Time and Place // Book Tag
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The I'm So Annoyed BookTube Tag
The Artist's Way // Weeks 3-8
First Day of NaNoWriMo 2023!!!
3 Books That Made Me Feel Seen
All Things Books!
9 ай бұрын
@Curious-Cat Күн бұрын
Colombia does seem really gorgeous and a really fascinating country. I hope you get to fulfill your dream of visiting it some day!
@itsmimiduong 2 күн бұрын
The synopsis and the morals/themes of the book seem SO good. I feel like that itself is something I would enjoy. But I agree with you how you didn't enjoy the writing. That seems a little chaotic; and I feel like I wouldn't be able to keep up with the flow. I think its so interesting how writing and perspective of the world is really prevalent in older books vs now; and it makes me wonder how our writing/books today will be viewed at in the future. I have to say I'm thankful for your video because you gave a lot of food for thought 🥰 Because personally from your description of the book, while I could take away a lot of the themes/discussion of the book, I feel like getting through it will be hard for me
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
It is quite interesting how so often the whole tenor of older books is different than today's. I think there is benefit in both. I definitely think that Grapes of Wrath had so many great perspectives to consider. I was just disappointed in the style personally. :/ But clearly there are still many people who enjoy it!
@DarkRootsCreations 2 күн бұрын
Hi there! Thank you for watching my tag video and commenting because it led me to watch your video. I love your responses! Everything from the books you read as a kid to your love for different cultures. 😀
@user-pk4gy9ic6c 3 күн бұрын
These classics don’t get talk enough about in booktube and I’m not saying that as a old lady I’m 27 I just feel like I would love the classics to be talked about more
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
I definitely agree! I have loved classics for years and would love to see them discussed more. I plan to start featuring one classic book a month on my channel!
@ellenmadebookclub 3 күн бұрын
Johnbeck!! 😂 The staring!! 😂 This was a great discussion! I haven’t read or seen this story, but it all made sense to me anyway. And I’m so sick of people telling other people what a “good” or “serious” reader is. What it usually means, is that if you don’t conform to the standing ovation to old men with outdated thoughts, you’re no good. And I don’t care if they were good for their time, or can write well, or have some hidden message that I (or anyone) missed. If the message didn’t come across, that’s not my fault 😅 And there are plenty of other thinkers and writers who manage to get their points across without being some pretentious a** and making other people feel less than for “not getting it”. You rate the book however you like, you’re the reader and you get to decide if it provided you with anything you appreciated or not. What it did for someone else is up to them to decide. I probably want to read Mice and men at some point, just to have read it, but other than that I’m not particularly drawn to Steinbeck.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
The Johnbeck made me laugh. My brain was moving too fast for my words! 😂 Oh my gosh I love that! You worded it so much better than I did. 😂 I do love so much classic literature. But there are also so many things that are important to note (outdated thoughts, differences in readers, etc) when considering the material. And sometimes there are great themes in them and sometimes I read what someone has said about hidden symbolism and I don't see it at all. 😂 I love what you said about each reader deciding for themselves what any given book provides. If you do get to Mice and Men, I would be very curious to hear your thoughts!
@ellenmadebookclub Күн бұрын
​@@BonnieNicoleWrites Haha I know the feeling ^^ I think you worded it great! I'm not opposed to outdated thoughts either, I mean I don't want people to keep acting on them, but reading a book where they are expressed is just learning about how people used to think and what the consequences of that were and how it's changed (or not) since then. And that doesn't have to mean that book itself is bad. But it doesn't mean we have to enjoy it either 😂 I also think it depends so much on what else we have consumed or learned before reading a particular book. For one person it can be mind blowing, because it's their first time grasping the concepts, and for someone else it's old news and just gross. So not getting the hype could mean you're not getting the symbolism (or whatever), or it could mean that you've just evolved further and moved past that already. One half of the book is the author and the other half is the reader, basically 🤷‍♀😂 And I'm very curious to read Mice and men now, so that's just typical! 😄
@Curious-Cat 3 күн бұрын
OMG, I relate so much to the library pressure, and deciding that I could return books I have not read or not finished was so liberating! I can always borrow them again later :) See No Strangers sounds like a great read! The Glamour of Grammar should me right up my alley, but the boring part makes me unsure XD Overall, what a great reading month you had!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
It's amazing how much relief there is in giving ourselves permission to do (or not do!) certain things. Ahhh yes The Glamour of Grammar has been....quite an experience. haha It's not bad per se, but also not super revolutionary in content and just kind of...boring. But! I'm also enjoying aspects and I look forward to completing it.
