Inside the Mind of the ENTP...

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@denettemariecovarrubias2996 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a ENTP women, which makes it even harder. You're right, we need to work on knowing we need others. We can't do everything one.
@SoMelicious 7 жыл бұрын
I only have time at the moment to watch the first few minutes but I would like to say: Regarding becoming better at explaining ourselves, it depends on who you are and what "world" you're trying to communicate with. As a female ENTP, I was forced to get reallllly good at explaining myself in the corporate world of construction and mechanical engineering. I used power points, step by step binders, meticulous Excel tools I made from scratch - a lot of good that did me. Once certain men finally were able to understand me and saw that my ideas were good, I got hammered over and over with hate, fear, disgust, revulsion... and not just at one job. Which is why I'm no longer in that world, although it took a long ass time for me to finally cave. Too long. Now I work in the non-profit sector and rather than explain myself I just quietly "do" the things I can see will help things run more efficiently and benefit everyone. And finally, at long last, I've found a "world" that actually appreciates my contributions and lets me do it! I am on KZbin precisely because I can be myself here. I don't have to draw up charts and graphs and hand them over, only speaking tersely and minimally. I can just let my Ne flow to it's hearts delight and people who watch my videos watch them because they get it and they get me. After a lifetime of being misunderstood, I am endlessly grateful for this foreign feeling of "acceptance". I cherish this place for letting me be me. I noticed that you were reading something you wrote as you spoke. When you're addressing other ENTPs or any N-doms, I have found (because they've told me when I start to sound "stiff" cuz I'm reading something I wrote or bc I over-edit myself) that "our" viewers actually appreciate it much more when you just be yourself and let your ideas spin out all over the place in their natural, happy tornado-like way. Other intuitives understand what it's like to be misunderstood. They are the rare birds that can follow us (and we them). The entire world follows a script, a methodology, a "proper" way to do things, and it's true, in certain arenas learning to effectively communicate the electric spasms pulsing through our synapses helps a great deal. But when you're talking to your own, you can speak your native tongue. 😊 "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." -Mandela Cheers, friend 😊 Your fellow ENTP
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
+So Melicious Hello! Thank you for the feedback. It's always great to hear from other ENTPs!! My intent was to urge my fellow ENTPs to push themselves to become better at communicating their ideas to the rest of the world in general. Due to the fact that most of the world's population is comprised of sensing types, we ENTPs can quickly and quite easily miscommunicate our thoughts when dealing with other people. This has definitely caused problems in my own life. I wasn't saying that we should completely restructure our lives to please others. Rather, I was simply implying that it would be more efficient and more beneficial, in the long run, to learn how to explain our weird and abstract thoughts to the rest of the world. Anyway, that corporate job sounds terrible! I don't know how you survived.. It must be great to have found a career like the second one you listed. It sounds like you may have found your niche. I'm currently still looking for mine. As far as my video style is concerned, I sometimes need a list to keep me from skipping certain talking points and then regretting it after I've already recorded my videos. That always gets on my nerves....I'm also a little new to this, and hopefully will get more comfortable with time. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed your input! Thanks again!
@SoMelicious 7 жыл бұрын
Was it a bit of a shock to you when you realized that A, most people completely do not get what you are trying to tell them, and then B, you actually CAN do something about it (by working really hard to somehow communicate your thoughts in a way that would be received)? It was for me! Knowing my type was a huge help with this realization and it didn't even happen for awhile after I ventured into MBTI land, even knowing that I speak Intuitivese. ;) I feel you on points. I write so much better than I talk, but when I read my writing I sound weird and mechanical and don't even want to listen to myself, haha. "Voice of books on tape" is probably not going to be my retirement career. ;) and I often think of making a talking points list, too, just like I think about making videos on 39237 topics and type them in lists in my phone and on my laptop and promptly forget about them. 😜 But if it's important then it's definitely helpful to have some kind of plan. 👍🏽 Mostly I leave "on task speaking" to the ENTJs. 😉
@SoMelicious 7 жыл бұрын
CommitmENTPhobe And how old are you? Takes us ENTPs and I think sometimes INTPs too awhile to figure out who we really want to be when we grow up. Late bloomers, late root putter downers - so no worries, you got company! I think it's a good thing, cuz when we finally do it we really mean it!
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
I'm currently 21. I've been in and out of different colleges and switching to different majors for a few years now..for a future oriented person it can be quite disheartening.
