@kieuhong3856 25 күн бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 18 күн бұрын
@何娟華-t7y 29 күн бұрын
南無觀世音菩薩 南無觀世音菩薩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@mindfulnesschanting 18 күн бұрын
@shenga5843 Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 18 күн бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
【南無觀音菩薩】108遍計數器 | 南无观世音菩萨 108遍计数器 | Guanyin Bodhisattva 108-times Counter 念誦觀音菩薩聖號有以下幾個好處: 心靈平靜:持誦聖號可以幫助心靈安定,減少煩惱與焦慮。 增強慈悲心:觀音菩薩象徵慈悲,念誦聖號能培養慈悲心,善待他人。 消除業障:持誦可以消除過去所造的惡業,增長福德智慧。 增加福報:經常念誦可積累福報,改善生活境遇。 保護平安:許多人相信持誦觀音聖號能得到菩薩庇佑,遠離災難與危險。 透過持之以恆的修持,能夠提升個人的精神境界與生活品質。 Chanting the holy name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva offers several benefits: Inner Peace: Reciting the name helps calm the mind, reducing anxiety and worries. Cultivate Compassion: Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion, and chanting fosters kindness towards others. Eliminate Karma: Regular chanting can help eliminate negative karma and increase virtues and wisdom. Increase Blessings: It helps accumulate blessings, improving one's life circumstances. Protection and Safety: Many believe it provides protection from disasters and danger through the Bodhisattva's guidance. Consistent practice can enhance personal spiritual growth and improve quality of life.
@nmamtfo7247 Ай бұрын
眾生雖不見,實在彌陀前! 念佛,乃是種植「善根福德因緣」,其功德不可思議。念佛是因,成佛是果,真信切願,老實念佛,萬人修行萬人去,真實不虛。學佛是人生的最高享受,念佛是人生的最大快樂。 我們應該明白「南無阿彌陀佛」六字洪名,乃是阿彌陀佛在因地為法藏比丘時,經歷無量億劫修行成佛的結果。此佛號凝聚著無量無邊的福德,眾生稱念可獲無量功德,可滅無邊罪業。 🌹南無阿彌陀佛🙏 🌹南無阿彌陀佛🙏 🌹南無阿彌陀佛🙏 億佛念佛佛必祐之 🌺🙏🙏🙏🌺
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏
@nmamtfo7247 Ай бұрын
感恩💖隨喜功德🙏🙏🙏南無阿彌陀佛🌷南無阿彌陀佛🌷南無阿彌陀佛🌷祈福🎋世界祥和 🌹人心向善🌹人人平安健康吉祥🍀無災無難🍀 斷惡修善🌹茹素念佛🌹🪷念佛成佛🪷🎋 迴向十方一切眾生願離苦得樂 同生淨土🪷🙏🙏🙏🪷
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏
@Lim4157-Lim Ай бұрын
念~南無觀世音菩薩聖號! 千處祈求千處應! 有真誠心~必有應~這是真的! 但千萬別Y心所取求~🙏🙏🙏
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏
@江秋華-t6n Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
念誦觀音菩薩聖號有以下幾個好處: 心靈平靜:持誦聖號可以幫助心靈安定,減少煩惱與焦慮。 增強慈悲心:觀音菩薩象徵慈悲,念誦聖號能培養慈悲心,善待他人。 消除業障:持誦可以消除過去所造的惡業,增長福德智慧。 增加福報:經常念誦可積累福報,改善生活境遇。 保護平安:許多人相信持誦觀音聖號能得到菩薩庇佑,遠離災難與危險。 透過持之以恆的修持,能夠提升個人的精神境界與生活品質。 Chanting the holy name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva offers several benefits: Inner Peace: Reciting the name helps calm the mind, reducing anxiety and worries. Cultivate Compassion: Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion, and chanting fosters kindness towards others. Eliminate Karma: Regular chanting can help eliminate negative karma and increase virtues and wisdom. Increase Blessings: It helps accumulate blessings, improving one's life circumstances. Protection and Safety: Many believe it provides protection from disasters and danger through the Bodhisattva's guidance. Consistent practice can enhance personal spiritual growth and improve quality of life.