@BeKindandReadOn 5 күн бұрын
I have been wanting to read I Must Betray You for awhile! I like the author but haven’t gotten to that one yet. Amelia Bedelia is the best! I have such good memories of reading those books as a child ❤
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
It's the first book I had read by her but it was so good! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. They are such fun books! So many wonderful reading memories.
@drphilreadstowrite 5 күн бұрын
Lovely to meet another writer/reader. I'm a massive fantasy & poetry nerd, but also (like you) love classics. I am also beginning an adventure into horror, not sure how it'll go, but we'll see... Looking forward to following your adventure.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like a lot of reading similarities! I have only recently started getting into poetry. Who is your favorite poet? I am also curious to hear where you are starting with horror. I am working myself up to try that genre as well! And I love that you are a fellow writer. All the best to you for your writing!
@drphilreadstowrite 2 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites: I love all poetry, especially contemporary, but I probably concentrate on the mid-twentieth century American, confessional poets: Plath, Sexton, Berryman, Lowell, Snodgrass... I also read a lot of verse-novels. Regarding horror, I am starting a research project on the classic origins: Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde, & HP Lovecraft. Should be fun.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 күн бұрын
@@drphilreadstowrite That's great! I have only dipped my toe into quite recent poetry but I do want to read more widely. I was thinking I had never read horror but I forgot that I have indeed read Dracula as well as Jekyll and Hyde. I enjoyed Jekyll and Hyde and I liked Dracula more than I thought I would. I want to read Frankenstein soon-ish as well.
@pleasereadyourbook 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for doing this!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for creating it! Such a fun tag.
@ellenmadebookclub 10 күн бұрын
Great answers! Pretty much all of these were new to me, except for Malibu Rising which is on my tbr! The books set in Colombia in Rumania both sound really good. How come you were in Rumania? Have you been to any other European countries? Thanks for the shoutout btw, I definitely consider you a friend as well! 😊💜
@BonnieNicoleWrites 5 күн бұрын
I hope you like Malibu Rising! I visited there for a few weeks to work at some children's programs with some friends of friends. Later that same year I went to the Netherlands as well. I hope to go back to both countries someday!! Of course! Thanks for the tag! ❤
@LibrariesandLattes 10 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the tag! I’m so behind on tags and who knows if/when I’ll get to any of them, haha, but this one is fun! I really want to read I Must Betray You, I’ve heard great things about that one 😊 And how cool that you’ve been to Romania!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 6 күн бұрын
I totally get that! No rush and no worries if you don't get to it. I really enjoyed I Must Betray You! Definitely a good read.
@itsmimiduong 10 күн бұрын
AMELIA BEDELIA!! I forgot about that book, you just unlocked a memory from my childhood 🥹 I Must Betray You sound so good. It sounds so riveting. I think I'll be adding it to my TBR 🥰
@BonnieNicoleWrites 6 күн бұрын
Bookish childhood memories are the best!! I Must Betray You is SO good. I hope you love it!
@EmmaBennetAuthor 10 күн бұрын
What a cute tag! I'd love to visit Columbia too.x
@BonnieNicoleWrites 6 күн бұрын
Ooh it would be so amazing to go!!