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, knowing my personality type has really helped me see things differently. I've always been a bit odd and so I used to keep my ideas to myself most of the time. I just kind of naturally understood that people didn't want to talk about certain subjects. I had a lot of stuff going on inside my head, but I pushed it to the side back in high school. I used to be absolutely terrible at effectively communicating my thoughts verbally, and definitely found it easier to write them out. One thing I noticed a long time ago was that I absolutely LOVED arguing with people. It wasn't until I discovered MBTI that I realized why I liked getting in verbal disputes and almost everyone else hated it. After I found MBTI, I quickly learned how other people think and how to speak their language. Recently I've been trying hard to make the people around me understand why I think the way I do. Maybe that's just because I have a strong interest in psychology.
@ifonlyunu994 6 жыл бұрын
ENTPs need to organize themselves. This has made all the difference in my life. People wouldn't even suspect that I'm ENTP. I hate details too. I've accepted that I see the big picture first. I'm mindful of the small details though.
@ben-hurcoutorodeghierojuni3519 7 жыл бұрын
High ENTP here and your giant tree theory blew my mind. Exactly the feeling of living inside our heads. And the other thing I got from watching your video is how fucking crazy we are. Not something I didn't know of, really, but made it clearer anyway.
@ShaneGagiano 6 жыл бұрын
Pretty much. I've come to realize that everything is connected, all knowledge is just a different perspective of the same pattern. I think you already understand what I'm referring to here, so the best way I can put it is this: Everything (whole) BREATHS (spiritus)! You Inhale >> You Sustain >> You exhale / They Inhale >> You Nourish / They Sustain >> They Exhale ... the pattern continues (vibrational pattern, especially correlates with phi ratio and Fibonacci, I have found) Everything is dual, yet not dual at all. It's an interplay between genders or even an interplay between the magnificent and the minuscule. It's the symphony of sex, and the most important knowledge to suppress if you seek to control the tribe and its surroundings. Damn, this is hard to explain! Guess I'm f*cking nuts then huh? Lol wtf!!!
@thomascintron9576 7 жыл бұрын
That is freaking hilarious how you went on the rant from the cocoa powder to ancient civilizations and geology...... That's exactly how I think and I am an ENTP as well..... Lol ...... Good description
@ariel-4131 6 жыл бұрын
It's like I want to learn how to do new things, I just don't want to do those things
@ShaneGagiano 6 жыл бұрын
Dude, I love you man. I studied your body language, and the way our mental framework looks from an external viewpoint. I started laughing my ass off by just how whacko you look. I communicate the exact same way!!! Hahaha... I've seen a lot of laughter in my lifetime while I'm explaining some deep shit man. Anyway, your tree analogy is on point... Right in the p**sy!
@pipeofmagritte9547 7 жыл бұрын
this is pretty good. i loved the cocoa powder example and it representing one leaf in the canopy. i actually love Ne in that sense because it can link and draw connections with so many seemingly unrelated things - exposing that everything is, after all, interconnected and intertwined. i suspect my sister to be an Ne user too - not sure if dom or aux - and she has this same habit of linking things up and it makes for a mesmerizing and richly diverse sort of conversation with no boundaries really. she has no formal or structured approach to learning - and method and organization stifles her spirit although now she realizes that there are benefits to be had via following some routine or structure too. but generally with Ne users i have noticed this free approach to things - in academic terms i would call it "interdisciplinary". but i suppose a stronger Ti can help with more focus and depth and sort of shape some of that information which "seems" random into coherent and articulate data - kind of working on principles like "method to madness" or "ordered chaos". very good point btw about how entps should put more effort into explaining themselves so that they can be understood. thanks for the visual illustrations of an entp's mental landscape - personally i find them very helpful in clearing things up. sorry for the long comment, basically just wanted to say good job.
@grantmidd Жыл бұрын
Bang on mate. You rambling is the reason I can't to videos, I saw that you really tried to hold your thoughts together for the purposes of the video. I wish there was some sort of organisation that would only employ ENTP's so we could have somewhere to truly think freely and explore our Ideas in practice.
@ThatAudraBrown 7 жыл бұрын
Turns of phrase that we ENTPs are likely to use: "I'm into _______ ...right now." Your videos amuse me, sir. Carry on, then.
@Prometheus7272 6 жыл бұрын
:D My favorite phrase
@Raptor577 7 жыл бұрын
Hi. Cool analogy. What you actually described is how extroverted intuition works, which is the dominant cognitive function of both ENTPs, and ENFPs, and auxiliary function for INTPs and INFPs, meaning that they all kind of absorb and structure information the same way. What differs is how they make decisions and what drives them.
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
I was wondering if extroverted intuition was the cause of the "tree of information".
