@RightOnBro72 3 сағат бұрын
Although I agree with the Atheists' positions, I don't consider their debate strategies to be good. They were more dedicated to over-talking their opponents. it was good a time or two when Dr. Carrier acknowledge the validity of one of his opponents arguments, but not how he said it. The bigger problem is two-fold. First, all of their quotes seem to come from the KJV version of the Bible. Simply using NIV or another version for 2 Peter 3:4 would have revealed the Christian argument better -- 2 Peter was not referring to their "literal" fathers, but to their "ancestors." The Christian also made a great claim at the end that the entire chapter was about the Resurrection, thereby debunking the Atheist argument. I was surprised they did not mention the "scoffers." The other big problem is that in Zechariah 6, there are 2 different sections (again, more clear if you're not using KJV.) The first section is about an unnamed angel (not an archangel) and the second part is about putting a crown on the head of the high priest, "Joshua son of Jozadak." Most likely, this is where the "Jesus" reference comes from, and I agree that they are the same name. However, this is not the angel in-question. If this were a specific claim made by Philo of Alexandria, it would have been nice if either of the Atheists said so, but they did not, and the Christians did not counter them. This same problem comes up several times in the Bible when Jesu misquotes a Bible verse, and nobody corrects him on it.
@henryjohnson8661 5 сағат бұрын
If you have knowledge like the "apocalyptic reset" why would you sell something you believe would benefit the church. So you're gonna put a pay wall up for something that's supposed to bless the church. Imagine if the prophets of the Bible went to the people and were like I have a word from the lord. Written on these scrolls but only if you have 5 shekels. God wants to give a warning to his people for only 5 shekels. Oh You're poor? Then you don't get to hear the words of the lord. Yet the Bible says what you do to the least of these. And your putting a pay wall up in front of a message for Gods church. Lol what a shame. I would say may God have mercy on your soul, but he won't. And its your own vanity as to why.
@DrMikeE100 18 сағат бұрын
It's wonderful hearing Dan Barker calmly bringing rationality to those who propose Christian nonsense in their buy-bull. Hearing Tom preach in his tone-deaf manner that never addresses Dan's points is... well... just plain sad...
@isaacthegoat1432 16 сағат бұрын
Dan Barker is a clown.
@AtamMardes 23 сағат бұрын
Nobody saw an empty tomb & a risen Christ. Early Christian writers fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up fake backdated testimonials that the disciples & 500 others have witnessed an empty tomb & a risen Christ.
@AtamMardes 23 сағат бұрын
Nobody saw an empty tomb & a risen Christ. Early Christian writers fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up fake backdated testimonials that the disciples & 500 others have witnessed an empty tomb & a risen Christ.
@rustyshackelford5047 2 күн бұрын
Someone needs to do a debate on this topic and be told they can't use the Bible as evidence. Then let's see how hey can prove it without their stupid book.
@jacobsolace177 3 күн бұрын
i studied the Bible, esp the New Testament, for more than 40 years since i was 18 years old. i was an orthodox religious Jew for 13 years. Jesus was a racist and a man of violence. Moreover, Yahweh was a psychopath. Judaism teaches that non-Jews have a nefesh (vital soul) and ruach (spirit), like animals, but only Jews have a neshama (higher soul). The level of willful ignorance and shameless apathy is mind-boggling. In the age of the internet and AI, ignorance is a choice.
@peterhay7697 3 күн бұрын
The outrageous hypocrisy of the ‘believer’ claiming that atheists come with a predisposition not to believe and try to make the evidence fit when that is exactly what he does throughout. Having had the suggestion that a tomb actually existed roundly undermined he proceeds repeatedly to base his ‘arguments’ on it. Then we have the twerp of a questioner who wants evidence that something didn’t happen. I despair!
@Taurus-1701 3 күн бұрын
The very fact that educated, intellectual adults today are still discussing the question of WHETHER the Old Testament is fictional or not is extremely strange to me and also has something grotesque about it!
