@matthewmspace 43 минут бұрын
I really wanted to play Halo Infinite for a long time. It looked fun, seemed alright as a game, and even my friends that never, never play FPS games were interested in it. It came out at the tail end of "everyone's at home" in late 2021, post-pandemic. A bunch of us played it for a month and it was great. But then we just ran out of shit to do. If the game had launched in the state it is now, we'd probably still be playing it. 343/Microsoft just suck at making games and I don't know why. Isn't it better to make a good game people will want to spend money on rather than a meh game people maybe will spend money on?
@nerdcuddles7731 Сағат бұрын
Bro thinks slide canceling and COD movment is the pinnacle of gaming movment tech and struggles to aim when a game doesn't have mnk aim assist lol. Also sucking at a game immediately isn't necessarily true, if you have skill overlap you likely wont suck immediately, or if you are a fast learner you wont completely suck immediately or for long.
@nerdcuddles7731 Сағат бұрын
Bro plays Halo Infinite on mnk.
@lucasLSD Сағат бұрын
Loved the twist of your video, thought it would be just another dude saying trash, but you reverted it on the player themselves of not having patience anymore, just engage in good faith, go outside of your zone.
@danabrown1210 2 сағат бұрын
As someone who played some original halo 2 online and every halo multiplayer up to infinite. As someone who has played every campaign to completion except for infinite... When someone has bought some of the books & refuses to even give it a chance anymore. The game is dead. May the fans build something better.
@kellinwinslow1988 2 сағат бұрын
After seeing your whole video I found thst it's mainly only about multiplayer and Forge ECT. Neither of which are reasons why I ever played Halo. From the start, back in 2001,what interested me most was the campaign and story. As time went on after Halo 3 I realized that 343 really had no idea what they were doing when it came to the stories. 5 had issues but I was still kind of interested to see what happened after that and Halo Wars 2. But Infinite 's campaign and story are garbage. They story technically continues 5's but skips a lot of stuff. So much happens off screen that its like an entire game was skipped. A lot just falls flat and doesn't work well. It really seems like the game was mainly made with deathmatch in mind, which I never play,and most of the "content" was just cosmetic garbage. The game was another in a long line of so called "exclusives" like Starfield that didn't help sales at all. Now the Xbox brand is kind of damaged and Halo is just another casualty of Microsofts inability to know what to do next.
@ShotgunSurge0n058 5 сағат бұрын
this video can be boiled down to "i wear rose tinted glasses and want the same thing as halo 3 every year, number company bad, bungoo would never! ive never played halo infinite but will happily hate on it!" shut up and get the FUCK out of my recommended.
@cyan1294 4 сағат бұрын
How can you defend 343 bro, I truly don't understand.
@nerdcuddles7731 5 сағат бұрын
Halo Infintie would at least be playable if they reworked the aim assist to not be the worst on the market, and deleted the mnk aim assist entirely.
@AgentCryptex 5 сағат бұрын
Yooo, thats my map at 7:55 thanks for playin lol
@xXRand0mDudeXx 5 сағат бұрын
I grew up along side/with halo. But as I get older, I start to care less for what happens to Halo and gaming in general. Halo had its time and I had my lifetime memories. Ive always said Microsoft is the issue but only now are people realising it. At the end of the day, games not gonna be the same as it used to, theres tons of things to play etc. Side note, its crazy how the campaign for infinite feels like a whole separate entity than the multiplayer lol
@nathanielmiller2101 7 сағат бұрын
I like how at the end, around 42 minutes in, dude is all like "they didn't chase trends" like bro, what about the battle pass? Dude, Halo caught cancer right around when Cortana got made into the big bad guy. It just took 2 more games for that cancer to become terminal.
@baylithe 7 сағат бұрын
Sadly people like you are why the game failed. You were spending money in the shop weekly. You told them Idc what you do, I'm still spending money on you.
@warmike 7 сағат бұрын
So, as a complete alien to the franchise (no pun intended) downloading Halo Infinite right now, is there anything to worry about, or are the problems only critical for long-time series fans?
@MrSierra116 10 сағат бұрын
>Actma'am shtter came back probably just because he/she/it saw the potential to milk the game for content The pronoun on bio, that stuff is way more important than Halo for him/her/it
@sabhyde5327 11 сағат бұрын
Triple A games suck now. I've been playing lot of mods for the Chief Collection. Had more enjoyment there than infinite. Just like with Bethesda games, if the community wants a good game they have to make it.
@aminparker01 13 сағат бұрын
@ladtheoneandonly4980 14 сағат бұрын
This vid hurt to watch, and it's entirely because of the subject matter. I knew I hadn't heard much about the game, but I didn't realize it was this bad. When will someone powerful just participate in capitalism ethically?
@walkthroughit5198 14 сағат бұрын
Empty ah steam library
@Brekwon97 20 сағат бұрын
I agree with your opinions on SBMM as an above average player getting thrust into lobbies against the top 90% of players every game and expecting me or my friends to have fun just drives me off the game.
