@Changdao1644 Күн бұрын
The game looks pretty interesting... Does it have multiplayer?
@snugglebunny1840 Күн бұрын
No, but the devs said they will add PvP and coop if the game sells well enough to finance further development.
@freshfresh5205 3 күн бұрын
How would you compare this to napoleon total war or ultimate general american revolution?
@snugglebunny1840 2 күн бұрын
Much smaller in scale, but the unit interactions are far more complex and realistic
@somato2688 3 күн бұрын
Do you think it's as deep and fun as field of glory?
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
In a word, yes. Terrain, morale, adjacency, formation, etc etc all matter, and there is even more loss of direct control than in FoG (uncontrolled charges, refusal to charge, automatic formation change or falling back from the enemy, etc etc) But, keep in mind the scale is small, to remain manageable as a real time game; so you will never be controlling more than ten units. I like that; but a lot of people like larger scale in their games.
@kreg857 3 күн бұрын
The game could really use some better UI design...
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
It's a lotta little icons and such but they're quite helpful when you start to memorize them (which to be clear you dont need to do, everything has mouseover tooltips)
@l.s.9095 3 күн бұрын
Looks kind of neat. How big can the scenarios get?
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
It is quite small and focused, think Bad North Meets FoG. I think 8 units per side is max? Which is plenty, given the amount of things to keep an eye on
@l.s.9095 3 күн бұрын
@@snugglebunny1840 Okay, thanks, sounds reasonable. It was just a bit hard to judge from the screenshots on the steam page. I might acctually try this game out, looks kind of cool.
@imeantherearethedarktownsy5210 3 күн бұрын
Any other games like this? I've really been looking for a deep tactical game on a 1690-1815 type of basis
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
Not recent ones. There's a lot of oldies with ye olde graphics/UI (Horse & Musket Great Battles of the Eighteenth Century for example). There's also Wargame Design Studio, which are very detailed but too detailed and slow for my taste, along with a retro UI. Some people do really like them though. General Staff has been in development forever, but I do think it will eventually come out. Pike and Shot has a lot of player made scenarios set in the 18th century, Great Northern War, Spanish and Austrian Succession, 7 Years War.
@BlightJJ 3 күн бұрын
Does it come with campaigns or just certain battles?
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
Just battles. I mean technically it has "campaigns" but basically just a series of linked missions
@blastpop 3 күн бұрын
This game seems like a cross between Command & Colors: Napoleonic board wargame and a real time computer game. Any thoughts about it? Definitely not a simulation, but it appears to me more of the light wargame category. The real time gives me some pause though. Can you alter the game speed?
@snugglebunny1840 3 күн бұрын
Yes, the rules seem heavily inspired by various board wargames. I do agree it's a light wargame, but it's not nearly as light as appears on the surface; I didn't slow down my play to go over everything, but one could certainly play more slowly and carefully, taking everything into account. I like to just play by vibes and mess around, especially when first getting into a game. As to speed, I think I was already on the slowest setting, but you can pause anytime and look things over. I also am pretty sure I've persuaded the devs to add Active Pause in the future, and just disable it in MP when they get around to adding that.
@kreg857 6 күн бұрын
Very interesting setup!
@snugglebunny1840 6 күн бұрын
Not very balanced though, despite my best attempts to sabotage myself here
@kreg857 8 күн бұрын
I had no clue what the hell was going on the whole time I was playing this match... lol ps. I also completely forgot to host a mirror after this one, as my schedule got busier and busier. My bad for that!
@snugglebunny1840 8 күн бұрын
We've all been there...