@123456stronzo 3 күн бұрын
why do humans have tails the first 8 weeks in the womb ,rarely their even born with them ,why do humans have pharyngeal gills similar to fish 🐟 that we no longer use to breathe,put on your thinking cap theists ,we are descendants of charlie the tuna like it or not
@TGx92 4 күн бұрын
I respect people who need faith to survive and live but come on man. How is it not a fairytale? Jesus walks on water, Jesus rises from the dead, Moses splits the ocean, There is a tornado of fire, A talking serpent came to the first man and woman to “told” them to eat a forbidden fruit from a forbidden tree. All impossible imaginations never seen before. Also why is the crazies things that happened only in the early stages of our lives? From the past 1,000 years all of the sudden not a single miracle happened? Why’d it stop? Bs
@appnzllr 4 күн бұрын
Any "proof" that the church has (for example, Josephus) is tainted. It's been fiddled with by early christian. The Gospels are contradictory, and the stories are not believable. Paul never mentions Jesus' resurrection. Several other religions at the time had "heroes" who were killed and resurrected. Early Christians just borrowed from other religions that had been around for a while. It's impossible to believe that the Christian dying and rising god is real when all the others are not.
@appnzllr 4 күн бұрын
The stories in the Bible are all for the purpose of fear. Fearmongering to scare people into toeing the line. Daniel cannot be used to prove prophecy. There is debate about the date of its writing or its author. Prophecy writings are a problem for believers. According to the Bible, if a prophecy doesn't come true, then the person is a false prophet. And if anything is true, then it is difficult to prove that the person wasn't writing after the fact.
@ungmd21 4 күн бұрын
I am a physician and I can't explain or show you where the mind originates. C.S Lewis said, "If minds are wholly dependent on brains and brains on biochemistry, and biochemistry (in the long run) on the meaningless flux of the atoms, I cannot understand how the thought of those minds should have any more significance than the sound of the wind in the trees." If your thoughts on faith NOT religion are just random motion of molecules, how can they have any validity? How can any of your thoughts and actions have any purpose? But If God made us in his image with minds and a free will, then that is everything. And If Jesus truly rose from the dead, then he is truly God in human form and we can can have a true hope. Otherwise we have nothing and life is meaningless and everything and entropy will lead to the universe to absolute zero and every thought, idea and action will be gone. My study of science and medicine leads me to evidence of the incredible of engineering of life and the universe. The argument that our minds are derived from evolution and random chance admits that any thought that could arise by this mechanism has no validity
@DexterDexter123 4 күн бұрын
47:39 if you can’t see this then you’re lost to indoctrination.
@lowersaxon 4 күн бұрын
You cant debate „believers“.
@suntze5888 4 күн бұрын
Wow, Carrier totaly wipes the floor with those guys...
@vinotintopanysalchichon9554 5 күн бұрын
Chris starts 2:36
@AntonioRamos-g5m 5 күн бұрын
@James-ns3zi 5 күн бұрын
Dawkins said and I quote; "evolution is a fact" 100% false. The intelligence of Richard Dawkins is highly overrated.
@DocReasonable 2 күн бұрын
Of course evolution is a fact, U dirty coskcukcer.
@milenpetrov8528 5 күн бұрын
The theist’s “evidence” is basically some people believed that Jesus had risen from the dead 😂
@TGx92 6 күн бұрын
As soon as as they changed a testament I lossed all hope for faith. “God” wouldn’t change the rules for no reason or for anyone. Absolute bs
@Mriya6 7 күн бұрын
Can you please put the name of the person being debated with (Tim Rutten) in the title of the video. Hitchens debated a lot of people and there's a lot of "Hitchens debates" videos, so we need to be able to tell which one is which when searching, thanks.
@davereese6614 8 күн бұрын
Back when i was devout, i ALWAYS felt that the atheist arguments made more sense than those of the apologists. I was never able to refute Madalyn Murray o'hair. Here, Carrier is clearly the brain, and he's debating the little toe. Not to be mean, but ...
@davidmcclellan1920 10 күн бұрын
The Bible's version of him was and is a myth.
