The Best Meat Rabbit Breeds
3 ай бұрын
Are Chickens Better Than Rabbits?
Meat Rabbit Health Care Routine
Is It Cruel To Keep Rabbits On Wire?
@wildfornature670 12 сағат бұрын
How long do you let it rot before you can plant?
@californiandreamin Күн бұрын
Apologize if you have already answered this question in another video and sorry it's a crazy question to ask but wanted to know if it's ok to breed a buck and doe that are brother and sister if you intend to butcher the offspring? Crazy question? This lady has her daughters 4-H project extras she is looking to sell and I don't have an extra buck or doe to breed them to once the time comes and they are the right age to breed. I guess I could always hold one to one and find a buck or doe later on. But wanted to ask since you would know. Thank you.
@westmeadowrabbits Күн бұрын
Yes it is. It's definitely a deeper topic if you want to keep breeding stock, but I think I covered it in a video called rabbit genetics.
@Xueqs Күн бұрын
hopefull going to acquire my first property this year and i always intuitively knew they were better than chickens, just subs cause you give good info in them and im gonna raise meat rabbit
@rockitrocket 2 күн бұрын
This is so underrated! I love the idea of a leaf hay! We are moving, and our new property is huge with a ton of leaves. Do you know if fall leaves make good hay too?
@westmeadowrabbits 2 күн бұрын
They do! As long as they aren't wet the rabbits love them. i have a few videos on using them.
@rockitrocket 2 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits Okay, thank you so much! And you were so quick to respond! I really appreciate it 😁
@allseeingI5 3 күн бұрын
Great video, comment for da algo
@Feracitus 3 күн бұрын
No eggs, case closed.
@gidpumps6548 3 күн бұрын
Housing a bunch of male rabbits together is a bad idea eventually they will start biting eachothers testicles off
@westmeadowrabbits 2 күн бұрын
@PatriotHippy0321 4 күн бұрын
I’d do rabbit for sure, but there’s no market for rabbits in the south in the USA. Never seen any for sale or anyone talk or ask about them.
@westmeadowrabbits 2 күн бұрын
Interesting, some of the best breeders I know are in the south and so is most of the commercial meat rabbit market! I'd check on the American Rabbit Breeders Association website.
@jrogers9052 4 күн бұрын
Question: do you feed the leaves of locust trees to your rabbits? I know my goats and sheep will consume them voraciously, likely due to high protein in the leaves. But do you have any comments about feed it to rabbits?
@westmeadowrabbits 4 күн бұрын
The tannins also help with parasites.
@user-te7ic5kj1j 4 күн бұрын
Your Christmas tree is old and dried out, so that is considered safe if not given in large amounts every day. Pine contains phenols, like cedar, though in smaller doses. It's relatively safe to feed in moderation if it's naturally or kiln dried. If fed freshly cut or in large amounts it can cause liver damage. Some will say it should never be fed, but like I said above, dried and in moderation is fine.
@westmeadowrabbits 4 күн бұрын
I feed fresh pine to them all the time and they love it. I also feed tons of comfry and oak which are also supposedly bad. I find that as long as the rabbits aren't starving and have access to other fresh foods, they naturally moderate.
@user-te7ic5kj1j 4 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits comfrey is not bad for them. Moderation is fine. How often do you butcher? I will give pine occasionally. Find they like to chew the bark mostly. It is dangerous to feed in large amounts, even if you don't see sickness in your rabbits. I guess we'll disagree on that. I enjoy your videos!
@faegrace7313 6 күн бұрын
What would you say to people who claim feeding greens from your yard is dangerous? I think they are concerned about parasites/bacteria from the dirt or from wild rabbits. Do you think there's anything to that, or is it just fear-mongering?
@westmeadowrabbits 6 күн бұрын
Its a fair, if exaggerated point. The primary reason I raise rabbits in cages is to avoid parasites and disease. That being said, the risk is only moderate with grasses, and nonexistent for leaves form plants growing more than a few inches off of the ground. If I was in an area with an active outbreak of RVHD and a large wild rabbit population, then I would be cautious. Otherwise I think its mostly fear-mongering.
@faegrace7313 5 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for your insight!