@interycreeper1152 5 жыл бұрын
@@commitmentphobe3045 it is, but one thing that really supports those connections is the introverted judging (Thinking for us ENTPs) that can categorize this for us and are basically the branches and the connections with the leaves. Without it it would be like just information or guesses but no much thought behind them. But with it you can, for example, connect russia to olympia. its impulse->explanation->impulse->explanation->impulse-explanation very quickly. And this can actually make for some great categorization. Because then it turns into a game about relations where you see where for example football is different from or similar to basketball. Both use balls, but one uses hands the other feet. And I figure youll be great at finding very detailed relations and differences and can get quite deep intp this. But they will appear very unrelated for others. If you dont explain the reasons and your thought process then theyll think you are dumb and coming up with random conclusions. Exactly what you said in the video. The introverted thinking is what you need to explain the extroverted intuition with. Bc they cant see it otherwise. And you could find relations to anything because of what you described in the video. Now back to our categorisation that I dont think explained that well.. its a cross-contextual one and we need to explain why. Like, what I am typing falls under the category of information. Like your video. They differ in format, they are similar bc both fit in the category of 'by an ENTP', 'by ENP', 'by EP' etc. also, both are on the internet. But I am also connected to germany because thats where I am from. You are also connected to germany because thats where you are not from. See what I mean with categories? they are very cross-contextual. tell me 2 seemingly unrelated things and I'll put them in the same category.
@royharper84 7 жыл бұрын
hahahaha, Omg. So funny to hear someone talk about what goes on in my brain and talk like I do. Totally thought I was crazy. I have that same craving for information and being curious in all disciplines and this comes in handy for me as an Artist. Thank you so much for this video by the way. I know now I'm not completely nuts.
@danielgarrison7208 7 жыл бұрын
Oh look a bug....sorry, got distracted
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
@DimashCastellucci Жыл бұрын
Dude the cocoa example. Its actually different from raw Cacao powder. Those have better antioxidants. I learned all this when I did Keto. I can give a similar example and connect them to coffee and cockroaches that are mixed for grounded coffee etc…… u know. And when i explain this to people they just don’t seem to get it ! Hahaha
@caribbeanblue5021 7 жыл бұрын
WOWWW! You are so on point with my life now. I have been through several academic programs and when I gather enough information I just drop the program. I have since had an interest in healthcare because it's so vast and there's so much information to uncover. It's something I can eventually start a business with the information discovered.
@nikianna1911 6 жыл бұрын
I am an INFP and I seem to really admire ENTPs. and wish i could have her brain as an extra part of my brain. Im abit too emotionally cheesy and that I find an Entp might find comical and stupid.. I actually find it really hard to express and talk and have a conversation for too long. I just want to say one very importand thing and then leave. I am scared to say something empty of a meaning which happens when I force myself to keep talking , nothing comes to me anymore. As if air is just blowing some random words to me. but what i feel is more than how I describe it. but perhaps im just very stupid what do i know. Ill read more books and hope to be more like you.
@saoirse7167 4 жыл бұрын
I use the phrase ‘oh, that reminds me!...’ so often, then I sometimes get slightly stressed because I realise there is more than one obvious connection and it probably doesn’t seem like a logical jump. Then I struggle to get my train of thought back, start assessing whether or not what I was about to say was important enough to warrant confusing my conversation partner, while also trying to remember what we were just talking about in case I decide to give up and switch back to it. Alternatively, I happily jump around all over the place and imagine putting pins in the (genuinely) tree branch-like train of thought that is unfurling in my head so I can go back to things. My conversation partner can just enjoy the ride.
@theresaavalos7617 7 жыл бұрын
Thank You, I agree, I run into a great amount of misunderstandings. Honestly I was in between laughing and crying, it was awesome to hear you explain my thinking and follow you through the world with cocoa beans, but mostly, I heard your message of being discredited, that interferes with connection, communion and intimacy, as well as partnering up with others to handle the details, I am troubled with, a great loss in making a difference in the world with this brilliance that the world sure can use.
@pauls2012 6 жыл бұрын
That's a cool analogy. I'm an ENTP and I see my mind like a giant cube where everything is connected with everything on the inside. And every time I learn something new, I put it inside and connect it with everything possible and find its place in the bigger picture. So the more I learn, the fuller will be the cube and the clearer my worldview. Ne helps me absorb and transmit information while Ti sorts and acesses it. It's a really cool process
@seventhsheaven 6 жыл бұрын
Cocoa powder--> hot chocolate --> old people drinking before bed in winter --> scrooge going to bed on Xmas eve --> ghosts.........