@lisasummerlin3238 10 күн бұрын
He seems frustrated, like pretty much all the rest of them! 😔
@JohnDavis-e3c 11 күн бұрын
God and Jesus at best are illiterate, deaf mutes.
@StephenSinclair-d6n 13 күн бұрын
Mythisist are fun. Left field.
@physnoct 16 күн бұрын
Paul supposedly saw Jesus in a vision. The bible say nothing about Paul seeing Jesus while both are alive, so how can he tell it's Jesus?
@paulreppenhagen3661 16 күн бұрын
Put faith in yourself or the world at your own peril. It’s terrifying to think of a world without our Lord Jesus. I pray God’s mercy shines on you unbelievers.
@dovonovich 17 күн бұрын
Wow this is a crazy echo chamber. Jesus is the Christ, and Lord of all. Evidence is all around. Stephen Meyer, Frank Turek, William Lane Craig, John Lennox… Guys. The evidence for Jesus and the Resurrection is abounding, and with science furthering the case for an intelligent design… Do not be so quick to dismiss the case for Christianity. Most comments I see are emotional in nature. Ask yourselves this: if Christianity were true, would you believe it? If no: stop and realize your issue is one of the heart, not the mind.
@lezbhonest_0 17 күн бұрын
You can say "i believe" over and over. It doesn't make your belief true, lol
@lezbhonest_0 17 күн бұрын
@Wheredidyougetthatshirt 17 күн бұрын
Lol. A comedian lecturer and his cult followers.
@markrichter2053 18 күн бұрын
15:00 questions by a dogmatic lunatic
@physnoct 20 күн бұрын
If the bible can be shown to be errant, then all the "Jesus saves" stuff just collapse like a house of cards. The weakest point of the bible is Genesis. Its stories are merely borrowed from older religions and are disproved by science. No fall of mankind, no afterlife, no salvation needed.
@towag 20 күн бұрын
Its obvious to me that the second speaker is arrogant, speaks too fast, with no back up to verify his claims, Its just gobbledegook to most people, much like the way the old testament is written would be, by reading it, to be totally incomprehensible to any intelligent person reading it!! Its a book of Hebrew myths.... End of...
@simonbaush6200 20 күн бұрын
Evolution regards EXISTING species, not the origin of life. The weakest link in the chain of the materialist narrative is, by far, origin of life theories. Abiogenesis states that given enough 'time' the 'right conditions', particles and molecules 'spontaneously' (miraculously) organize into insanely complex, self-replicating structures like a protein chain, BY CHANCE! This is the equivalent of saying that given enough time and the right conditions, a pile of planks and nails will build itself into a house! Materialists have a very hard time realizing how naive and irrational their beliefs are. Dawkins is just a preacher of such factually unsupported beliefs, that he presents as undeniable facts. So much for science!
@donaldwhittaker7987 7 күн бұрын
Darwin explains this in the origin of species. Evolution does not occur by pure chance. It is a combination of chance and favorable environmental conditions that both give rise to living molecules (Darwin did not discuss how life originates nor do modern biologists) and to the variety of species. When a species travels to a different environment it adapts physically to the new environment, to the humidity, temperature, amount of sunlight, food supply, etc. That's the basics. If you want to understand modern biology read Darwin and any current high school bio book. I hope this helps.
@simonbaush6200 7 күн бұрын
@@donaldwhittaker7987 What you're saying is basically 'Trust me, bro'. Evolution theory says absolutely nothing about origin of life. Why aren't modern biologist discussing this FUNDAMENTAL question?! They are too busy creating hypotheses that support the oh so convenient reductionist and materialist narrative. Why? Because that's where the money is.
@donaldwhittaker7987 7 күн бұрын
@@simonbaush6200 Biologists can only work with what they already know or about which they can do experiments. Same with physicists. They don't know anything about what came before the big bang. Maybe nothing. Maybe we simply will never know. Same with origin of life. We know atmosphere of early earth and can create organic molecules in laboratory but not organisms that reproduce. At least not yet. Again maybe we never will. It is ok not to know something. Many curious people have gone to their graves not learning all they wanted to learn. My boss at the national academy of sciences back in the 1980s lamented the fact he would not live long enough to see what would be discovered in the next 100 years. I know how he felt. What is important for humans is to be curious and not make up stuff that makes us feel good. The people who understand mathematics and pursue science and engineering will shape the 21st century. I hope my 2 grandchildren will be among them. Thus ends the lesson. The universe has no purpose, nor does life. We create our own purpose. We do our best and pass on.