@黄建顺-b8e Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@黄建顺-b8e Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@黄建顺-b8e Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@fatpigli2513 Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@BablaBarua-i8e Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@rogerhuang2885 Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@1689VV Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@limkhuan5102 Ай бұрын
祈请, 持頌, < 南無 藥師琉璃光 如來 > 聖號, 功德迴向 : 1)一切 無始劫來, 累世冤亲债主 ; 2) 十法界眾生 ; 3) 地獄眾生; 4) 盡虛空 遍法界眾生 ; 5) 一切 眾生 累世父母 ; 6) 眾生 历代祖先 ; 7) 輪回中的眾生. 成就菩提離苦得樂 , 救護加持, 業障消除, 福慧增長,佛力加持, 順利往生佛國淨土。
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@limkhuan5102 Ай бұрын
祈请, 持頌, < 南無 藥師琉璃光 如來 > 聖號, 功德迴向 : 1)一切 無始劫來, 累世冤亲债主 ; 2) 十法界眾生 ; 3) 地獄眾生; 4) 盡虛空 遍法界眾生 ; 5) 一切 眾生 累世父母 ; 6) 眾生 历代祖先 ; 7) 輪回中的眾生. 成就菩提離苦得樂 , 救護加持, 業障消除, 福慧增長,佛力加持, 順利往生佛國淨土。
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@kadekbudiastini-ll5nf 2 ай бұрын
Om mani padme hum 🙏🙏
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
念誦觀音菩薩聖號有以下幾個好處: 心靈平靜:持誦聖號可以幫助心靈安定,減少煩惱與焦慮。 增強慈悲心:觀音菩薩象徵慈悲,念誦聖號能培養慈悲心,善待他人。 消除業障:持誦可以消除過去所造的惡業,增長福德智慧。 增加福報:經常念誦可積累福報,改善生活境遇。 保護平安:許多人相信持誦觀音聖號能得到菩薩庇佑,遠離災難與危險。 透過持之以恆的修持,能夠提升個人的精神境界與生活品質。 Chanting the holy name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva offers several benefits: Inner Peace: Reciting the name helps calm the mind, reducing anxiety and worries. Cultivate Compassion: Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion, and chanting fosters kindness towards others. Eliminate Karma: Regular chanting can help eliminate negative karma and increase virtues and wisdom. Increase Blessings: It helps accumulate blessings, improving one's life circumstances. Protection and Safety: Many believe it provides protection from disasters and danger through the Bodhisattva's guidance. Consistent practice can enhance personal spiritual growth and improve quality of life. Transcript
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
念誦觀音菩薩聖號有以下幾個好處: 心靈平靜:持誦聖號可以幫助心靈安定,減少煩惱與焦慮。 增強慈悲心:觀音菩薩象徵慈悲,念誦聖號能培養慈悲心,善待他人。 消除業障:持誦可以消除過去所造的惡業,增長福德智慧。 增加福報:經常念誦可積累福報,改善生活境遇。 保護平安:許多人相信持誦觀音聖號能得到菩薩庇佑,遠離災難與危險。 透過持之以恆的修持,能夠提升個人的精神境界與生活品質。 Chanting the holy name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva offers several benefits: Inner Peace: Reciting the name helps calm the mind, reducing anxiety and worries. Cultivate Compassion: Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion, and chanting fosters kindness towards others. Eliminate Karma: Regular chanting can help eliminate negative karma and increase virtues and wisdom. Increase Blessings: It helps accumulate blessings, improving one's life circumstances. Protection and Safety: Many believe it provides protection from disasters and danger through the Bodhisattva's guidance. Consistent practice can enhance personal spiritual growth and improve quality of life.
