Answer Faith’s Highest Calling
AWS VS Dangie Bros | Sailor VS
Securing the Fleet | Sailor VS
SAILOR VS | Season 2
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Ep. 28: The Fighter: Kaylah Gillums
What Matters
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Strong Enough
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2 жыл бұрын
@amitshrestha9841 19 сағат бұрын
Hi, may I know how hard boot camp is? I am going to boot camp in January. Also, is GSM a good job?
@jimtan8472 19 сағат бұрын
2 unskippable ads are crazy 💀
@michaelgeary5451 20 сағат бұрын
By far one of the toughest, hardest, and dangerous jobs in the navy,you gotta have the best crew members to man the cats arresting gear and flight deck ops. I was Cat 1 topside PO on USS KITTY HAWK 71-72 Yankee Station Vietnam, we were launching around 230 birds a day at times in 72. All loaded with bombs and rockets,Balls to the wall, my crewwass BadAss, along with everone on board the HAWK. GOD BLESS all who served and serving. ABE 2 MIKE GEARY
@dylanlfy5136 Күн бұрын
I was in the background a few times in this. Navy flew me out to Hollywood for a week to film 😝
@epictrailers3489 Күн бұрын
I just chose RS as my new rate. I was originally an AO but I struggled with it and I never quite enjoyed it either. Long story short I got offered a few Rates but I thought this sounded cool so I re rated
@MatthewFloydMarston Күн бұрын
I can put Admiral Matthew Floyd Marston Romanov Windsor 2 on Military and Civilian Documentation
@lucsmccoleman8180 2 күн бұрын
I just join the us navy and this is my rate now!
@jameshutton8422 3 күн бұрын
The Navies best kept secret? Yet there have been movies featuring SWCC and this advert. lmao, Typical Yanks😂😂😂😂
@chuckbecker4983 3 күн бұрын
QM USN, 1971-77. USS Ashtabula and USS Barbey, Leading QM and Asst Navigator. In 1977 I went over to MSC: AB, 3rd Mate, 2nd Mate, Chief Mate, then Master in 1983. Retired in 2009 as Master (NFAF) I owe all that to my time as QM.
@MatthewFloydMarston 3 күн бұрын
Uncle Capt. Jack 71 Foug Bei City, Vietnam.
@RegaRegas00 4 күн бұрын
Dangerous nuClear america iran russia in italy turkey africa
@charlesdempewolf6861 4 күн бұрын
I'm retired AWC. Started out as acoustic operator in Grumman S-2's (Stoofs). Cross trained to both acoustic and non-acoustic. Transitioned to Lockheed S-3A/B's in 1975. 2,600 total flight hours. Over 400 arrested landings. Retired in 1992. Greatest job in the US Navy - bar none. Awesome platform in the P-8......
@MatthewFloydMarston 4 күн бұрын
Want to smoke 🚬 out
@quesodip1770 4 күн бұрын
@seanleaf3165 5 күн бұрын
Great commercial
@Codymurdockswag 5 күн бұрын
Love my cousin in this advertisement
@JaniceCarter-ws7lu 5 күн бұрын
God bless them❤
@lewistasso8866 5 күн бұрын
Back in the day when I was their age, we used to run like that for fun. It was called sports. Today, this generation probably hasn't run that much in 10 years.
@RegaRegas00 6 күн бұрын
I like voice australia waithing Boom america in asean
@Nguoimienduong 6 күн бұрын
Tôi là người Việt Nam, tôi cũng muốn đi lính Mỹ
@Leonttg 7 күн бұрын
Work 7 days a week underway and leave at 13 in port. Ying and yang I guess 😅
@PL9050 7 күн бұрын
Do CWTs spend any time on the sea?
@commanderstarstrider7176 7 күн бұрын
Nice to know after 25 plus military still does gender discrimination. Women don’t have to have head shaved.
