I'm in love with Dice Throne.
@garylane6227 6 сағат бұрын
First, I agree that MCP is the best miniature game out there. I think you are too generous with your praise of AMG. Admittedly more consumer friendly than GW, but that is setting the bar pretty low. There is a very friendly community, but the competitive scene is a different world. The game has a huge learning curve to actually become good at it. Players that have been playing for a long time will crush beginners. There is also the meta which means certain characters greatly enhance your chance of winning. I think the thing I love most about the game is the power mechanic which means a game isn't over when one side begins to dominate. Their very domination makes the swing possible. Brilliant mechanic.
@WojoO 20 сағат бұрын
Mic and voice quality is amazing. Will watch it in few sessions.
@csonti3725 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this thorough and excellent playthrough! Based on my ATO rules knowledge, I think you got through with minimal rules mistakes. (I was yelling at the screen when you started to talk about discarding your exhausted weapon to perform a bonus attack but luckily you looked that up. :) ) Besides some token placement hickups I only have two things worth mentioning that was not already pointed out. One: you wrongly applied After Final Attack effects multiple times during the first fight. It is only resolved once after you went through all the attacks triggered by that AI card. Hence the "Final" part. Two: as you suspected, you did miss some of the theme of the second fight. The reveal effect text's terms you were looking for all over the board are actually the titles of said BP cards (representing that particular warrior). They want to bunch up because these effects trigger around them, so the tighter their formation the better they fight. Luckily I think you did not make your life accidentaly much easier because most of the time none or only one was revealed. For me, it looked like running squires are not that hard mode. As you also mentioned, their dodge ability seemed better than the chance an avarage knight gets, and they could hit and wound quite consistently. The starting gear obviously helped some but I think you could win even without them (at the cost of maybe loosing 1 or 2 men).
@Kiratze 20 сағат бұрын
Thanks for watching! Could you timestamp an example for the 1st mistake? Not sure what you mean by the "After Final Attack" that I missed. I'd like to know for the future! And as for the second one, while editing the video I did figure that out afterwards haha. You're right though that I don't think anything came of it as we wrecked them pretty well! I still think Squires are still "hard" mode but I don't mean that as they're impossible to win with or anything. But comparatively to running 4 Knights, you're objectively just weaker. The dodging on average is nice but I don't think that makes up for the lack of gear (and stat bonuses on weapons), technique cards, heroic arc, Heat limits, and Talents. You could even argue not drawing any Mortis cards is potentially negative as you're missing out on things like extra attacks.
@csonti3725 19 сағат бұрын
@@Kiratze 2:05:51 The attack starts here but it drags a bit because of zone measuring and stuff. At the end you move the monster 2 times based on its Flee 3 After Final Attack effect. Rulebook p.54, under After Attack: "An After Attack instruction that has more than one Target is resolved against each Target. However, if the Attack includes an After Final Attack instruction, it only takes effect after resolving the Attack against each of its Targets, against the last attacked Target." As for the Squires: I think they're perfectly fine without gear and extra modifiers, as even the starting deck seemed to lean heavily towards higher numbers. I didn't count it card by card, but they seemed to have a much better average "roll" than the expected 5 and 1/2 of a normal d10. Mortis draw could indeed be beneficial but it could also be absolutely devastating (in ATO it is roughly a 50-50 ratio). So I wouldn't count that as a net positive thing.
@Kiratze 19 сағат бұрын
@@csonti3725 Ahhh ok! Right. Definitely missed that. Just one of those slight change in wordings I missed. Used to that being just "After Attack" haha. And of course! Don't get me wrong, I think Squires are fine. But again, it's more comparing them to Knights and I still think they're objectively worse looking at the big picture. We also don't have the full breadth of Mettle cards, but depending on how good they are, they also might not scale as well as Knights when it comes to improving them which is another negative as I'm sure they'll lack the tools to stand toe to toe with some of the more difficult enemies.
@maciekwilkosz6377 Күн бұрын
I'm just getting into the game. Assembling my first minist and I have some thoughts. I don't like how some models have multi-part heads (2-3 elements). I mean why? This are small and would be much better to put together if they were single part (and some models have that). Some models have also some "spindly" bits that feel tricky to put together or pose correctly. Having said that this are minor complaints and p[robably no big deal for advanced hobbists. Can't wait to get into some actual games.
