You May be an ENTP If...
7 жыл бұрын
Inside the Mind of the ENTP...
7 жыл бұрын
A Brief Intro (ENTP)
7 жыл бұрын
@charitydigioia4429 Ай бұрын
lol my husband has convos with himself too. he’s an ENTP.
@charitydigioia4429 Ай бұрын
i’m an INTJ married to an ENTP and things are going good so far! I like that my husband and I understand each other.
@user-im9cd3pp5s 3 ай бұрын
Have you ever met an Infj woman?
@kingjigabu382 4 ай бұрын
As far as intelegence goes I agree. Im not looking for traditional sytematic intelegence, I'm more interested in someone who is wise and has their own original well thought out ideas.
@kingjigabu382 4 ай бұрын
Also an Entp, I would argue I enjoy charming people as a whole and making them feel good with no intended purpose behind it in most cases. Yes, that extends to flirting. That often confuses people especially with people in the same environment because sometimes I flirt or charm people with the intention of become friends or trying to get a girl and other times I'm doing it just because I enjoy making people feel good.
@emperorfulgidus262 5 ай бұрын
Haha he kinda talks like me
@R0mi5 5 ай бұрын
I see a lot of Fi in you to be honest. So you might be an ENFP then
@mezidvemastromy5546 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I like flirting (ENTP)
@hxxzxtf 6 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:13 *🤔 The video discusses how ENTPs behave when they're interested in someone, aiming to provide insight into their actions and thoughts.* 01:20 *👀 ENTPs tend to observe and analyze the person they're interested in before approaching them, focusing on intelligence rather than physical appearance.* 02:41 *🗣️ When approaching someone they like, ENTPs usually make casual introductions, avoiding being overly awkward or aggressive.* 04:15 *😏 Flirting comes naturally to ENTPs, who may have the potential to excel in it, but they should be cautious not to become manipulative, especially when in a bad mood.* 05:08 *💬 ENTPs are adept at flirting, as they are attuned to social cues and enjoy engaging in playful banter to build rapport.* 08:45 *🧠 Intelligence is highly valued by ENTPs, with a preference for genuine intellect over superficial signals like good grades or wealth.* 11:02 *💑 The idea of seeking a complementary personality type in relationships is challenged, with the suggestion that similarities in personality can lead to equally fulfilling partnerships.* 14:11 *🤔 Understanding each other's personality type is crucial in relationships, regardless of whether partners are complementary or similar, for a satisfying and lasting connection.* Made with HARPA AI
@charlotteknutsen7262 10 ай бұрын
You are so spot on. I'm an infj and my fiancée is an entp.....yep all you said and more!
@yc2109 10 ай бұрын
Oh well, I guess my ENTP crush does not like me back. He does not ask me about anything, he doesn’t try to make me laugh, and the conversations that we have had in the past have been so shallow 😩💔
@beiyongzui 10 ай бұрын
13:07 we're not plants, we don't grow by photosynthesizing, when it's not from our SO we still need the others to grow, if not technical, at least socially we need the others. So yes our SO can influence us to grow better if you pick the right one. Plus if we can fully be authentic with each other you'll gain total confidence in yourself.
@ricoselkum 10 ай бұрын
-Hey, what sound should I make to call your attention? -Huh? -Sorry, I meant to ask you ehat's your name.
@MariaBM1 Жыл бұрын
Anyone ENTP want to tell me what the hell is going on when an ENTP majorly does the flirty thing out of nowhere in a situation people wouldn't normally flirt in, says he wants to keep in contact, says he wants to shout you out for coffee, and then... disappears off the face of the earth...? I'm presuming the guy has just moved on to other distractions right? My thing is... why be so full on with your flirting (way more in your face than most men I've ended up having relationships with) if you aren't going to follow through? I guess I just find it a bit irritating and a bit like I've been used to boost someone else's ego. If some ENTP wants to explain the thought process of the ENTP guy going on here I'd be interested to know.
@alinaavram9945 Жыл бұрын
Infj love entp but i don't think this is a mutual feeling 🤣 i'm an infj and i like entps but my gut feeling always told they are not the right fit for me for a long lasting loving relationship.
@alberain Жыл бұрын
You are not alone.
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
(sigh) There are things I would like to say, but, they never go over well as too many people have done too much to make some topics always sound bad. Suffice it to say that in my experience an ENTP is a person that wants to get things done and only is able to if there is someone(s) they are responsible to or for that make it a necessity to continue to act, or make it possible to delegate.