@Thisguy206 7 күн бұрын
I’m 26 😅 and going about to get my paper work started and kinda nervous most people I know joined right after high school
@FC-BS 8 күн бұрын
I'm surprised he did this well
@hades_lazarus6909 8 күн бұрын
When johnny comes marching home dr strangelove
@Azzyeyap 8 күн бұрын
خالدين فيه و ساء لهم يوم القيامة حملا يوم ينفخ في الصور و نحشر المجرمين يومئذ زرقا فتلقى ءادم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه إنه هو التواب الرحيم قلنا اهبطوا منها جميعا فإما يأتينكم مني هدى فمن تبع هداي فلا خوف عليهم و لا هم يحزنون و ما خلقنا السماء و الأرض و ما بينهما باطلا ذالك ظن الذين كفروا فويل للذين كفروا من النار يوم ترى المؤمنين و المؤمنات يسعىا نورهم بين أيديهم و بأيمانهم بشرىاكم اليوم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها ذالك هو الفوز العظيم يوم يقول المنافقون و المنافقات للذين ءامنوا انظرونا نقتبس من نوركم قيل ارجعوا وراءكم فالتمسوا نورا فضرب بينهم بسور له باب باطنه فيه الرحمة و ظاهره من قبله العذابمؤمنون فاليوم لا يملك بعضكم لبعض نفعا و لا ضرا و نقول للذين ظلموا ذوقوا عذاب النار التي كنتم بها تكذبون قطوفها دانية كلوا و اشربوا هنيءا بما أسلفتم في الأيام الخالية و أما من أوتي كتابه بشماله فيقول ياليتني لم أوت كتابيه و لم أدر ما حسابيه فهم على ءاثارهم يهرعون و لقد ضل قبلهم أكثر الأولين و طعاما ذا غصة و عذابا أليما يوم ترجف الأرض و الجبال و كانت الجبال كثيبا مهيلا من كان يريد حرث الءاخرة نزد له في حرثه و من كان يريد حرث الدنيا نؤته منها و ما له في الءاخرة من نصيب أعد الله لهم عذابا شديدا إنهم ساء ما كانوا يعملون اتخذوا أيمانهم جنة فصدوا عن سبيل الله فلهم عذاب مهين و لقد ءاتينا داود منا فضلا ياجبال أوبي معه و الطير و ألنا له الحديد أن اعمل سابغات و قدر في السرد و اعملوا صالحا إني بما تعملون بصير و لسليمان الريح غدوها شهر و رواحها شهر و أسلنا له عين القطر و من و أضل فرعون قومه و ما هدىا يابني إسراءيل قد أنجيناكم من عدوكم و واعدناكم جانب الطور الأيمن و نزلنا عليكم المن و السلوى يسءلونك عن الشهر الحرام قتال فيه قل قتال فيه كبير و صد عن سبيل الله و كفر به و المسجد الحرام و إخراج أهله منه أكبر عند الله و الفتنة أكبر من القتل و لا يزالون يقاتلونكم حتى يردوكم عن دينكم إن استطاعوا و من يرتدد منكم عن دينه فيمت و هو كافر فأولائك حبطت أعمالهم في الدنيا و الءاخرة و أولائك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون
@Azzyeyap 8 күн бұрын
فلما قضىا موسى الأجل و سار بأهله ءانس من جانب الطور نارا قال لأهله امكثوا إني ءانست نارا لعلي ءاتيكم منها بخبر أو جذوة من النار لعلكم تصطلون بأمرهم هذا و هم لا يشعرون و جاءو أباهم عشاء يبكون ما جعل الله لرجل من قلبين في جوفه و ما جعل أزواجكم الاءي تظاهرون منهن أمهاتكم و ما جعل أدعياءكم أبناءكم ذالكم قولكم بأفواهكم و الله يقول الحق و هو يهدي السبيل
@Randman64 8 күн бұрын
I was an OS1, the sleep deprivation is intense. Lots of multi tasking. Very stressful
@dominicpalmieri-cf6pi 8 күн бұрын
Hey guysss,,, ilove dat billboard outside my place lolololololol FOG lolololol hahaha lol love you guys love it. Hey and I GOTTA c that commercial iaL againn,, on pluto pleeaassee show again.ha u knowsw me. I'm dat guy that drops nukes in space and does Forrest fires . People LOVE ME
@OiStarter 8 күн бұрын
@RegaRegas00 8 күн бұрын
TANK America new Delhi in Africa , you test missile subrime up in Tank africa
@RegaRegas00 8 күн бұрын
Yaman demonstran in suriah from Turkey , look arena new missile from Pakistan or Australia
@MalinoisDoodleMischief 8 күн бұрын
I wish yt was what it is now when I was a teen, and I found it before drugs. I think I would have actually made it as a frog man when I was young. Now I don’t think I am quite cut out for it. But I was ruthless as a young man, and always wanted to go the extra mile to prove a point. Most importantly though, I spent enough time in the water as a kid where I somehow learned this through instinct and feeling how the water moves, and how much energy I am exerting. I quickly learned I could hang out around the adults longer if I could keep my chin above water without moving too much. And I totally wasn’t afraid of anything in the water or any depth till I got older and started finding the wrong friends.