@snugglebunny1840 14 күн бұрын
Rosedelio's view of the battle: kzbin.info/www/bejne/iGq6apyeZqaSfas&ab_channel=Rosedelio
@danwelch8547 17 күн бұрын
SB - Interesting match. Solidly played on your part. I thought that GF played really poorly and put you in the position of simply not screwing up to win. But you played better than “not screwing up”. I say “interesting match” because it, as with so many battles, offers some interesting “what ifs” that could have taken it in a very different direction. Well played. I realize that this is a long post for a 3-year old contest but, like I said, the “what ifs” intrigued me for a battle that was a mismatch as-played. I would be curious to hear SB’s thoughts on my comments on SB and GF-3’s play. Have a great weekend! Some thoughts: 1. You left 7 purchase points on the table. Did you not see the opportunity to upgrade two K&S to Das Reich and Totenkopf and give yourself a full SS PzReg? 2. In your post-match comments, you disagreed w/ GF’s force selection and thought, instead, he should have gone heavy on infantry. And then kept his army back in the narrower space between the water and the left flank forest. I disagree because that strategy keeps GF on a shallow field with poorer units where routers quickly flee the field while allowing SB a much deeper field into which to rout and, possibly, rally. You did that in a FOG II match as Viking infantry against Byzantine cavalry, where you kept it close until late rallies of your opponent’s broken troops proved decisive. 3. I generally agreed w/ GF’s force selection, perhaps with the exception of the Wagon. If, as you implied, the Wagon can help its commander divide the field, then it could have proved useful if better handled. Otherwise, I would have swapped it for 1NHA/1NLHA, and really goosed the cavalry advantage, as I thought aggressive flanking movement was his best chance. 4. Your forces were very similar in unit type composition, with the exception of the wagon and MF. Otherwise, he was heavy in MC, you were heavy in CBs. I thought that your unit types outplayed his across the board (even it not head-to-head), though you got a little too aggressive late with your MF and got burned (though too little, too late). Your combined arms management was far superior whereas he tended to piecemeal his grouped units types and got successively chewed up by your steady, competent combined arms responses. 5. In terms of deployment, I generally liked GF’s. I would have replaced his pair of right wing K&S with a mixed regiment of 1K&S/1NHA/1NLHA. I would have shifted his wagon left to the edge of the inner big patch of rough ground (to divide the battlefield between rough and open). I would have kept the CBs left of the Wagon (where he should have wanted to fight the battle). And I would have shifted the SzLC slightly to the left. 6. In terms of play, GF botched it from the beginning and then just compounded his errors. I thought that your right flank was weak, especially when his deployment was revealed - 4-3 in HC and 6-2 in MC (though even in LC since but with a regiment of SzLC just to the right of center). Your CBs, which you selected to counter his cavalry (especially MC), were out of position in the center of the field to cover the right flank. GF was too aggressive on his right flank, which he should have anchored on the Wagon and refused, leaving his mixed cav regiment to counter any aggression by you. Contrarily, he was too cautious with his left flank MC (until he lost his mind). I think a Schlieffen Plan was the best approach. He should have used his superior MC (numbers and mobility) on his left flank and pushed hard to outflank the hill upon which you anchored your right flank defense (ala Little Round Top), before your CBs could take up effective position. And then pushed his SzLC regiment, which was useless in the center (he kept moving them backwards) hard left to reinforce his extreme left flank (and blast through your lights). Lastly, he should have followed with his HC en echelon to threaten your efforts to then reinforce your right flank from the center. His comment about “not knowing how to use NHA to dig out defenders from good position revealed his failure to see his left flank opportunities. NHA (and NLHA) best work on the flanks where (1) their missiles first can weaken defenders, (2) they can break through weakened units, (3) outflank the enemy, (4) get into their backfield, and (5) charge stronger, engaged units - especially K&S - from behind. 