@simonbaush6200 4 күн бұрын
@@donaldwhittaker7987 "The universe has no purpose, nor does life." Donald, I hope you realize that this is nothing more than a subjective assumption, based on a belief system, be it Physicalism or Atheism, and certainly not a fact. You assume there is no meaning because the reductionist narrative does not allow for an alternative explanation. Biologist and physicists never work only with what they already know. Theories, hypotheses and the like are constantly being developped. This is particulary true in Physics, which perhaps should be renamed to Energetics, since the physical world does not have permanent properties at the subparticle level.
@donaldwhittaker7987 4 күн бұрын
@@simonbaush6200 I agree with you entirely but the universe can have no purpose while people can and should. It is ok if the universe is just an accident. It might not be but the jury is still out. Steven Weinberg and most other physicists seem to think the universe is a purposeless accident and it does not bother them. It does not bother me either.
@evgeniaboubouli1235 20 күн бұрын
Sam Harris is exceptional.
@ianwalters9054 20 күн бұрын
After a single minute of the christian guy you stop listening he's clearly spouting nonsense.
@anthonycraig274 21 күн бұрын
I swear to god, I checked the speed settings several times when Tom was speaking.
@johnschorr9988 22 күн бұрын
@Ratva666 22 күн бұрын
Impressed with how many Christians lie and never tire of lying. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
@Ratva666 22 күн бұрын
Christian, your crap wouldn't hold up in a debate with me. 💩💩💩💩💩💩☠☠💀💀
@tongleekwan1324 23 күн бұрын
Craig has always used sophism, circular arguments, self serving statements, avoiding questions, used all the techniques in theology to pull the wool over the opponent' s eyes. Of course, Christopher has always nailed him down
@MartyMcFly1085 23 күн бұрын
This Christian debater needs to remember to breathe more often. He is also super obnoxious and manic, I think his speedball of copium hit a bit hard. I’m pretty sure he is just shouting out every intrusive thought he has.
@MartyMcFly1085 23 күн бұрын
Dan is a beast, the atheist always looks like the person that is actually curious, because they admit not knowing what exactly happened but aren’t willing to just make something up or accept magic as the answer. The best debaters on the atheist side can destroy Christianity just by looking at the gospels. The mythical tropes, the Synoptic problem, the textbook progression from an early myth in Mark to the full blown magical divine legend in John, the fact that there are irreconcilable differences in the Christmas story and the date of the execution, the presence of other outside gospels that were contemporary and also said to be divinely inspired with witnesses. You could be an apologist, and in that case you will snort a speedball of copium and contort your logic so much that it looks like a pretzel… Or you can reject the premises of religion out of hand due to the lack of any real evidence and the fact that seeing it as an evolving myth explains EVERYTHING easily. Also I like to point out that miracles don’t happen and they never have and they never will, and they can’t refute that. I’ll talk about my experience thus far with dead people I know, and that as far as I’ve heard they are all still dead except for that one vampire. There is just as much evidence proving that Jesus was gay as there is proving the resurrection. That group of disciples did a lot of college experimenting, you know, to “find their truth in Jesus”. When they asked Jesus to come inside them and purify them, Jesus smiled and said “they know not what they asked for, but they will soon.”
@claudiaschneider5744 23 күн бұрын
Awful christian guy jumps around like a fool on stage - only because he wants to manipulate people with his religious fairy tales.
@claudiaschneider5744 23 күн бұрын
All these endless debates about a religious figure from over 2000 years ago - over and over again - stubborn christian freaks - makes no sense at all . Religions are all bs.
@PatrickCoble 24 күн бұрын
We used to play Dan's songs in the car on the way to school, laughing our heads off at Christians before we even knew how silly they were.