@wolfslayer44 6 күн бұрын
One thing i have found out recently is that if you plan to homestead, then you can raise rabbits AND chickens (as long as you have the space and are allowed) side by side. When you butcher rabbits. There are a few organs you can toss to your chickens that are good and healthy for them, and its typically not ate by humans, at least in the U.S. Im going to do more research into the dietary needs of chickens whose main job is egg laying to supplement a primarily rabbit based diet, which could help ease peoples qualms or worries about "rabbit starvation". From what i can gather, as long as you eat the organ meats in a rabbit, then you should have enough fat in your diet, but for those who would like to not eat the organ meat. Eggs have lots of fats and other healthy vitamins that i am pretty sure are not able to be sourced from eating rabbits. So it can be a good supplement to your diet if you prefer to go that route instead of eating organ meats. I personally like chicken liver and am willing to eat and try other organ meats, but having eggs diversifies your meals a little more. This can help you not get burnt out eating only rabbits and organs. At least, that's what i believe. Another thing to note is that once your chickens stop laying eggs or their production goes down, then you can dispatch and butcher them to get the chicken meat. Now, from what i can gather because these chickens are older than chickens raised for meat, the meat is going to be tougher and chewier but there are people claiming that the age also develops more flavor in the chicken. Now because this is a tougher cut of meat it wont bake well or fry well. You want to cook these low and slow to keep it nice and tender or use a pressure cooker to keep it tender and moist
@westmeadowrabbits 4 күн бұрын
Laying hens and rabbits are a great combination for the reasons you mentioned. Raising chickens for meat doesn't make much sense for most of the reasons why people get into homesteading in the first place. Farming is a totally different story, and while I don't consider myself a homesteader, most of my audience is, which is why I made the video.
@HillbillyHen 7 күн бұрын
can you bag the finished compost to store (like up to a year?) or will it lose the nutrients
@westmeadowrabbits 7 күн бұрын
It should be fine, but you will lose some of the bioactive components (microbes, fungi, etc.).
@marthabowser501 9 күн бұрын
Awesome video!
@westmeadowrabbits 8 күн бұрын
@brainchatter2078 10 күн бұрын
2024, priced a roll of 14G. 36"x10' was $68.00. Ten years ago i made cages a third of the price. I paid dor the roll. To make cage bottoms. Oh, the small rabbit cage like you are showing was 120.00. Sigh' So with a roll of 67.00 bottom, i priced dog kennels. Way cheaper. So i picked up 9 large and xlarge. I can put 14 G on bottom and go up side a few inches for baby savers. Dog kennel are heavy duty, i can hang them up. In my shead. With my space the side or front doors on them are perfect to arange them in my 10x12 shead. I had my dogs kennels for 20 years. They are still strong. Even with big dogs. Im going to try it. I got the kennels for 32.00 and 45.00. Each depending on large or xlarge. I wont be stacking them because of height. But i can make a cool rabbit run with hideouts with that extra height. I juat picked up all the supplies today. Getting 2 rabbits tomorrow. So they can chill in transport cage in the house tell i put the botton wire on and get them hung. I put them in my shead cause of the very hot dry summers. We are already hitting 100f will be 110F soon. Or hotter. Tell end of August. My shead is holding 72F with AC on temp control. I have 2 windos for exhause. My shead is insulated finished it stays nicer than my home. So ya been spending time in my shead getting ideal of how many cages and a table to exam and train for shows, groming etc. I have electric for lights. I feel im ready for the 2 rabbits tomorrow. My wall are sheet rock and painted. But i want to put up splash guard or sorts. I did not price that today. I do have roofing metal that may work on walls. Or maybe a plexy glass. Depends on price. I have the metal. That is what i may use. My floor is a concret sheet like you use for a fire board for wood stoves. That you put over wood floors. And painted with outdoor patio floor paint. To catch dropping and pee i wanted to use the roofing metal. I wont have enough for walls and run off. I am open for suggestions. On what i can use on my walls. Or get plastic tubs to catch droppings. I can get them at wally world or where ever. Those are not cheap anymore either. But may work out fine. Like the ones on wheel made to slide under a bed. I like them best. What do you think?
@westmeadowrabbits 8 күн бұрын
Sounds like a pretty good setup. You are definitely going to want to cover the walls with something water proof because urine will destroy Sheetrock pretty quickly. Tubs are fine to catch droppings but they will probably need to be cleaned daily.
@brainchatter2078 8 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits I picked up a tarp and stable to the wall for now. I meet up with a fellow rabbit friend today. She was using dog kennels with the kennel tray. I gave her my ideal. She went out after me to buy hog pilier and wire to change the cage bottom up. Thank you for replying. I enjoy your videos. Everyday I learn something new.