7. GF’s opening left flank move was correct directionally but too cautious - he moved at infantry’s pace, which did not capitalize on your right flank CB weakness. The game really turned early, in the bottom of T3, when he paused his left flank MC (when they should have been advancing left hair-on-fire) and, incomprehensibly, directed his HC towards the right. After T4b, his right flank still had advanced furthest (at an infantry pace) when it should have been lagging. He further reinforced his right flank from his center. What was he planning to do on that side of the field? He lost his best opportunity to outflank your right flank. He compounded this huge mistake on T4b when he widened the gap in his left-center. Furthermore, he jammed his HC into the Wagon, like Stork leading the Faber marching band into the alley. This allowed you to reinforce your right flank w/ 2HC with no consequences to your neglected center. Oof. 8. On T5b, his commissar shot his left flank commander and took over, with typically disastrous results. Outnumbered 9-11 on the left flank, his commissar now attacked. He outflanked you on his left with his NLHA regiment and 1NHA (too little, too late). But his two MC regiments were out-of-position to further exploit the breakthrough and, instead, hooked into the stronger left half of your left flank (to keep the Schlieffen theme, like von Moltke before Paris without Moltke’s rationale). WTF? He launched a SzCav (w/ a general!!!) and a NHA into, but not through, your lines chasing light units. You broke those two MC relatively quickly, with negligible losses to your right flank. He left his other SzCav exposed to missile attacks on your subsequent turn, showing why these units had to move and not slog it out. Lastly, he suddenly realized that the fight was on the left half of the field and turned his HC back to the right (too late to save his left flank) and fell back on his futile right flank. 9. T6t essentially decided the game. Your LI weakened his as-yet uncommitted SzCav and then your MC charged it. You caught one of your few lucky breaks (I thought the dice gods generally favored GF) when his disrupted SzCav fled into rough ground instead of past it, which allowed you to (1) catch it, (2) break it, and (3) pursue it past his two reserve NHA. It might otherwise have been a swap if his reserve NHA could have jumped you in the open. You also pushed a LtArch into a small patch of rough ground in his center-left backfield, from which he caused damage virtually unmolested (though I thought you weakened his effectiveness by constantly changing directions). 10. In T6b, did he allow your pursuing MC (chasing his broken SzCav) to escape by firing missiles instead of driving him into the woods and engaging his disordered MC there with NLHA (this is where the SzLC would have been handy)? This at least would have offset one MC loss and kept your MC out of his backfield, as subsequently happened to your advantage. Without diverting 5 cav units backwards just as he had turned your flank (weakly as it was) - and subsequently hanging his extreme left flank NHA out to dry. BTW, your successful MC evasion by chasing the broken SzCav was really well done as the continued pursuit extricated that unit from a tricky situation after he opened the door to escape. 11. By the time GF engaged his HC on T7b, he was down 2MC (on his right flank) with two more isolated, outnumbered NHA doomed to expire on T8t and T9t. All in exchange for two fled (but not broken) LC. Considering how outnumbered you could have been on your right flank, this was a Midway-esque win. With his initially dominant left flank down to 3LC and 2 NHA and essentially crushed, the battle in the center was over almost as soon as it started because he was outnumbered, outflanked, and outmaneuvered (the damn wagon). 12. The final insult (by his own hand) occurred on T9b when he appeared to leave his K&S, which had broken a CB and got into your backfield in pursuit, from where CBs and LI pummeled it, in place to face a second round of CB/LI pummeling in T10t, which autobroke it. Now, he was in a tricky position as he had to extricate this K&S before he could capitalize on being in your backfield, where rear charges by a depleted K&S would nonetheless be devastating (or otherwise keep a bunch of CB/LI occupied defending against the possibility). This oversight(?) essentially traded a K&S for a CB, which is a big win especially considering that you could divert 5 units to destroy it at no cost because his wagon-obstructed center could not maneuver. Never mind that the CB subsequently rallied. 😉 13. I think that one of the best features of your play was restraint (until you got frisky with your MF late in the game). You resisted the urge to charge your HC against his MC early in the battle (that would have been very British Western Desert), instead reserving them for his HC. That was really wise. Then you just methodically ground him down as he attacked piecemeal. His generalship was right out the British Western Desert - committing piecemeal, charging armor into AT guns, getting outflanked.
