with the highest tax burden in history and stagnant growth, all of that after massive "money saving" public sector cuts... where's all that money gone, Truss... where is It?
@beecee2205 12 күн бұрын
in her handlers pockets
@UchewbRantifreespeech 11 күн бұрын
A consequence of the Blair/Brown years, they trashed the economy.
@realhorrorshow8547 11 күн бұрын
Low tax, high growth only works if those people and corporations, enriched by low tax, then invest that money in our economy, but they don't. It goes into monstrous executive pay and bonuses; shareholder dividends and share buy backs. Trickle down economics doesn't work, that's been proven over decades.
@chrisstones1249 12 күн бұрын
Osbourne ,one half of a double act that through there austerity measures cost the lives of thousands of innocent people,yet still allowed to carry on living the millionaire life style ,whats fair and just ,in that .
@trevorhoward7682 14 күн бұрын
Will Labour commit to sending as much military hardware to Zelensky? If so, when will the MoD admit that we are giving it away faster than we acquire it? If we are committed to not putting boots on the ground in any further overseas conflict can we simply get rid of our 200+ tanks?
@stephenporter5886 14 күн бұрын
So basically kicking the tin can down the road.....
@CH-vb5kr 14 күн бұрын
The Conservatives __cked our armed forces: but I don't trust Starmergeddon and LIIEbour either. And they keep letting in enemies/5th-column that come across the channel in dinghies every day!
@shamundungarwalla1517 15 күн бұрын
@kinderscout7000 15 күн бұрын
Only threat we face is that from politicians letting in terrorists and other enemies through our borders. You must think we're very ignorant of real facts. And who would be stupid enough to fight for the Britain they have created. The enemy is within. Not outside our borders.
@clivesmith9377 15 күн бұрын
sunak failed like no other MP has failed before. He's guilty of war crimes, thieving and mass murder. He should not move to California, he should move to PRISON.
@siredith8846 18 күн бұрын
State controlled water seems to work well in Western Auatralia.
@dakrontu 20 күн бұрын
The People's Republic Of China has many Special Economic Zones such as Shenzhen and Hong Kong. They have been rip-roaring successes. Shanghai is in the Shenzhen zone and like Hong Kong is a wealth-generating zone with its share of multi-millionaires who are not subject to the restrictive laws that apply elsewhere in the country. So the UK is very late to the game with this. The difference is that the UK is ALREADY a capitalist economy (well, mixed private and public). The only point in having SEZs in the UK would be to encourage businesses to set up in depressed areas that they have avoided. I was surprised to hear how many there are. And considering how they are supposed to be helping economic development in their areas, I am surprised how little we hear about them. I don't know if they are proving successes or not.
@amadououmarkann9753 22 күн бұрын
Les BRICS est une alternative pour la promotion du système multipolaire non seulement, mais aussi la mis en place d'un nouveau ordre mondiale appuyer par un système monétaire international à travers la nouvelle Banque NBD basée à Shangaï. L' émergence des BRICS est une grande opportunité pour les pays émergents et pays pauvres de redresser leurs économies. Le dédollarisation de l'économie mondiale est un grand défit à relever. La domination du Dollar américain doit être repenser pour l'intérêt supérieur des Nations et pour une équilibre mondiale. De nos jours le Dollar est devenu une arme Géopolitique supplémentaire pour les USA. Les sanctions et les gèles unilatérales des actifs des Etats sont devenue une monnaie courante pour l'occident. La dépendance sur le Dollar est très excessif, certains Etats émergents se sentent leurs économies menacées, alors il faut la solution, il faut une alternative pour monde meilleur. Enfin J'ose dire : Tout projet de développement durable, sans une étude est une planification d'échec. KANN
@cindersspace5011 23 күн бұрын
Vote Reform 🇬🇧 to take back your country and freedoms with Nigel leading the way
@tufsoft1 25 күн бұрын
Sunak turned a corner, and, whadyaknow another brick wall.
@PHealey1981 26 күн бұрын
Most of the comments on here are from people who've clearly done a days work in a treatment plant and are aware that there were no Halcyon days prior to 1989? Clueless
@rockerjim8045 Ай бұрын
can you get odds on the Tories loosing the election?
@jcanyiam8309 Ай бұрын
Sunak set the ball rolling on GAMBLING, by betting Piers Morgan £1,000 on getting a flight to RWANDA before the GE- HE LOST!!! 14 YEARS of CORRUPTION & SCANDELS after SCANDELS runs throughout this SORRY Tory Party
@jasoncooper9391 Ай бұрын
Hypocrisy at its best from the Tories
@tonycarroll6632 Ай бұрын
Vote them out
@michaelwinston713 Ай бұрын
The Tories never, ever learn. Morons. VOTE THEM OUT!
@brilliantbuilder4228 Ай бұрын
Boris is a Johnson full of lies.
@LukeD-st4xu Ай бұрын
Boris talking again
@elizabethbeattie6488 Ай бұрын
Snake oil sales man can this title be revoked as he will be out of a job.