@LCVcultGaming 20 сағат бұрын
@@Brekwon97 yeah just sucks we don't have a true casual play option anymore
@Ch00choh 20 сағат бұрын
To think this game could've been way worse if not for the 1 year delay
@mochalavender9398 23 сағат бұрын
I feel like the failure of Halo is akin to a Shakespearean tragedy. So many people, fans, and developers, wanted this game to succeed. The developers put so much work into the game, only for their content to be cut, shoved to the side, and forgotten. Only to then be blamed by the community for the state of the game, when the fault lies entirely with the leadership and management.
@dartagnancurt4392 Күн бұрын
Not halo fans using forge to relive childhood memories 😂
@TheGrey73 Күн бұрын
I gave up on Infinite because MP didn't have classes. Idk. It just felt like there wasn't enough personalization in MP. And if it had classes instead of gadgets lying around the map, i would've felt that personalization a lot more.
@KiraSlith Күн бұрын
2 years though? That's not acceptable, nor will it ever be acceptable. Life is too short to spend the condensed economic form of your time and effort on a game that isn't complete when you buy it.
@RequiemOfTheFirst Күн бұрын
Infinite is a prime example of how a developer starts listening to its playerbase, makes improvements, and then its shareholders force it to comply to a business model. Greed...greed is what is killing games.
@LCVcultGaming Күн бұрын
@@RequiemOfTheFirst 100% which is crazy because it can be beneficial for both parties if they just like ... Make a game that works lol but no we don't get those anymore
@RequiemOfTheFirst Күн бұрын
@@LCVcultGaming Just about the bottom dollar--numbers and graphs without actually understanding the product. All they care about is results and revenue, especially if that revenue doesn't follow "predictive models of current trends". Saw this too much with corporate when I worked retail...just ends up hurting the company and the reputation that it has built. It is the main reason I quit playing Destiny--just got to the point where it felt I was spending too much for almost nothing.
@LordKrobekishnuv Күн бұрын
The biggest thing i think you missed is the matchmaking. It’s not made to be fun, it’s made to jeep your wintate at 50% to keep you hooked. It gives you steamrolls for and against, but rarely does it give you a close match
@LCVcultGaming Күн бұрын
@@LordKrobekishnuv yeah I briefly say sbmm but I spend a whole section in my last video talking about it. But yeah sbmm also killed the game for us especially because our friend group varies in skill level which makes it unbearable for some people to play
@Captain.Mystic Күн бұрын
What a fucked up idea to basically say "this is what we promised when we started, weve worked on it for 2 years, but were gonna get EXTRA greedy the MOMENT the game has even remotely good reception". man, i was getting hyped about actually getting into infinite from this video after hearing it was in a playable state finally. halo and minecraft really are the ttg and spongebob for microsoft huh?
@sarbe6625 Күн бұрын
I get people hating Infinite for the multiplayer stuff. But I think the campaign was a great next chapter for the Chief's story. Like, him learning to be part of a funky little found family to build on his previous arcs and have him continue his arc of learning to become human was an amazing choice. There's so much potential there for a great story.
@superNovapolaris Күн бұрын
Too me it's like, meh. If you take the making of a game way too seriously it will sour your enjoyment of a game that you love. I loved Halo 3 and then any consequential release of the series and the old ones. Infinite was and still is awesome to me. I love the game simply because I make it fun. Sure. It definetly has it's downs don't get me wrong. But I still love get a funny rocket kill, a sick sniper headshot, a close death against an oppenent on a similar standing as myself or vise versa, or trading a kill, or punching a spartan with the kull in that one game mode. It's still Halo to me.
@TheNightWolfeX Күн бұрын
You'll never no arguements from me. This is spot on my feelings about Infinite.
@demitrisk2311 2 күн бұрын
Sad seeing my childhood ruined
@cameronmckillop6448 2 күн бұрын
I'm going to be harsh.. I can't begin to feel bad for people who saw the service record of 343 and decided to stick with Halo. If you want change, show it with your wallet. Constantly, LCV shows himself buying the things he's criticizing; telling 343 "yea, I want more of this" with his money. I'd even argue that spending time in Infinite is a bad idea because you're growing attached to something that only wants your money. That's why LCV buys so many armor options, because it's always there, and always tempting. LCV showing a recreation of his and his friend's childhood homes is telling. You're looking to experience something that is long gone. Leave Halo as it should be: a beautiful memory from a good moment in time. Be happy it happened, and recreate it in other parts of your life. Or be stuck trying to live it again forever.