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
You make me feel so normal. Suddenly, those icky signs about not changing your vibe but finding your tribe make sense! There are mild variations, but, eerything you are saying so far is so spot on. Except for the variations. lol I mean, like, I don't LOVE to argue. I don't LOVE to prove people wrong. I would so much prefer that people were nto wrong or at least were not so wrong that they needed to be proven wrong. Same as I don't like to compete. I tell people I don't like to compete and they are like "What about that one story where the gym teacher said someone like you couldn't do gymnastics and then you..." and I"m like "I didn't want to compete. She made it necessary for me to prove her wrong because she was unfairly attacking a student based on their body type and her own assumption about their muscle and bone mass versus fat ratio. That's wrong to do to anyone. It's not my fault she did it to me. If she had done it to someone who really couldn't do the routine, the girl who had been struggling for a few months to learn the routine I whipped out exactly perfect the frist time and who had been agreeing with the gym teacher and laughing at me for being overweight wouldn't hate me and be crying in the bathroom right now, and I'd just be telling the teacher off for being a creep." Or, something like that. I don't like to argue. I don't like to compete. I don't even like to debate. I just also don't like lies, hypocrisy, insincerity, thoughtless cruelty or losing. Well, most specifically, I don't like losing to poor winners or those who ought not ever win because they are essentially evil or at least are engaging in currently evil conduct. I am fine playing a friendly "who cares who wins, let's see how things pan out" game of whatever and losing every time. Because, it's meant to be fun, not to harm others or belittle them, etc.
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
The more i listen to you, the more I love you. I used to read books for entertainment. I would take much longer with self help. Now, I do sometimes read books for entertainment, but mostly only if I'm ill or I think I need to sleep but can't. But, I really do mostly read as you have described. I've got something like 6 books sitting near my bed that I started and more in the living room, some got put out in a shed for now, but I do still intend to read them.
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
But, also, thank you for everything you said before "Attention Deficit" because, yeah .. I have done a lot of experimention. What drives me crazy is that I find out things work but I have no ability to go back and make myself do them. It's of little interest to me if there is no one else around interested who needs the help or companionship.And, yeah ... I learned a long time ago that I cannot drive. People think this means I need practice. NO! It means I can drive just fine until suddenly I can't because I need to do something else. I was once in a band with several people who all had similar problems and we would literally play a weird form of "musical instruments" Like, I would be playing drums and then I'd suddenly realize I was done or close to and would have to move over to what I could do- lead singer, guitar, back up singer, etc. And, everyone else would shift to something else. Not everyone had that problem, which was good, because, that meant some people just had enough talent and normalcy to move into whatever position and they were okay with it. A few of us had to move and do other things or we'd lose our rhythm and ruin everything. One of them was a guy I have recently started to suspect of being an ENTP. He manipulated me a lot! I didn't mind as it was socially engaging in a way I could handle, involved me manipulating others and there was usually a fight or an argument involved.
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
ENTPs are often DIAGNOSED as having attention deficit. What we have is way, way, way too much attention on too many things at once. It's not an inability to pay attention. It's a struggle to stay focused on just that one thing, since everything is connected, as it is part of our learning process and we will go mad if we have to focus that much, that often.
@DimashCastellucci Жыл бұрын
Dude the cocoa example. Its actually different from raw Cacao powder. Those have better antioxidants. I learned all this when I did Keto. I can give a similar example and connect them to coffee and cockroaches that are mixed for grounded coffee etc…… u know. And when i explain this to people they just don’t seem to get it ! Hahaha
@DimashCastellucci Жыл бұрын
ENTP are introverts at heart but they just said one day that screw it, I need to be an extravert ! BTW if you are confused between INTP and ENTP, you are already almost ENTP by default. Look at your individual cognitive functions. If you are talking to people and somewhere in the middle you suddenly stop and realise the implications or fallacies in your idea and so you stop leaving the other person surprised ir annoyed . 😂😂😂 You are an ENTP if you think everything is connected. And connections and patterns are everywhere. . 1: This is because ENTPs are more likely to get confused on their type. Remember INTP have Ti max. So it makes them a judger as opposed to ENTP which is Ne max so they are perceivers. 2: If you are very control focused and you aren’t moving fast and scattered like an ENTP would, you are an INTP. 3: If you consider your life to be more on the chaotic side (but you always wanted to control it), you are an ENTP. 4: If you find it relatively easy to talk to people and connect with them after talking, you are an ENTP. INTPs are too reserved to initiate conversations and they don’t even respond fully as an ENTP would. 5: this might not look as a serious tip, but if you look like this ENTP youtuber. 😂. You aren’t very flashy and I don’t know how to put it but I can recognise an ENTP most of the time. There is also an Idrlabs video that has very distinctive INTP vs ENTP video. I would suggest you check it out !
@DimashCastellucci Жыл бұрын
I am an ENTP and I don’t know what should be in my life. What career to join there are so many options. But again working for someone else is going to be hectic anyway ? How do i make just enough money ? I am in retail btw and am looking for an IT job.