@Kiratze Күн бұрын
Welcome to the game! There are a few models that are definitely a bit fiddly, but coming from Warhammer, I find MCP much easier. Many models I can put together without even needing the assembly page!
@maximilianobisurgi9362 Күн бұрын
Was hoping to get this video, I really liked your previous ones.! One quick note at the very beginning, on True Solo mode it says you dont draw clue card for your knight. It says you just collect all clues and once you collect 3 of any, you succeed your imvestigation.
@Kiratze Күн бұрын
Oh good spot! It totally forgot to apply the "True Solo" stuff. In my head for some reason I thought True Solo was if you're playing completely with One Knight and no one else but now I realize that's silly and would totally be impossible to win anything haha.
@maximilianobisurgi9362 Күн бұрын
@@Kiratze Yeah, I still not sure if this is good or bad haha, cause it seem to make things easier in terms of investigations, like on 3 explorations with clues tiles you are done with them. But maybe its to compensate some of the things you talked about of using the squires. Also I think you played right the gold thingy, cause the rules for squires mentioned of them being treated like knights for various effects, so I am guessing that unless specify otherwise they are treated as such. Would be nice to know in an FAQ or something if gold actually goes to the single knight, which I dont think it could go anywhere else haha
@xTriforce22 2 күн бұрын
Great video! Looking forward to this being delivered. How far did you get in ATO? Are you still planning with a group or solo?
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
@xTriforce22 Friend's and I never finished Cycle 1. It's a difficult game to keep consistent with everyone's schedules. And because of how story heavy it is you can't really leave people out for a few sessions. We just sort of fell of it. We want to try to go back to it at some point but it's difficult 😅. I'll be playing Kingdoms Forlorn witb a full group of 4.
@fredericcourcy1915 Күн бұрын
Since KF is (Solo)operative it makes it a lot more easier to play with any player count without breaking the story. And the balance mechanic seems like it will also prevent someone from being underpower. Seems working weel the squire. Last video 2 years ago did not convince me on the squire mechanic
@Kiratze Күн бұрын
@@fredericcourcy1915 Definitely! I also did not like the Squires in it's first iteration. They feel a lot better now by getting rid of the voting Delve mechanic and also improving their Vigor.
@adam551982 13 сағат бұрын
@@Kiratze thanks for doing this. On your comment above about bouncing off ATO... I kinda feel like the same will happen here. I doubt its any easier to keep this story going than ATO's. They do have the mechanic where you can drop in and out. I still imagine missing half of whoever's knights story was done when they weren't there will still leave the other player a bit in the dark.
@Kiratze 12 сағат бұрын
@@adam551982 It will still be difficult yes, but overall much easier. Merely for the fact, should someone be missing from a session, you can all just do Investigations or Free Roam. Can still play and progress characters without the major story beats being missed whereas that's not really possible in the middle of a campaign for ATO.
@fredericcourcy1915 2 күн бұрын
Thanks !! Great video and as always clear and well made. ❤ Only sad thing is now... I just can't wait to receive it😂... all your fault !😂
@Venturello 2 күн бұрын
Thanks!! How much worth it still is it to watch the beginner’s guide video you marked as outdated!
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
@Venturello The Delve phase is quite different now but the battle/Clash phase isn't too different in how it operates other than enemies having unlimited movement now. You're probably better off just following along this video though. I've got things timestamped so people can learn still for different parts!
@edwardleronculbreath732 2 күн бұрын
Great to see a new video!
@thebrothersslim6056 2 күн бұрын
Welcome back!
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
Good to be back!
@Deltium5683 2 күн бұрын
I am really looking forward to the delivery of this game.
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
Same! Playing the demo has me more convinced how much I'll enjoy the full thing.
@Deltium5683 2 күн бұрын
@ it’s great that a working demo is available. Whenever I see that my blood pressure decreases as it is unlikely that there will be any delivery issues, haha ! 😁
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
@@Deltium5683 Haha one can hope!
@beakerkell 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'll check it out when I have some time.
@DVCBear 2 күн бұрын
Looking forward to this! Thank you. KF seems very intimidating, even when compared to ATO. After I played ATO Cycle 1 and 2, I ended up going all in for KF.