@鄭雷峰 2 ай бұрын
@gulowang1158 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
念誦觀音菩薩聖號有以下幾個好處: 心靈平靜:持誦聖號可以幫助心靈安定,減少煩惱與焦慮。 增強慈悲心:觀音菩薩象徵慈悲,念誦聖號能培養慈悲心,善待他人。 消除業障:持誦可以消除過去所造的惡業,增長福德智慧。 增加福報:經常念誦可積累福報,改善生活境遇。 保護平安:許多人相信持誦觀音聖號能得到菩薩庇佑,遠離災難與危險。 透過持之以恆的修持,能夠提升個人的精神境界與生活品質。 Chanting the holy name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva offers several benefits: Inner Peace: Reciting the name helps calm the mind, reducing anxiety and worries. Cultivate Compassion: Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion, and chanting fosters kindness towards others. Eliminate Karma: Regular chanting can help eliminate negative karma and increase virtues and wisdom. Increase Blessings: It helps accumulate blessings, improving one's life circumstances. Protection and Safety: Many believe it provides protection from disasters and danger through the Bodhisattva's guidance. Consistent practice can enhance personal spiritual growth and improve quality of life.
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
六字大明咒 親近如來、攝取福德、讚法修行、受天人等供養、滅除罪障。 六字大明咒 是觀世音菩薩的心咒,也是流傳最普遍的咒語, 蘊涵觀音菩薩光明圓滿, 念念不離「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」,將能綻放心蓮,清淨自在, 更能與觀音菩薩心心相印,體會菩薩無量的慈悲與光明。 勤誦此神咒神妙殊勝,非可言喻。無論男女老幼,富貴貧賤, 皆可念誦,能治諸多魔障,除諸多損害,消諸多惡劫, 得各種成就,尚有使貧者得富,賤者得貴, 女身轉男身等等持誦功德。 The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM : These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response and way unimaginable; therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeasurable and unlimited; they cannot be completely spoken.
@susuwinner1304 2 ай бұрын
@Donglichen 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@Donglichen 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@TokBingGan 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@福成-d6w 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
怎麼叫大悲觀世音菩薩呢?他是慈能與樂,悲能拔苦。悲能拔苦,就是眾生所歡喜的他能幫助你成就。「觀自在菩薩」:《心經》上不是說「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時」嗎?你要「觀自在」,不要觀他在。你自己常常能不打妄想那就是觀自在,你要盡打妄想那就是觀不自在。「在無量劫前」,在很久、很久以前啊!數不出來多少時候以前,「已成佛果」,他已經證成佛果了,「號正法明如來」,那一位佛的名字叫正法明佛。 Why is he called the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds? He practices "kindness, which can give others bliss, and compassion, which can eradicate their suffering." That is to say, whatever living beings like, he helps them to attain. Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery: Doesn't the Heart Sutra say, "When the Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery (Avalokiteshvara) was practicing the profound Prajnaparamita"? You have to observe with self-mastery, not mastery of others. If you never indulge in random thoughts, then you are observing with self-mastery. If you have lots of random thoughts, then you are observing without self-mastery. Limitless eons ago, a very long time ago, too long ago to reckon, he attained Buddhahood and was called the Thus Come One Light of Proper Dharma. That Buddha was called the Buddha Light of Proper Dharma. 「大悲願力」:他又因為發這個大悲的願力,「倒駕慈航」:就是隱大示小,他本來已經成佛了,現在又示現菩薩身,化身來做觀世音菩薩。「重返娑婆」:又到這最苦的五濁世界,堪忍的娑婆這個地方來了。「尋聲救苦」,無論誰有什麼痛苦,你稱念大悲觀世音菩薩,他聽見你的聲音,就來解除你的痛苦。「所謂『千處祈求千處應,苦海常作渡人舟』。」無論什麼地方有人求他,有人念觀世音菩薩,他都一定來救度。苦海常作渡人舟,他在我們這個娑婆世界的苦海裡頭,常常就好像渡人的一隻船似的。「虔誠稱名即得救」:你要很虔誠的,很專一的念他的名號,不說信者得救嗎?這也就是信者得救了。 With a resolve of great compassion, because he made a great compassionate vow, he turned the ship of compassion around, that is, he concealed the great and manifested the small. He has already become a Buddha, but now he m/anifests as a Bodhisattva, transforming into the Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Guanshiyin). And came back to the Saha World. He has returned to this world of five turbidities which is a place of extreme suffering. It is called "Saha," which means "able to endure." Hearing their sounds, he rescues those who are in suffering. No matter who you are and what kind of distress you are in, you can recite the name of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Dabei Guanshiyin), and hearing your voice, he will come to alleviate your suffering. As it is said, "Prayers depart a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts he answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, he constantly crosses people over." Wherever people are praying to him, reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, he will surely go to rescue them. In this Saha World, in this sea of suffering, he frequently acts as a ship to take people across. Those who sincerely recite his name are saved. You have to recite his name with great sincerity and concentration. Isn't it said, "Faithful ones are saved"? This is a case where the faithful receive salvation.