@DimashCastellucci Жыл бұрын
Why all ENTPs look like yourself man hahaha. They look simple AF. I can identify Entps easily. 1: For me it’s kinda like i like to think about what others might be onto. And simply thinking about future is interesting to me but at the same time i get really anxious about it. 2: Into weird music like Bulgarian music , old prog classics etc. 3: wanting to come off as different. 4: Can’t sleep because of something scientific or experimental, theories, abstractions etc. 5: unrealistic standards because I would like to be perfect for the future and what would I need to survive. 6: hate Close minded and monotonous people manipulation to make them feel a certain way. 7: I usually write crappy af but I actually have practiced cursive in childhood. 8: I love arguing hahaha 🤣. Contradicting myself. 9: I start books as an impulsion and then not finish almost any one of it. I always read non fiction strictly. 10: i always ask people what they just said cause I didn’t care to listen half of it. 11: i leave decisions until last minute and sometimes screw up because I leave opportunities. 12: I like reseaching, blockchain, science, psychology, music, art, photography, stargazing. But I am not a master in either one. 13: I prepare for exams at the night before or sometimes a few hours before an exam. 14: I value logic and people get mad about it and they become butthurt and I win most of the time sometimes my logic could also mislead. Yes after researching so many videos online, I can confirm I am an ENTP. I do all the damn things you mentioned lol !
@karmenzupanc5177 Жыл бұрын
Question for ENTP: If you like someone do you called him/her by their name or u use nucknames?
@josiesmith1295 Жыл бұрын
ENTP here and i flirt with literally anyone and everyone(men,women,your grandma,uncle joe,the girl at MacDonalds...). I flirt for fun, to lighten the mood,to get things i want, because I like someone,etc. Ill flirt for pretty much any reason. Its classy flirting though. Flirting with people's minds. Never dirty or uncomfortable. You are a very normal ENTP in that way I think.
@karenkayedizon Жыл бұрын
so true especially about stupid people and books😂
@barnikmahanty5174 Жыл бұрын
I think socionics is much better. Btw if we can get an ISFJ with balanced functions or strong Ti, its bliss. At least in my case.
@brigittejen6324 Жыл бұрын
entp here. totally agree with you that similar type is BETTER than complimentary type
@grantmidd Жыл бұрын
Bang on mate. You rambling is the reason I can't to videos, I saw that you really tried to hold your thoughts together for the purposes of the video. I wish there was some sort of organisation that would only employ ENTP's so we could have somewhere to truly think freely and explore our Ideas in practice.
@alk99875 Жыл бұрын
Bro where are u these days
@01claudLO Жыл бұрын
If I like someone and I want to ask them out ill just ask them. I do cause a lot of confusion because i seem like i flirt a lot but that doesnt mean I want to go out with you. I dont send signs or anything vague, i will say straight up if i want to date you.
@marijamilovanovic5153 Жыл бұрын
Arguments even when there's no one around ❤ Oh let us all unite my ENTP crew.
@jojossecretrainbow2932 Жыл бұрын
the ENTP i know constantly runs away..they must dislike me then:(
@spanishtutor2552 Жыл бұрын
We enjoy being valued by someone interesting, authenticity is attractive
@joanaborrellsanchez9225 Жыл бұрын
ENTP: Devil's lawyer INFJ: Justice Lawyer
@jimmygarcia7250 Жыл бұрын
Very clever username.
@BullyMaguire4ever Жыл бұрын
ENTP is very fascinating. The combination of extroversion and being so analytical is interesting to me. The way he said he wants to make people laugh because it is scientifically advantageous. Lol.
@toad4112 Жыл бұрын
i have a crush on an entp. instead of actually talking to him, i am learning more about his personality type instead, got to love it:) i feel really inspired by him because you can tell that he's truly himself, he ain't trying to impress anybody. he also has different views on the world in comparison to most people. that makes him reaally attractive. -from an INFP :)
@Levente2334 Жыл бұрын
It's 02.45 and here i am doing all the things on the list
@billy.bright 2 жыл бұрын
Dudes walking through the woods and says he doesn't think he's ever met another ENTP 😆
@billy.bright 2 жыл бұрын
They probably will do this and they probably will do that and they probably will make a video explaining every probability of what is going through their mind and at the end of the day we have no idea what course we will take but we will probably make that decision at the last minute based on a number of observations which you probably don't want to hear all of. 😆
@haizol7 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry, they will tell you.
@PunkProfess0r 2 жыл бұрын
The reason you couldn’t articulate your thoughts on relationships is because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
@winxclubstellamusa 2 жыл бұрын
How would you be able to gage a woman’s intelligence before having at least one conversation? That decision would be most probably rooted in assumptions and projections.
@Ssaarraa999 2 жыл бұрын
You make a good point on the complementary couple thing, but I don’t think it’s as drastic as you said it is. One can still need growth, so be “immature”, but be respectful of their partner and function in a long term relationship at the same time as far as I’m concerned. You can develop personal growth AND grow with someone else at the same time.
@FM-zg5hz 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Life is constant growth. No one is fully done with their growth before entering a relationship as he suggests in this video. I think all kinds of MBTI types can have a successful relationship because there are a lot of other factors involved.
@spanishtutor2552 2 жыл бұрын
I am thst way , wow
@rebeccajones6269 2 жыл бұрын
Love this persective on compatibility between types....a light bulb moment for me ! Makes sense if you are already in a growth state ..and be attracted to ppl who are on the same wave length. Which is why I used to be attracted to INFJs..but now I'm drawn to ENTPs! 😉 -ENFP
@greenjohnay 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an ENTP female and you are spot on about everything. You've really piqued my interest.