[往生咒] 通往極樂淨土的神聖咒語 [The Rebirth Mantra] A Sacred Gateway to the Pure Land 往生咒,又稱阿彌陀佛往生淨土神咒,是佛教中極為重要的咒語之一。 誦持此咒能拔除一切業障,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂。 往生咒 : namo amitābhāya tathāgatāya tadyathā amṛtadbhave amṛtasaṃbhave amṛtavikrānte amṛtavikrānta gāmine gagana kīrtakare svāhā 南無阿彌多婆夜 哆他伽多夜 哆地夜他 阿彌利都婆毘 阿彌利哆悉眈婆毘 阿彌利哆毘迦蘭諦 阿彌利哆毘迦蘭哆 伽彌膩伽伽那 枳多迦隷莎婆訶 誦持此咒能消除業障,幫助修行者往生西方極樂世界 It is said that reciting this mantra can eliminate karmic obstacles and help practitioners achieve rebirth in the Western Pure Land