@westmeadowrabbits 7 күн бұрын
@@brainchatter2078 Thanks, good luck!
@sarahmangone7785 10 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! Never heard of klubertanz...hope they ship.
@westmeadowrabbits 10 күн бұрын
They do! Shipping is expensive but worth it for the quality.
@SpliffMcInerny-rv5my 10 күн бұрын
Rabbits are unclean meat according to the Old Testament Mosaic Health Laws. They’re unclean meat. Survival situation, yes. Eat them.
@homesteadhelper9126 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information. I heard this in a previous video and tried it out with my rabbits. I always introduce new foods in small amounts to see how they react and to give their gut microbes a chance to adapt.
@kenrick5652 11 күн бұрын
That rabbit has a nice structure. Most forages have some level of toxicity. Which becomes a problem when inclusion rates are exceeded. By feeding a mixed variety of forages within their inclusion rates. As well as drying to remove moisture the effects of both toxicity and anti-nutritional factors will be mitigated. Rabbits themselves if left to free range will naturally forage. Choosing from multiple forage species. In the cage system, where we tend to feed "cut and carry". The farmer should employ the same principle. It will all be in the name of the best possible FCR. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@hawkspiritweaver6664 11 күн бұрын
Excellent... well, Tractor supply had the 30x36 cages on sale for Memorial Day and so I picked up four. Need to set up a rack to hold the cages and then I'm jumping in. Your videos have been extremely helpful.
@theserenecrane 11 күн бұрын
@simonesmit6708 11 күн бұрын
Rabbits will refuse most greens that are poisonous to them. If given plentiful fodder. The same for goats except for rhodos. Goats really like them and will eat them and then die.😢
@westmeadowrabbits 11 күн бұрын
Exactly! As long as they aren't starving they are pretty good about that.
@Gamna778 11 күн бұрын
Great advice and beautiful rabbit.
@Jmaples 11 күн бұрын
I bought from Bass Equipment as they had the best price in 2022 and are really nice and sturdy cages. I did build one 30x36 but couldn’t find 14 gauge wire locally and still can’t in 2024. I do want to build a larger cage for grow outs.
@Weedy8020 11 күн бұрын
Tierquälerei. Gib den armen tieren doch wenigstens einen boden und was zum verstecken
@Raspukek-fu8un 12 күн бұрын
>organic meat whot blyat? like if meat can be non organic? r u idjit or just trolling? so much nonsence shit in this vid.
@Raspukek-fu8un 12 күн бұрын
0:52-2:57 absolutleh kukoldish talk. grow bolls. clown.
@Raspukek-fu8un 12 күн бұрын
>ethics just by the fact of mentioning it u receive a good dizloice.
@Raspukek-fu8un 12 күн бұрын
o. anodda rabbitoed homestoed yes? will see. yes.
@DrAkinlabi 12 күн бұрын
Do you vaccinate your meat rabbit or do you raise them organic without vaccines?
@Security_Risk_10 13 күн бұрын
How about a come and take it flag with a rabbit on it instead of a cannon!
@westmeadowrabbits 12 күн бұрын
🤣 genius!
@jakefromfarmstate2283 14 күн бұрын
About to get my first in a couple weeks hopefully!
@westmeadowrabbits 13 күн бұрын
Good luck!
@unzin-rb6pm 14 күн бұрын
Holy shits… You’ve got me totally convinced - or at least as much as I can be from 1 guy telling his story, I’m gonna do my research and hope you were right about everything, meat rabbits sounds perfect.
@westmeadowrabbits 14 күн бұрын
Thanks! I don't want to make them sound like they don't have their problems. They do and we talk about them in other videos. But for most people looking for meat they will be better than chickens.
@unzin-rb6pm 13 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits yea but you forgot to ask the question: what is better; eggs or meat? Do you have a vid on that already?
@westmeadowrabbits 12 күн бұрын
@@unzin-rb6pm Both have their place, I don't think you can really compare them. I raise chickens for eggs, and rabbits for meat.
@froglegs4910 14 күн бұрын
Really good 👍
@westmeadowrabbits 14 күн бұрын
@effbar2400 15 күн бұрын
@egg3448 15 күн бұрын
Just got started with rabbits, went with colony setup, got 1 buck and 1 doe. Currently I'm feeding them fresh dandelion, weeping willow, alfalfa and some other greens, I'm drying my own alfalfa hay for winter, wish me luck and throw me any tips you got!
@egg3448 15 күн бұрын
Also you were a big inspiration for me to get started, thanks!