@snugglebunny1840 16 күн бұрын
1. I probably didn't see, because at the time of this game I had so many matches going at once that I didn't bother trying that hard to minmax things. 2. I still think he needed more infantry to slow me down/engage my own foot where needed to strip zocs for his mounted. 3. The wagons weren't as worth it at the time of this match, as I think they did not yet give the +1 to adjacent CTs that they do now. I thing Geoff was experimenting, as the game was still young. 4. Another thing to note is that the ZoC rules were more restrictive at this time, making it even easier to protect crossbowmen from cavalry. Crossbows are still a very good unit, but at the time of this match I would argue they were a bit OP. 5. The wagons has to be somewhere around the center of the army to give its bonus of inflated rout % 13. Agreed that restraint can be key, and it can be a hard lesson to remember. I do better now, but it was something I had to learn over and over again. Of course there is also the difficulty of which is worse - throwing the dice attacking a strong position knowing it might be a bad idea, or taking a draw when you think maybe there is a good chance? You play, yes? What's your Slitherine name?
@danwelch8547 14 күн бұрын
@@snugglebunny1840 -- I do not play yet. But soon. I'm watching videos -- yours especially -- to better understand the game. Once I purchase it, will definitely reach out to you. :)
@Changdao1644 22 күн бұрын
I really fumbled this one! I hoped to have enough time to get into some sort of position and hold until my flanking forces arrived, but I underestimated the movement speed of the warriors and just the sheer friction that so many skirmishers can cause. I wanted more haiduks, but that list can only bring a single unit.
@snugglebunny1840 22 күн бұрын
Ehh, I don't think this was winnable for you given the terrain. Didn't realize you could only get 1 haiduk, that's tough
@shengfengzheng4133 22 күн бұрын
i want to share how i won battle of seminara,it is a pity that i can't show you the vidio link in bilibili
@snugglebunny1840 22 күн бұрын
If you want to send me a link you can also message me on discord or on the slitherine forums
@shengfengzheng4133 22 күн бұрын
i feel i am really a general who make good strategy to win
@kreg857 24 күн бұрын
I learned a lot from your closing comments. As they say in Asia, thank you for teaching me today! GG :D
@N_Sbn_Ur 24 күн бұрын
Nicely done as usual, but just one request if is possible: can you please stay a little bit longer after you finish the turn in the "current chat" menu, well for 2-3 seconds more? Every time I'm in need to push back for 10 sec, because I missed and can't catch this momentum which is a part of the gaming process of course, it's interesting to me. Thank you in advance!!
@snugglebunny1840 24 күн бұрын
I generally pause and read aloud the more interesting exchanges, but noted, I will give the chat box a bit more time. As usual you won't notice any change for some weeks due to pbem/upload schedule.
@N_Sbn_Ur 24 күн бұрын
@@snugglebunny1840 Got it!! Thx for feedback!! 👍
@snugglebunny1840 26 күн бұрын
Rosedelio's view of the battle: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hXXbeH2PZtiYoNEsi=EJCf9IPM85BheUPY
@LTGamingYoutube 26 күн бұрын
Amazing mod...diving in myself 🚀
@arnoldnieuwoudt 27 күн бұрын
Awesome 💪
28 күн бұрын
They can't shoot you if they are in close combat 1:40
@Rayan-mz2co 28 күн бұрын
my zyjemy, my zyjemy, polska nie zginęła
@kreg857 28 күн бұрын
I didnt know the mod still had player base!
@snugglebunny1840 28 күн бұрын
7pm GMT every Tuesday. The same discord runs mod days 7pm GMT every Friday and Saturday, with people voting on which mod to play. Thus if you look at my mount and blade playlist you can see other various niche mods getting some love. The server is in Europe and I am in the US, but mostly its low enough ping that it's not an issue.
@Raadpensionaris 29 күн бұрын
Hey man, would you mind playing the Ramillies scenario on the French side. I am curious to how you would play it
@snugglebunny1840 29 күн бұрын
Added to the list, but it'll take awhile, it's a large scenario
@Raadpensionaris 29 күн бұрын
@@snugglebunny1840 np, thanks
@freddellmeister 29 күн бұрын
It also good if you to comment!