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
怎麼叫大悲觀世音菩薩呢?他是慈能與樂,悲能拔苦。悲能拔苦,就是眾生所歡喜的他能幫助你成就。「觀自在菩薩」:《心經》上不是說「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時」嗎?你要「觀自在」,不要觀他在。你自己常常能不打妄想那就是觀自在,你要盡打妄想那就是觀不自在。「在無量劫前」,在很久、很久以前啊!數不出來多少時候以前,「已成佛果」,他已經證成佛果了,「號正法明如來」,那一位佛的名字叫正法明佛。 Why is he called the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds? He practices "kindness, which can give others bliss, and compassion, which can eradicate their suffering." That is to say, whatever living beings like, he helps them to attain. Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery: Doesn't the Heart Sutra say, "When the Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery (Avalokiteshvara) was practicing the profound Prajnaparamita"? You have to observe with self-mastery, not mastery of others. If you never indulge in random thoughts, then you are observing with self-mastery. If you have lots of random thoughts, then you are observing without self-mastery. Limitless eons ago, a very long time ago, too long ago to reckon, he attained Buddhahood and was called the Thus Come One Light of Proper Dharma. That Buddha was called the Buddha Light of Proper Dharma. 「大悲願力」:他又因為發這個大悲的願力,「倒駕慈航」:就是隱大示小,他本來已經成佛了,現在又示現菩薩身,化身來做觀世音菩薩。「重返娑婆」:又到這最苦的五濁世界,堪忍的娑婆這個地方來了。「尋聲救苦」,無論誰有什麼痛苦,你稱念大悲觀世音菩薩,他聽見你的聲音,就來解除你的痛苦。「所謂『千處祈求千處應,苦海常作渡人舟』。」無論什麼地方有人求他,有人念觀世音菩薩,他都一定來救度。苦海常作渡人舟,他在我們這個娑婆世界的苦海裡頭,常常就好像渡人的一隻船似的。「虔誠稱名即得救」:你要很虔誠的,很專一的念他的名號,不說信者得救嗎?這也就是信者得救了。 With a resolve of great compassion, because he made a great compassionate vow, he turned the ship of compassion around, that is, he concealed the great and manifested the small. He has already become a Buddha, but now he m/anifests as a Bodhisattva, transforming into the Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Guanshiyin). And came back to the Saha World. He has returned to this world of five turbidities which is a place of extreme suffering. It is called "Saha," which means "able to endure." Hearing their sounds, he rescues those who are in suffering. No matter who you are and what kind of distress you are in, you can recite the name of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Dabei Guanshiyin), and hearing your voice, he will come to alleviate your suffering. As it is said, "Prayers depart a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts he answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, he constantly crosses people over." Wherever people are praying to him, reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, he will surely go to rescue them. In this Saha World, in this sea of suffering, he frequently acts as a ship to take people across. Those who sincerely recite his name are saved. You have to recite his name with great sincerity and concentration. Isn't it said, "Faithful ones are saved"? This is a case where the faithful receive salvation.