@westmeadowrabbits 15 күн бұрын
Good luck! I'd give you some advice but if you've watched the channel you probably no everything I would say anyways!
@jabohabo3821 15 күн бұрын
It's important to note that not only can you get meat and fur from rabbits. But also if you find yourself in a sideways situation where everything has collapsed. You can use the hides minus the fur to make your own bow string. And then use a puff of fur as a silencer for said string. Not to mention the manure is good for both fertilizer and making your own potassium nitrate...for those who need to know
@westmeadowrabbits 15 күн бұрын
I didn't even know that! Thanks for sharing!
@jabohabo3821 15 күн бұрын
@westmeadowrabbits sire thing. Just take the soil from under their enclosure when you go to change it. Put it in a 5 gallon bucket with holes in the bottom then pour in boiling water. About half of however large the container is. So for a 5 gallon bucket about 2.5 gallons of boiling water. Catch it in another container then allow it all to cool overnight and a bit longer if you're patient. You'll get potassium nitrate crystals or commonly known as salt peter :) repeat for purifying and clarifying. Need I say more? Same process with soil from under chicken coops btw
@1ofhis518 17 күн бұрын
Rabbit meat is to unhealthy hence the reason GOD said not to eat it
@1purehavoc 17 күн бұрын
Don't argue with vegans in the comments. When food amd water shortages are implemented it will be important to be self-sufficient. We are damn close
@jackson7962 9 күн бұрын
Wise indeed
@1purehavoc 17 күн бұрын
I want to because we are not at war with flesh but powers and principalities
@nataliechazvemba4929 18 күн бұрын
Can you raise chickens off of only fly larvae?
@westmeadowrabbits 17 күн бұрын
Good question. Technically yes, but you would need to supplement with food scrapes and free ranging for them to get everything they need. But while raising insects is definitely doable, it is very labor intensive for more than a few chickens.
@nataliechazvemba4929 12 күн бұрын
@@westmeadowrabbits I suppose that calcium mash is essential as a supplement too. I've seen YT videos where dinner scraps are depositted ontop of a slanted up pile of used coffee grounds in a closed plastic box, where there is another compartment that has access to light so the maggot that get laid in the scraps can make their way towards the light and fall into another bin for collection for feed. Pretty ingenius. So no real labor.
@westmeadowrabbits 12 күн бұрын
@@nataliechazvemba4929 Yea as I said at the small scale most things can work. But if you are talking more than ten birds you are looking at a part time job. My dozen layers used to go through 25-50lbs of feed a month depending on the weather. Assuming your insects are converting food to meat at a great ratio and you aren't losing many, you'd need a minimum of 100 pounds of quality scraps to feed your insects a month month. and you'd have to have system to harvest them. Of course you could always raise mealworms, but then your buying grain anyways. And then you've got to harvest and store 50 pounds of insects a month, and you need to balance your reproduction with how much your chickens are eating. And this is ignoring seasonal variation in insect production and chicken food requirements, cleaning your insect farm equipment, disease and mortality, breeding stock, etc. I should really make a video on this, but this is the problem with a lot of people on YT. They don't dive into the details. Again this could definitely work with a handful of birds, but trust me I've done this kind of thing before. Nothing is labor free when it comes to animals. In fact the opposite is true. They often end up being more work than you expected.
@nataliechazvemba4929 12 күн бұрын
True. Animals are hectic on feed. I think what my family intend to get are laying hens , maybe 3 or 4. We aren't off grid. And on the eadt coast of South Africa the seasons arent that dramatically different. Thank you for the insight. Keep it up.
@sister3130 18 күн бұрын
We built rat proof cages in my barn, we have rats in our barn, they'll eat your rabbit babies
@westmeadowrabbits 17 күн бұрын
I haven't had rat problems before, but that's likely because of where the rabbitry is located. I've got a whole video on where to locate a rabbitry to avoid these properties.
@patconroy1874 18 күн бұрын
This video is da bomb
@jonesperkins1382 19 күн бұрын
I hate rabbits, however I think you have swayed my opinion on keeping them for me
@westmeadowrabbits 17 күн бұрын
I appreciate that but one thing I should have mentioned is that you should like the animals! You are going to be spending a lot of time with them after all!
@canadianyoutuber9448 20 күн бұрын
Lol rat crack
@mountainwoodcamp1638 20 күн бұрын
I found this video, because today marks the end of my year of raising chickens and the beginning of my year raising rabbits.