@snugglebunny1840 29 күн бұрын
Yeah there was a period while I was recording SF missions that my life was super busy and I couldn't include voiceovers. You'll see if you check the SF playlist that about half the matches are commentated.
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
Honestly I thought you would lose! Nice job turning it around.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
I was surprised at how useful the infantry was...
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Forgot to mention one change here - I reduced number of turns routing units have until dispersal from 4 to 3. This leads to less atomized battles and fewer battles decided by distant rallies. In FoG it was reduced from 4 to 2, but because of the heavy casualties from gunfire distant rallies are a bit less of an issue in SJ/PnS than in FoG so I felt 3 was good.
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
Always loved playing timewrap mode in FoG2 medieval. Loving this mod so much too.
@ryanmartin4732 Ай бұрын
I hope this mod is gonna be a regular series of yours. Its not only cool from a game perspective (for which i will definetly be getting Sengoku for when it comes on sale) but also intresting excercise from a historical wargaming perspective. I am really curious to see how a japanaese army would deal with tercio Vijeos and vice versa.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Yes, this will be a regular feature, I'm really enjoying it. I also will have an update for it out later this month.
@russellgardener126 Ай бұрын
SandRhoman History channel did an episode recently on Koxinga besieging the Dutch on Taiwan. I wonder whether this battle is based on that same conflict?
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Sort of, except the VOC garrison of Fort Zeelandia was around 1200 strong; thus the campaign was one of siege and attempted naval relief, not one of field battles. Same with the Russian-Qing confrontation in Siberia - a series of sieges and some riverine combat, not field battles, or the Portuguese-Ming naval confrontations of the 16th century.
@sawyermifsud852 Ай бұрын
Wow, I really thought Ming was heavily advantaged by this map. Do you have a link to that turn and shoot mod you mentioned?
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
So that's in reference to my East vs West mod, which is available as in-game download. I might chop up some of the battle scripting, minor unit revisions, and the UI stuff (which was made by Cronos, not me) and release them as separate vanilla+ mods for SJ and PnS
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
Your voice volume is too low. On 90% volume I can barely hear anything.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Yes I am aware. This is the last of the effected games from a 2 week period. Moving forward it should be all good.
@vicentgalvan70 Ай бұрын
Hail brother, the volume of your videos got way lower since a month or so.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
There was a two week period that my mic was fucked up, I've fixed it but it effected a number of videos
@stevee8318 Ай бұрын
The spear/archer foot are pretty much a hard counter to any cav that is lacking lance, right?
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Yep, but they have trouble with dedicated melee foot
@duxae1617 Ай бұрын
Very nice
@Leo-qd9vt Ай бұрын
The sound of your voice is too low in this one. Good match though ;)
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Thanks, I fixed this after figuring it out, but because pbem games take weeks it'll show up in a few more videos
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Audio issues in this one - my voice settings were low for much of this match, apologies. It steadies out towards the end, such is the nature of PBEM...
@enriquecarballogende4546 Ай бұрын
Good battle! I think the poor easterners are outmatched, and is also a bit strange that their best arm against northmen is their infantry. I don´t know if some light chariots, or ranged cavalry, could be added. Also I find a bit strange that the nortmen army is lancers plus superior knightly lancers like the rohirrim; perhaps they can be elite lancers and light spear?
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Yes, this is not balanced. The problem is the Wainriders were pretty explicitly using their chariots in shock action, and the Northmen relied primarily on their cavalry. I think the solution would be to make Heavy Chariots have 100 POA against lance and knightly lance. That's easy enough to revise in the code, but I purposefully didn't want to fuck with mechanics for this mod. If I ever do another update for it I'll test it out, but I'm not sure that I will keep updating it, as any remaining changes would be very minor.