@1689VV 2 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
怎麼叫大悲觀世音菩薩呢?他是慈能與樂,悲能拔苦。悲能拔苦,就是眾生所歡喜的他能幫助你成就。「觀自在菩薩」:《心經》上不是說「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時」嗎?你要「觀自在」,不要觀他在。你自己常常能不打妄想那就是觀自在,你要盡打妄想那就是觀不自在。「在無量劫前」,在很久、很久以前啊!數不出來多少時候以前,「已成佛果」,他已經證成佛果了,「號正法明如來」,那一位佛的名字叫正法明佛。 Why is he called the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds? He practices "kindness, which can give others bliss, and compassion, which can eradicate their suffering." That is to say, whatever living beings like, he helps them to attain. Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery: Doesn't the Heart Sutra say, "When the Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery (Avalokiteshvara) was practicing the profound Prajnaparamita"? You have to observe with self-mastery, not mastery of others. If you never indulge in random thoughts, then you are observing with self-mastery. If you have lots of random thoughts, then you are observing without self-mastery. Limitless eons ago, a very long time ago, too long ago to reckon, he attained Buddhahood and was called the Thus Come One Light of Proper Dharma. That Buddha was called the Buddha Light of Proper Dharma. 「大悲願力」:他又因為發這個大悲的願力,「倒駕慈航」:就是隱大示小,他本來已經成佛了,現在又示現菩薩身,化身來做觀世音菩薩。「重返娑婆」:又到這最苦的五濁世界,堪忍的娑婆這個地方來了。「尋聲救苦」,無論誰有什麼痛苦,你稱念大悲觀世音菩薩,他聽見你的聲音,就來解除你的痛苦。「所謂『千處祈求千處應,苦海常作渡人舟』。」無論什麼地方有人求他,有人念觀世音菩薩,他都一定來救度。苦海常作渡人舟,他在我們這個娑婆世界的苦海裡頭,常常就好像渡人的一隻船似的。「虔誠稱名即得救」:你要很虔誠的,很專一的念他的名號,不說信者得救嗎?這也就是信者得救了。 With a resolve of great compassion, because he made a great compassionate vow, he turned the ship of compassion around, that is, he concealed the great and manifested the small. He has already become a Buddha, but now he m/anifests as a Bodhisattva, transforming into the Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Guanshiyin). And came back to the Saha World. He has returned to this world of five turbidities which is a place of extreme suffering. It is called "Saha," which means "able to endure." Hearing their sounds, he rescues those who are in suffering. No matter who you are and what kind of distress you are in, you can recite the name of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Dabei Guanshiyin), and hearing your voice, he will come to alleviate your suffering. As it is said, "Prayers depart a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts he answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, he constantly crosses people over." Wherever people are praying to him, reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, he will surely go to rescue them. In this Saha World, in this sea of suffering, he frequently acts as a ship to take people across. Those who sincerely recite his name are saved. You have to recite his name with great sincerity and concentration. Isn't it said, "Faithful ones are saved"? This is a case where the faithful receive salvation.