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
It is a lot, but you should be just fine if you've already played ATO! We don't have the full picture yet but KF's Delve Phase seems more streamlined than ATO's Travel Phase. I think it'll be the fact KF has much more variety of monsters/bosses which will be the intimidating part.
@thebrothersslim6056 2 күн бұрын
@@Kiratze Seems like there is more sprawl of gameplay types between delves/clashes as well. Totes agree on coming from ATO likely being fine though!
@Kiratze 2 күн бұрын
I know a lot of you have been waiting for this from me! I spent a lot of time relearning this game but as you can expect, it's still a beast. So apologies for some rules errors but hopefully it's still a sound enough playthrough so you can understand the basics! One does not perfect these rules in one session 😅 BIG CORRECTION!: It seems I forgot to apply the "True Solo" rules which are found after Squire rules. The following I should have been doing: When traveling alone (Squires don’t count!), a lonely Knight has much more freedom to focus on their personal objectives. If you play with a single Knight, when you proceed to resolve an Investigation, apply the following rules: - Ignore drawing a Clue card. Instead, collect all types of Clues - When you collect 3 Clues of any type, immediately read the Success paragraph of the Investigation you resolved and discard all Clue tokens you’ve collected. Next, choose another Investigation from your Chapter to resolve. Immediately read the starting paragraph of that Investigation, then resume your expedition. You may succeed at up to three Investigations during a single expedition this way. - When you finish the third Investigation of your current Chapter (regardless if you manage to do so in one expedition or multiple), you may immediately end the expedition by proceeding to the Full Clash (as if your current Time was 16) or continue exploring the Kingdom until you run out of time. If you are playing with a single Knight you need to apply additional Delve and Clash rules: - If an effect targets a random Knight, prioritize your Knight. For example, if an effect targets two random Knights, it will target your Knight and one random Squire instead. - Your Knight always starts a Clash with the Priority Target token, regardless of the Passion values of the Squires. - During each Clash Setup, you may equip up to three Gear card from your Knight Armory (exchanging it with the Gear you already have equipped if you don’t have any free Gear slots).
@adam551982 17 күн бұрын
have you seen the new demo just released on TTS?!
@Kiratze 17 күн бұрын
Haven't had a chance to look at it! Will find some time this week probably as I'm starting holidays.
@fredericcourcy1915 19 күн бұрын
Are you going to do a new play with the final rules on tts 😊 ?
@Kiratze 19 күн бұрын
Thinking about it! Gotta relearn the game a bit but hopefully will find time during the holidays to record it.
@fredericcourcy1915 19 күн бұрын
Can't wait component and rulebook makes me believe it might be better (for me) than ATO ​@@Kiratze
@chinglee 27 күн бұрын
Just got the revised core set at discount from Target. Printed some card dividers and token containers with my 3D printer. Getting the Dunwich Campaign next!! I appreciated your video for the fact that I was afraid to mix all the cards, (thus the card dividers) but it look like you put everything together. That makes me feel better. Thanks!!!
@Kiratze 27 күн бұрын
That's awesome! Dunwich campaign is fantastic. Enjoy!
@darbyl3872 Ай бұрын
37:00 Lita Chandler / Parley - This is the only explanation I've found anywhere, including the rules documents in the box. Thank You! I'm still not sure what "parley" means. Something like negotiate?
@jtrow5023 Ай бұрын
I think you convinced me to buy. Thanks
@Kiratze Ай бұрын
Awesome to hear! Hope you enjoy it 😊
@DCRsShow Ай бұрын
Nice video Kiratze! Could you showcase what exactly changed on the updated cards for the base 1st edition?
@troy6795 Ай бұрын
“a little bit of dice rolling”? Dice rolling is about 95% of the game.
@Kiratze Ай бұрын
CLARIFICATION!: The official wording for Dracula's leadership now allows "that allied character" to heal, and not just Dracula. It's what was assumed from the article but nice they changed the wording to reflect it. It's much better now!
@dnlXIII 2 ай бұрын
to proceed you need 2 clues per person
@dariostabletopminatures 2 ай бұрын
6:47 Thank you so much fot this ONE! 19:00 Thank you so much! hahah
@PaintingwithFlare 2 ай бұрын
Great video! I'm always skeptical abt games that center around dices as it leaves too much to chance. What are ur thought abt that?