@ioanamanole4000 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with this. I was wondering why I couldn't focus and then I started making lists based on the things that I don't want to think about that I have to do regardless in the real world. That left room for a whole set of simultaneous train(s) of thoughts and I managed to actually focus to do everything on the list ever since. So yes, that jumping from thought to thought not being able to focus on one thing at a time is a huge problem but also this odd process whereby I've noticed I can solve any type of problem I encounter. Maybe Ne looks for possibilities and Ti just finds the best logical solution and this is what it takes to do it - as opposed to regular thinking which could be more linear. - ENTP fellow
@Cassella_and_Salt 7 жыл бұрын
"... and then I started making lists based on the things that I don't want to think about that I have to do regardless in the real world." Haha, I have found I have to do that or my other 'projects' will take over. I call it my List of Horribles. Once they were accurately, for me, named, I have usually found them to less horrible than they seemed. Sincerely, an INTP
@thentherewasnancy5981 7 жыл бұрын
Just wanna say your advise isn't going into deaf ears. I have struggled my whole life with others understanding why I think and do things the way I do. I often revel in the fact that I am misunderstood and tend to look at it as humorous, although I know it isn't and it's a problem in my life. You kinda made me realize I should take people misunderstanding me a little more seriously and try to explain myself better.
@sacredandsecured 6 жыл бұрын
Young the Giant ❤️ #ENTPmusic
@Wingedmagician 7 жыл бұрын
I don't know how I thought I was an infp for so long. Great video thanks
@Z3r0XoL 7 жыл бұрын
intp, i also have a tree in my head
@Z3r0XoL 7 жыл бұрын
there is a lot of branch trimming going on
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
Really?? I was wondering if INTPs were similar in that aspect.
@commitmentphobe3045 7 жыл бұрын
+Timothy Beach Actually, the tree is most likely a result of Ne.
@johnwright9875 7 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to imagine trying to explain my thought process and not seem crazy. Part of our gloriousness is our mystery of thinking. I think. I don't know. I care I guess.
@saoirse7167 4 жыл бұрын
This could be a game. Give an entp a word and tell them to think aloud.
@lightotaku4545 5 жыл бұрын
Nice Young The Giant in the background, i’m also ENTP
@beautifulday6854 7 жыл бұрын
Explaining would be quite a task! Most of the time, ideas come from very abstract/conceptual thought. When I've attempted to explain to people that aren't on the same wavelength, they sometimes feel/react like we think they are dumb. Even when be gentle (yes, it's possible lol).
@danielstevanovic5645 6 жыл бұрын
I´m watching this and I´m like: "Fuck explaining myself, the others have to man up and become smarter individuals and stop being so narrow minded and simple!" Then I´m like: "Wait a second! the others are never gonna be as smart as I am, so I guess I will have to reveal myself to them." :D :D :D and btw it is 3:00 am and somehow I can´t explain how I ended up here.. ENTP struggles :D
@sunflowerorgy7551 7 жыл бұрын
ENTps are more of the debater than the inventor
@danielstevanovic5645 6 жыл бұрын
well I´d debate that :D
@ShaneGagiano 6 жыл бұрын
Depends on your enneagram and its wings. First off, ... Wait a minute, I almost contradicted myself there. Carry on then...
@interycreeper1152 5 жыл бұрын
are arguments inventions? its so specific that an ENTP could be both. Actually, an ENTP could be any arbitrary role. Like... what I'm trying to get at is that its not really useful and something to look for. Because what if an ENTP dislikes debating? Do they stop being an ENTP because they dont do it since they dont like it? Well, more like, when even is someone a Debater and when not? If they dont stop being an ENTP when they are not a Debater, then 'ENTPs are Debaters' is not true. If yes, then your definition is kinda meaningless and not really the system that is used here. We use one thats based on Jungian Typology and Cognitive Functions. Because being a lead extroverted Intuitor and auxillary introverted Thinker can lead to both inventions and arguments. But its not really relevant to what it leads bc that heavily depends on the context. Or would you start a Debate when someone just told you you get 1 million dollars when you dont talk for 1 minute and there is no one that even tries to distract you? Would you say anything in that minute? Would you Debate ethics with someone that just killed a familiy member infront of you and is now running at you with a knife? Will other types not debate in any situation for their whole lifes? Would you invent something if you have no inventive idea? well thats not just unreasonable like earlier questions, its impossible. And this situation is quite interesting because it looks like I'm proving your point, however I'm trying to disprove it which means if I did well at proving your point, I did also well st disproving it. You cant say your statement that ENTPs are Debaters and I am the perfect example for that, because when you do you admit I am right in saying you are wrong. Aka you cant use this as proof, because what I am debating for is inherently disproving what you would prove with it. Its like saying a soccer-ball is constantly moving and proving that by saying that got to the place it is at right now by moving, ignoring the fact that it is standing still. By acknowledging that lt is standing still there so it had to move there you are disproving that it is constantly moving. right? Theres no meaning saying a ball is something that moves, or saying it is something that stays on one place. Its irrelevant for it being a ball.
@sanjayrohra9560 5 жыл бұрын
You are now initiating one more
@fryingwiththeantidote2486 6 жыл бұрын
v a c u u m
@fsirjyy147 6 жыл бұрын
3%? Based on nothing.
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