@mindfulnesschanting 2 ай бұрын
怎麼叫大悲觀世音菩薩呢?他是慈能與樂,悲能拔苦。悲能拔苦,就是眾生所歡喜的他能幫助你成就。「觀自在菩薩」:《心經》上不是說「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時」嗎?你要「觀自在」,不要觀他在。你自己常常能不打妄想那就是觀自在,你要盡打妄想那就是觀不自在。「在無量劫前」,在很久、很久以前啊!數不出來多少時候以前,「已成佛果」,他已經證成佛果了,「號正法明如來」,那一位佛的名字叫正法明佛。 Why is he called the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds? He practices "kindness, which can give others bliss, and compassion, which can eradicate their suffering." That is to say, whatever living beings like, he helps them to attain. Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery: Doesn't the Heart Sutra say, "When the Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery (Avalokiteshvara) was practicing the profound Prajnaparamita"? You have to observe with self-mastery, not mastery of others. If you never indulge in random thoughts, then you are observing with self-mastery. If you have lots of random thoughts, then you are observing without self-mastery. Limitless eons ago, a very long time ago, too long ago to reckon, he attained Buddhahood and was called the Thus Come One Light of Proper Dharma. That Buddha was called the Buddha Light of Proper Dharma. 「大悲願力」:他又因為發這個大悲的願力,「倒駕慈航」:就是隱大示小,他本來已經成佛了,現在又示現菩薩身,化身來做觀世音菩薩。「重返娑婆」:又到這最苦的五濁世界,堪忍的娑婆這個地方來了。「尋聲救苦」,無論誰有什麼痛苦,你稱念大悲觀世音菩薩,他聽見你的聲音,就來解除你的痛苦。「所謂『千處祈求千處應,苦海常作渡人舟』。」無論什麼地方有人求他,有人念觀世音菩薩,他都一定來救度。苦海常作渡人舟,他在我們這個娑婆世界的苦海裡頭,常常就好像渡人的一隻船似的。「虔誠稱名即得救」:你要很虔誠的,很專一的念他的名號,不說信者得救嗎?這也就是信者得救了。 With a resolve of great compassion, because he made a great compassionate vow, he turned the ship of compassion around, that is, he concealed the great and manifested the small. He has already become a Buddha, but now he m/anifests as a Bodhisattva, transforming into the Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Guanshiyin). And came back to the Saha World. He has returned to this world of five turbidities which is a place of extreme suffering. It is called "Saha," which means "able to endure." Hearing their sounds, he rescues those who are in suffering. No matter who you are and what kind of distress you are in, you can recite the name of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Dabei Guanshiyin), and hearing your voice, he will come to alleviate your suffering. As it is said, "Prayers depart a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts he answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, he constantly crosses people over." Wherever people are praying to him, reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, he will surely go to rescue them. In this Saha World, in this sea of suffering, he frequently acts as a ship to take people across. Those who sincerely recite his name are saved. You have to recite his name with great sincerity and concentration. Isn't it said, "Faithful ones are saved"? This is a case where the faithful receive salvation.
@scorpio61 3 ай бұрын
Namo Amituofo 🙏🙏🙏🪷
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@heshoujin1677 3 ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 3 ай бұрын
怎麼叫大悲觀世音菩薩呢?他是慈能與樂,悲能拔苦。悲能拔苦,就是眾生所歡喜的他能幫助你成就。「觀自在菩薩」:《心經》上不是說「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時」嗎?你要「觀自在」,不要觀他在。你自己常常能不打妄想那就是觀自在,你要盡打妄想那就是觀不自在。「在無量劫前」,在很久、很久以前啊!數不出來多少時候以前,「已成佛果」,他已經證成佛果了,「號正法明如來」,那一位佛的名字叫正法明佛。 Why is he called the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds? He practices "kindness, which can give others bliss, and compassion, which can eradicate their suffering." That is to say, whatever living beings like, he helps them to attain. Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery: Doesn't the Heart Sutra say, "When the Bodhisattva Who Observes with Self-Mastery (Avalokiteshvara) was practicing the profound Prajnaparamita"? You have to observe with self-mastery, not mastery of others. If you never indulge in random thoughts, then you are observing with self-mastery. If you have lots of random thoughts, then you are observing without self-mastery. Limitless eons ago, a very long time ago, too long ago to reckon, he attained Buddhahood and was called the Thus Come One Light of Proper Dharma. That Buddha was called the Buddha Light of Proper Dharma. 「大悲願力」:他又因為發這個大悲的願力,「倒駕慈航」:就是隱大示小,他本來已經成佛了,現在又示現菩薩身,化身來做觀世音菩薩。「重返娑婆」:又到這最苦的五濁世界,堪忍的娑婆這個地方來了。「尋聲救苦」,無論誰有什麼痛苦,你稱念大悲觀世音菩薩,他聽見你的聲音,就來解除你的痛苦。「所謂『千處祈求千處應,苦海常作渡人舟』。」無論什麼地方有人求他,有人念觀世音菩薩,他都一定來救度。苦海常作渡人舟,他在我們這個娑婆世界的苦海裡頭,常常就好像渡人的一隻船似的。「虔誠稱名即得救」:你要很虔誠的,很專一的念他的名號,不說信者得救嗎?這也就是信者得救了。 With a resolve of great compassion, because he made a great compassionate vow, he turned the ship of compassion around, that is, he concealed the great and manifested the small. He has already become a Buddha, but now he m/anifests as a Bodhisattva, transforming into the Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Guanshiyin). And came back to the Saha World. He has returned to this world of five turbidities which is a place of extreme suffering. It is called "Saha," which means "able to endure." Hearing their sounds, he rescues those who are in suffering. No matter who you are and what kind of distress you are in, you can recite the name of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Observes the World's Sounds (Dabei Guanshiyin), and hearing your voice, he will come to alleviate your suffering. As it is said, "Prayers depart a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts he answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, he constantly crosses people over." Wherever people are praying to him, reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, he will surely go to rescue them. In this Saha World, in this sea of suffering, he frequently acts as a ship to take people across. Those who sincerely recite his name are saved. You have to recite his name with great sincerity and concentration. Isn't it said, "Faithful ones are saved"? This is a case where the faithful receive salvation.