@Kiratze 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! I mean chance makes games exciting. There's a reason so many tabletop/board games utilize them. I love dice games. War/Skirmish games revolve around dice but they typically involve mechanics that minimize the chance or to make things more in your favour. So while games like Marvel Crisis Protocol have chance involved, there's lots of ways to re-roll dice, or modify them. There's still a lot of skill and agency involved despite the dice and skill when it comes to making choices regarding the chances of certain outcomes. Now that being said, you (or your opponent) will sometimes just get "diced". So there will be times where dice just go wildly in your favour or wildly against you. But those are the rare extremes. Just like in any dice game things average out. It's important to remember the people that design these games do the math in order to make the game as balanced as possible.
@mackenzieshoemaker4541 2 ай бұрын
Just so you know, the leadership ability does only heal Dracula. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work
@Kiratze 2 ай бұрын
Yes! AMG clarified it apparently. But at the time of recording there was still some confusion. Leadership's even worse now 😅
@jonijuuso7296 Ай бұрын
This was changed with the release, it now heals whoever used the leadership
@Kiratze Ай бұрын
@@jonijuuso7296 Yup! I picked up my box this past weekend. Super happy about the change.
@ZamboniZone 2 ай бұрын
This was a good overview. Thanks. It's the first I've heard someone say why they like this game. Comparing it to kill team was also a welcomed point of reference
@Kiratze 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate you checking out the video!
@ZamboniZone 2 ай бұрын
@@Kiratze I appreciate your imput. This game has interested me for a while
@lewiskillick6837 3 ай бұрын
When I started buying this game a few years ago, I was a Spider-Man fan. Now I'm a Marvel fan. I liked the MCU quite a lot but now I'm addicted. I read the comics now. This game got me into Marvel in a way I never was before.
@aalburygan 3 ай бұрын
what are you thoughts on finishing the townfolk tussle playthrough
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
I'll probably do it once I get my physical copy from the Kickstarter!
@briancardona-velez4951 3 ай бұрын
I dint know you're on YT. Thank you for the game the other night. Kunnfu hustle was a fun meme
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Ahh was great playing you! KungFu Hustle did some work 🤜
@briancardona-velez4951 3 ай бұрын
@@Kiratze 🤛🏻
@gilbertoriveramedia8437 3 ай бұрын
It’s not confusing at all. lol
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Dracula's Leadership? It's not confusing. But it's definitely worded weirdly enough that people are interpreting it both ways.
@gilbertoriveramedia8437 3 ай бұрын
@@Kiratze it says that Dracula gains health, that is clear. However on the panel they said his minions would gain health back. That is where the confusion comes from.
@shaunkrogulski9619 3 ай бұрын
Great video! I have been working on a kingpin/Loki 2 dual affiliation list. I haven't played Asgard at all though so having a frame of reference was helpful!
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Kingpin looks interesting!
@AstroNomical-Spidey 3 ай бұрын
Dude I’m loving these videos, your content is so laid back and awesome to watch. I’ve struggled to find mcp content outside of aegis brand studios that I really enjoy. Luckily this is one of the channels I’m watching over and over again.
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Awe that means a lot! Appreciate it. Hopefully will get some more varied content out there but I'm still learning this game haha.
@windmark8040 3 ай бұрын
Was looking for a fun, easy intro game and found your channel. It would be great to have MCP painting and gaming socials!
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for checking out the channel! More MCP content soon 😊
@DaHobbles 3 ай бұрын
Love the MCP content! I’m getting back into it and I appreciate you and your channel :) It’s great content to play while I’ve been painting :)
@Kiratze 3 ай бұрын
Awe, appreciate the kind words! More coming soon 😊
@christiancouture2194 4 ай бұрын
It truly is a great game but yes, it is very competitive-minded. If you go in for a casual game but you meet someone coming in for the kill, you're bound to have a less then amazing time
@Eric-f4b 4 ай бұрын
I went all in on this last month. Costed me 1500 usd. Haven't even tested it yet, but the art got me. Hope its good.
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Haha damn! I mean, it IS really good. Going all in you have a lifetime of content right there.