@juliancornejo6845 9 күн бұрын
I like your story reminds me of mine personal experience. Trying to join the US Army while being dyslexic and the struggle have to do get in.
@RegaRegas00 9 күн бұрын
Russia testing subrime in Surabaya , im like america testing in subrime in Yaman
@Slaygirls913 10 күн бұрын
@TravG-x8z 10 күн бұрын
When I enlisted in the military I wish I had chose this rather than Army. The enlisted life is better and the opportunity outside military is enormous. I have had friends and neighbors at places I've lived who served in the Navy, one worked the nuclear reactor of a submarine, and they went on after the military, to become high paid nuclear plant workers, one became a union welder, and another is a senior IT professional even teaches courses at a college after being a radioman onboard a destroyer. Please choose NAVY over any other branch of service if you want a life!
@martinmaranan931 11 күн бұрын
I joined the USN from Sangley point. Philippines and trained in NTC San Diego. CA 9/1/1958- 11/1/1958 . I served in as Destroyer for Sailor for 6 years and 365 days in Naval Support Activity Danang Vietnam. I am a USN Vietnam Combat Vietnam Veteran (100%) a proud Navy Veteran.
@shroudovsin2783 11 күн бұрын
I go to basic next month, chose ad as my job for civilian opportunities
@LeonKabongo-k7g 11 күн бұрын
what about work life balance?
@20PANTHERS24 11 күн бұрын
I'm writing on behalf of my son, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't true. My son is in the process of enlisting in the Navy, during the physical at MEPS his blood pressure tests was a bit elevated (due to being very nervous) so the recruiter gave him a paper and told him to go to an urgent care and get two tests done within a 5 day period. I took him on a Saturday and Sunday all went well, before we went back to the recruiters office we made a copy of the medical paper, went back the next day Monday the (Chief) who for now will remain anonymous took the paper and stated I will fax it to MEPS, she was in her office for more than 10 minutes, she came back handed the paper back to my son and she said I will call you as soon as I hear back from MEPS, on the way back home my son noticed that on that paper she whited out the date and forged another date causing him more aggravation for the process, I guess my question is what can I do should I confront her about it or go to another recruiter, I really need some advice here. I'm really pissed. Should I pursue this or forget about it and find another way, someone PLEASE let me know. Thanks
@Pitchithard 3 күн бұрын
Probably just a time thing . Wouldn’t worry about that . Just make sure he gets something he’s qualified in so he will be satisfied in his job. The lower jobs like BM boatswain mate are easier to leave and strike for something else if he wants . The harder jobs like Aviation or the nuclear program you are kinda locked in .
@SeaDevilXC1 12 күн бұрын
Does a GM defend the ship or are they just in weapon maintenance?
@GDPilots02 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for 53 subscriber 6 days me 🎉
@Plant_Boi 12 күн бұрын
Why do so many people try to compare basic trainings? Like gang you’re not tougher cause your branch screams louder 😭😭
@lognog0491 12 күн бұрын
@therealTone 13 күн бұрын
I served 4 years and honorably discharged as an E-5 at 22. On the civilian side, I worked 2 years as a technical writer writing manuals for the systems I worked on in the Navy. The following year, I became a systems engineer helping develop systems for all branches of the armed forces. After 6 years of this, I started my own company providing these services to the DoD. The IT rating can start a great career.
@Rockinruffhouser 13 күн бұрын
Wow. Sailors still wearing a woodland m81 iba at that time? Not gonna lie, it looks badass
@johnbennett1922 14 күн бұрын
I was an abe and hated it.