@wile123456 2 күн бұрын
Game only has one biome. Imagine a sonic game releasing only with green bullets zone or Mario with only world 1 grass levels
@바보Queen 2 күн бұрын
who the F cares about coop couch .... hardly any game does it and most people play alone on their pc ... ur appealing to boomers who think its fun from 20 years ago.. nobody plays like that anymore.. maybe the 1% of u
@BlueAizu_ 2 күн бұрын
Halo Infinite had so much potential. The act of playing it is just plain fun. I do wish sprinting was a _little_ bit faster, but the sliding it allows was such a natural addition which felt like it meaningfully built on Halo 3's and Reach's "parkour" where you had to consider the map designs themselves for mobility. The Spartan Abilities were a great compromise between more modern advanced movement Halo 5 tried to use and the classic Halo feel. The grappling hook in particular is tons of fun and always a treat to make lore accurate Chief style plays with. It didn't have to end like this. I would have _happily_ bought Halo Infinite if it were a full priced, fully featured AAA release instead of a live service. 343's inability to manage the Halo IP has been a colossal failure, and unlike the Arbiter their story doesn't end in redemption. Now instead of being on top of the world and _the_ reason to go out and buy an Xbox, Halo's become a niche series that lives on only in the memories of fans who've played it in its prime.
@Andrew-ko2ps 2 күн бұрын
I tried playing last week and the game didn't even load for me, crashes on startup. I uninstalled. Three years in and the game crashes while it previously worked? WTF
@whenindoubtgohiking8074 2 күн бұрын
I am glad I exited the franchise after Halo 4. 343 was never Bungie's equal, and it always felt wrong after Halo Reach. I would not have handled the frustration Infinite players have had to deal with.
@angrycapsicum6027 2 күн бұрын
The shitty netcode was was killed the enjoyment permanently for me. Reinstalled twice a year apart and it still wasn't fixed, so competitive play was frustrating and there wasn't enough stuff added to keep it fresh.
@Objectional_Opinion 2 күн бұрын
Did this video ever touch up on SBMM? CSR? How, if my friend is searching Quick Play at 3am with very low population on the game, I can NEVER match with him because I’m too high of a CSR and he’s playing with people who are legit Silver ranked? How, if I’m playing Squad Battle, I am met with 7 people on my team who can’t go positive against 8 randoms who all go positive on the other team, and I’m sitting here with the most kills and least amount of deaths out of everyone in the game? I, me, 1 person, cannot offset 7 ok randos on my team against 8 decent players on the other team. That’s not equal balancing. You can’t equal out SBMM that way, in SOCIAL. Nothing is social about social. It’s still a 50/50 forced balanced that cannot be balanced fathomably.
@jonkbonk7107 2 күн бұрын
I forgot who said it best, but halo now was made by people who only strive to hate halo with a passion, 4 was just made because why not
@YarugumaSou 2 күн бұрын
Wake me up when they decide to finally bring back spartan booties.
@JEBEDIAH8D 2 күн бұрын
summarised Halo infinite missed on the golden window of opportunity. i knew the game was in trouble during the flight tests
@ipodclassic91 2 күн бұрын
This video made me depressed & it also reassured me that I'm not crazy.... I've told friends for a long time that Halo Infinite (TO ME) just didn't feel like a Halo game... I know that sounds silly but I didn't feel any warmth, or didn't get any nostalgic vibes from Infinite...I've played every single Halo game except for HW, and they've always radiated the LOVE & PASSION from the developers & that's what I remember feeling. But with Infinite it just felt like a big corporation cash-grab...SOUL-LESS, EMPTY & VOID 🥺💔
@sgt_hobbes 2 күн бұрын
Battle pass that doesn't go away. Can you say hell divers
@MALICEM12 3 күн бұрын
"I don't want the corporation to win, But I don't want Halo to die..." Damn, that right there summarized not just Halo, not just Xbox, not just the current Gaming industry; but modern media in general.
@Shocknfunk 3 күн бұрын
Good vid, I gave up on infinite very early in its lifecycle due to how deeply disappointing the campaign was. Really felt like Ubisoft made it tbh. I’ve fallen off competitive multiplayer so I just couldn’t find the interest to give it a go especially when the rest of my buds weren’t going to bother with it after 5 being abysmal. Still have a place for the bungie developed era though.
@ViperPilot16 3 күн бұрын
Infinite is the textbook example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
@metalplaysgames 3 күн бұрын
mechassault kicked off xbox live, halo 2 came a while later, rainbow six 3 was the goat before halo 2 arrived. yea they somehow didnt make a fun game at release, there was something missing and i never came back after the 3rd chance i gave to 343
@Thenadathor 3 күн бұрын
This video is too self serious
@LCVcultGaming 3 күн бұрын
@@Thenadathor I get that it's just a game but idk just the way I write I guess, what parts or thing specifically you feel that with? Always looking to improve
@Thenadathor 5 сағат бұрын
@@LCVcultGaming thats a really mature response and I respect you for it.
@MegaCygnusX1 3 күн бұрын
The next Halo title is going to also be on PlayStation. And you can take to the bank.