@陸連歡 3 ай бұрын
顶礼阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏 抄录《弥陀赞》 弥陀佛,大愿王。慈悲喜舍难量,眉间常放白毫光。渡众生,极乐邦。八德池中莲九品,七宝妙树成行。如来圣号若宣扬,接引往西方。弥陀圣号若称扬,同愿往西方。 南无西方极乐世界教主阿弥陀佛! 抄录《弥陀诰》 志心皈命礼!三界医王,四生慈父。宏宣四十八愿,解除千百亿愆。提超万类,似日丽天。拯接群生,如月映水。大悲大愿,大圣大慈。西方接引导师,金色能仁阿弥陀佛! 志心皈命礼!金容满月色,化浮屠广开四十八愿渡众生。常铸金轮添寿算。若有专持名号者,定生乐国受逍遙。专持斋戒诵经文,超出轮回生极乐。我等虔诚皈命礼,消除屡劫罪根源。善因善果早圆成,不昧大圣宏誓愿。大圣大慈,本师和尚阿弥陀佛! 抄录《弥陀经》 大慈阿弥陀,大悲阿弥陀。 十方三世佛,第一阿弥陀。 佛力赛乾坤,佛光徹山河, 佛性证联邦,佛心慈娑婆。 四十零八愿,大愿亦云多。 娑婆诚心人,朝夕念弥陀。 改恶而行善,心常作佛摩。 造次必于是,颠沛不蹉跎。 操持行不变,现患即消磨。 临终来接引,渡过恒沙河。 灭除亿万劫,不赴深阎罗。 归于净土中,生于莲花窝。 不受轮回苦,永远侍弥陀。 弥陀亲誓愿,不负念弥陀。 南无西方极乐世界教主阿弥陀佛! 以上经文抄自祖传经书,作者不详,读经前<只需>拜阿弥陀佛。如欢喜可下载或转发。 阿弥陀佛是木星星主,是一个帝王,为人处事与一般帝王无异。西方极乐世界就是木星,犹如娑婆世界是地球。西方极乐世界有个功德銀行,如众生欢喜可把功德錢存进<西方极乐世界功德銀行>里,存得越多果位越高。尘世间的法师和修道人都不是阿弥陀佛的儿女或徒弟,只是他的追随者,如能<順利往生>西方极乐世界将成为他的下属。尘世间的婴灵和未满18岁的小孩如能<顺利往生>西方极乐世界将成为阿弥陀佛的义子义女,年满18岁自动舍离此身份。婴灵和小孩的义母后是<重生女佛>而非观世音菩薩,因為观世音是男性,为了渡化众生才現女相。<重生女佛>才是如假包换的女性,是转轮圣王后世,也是阿弥陀佛夫人。 阿弥陀佛<亲自>規定: 只有<专念专修>弥陀圣号和经咒的弥陀追隨者方可<顺利往生>西方极乐世界,还要供养弥陀和帮他歌功頌德。如想在西方极乐世界成佛必須功德圆滿方可,單靠念佛往生的众生只能為奴為婢,有點小功德的也只能當兵,也就是小金剛,将军叫大金刚,只有西方极乐世界才有金剛。 以上信息来自一个<自称>為西方极乐世界教主阿弥陀佛木星星主,无经典可查,信不信由你们。阿弥陀佛! 温馨提示: 1.如想改变命运和造功德修福德请心怀一顆慈善之心,善待一切众生、尊重一切众生、慈悲于一切众生和拯救一切众生。深信因果,造善因得善果、造惡因吃恶果,因果面前人人平等灵灵平等。无论何时何地何事都坚持走孝道、走善道和走正道便可。世间本无佛与魔,佛与魔皆由人心所生,心不生佛即无佛在,心不生魔亦无魔存,万法皆虛,心乃是道!佛经道经是前人<成佛称神>的经验,并无助众生<成佛称神>之力,一味迷恋佛经道经并非<成佛称神>之法。有个成语叫<紙上谈兵>就是这个意思。阿弥陀佛圣号旨在提醒众生改邪归正、早日修成正果,亦无助众生<成佛称神>之力,不要以為天天念念佛号什么都不做衣來伸手饭來張口便可<成佛称神>,這种想法是错的,如想<成佛称神>要努力做功德,甚至舍肉身救众生不是救自己。