EPIC: England (Episode 2)
21 күн бұрын
EPIC: Ireland & Scotland (Episode 3)
EPIC: Germany & Ecuador (Episode 5)
EPIC: Zambia & Zimbabwe (Episode 7)
EPIC: France & Switzerland (Episode 4)
EPIC: India (Episode 8)
21 күн бұрын
EPIC: America (Episode 10)
21 күн бұрын
Seasons of Sorrow by Tim Challies
Nick Challies: Well Done
3 жыл бұрын
Nicholas Challies Memorial Service
Onthatile Children's Ministries
Faith Children's Village
4 жыл бұрын
They Call It "The Rock"
4 жыл бұрын
New and Notable Books for February
A Protestant Look at Catholic Rome
How Can I  Leave My Church Well?
The Perils of Social Media
5 жыл бұрын
@p-a-m-channel2350 22 сағат бұрын
A good many of the so-called "Christian books" are rubbish. The industry is worldly. You don't need the authors to think for you. Some authors will actually lead you astray. THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY *CHRISTIAN BOOK* THAT YOU NEED. As for "Christian fiction", that is an Oxymoron. Christianity is all about truth. Fiction has no place in it. God requires us to "worship in spirit and TRUTH". Jesus is "The way, the TRUTH and the life". Fiction is the opposite of truth. "Fiction" is another word for "lies". The devil is "the father of lies". If you have any so-called "Christian fiction" at all, get rid of it. Don't give it to anyone, burn it. Do not mix truth with fiction.
@p-a-m-channel2350 22 сағат бұрын
A concordance is a useful tool.
@p-a-m-channel2350 22 сағат бұрын
It's adviseable to have at least one hard copy paper version of the Bible. That can't be hacked. That can't be sneakily updated (altered). That will still be available if you have a loss of power and your devices run out of charge.
@Bornagain787 23 сағат бұрын
I know Paul Washer, RC Sproul and John Piper, who were the other 2 in the intro?
@johnharrington6122 2 күн бұрын
The first 10 letters of Paul , followed by the next 3 !
@jamesvan2201 5 күн бұрын
Hes a pharisee who accuses the children of God. Accusing them of sin when he has many himself.
@mennie20 6 күн бұрын
To leave the comfort of your home to go to an unknown place blows my mind! How powerful is the Spirit of God to move people like this!?
@5winder 7 күн бұрын
From Genesis to Revelation, there are 66 books every Christian should read... not 10.
@smyrnachristianchurchkokomo 7 күн бұрын
Nobody has ever committed the unforgivable sin at this time. It can only be committed when Satan is here on earth as the false Christ. When the elect are delivered up to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them at that time, if they were to refuse the Holy Spirit from speaking through them, that is unforgivable. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 13:9-11, Luke 12:10-12)
@therighttune 8 күн бұрын
Paul Washer and other passionate preachers are the classic Charles Spurgeon reincarnated
@jtv_70 9 күн бұрын
I love Jerry Bridges' books. The Discipline of Grace is excellent. I just read Trusting God and learned a lot. Highly suggest his writings.
@rejugeorge2863 11 күн бұрын
A W Tozer - any book!
@OrthodoxJourney359 11 күн бұрын
Look a 500 year old cult
@JoshuaSmithFamilyRobinson 12 күн бұрын
These videos are fantastic, thank you for taking so much time and effort to produce them.
@user-qm2rv9wf5j 12 күн бұрын
This video is more about worshiping John piper, those who worship John Piper, and John papers legalistic judgments.
@lucywu3232 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for providing a snapshot of church history in Australia and New Zealand. I’ve been taking a mission church history subject (at Moore, and tried to convince my lecturer to show us the KJV first edition)… this has been really helpful…how wonderful to see God at work, through many people, in order to further the extension of His kingdom to this far end of the world. Australian church mission history is dark and sad in many ways. But really enjoying the historical objects highlighted, sharing a history many of us just don’t realise is amongst us, but should really know more about. Thanks!!
@ronald968 14 күн бұрын
John MacArthur is a demonic preacher. Don't laud the MacArthur, as he is indeed a demonic preacher. Hey, narrator, are you listening? He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. RC Sproul and John Piper are demonic also.
@ronald968 14 күн бұрын
Don't laud MacArthur*
@seaknightvirchow8131 17 күн бұрын
I was surprised; I have read every one of these. They are all good but as others have mentioned, Pilgrims Progress should be a top choice. I would add Mere Christianity by CS Lewis as another.
@peterdundas7459 17 күн бұрын
This series is phenomenal. Glad you enjoyed Northern Ireland, all things considered!
@MichaelClarke1646 12 күн бұрын
definitely dogshit
@JesusAlleineRettet 17 күн бұрын
Thinking about being in prison for 38 years, keep trust in faith in Jesus Christ must have grown the desire to be set free.The new freedom you will encounter is eternal in the moment God set the soul and spirit free. A joy no one can take even in imprisonment. I really enjoy spiritual your series and the place you introduced us, we may never known that they exist. Thanks for that.
@cindyhutchins5532 17 күн бұрын
My aunt was a missionary in Zambia for many years. God has called her home. She was a wonderful, godly woman.
@lagniappelassie1 18 күн бұрын
Tim, oh Tim, that's just too North American - to eat at McDonald's all over the world! Did you really miss the opportunity to enjoy local food?
@gustavus0013 18 күн бұрын
Hello sorry if this has been asked before but what if the situations are like exchange years, studying abroad or overnight fieldtrips? Thank you.
@michaeltichael 18 күн бұрын
John Bunions 😂 Great video. I've always wanted to visit John Rylands library to see the P52 myself. George Mullers museum is also on my list. Great video!