@enriquecarballogende4546 Ай бұрын
​@@snugglebunny1840 A question, as you understand better Tolkien lore. As it seems, the Wainriders enter history on the middle of the XIX century of Third Age, then scatter the northmen, a group of those goes to the Anduin, where they start to breed uberhorses and they become there the ancestors of Rohirrim. The Wainriders themselves are destroyed on middle XX century after a rebellion of northmen. Half a millenium later, the descendants of those northmen who were on the Anduin vales come south and fight the Balchoth, anohher easterling group. So perhaps this northmen list is more representative of later troops and not of the northmen of the XIX century that Wainriders encountered? With hese approach you could dropq quality or weapon ttraits of their cavalry and give the wainriders a fighing chance. If you like it of course, your mod your rules (literally).
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
@@enriquecarballogende4546 TBH I'm not sure that armament or change in fighting style really had anything to do with it, so much as the greater strategic situation. The Northmen had been devastated by the Great Plague before being invaded and overrun by the Wainriders, not to mention politically divided - some Northmen sided with the invaders. The Balchoth were in turn but a remnant of the Wainriders, who really seem to have been some sort of unstable coalition ala the Huns, which once defeated splintered apart.
@M_Holien Ай бұрын
Another useful guide thanks
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
Any videos on East vs West mod? Still waiting for my challenge to be accepted here, nobody wants to play weirdly!
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
I've got 5 matches going right now, so videos in maybe a week ish. I see your challenge, but I don't play larger than Medium size so left it for someone else to pick up
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
​@@snugglebunny1840 Nice, I will be waiting for the video patiently then. ps. I didnt know battles larger than medium was considered unusual. Thanks for the tip! I guess I gotta amend that, huh?
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
@kreg857 I don't know what's usual, just my personal preference. Dunno if you noticed but the video introducing the mod did at least have a quick game vs the AI.
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
​@@snugglebunny1840 I did notice it, thank you. Also noticed that you have now 1.03k subs! Congratulations on your 1k subscriber.
@malibelizec2543 Ай бұрын
I played the wokou pirates. My idea was to use cover on the sides to protect units for fire until good time for attack arrives leaving that central hill alone. Then couple of turns later realized that the central hill would be important so went for that also. It turned out it did not work, too little too late. Congrats to the victory. Well played.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the game!
@PhattPhillip Ай бұрын
No cav evade makes East Asian lists quite a bit weaker.
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Not as much as you would think - they have ludicrously cheap supporting missile foot, and if they take cover in rough ground they are quite safe from European cav, who go from up 100 to down 100 in melee. Not to mention mounted archery is simply more effective than mounted gunnery. Finally, balance aside, the scattering of the battle felt off to me in SJ compared to in PnS.
@antalbencsik4345 Ай бұрын
Thanks, I downloaded the Mod. My first try going to be a Spanish vs Eastern Mongols because... Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Keep in mind Mongol non-light cavalry can no longer evade, only their lights.
@Grordonblixt Ай бұрын
Fantastic! Now I can finally recreate the Swedish land invasion of Japan in 1651
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Don't forget about the notorious 1689 Jacobite invasion of Tibet
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
This mod will unironically be amazing at recreating historical battles such as Koxinga vs Dutch, Wokou vs English, Qing vs Dutch, Russian vs Korean and such...
@snugglebunny1840 Ай бұрын
Ehh... these are basically European field armies transplanted into Asia, not the tiny colonial forces that had few regular European troops and usually no pikemen. Still good fun though.
@kronenblatt Ай бұрын
Looks great! Good job!
@kreg857 Ай бұрын
This is everything that I wanted.
@Hubbabub65 Ай бұрын
Very interesting 👍
@Rayan-mz2co Ай бұрын
@LTGamingYoutube Ай бұрын
This looks great! Will be checking it out as soon as I've a copy of the game. Pike and Shot has been excellent so thanks for the recommendation.
@malibelizec2543 Ай бұрын
Looks great!