@Joemanji 4 ай бұрын
Amazing game. So quick and breezy - games can last just an hour when both players are experienced. But still containing loads of interesting decisions and fun moments to make it worthwhile and engaging.
@MrMetallicO 4 ай бұрын
Awesome vid Bro. I've been a super casual player of MCP for a few years but I still enjoy attending tournaments because the community is so great Great info vid to get people in the game.
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Hey appreciate it! That's exactly why I wanted to make this video. I fell in love with it and hope others can too 😊
@joshcoles1255 4 ай бұрын
I’m considering getting into the game been more and more tempted as the weeks have gone by. The only games I currently play is Middle Earth SBG & Star Wars legion. Would you recommend the starter set? The main thing that’s tempting me to start is mostly the X-Men & Brotherhood characters not so much the stuff that’s in the starter set tbh. Do you think you can start with the X-Men affiliation set what else do you need to get started?
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
I mean just in terms of Money to Plastic, the starter set is incredible value. If you have even a slight inclination to play some of the models in it at some point I think it's worth getting. The terrain, dice, tokens, and measurement tools are the main reason to get the Starter Set. Those would be the other things you need other than models to play. Buying all that separately would run you a decent amount of money already so you're getting 13 models at a really discounted price from the Starter Set. The X-Men Affiliation box isn't enough to play on its own as the models in it only equal to 14 Threat. You need a minimum 15 Threat to actually play a 15-threat mission but even then that's not the "true" experience as that's where your roster of 10 models comes in. If cost is a main factor, I'd look for the 1st edition of the Core Set which will be cheaper. You'll have different version of the tokens and models than the Earth's Mightiest set but still fine/legal to use, and you'll have some outdated cards but all the updates can be printed for free off AMG's website. Some of the models are also still really good, like the original core set Baron Zemo is one of the best splashes in the game. You still get terrain, dice, measurement tools, but cheaper. Only main difference is you don't get Winter Soldier, and slightly less terrain. With the extra money you saved you can get the X-Men Affiliation Box and that's enough to make a full roster and start playing.
@joshcoles1255 4 ай бұрын
@@Kiratze I think I’ll go with the start set then to get most of the stuff around the models etc like you said and tbf I don’t hate what’s in the starter just can be stubborn to instantly get the stuff that Interests me the most 😂
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
@@joshcoles1255 Haha no I was the same way but there's some great models in the Starter Set.
@olafjones7173 4 ай бұрын
Sentinel prime is a larger model than hulkbuster!
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
I didn't know that! Maybe what I read was old or something. Just saw that he was the largest physical. Insane there's a model larger than him haha.
@imakeshoes1 4 ай бұрын
The game is great. I have a 3D printer so I got everything I need to play for about $50. $20 measurement tools, $10 dice, and $20 for a bottle of resin that printed about 30 models
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Yah my buddy's got a 3D printer and it's been great getting things for much cheaper! I'm stubborn about having official models but it was nice getting Sanctorum terrain without paying $90 haha.
@imakeshoes1 4 ай бұрын
@@Kiratze so true. Some of the official models are amazing but I like some of the proxies more. A mix of both is normally how I do it. The avengers tower is my next big print
@AstroNomical-Spidey 4 ай бұрын
I just stumbled upon ur channel with ur last video, as someone who is planning on starting mcp it’s awesome to see another newer player run u through some tactics
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for stopping by! I'm currently working on a definitive guide to MCP so stay tuned 😊
@msomma456 4 ай бұрын
Welcome to the game! Been playing a little over two years now, it's just a fantastic game for both casual and competitive play
@jalsbrook 4 ай бұрын
I'm working on painting up my X-Men team as we speak. Your last video inspired me to take the plunge, and I can't wait to dig into it some more.
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Hell yah! One of my friends is playing X-Men.
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else rocking Avengers? 👀
@msomma456 4 ай бұрын
I'm playing an Avengers/Shield list this weekend in a tournament!
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
@@msomma456 Awesome! Shield seems fun too.
@bubbajay6128 4 ай бұрын
I have a decent collection. But spider-foes/sinister six is definitely my go to team.
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
@@bubbajay6128 My friend was thinking of that team but he decided to go Cabal!
@twistedlogic149 4 ай бұрын
great content man!
@Kiratze 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!