@ArugaPH 18 күн бұрын
King alfred is missing
@claudinearce9109 19 күн бұрын
I watched all your Epic videos. Each one of them was very moving and encouraging. I am sure you were so blessed with this project of yours. I am sure there is so much more to explore around the world as God uses many people to expand the gospel and to make himself known. Blessings from Chilliwack!
@PapiG 20 күн бұрын
#1 - The Bible
@HearGodsWord 20 күн бұрын
An epic series 😎
@TheologyMukbang 20 күн бұрын
Also keep in mind that Pilgrims Progress was the first piece of English literature to be translated into Korean.
@venkraj8471 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the sharing brother !! So blessed 🙏🏾
@bashimapalo3576 22 күн бұрын
A pity you skipped Chisambo village... Also great to see our old Ndola airport, I do miss it...
@apurvnandy3077 23 күн бұрын
Hello Tim, just came across your channel, would like to mention about Henry Martyn. He also made immense contribution to the missionary work, and worked tirelessly in India, he also deserves worthy mention when talking about missionary works 150-2oo years back.
@OldMovieRob 24 күн бұрын
That was some very fascinating church history
@jaqua7732 24 күн бұрын
#1 Al Quran
@AngeloandPili 24 күн бұрын
What an epic series, thank you for sharing your journey and experiences with us. NZ is home for us and it was refreshing to hear again how Christianity first came to our shores. God bless your ministry, Tim!
@graceys4809 24 күн бұрын
Wonderful Journey dear Tim , it shakes me to see , obedience and the lordship they showed
@David-vh8ij 24 күн бұрын
What if you love the Lord and study scripture and help and serve people but your anxiety and depression is so bad that you dont want to be around anyone.
@ewencameron4269 25 күн бұрын
There sure is a lot stuff out there not worth paying attention to Personally I have a lot of respect for Don Piper. He was a pastor. His story is truly remarkable He talks about the chronic pain and disability and moments of despair in the months and years after his accident. It’s tough and gritty and real and he tries to help others living with chronic pain. He’s a likeable author who kept quiet about his experiences for a long time. . He was confirmed to be as dead as a doornail by several paramedics. His description of heaven is his own. That’s true of many NDIs and yet they might be giving us a glimpse of the transcendent. I’ve seen the horror of shattered limbs and bodies after major trauma and watched the long painful months and years after and how lonely and tough and despairing the road to some sort of recovery can be and Don Piper conveys it all and he kept going and he devoted himself to helping others often is bad physical or emotional pain. I don’t know what’s happened to him. I hope he’s ok He doesn’t deserve to be in this group of false teachers He’s told his story as he experienced it
@nahumschnitzer26 25 күн бұрын
Tim - kudos for an interesting and well-constructed video. But as an Israeli, I think you missed a lot. Your visit to MacDonalds (even if it was the kosher one) is a metaphor for your visit. You concentrated on what you already know, not what's out there to learn. You missed the real story of Israel - which is important to understand, if you want a deeper insight into your own Christian faith. The real story is that the Crusaders were an episode -a violent one that murdered and destroyed many Jewish communities, both in Europe and the Holy Land. Jerusalem and israel is all about the eternity of the Jewish people, the fulfillment of God's promises and faithfulness.
@sarelroeloffze 25 күн бұрын
Wonder why so many "christian" cults started in the USA?
@garythompson1224 25 күн бұрын
Such a pity you weren't able to provide two episodes on England. I would have loved to have seen you unpack more of the Puritans.
@El.savedbyJesus 25 күн бұрын
Love this! Thanks so much.
@cjcoffman8682 25 күн бұрын
The small font chosen for ‘did you know’ and locations/objects was too small and could not be read on any of the videos. Interesting overall info, but the series felt ‘rushed’ throughout. A little heavy on ‘following the guy with the backpack’ footage. Needed more location time footage for interiors.
@JeffDoerr 25 күн бұрын
The biggest question you should get is how could you believe in something when there's not a shred of evidence to support that belief. That's the biggest question. Believing in something when there's not a shred of evidence to support that belief is delusional. All religious beliefs are a form of mental illness. It's wishful thinking, obsessive compulsive disorder, and ofcourse delusional thinking. The only book you SHOULD read is the God delusion by Richard Dawkins. The truth will set you free. 😮
@richardxie8095 25 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Tim,can’t wait to watch them all😁
@tswjjoekue7120 26 күн бұрын
That final remark about how Jesus Christ has "no headquarters, no temple, no pope" is such a profound truth. We are "His temple, His representatives..." Excellent all around! #soliDeoGloria
@Everlastingquotes7 26 күн бұрын
Amazing observation and conclusion- the Church of Jesus Christ has no headquarters- we are the Church and are in every nation and tribe. To God be the glory forever and ever 🙏🏾
@brentnelson6865 26 күн бұрын
So sorry about your burger :( Quite sad.
@muyamuraya6623 26 күн бұрын
This series is a real blessing. It's connecting many dots on the long & varied history of Christianity. Naturally, the story is told from a particular perspective & so will reflect the concerns of that dimension. The history of Christianity in Africa is not well known beyond Egypt in the age of the Church Fathers. However, there is a rich and available history of Christianity in Ethopia dating to the first century. I believe telling that story would have been more representative of the genesis of the Christian faith in Africa. Also, it would obviate the false dichotomy of North- & Sub-Saharan Africa. I guess a second series might allow exploration of the Ethopian Church. Thank you for the effort to make the series.
@Linda_Mpondamasaka 26 күн бұрын
I love this. Glory to God. This makes me happy as a Zambian 😊
@helenafourie7438 26 күн бұрын
All to the glory of GOD. Thank you for this epic series.
@MyFriendlyPup 26 күн бұрын
So.... joel osteen.