一句<南无阿弥陀佛>可助众生顺利往生西方极乐世界乃是真,不念<南无阿弥陀佛><不能顺利往生>西方极乐世界但不會障礙往生其他佛界、净土或圣土。 2.如想求往生,无论求往生到哪里都要尊守一规则:进庙拜神進屋拜主人。千万别先宾夺主,对主人指手划脚,甚至联合外人孤立主人乃至陷害谋杀主人。這是非常不礼貌不人道的做法,一定會被主人唾棄最終不能如愿。 謝謝此网络的护持!阿弥陀佛! (书于2024年8月8日)
@mindfulnesschanting Ай бұрын
@mindfulnesschanting 3 ай бұрын
經常念誦此咒可以健康長壽,此咒有大威德,若能念誦藥師咒,即可消除病苦,延年益壽。 Meaning of Medicine Buddha Mantra To eliminate not only pain of diseases but also help in overcoming the major inner sickness of attachment, hatred, jealousy, desire, greed and ignorance. 南谟薄伽伐帝。鞞杀社。窭噜薛琉璃。 (nā mó bó qié fá dì。pí shā shè。jù lǔ bì liú lí。) 钵喇婆。喝啰阇也。怛他揭多也。 (bō lá pó。hé là shé yě。dá tuō jiē duō yě。) 阿啰喝帝。三藐三勃陀耶。怛侄他。 (ā là hē dì。sān miǎo sān bó tuó yě。dá zhí tuō。) 唵。鞞杀逝。鞞杀逝。鞞杀社。三没揭帝莎诃。 (ōng。pí shā shì。pí shā shì。pí shā shè。sān mó jiē dì suō hē。)
@mindfulnesschanting 3 ай бұрын
[往生咒] 通往極樂淨土的神聖咒語 [The Rebirth Mantra] A Sacred Gateway to the Pure Land 往生咒,又稱阿彌陀佛往生淨土神咒,是佛教中極為重要的咒語之一。 誦持此咒能拔除一切業障,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂。 往生咒 : namo amitābhāya tathāgatāya tadyathā amṛtadbhave amṛtasaṃbhave amṛtavikrānte amṛtavikrānta gāmine gagana kīrtakare svāhā 南無阿彌多婆夜 哆他伽多夜 哆地夜他 阿彌利都婆毘 阿彌利哆悉眈婆毘 阿彌利哆毘迦蘭諦 阿彌利哆毘迦蘭哆 伽彌膩伽伽那 枳多迦隷莎婆訶 誦持此咒能消除業障,幫助修行者往生西方極樂世界 It is said that reciting this mantra can eliminate karmic obstacles and help practitioners achieve rebirth in the Western Pure Land