@DEBateBookz 11 күн бұрын
Hearing all your stats at the start is so much fun!! You’ve convinced me to pick up iron flame, I’ve been so nervous about picking up after fourth wing!!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 6 күн бұрын
Yay another stats lover! It makes me so happy to see stats. 😂 I think if you go into Iron Flame knowing that it is a slightly different vibe, you'll be good! Obviously everyone's reading experience is different, but overall I did like it. I hope you do too when you get to it!
@ReadingRekindled 11 күн бұрын
I just finished my first Emily Henry book, “Happy Place”, and was pleasantly surprised! I will have to pick up “Funny Story” soon.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 6 күн бұрын
I'm so glad it was a pleasant surprise! I hope that you love Funny Story when you get to it.
@BookishSara 12 күн бұрын
Looks like I have to give Emily Henry another go, everyone seems to love her (and specifically Funny Story). Am curious to read your other 5 bookmark read as well, as it sounds really interesting! Hopefully June goes just as well! Curious to hear your thoughts on Six Crimson Cranes 😄
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
I honestly didn't like a couple of her books. :/ I really liked Beach Read and Funny Story though! Thanks!! I'm excited to get to that one. I'm hoping to start it tomorrow.
@EmmaBennetAuthor 12 күн бұрын
Of course you can give back books without reading them!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
Such a relief to be able to let that go. Sometimes I just need to get my brain to realize I'm putting pressure on myself when there doesn't need to be any!
@itsmimiduong 13 күн бұрын
Sorry in advance for the super long comment 💀 Yesss! 👏 Books is supposed to be fun, your tip on just returning them if I don't get around to it really helped me relieve the mental load! I like the idea of read aloud. Maybe I'll do that with my husband 😮 Force him to listen to the books I'm so invested in. Honestly, the Grapes of Wrath sounds like a book I would enjoy but it's so disappointing to find that it's not as well executed but the story/points seem like it would be so powerful. I hear Taylor Jenkins Reid is such a good author with a lot of good life story. I've only read The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo from her... but maybe I should think about adding more of her books onto my TBR. Meanwhile about Fourth Wing... still waiting for my dragon arrival 😂same update I had I last updated. It's taking its sweet time coming to me. I will definitely be adding See No Stranger onto my TBR because I personally was not in America at that time but I know how heavy the impact was because I remember my relatives sitting together by an old TV in Viet Nam and everyone talking about what had happen. I was still very young at the time, but I just remember the mood and shift within our family to see something like that happen to America. I most definitely want to education myself more, and I'm glad you brought up this book! SIX CRIMSON CRANE! I saw it at the bookstore and thought it was gorgeous. I have it on TBR without even knowing much. Maybe when you get around to reading it/reviewing it, I'll pick it up 😂 YESSS I'm glad you're going to read the Lightning Thief. I think you'll enjoy it. It'll be a relaxing but fun adventure!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
I love the long comments!! ❤ I totally understand the mental load part. I don't want reading to be a chore and it's kind of funny to me how my own self-imposed hobby goals can so easily become something that feels more binding. I'm glad for those moments when I can remember... oh yeah it is actually ok for me to not do this! 🤣 I think overall I am glad I read Grapes of Wrath. It just.....wasn't for me. I honestly wasn't a huge fan of Evelyn Hugo. Another one where I think my opinion is in the minority. 😂I think my favorite by her so far is Carrie Soto is Back. I also really liked Malibu Rising. Hahaha hopefully your dragon will arrive soon so you can get reading!! See No Stranger is definitely worth the read. I was young as well at the time and I knew generally what was going on and as you said, the overall mood shift. But I didn't really understand a lot of the impact in many ways until I was a bit older. And now I am still learning the impact in even more ways! So fun about Six Crimson Cranes! A book friend is reading it now and she said it's so good she's flying through it. I'm going on a trip this week so I hope to read it on the plane!
@LibrariesandLattes 13 күн бұрын
So glad you enjoyed Iron Flame, and that you loved Funny Story! I also read it in May and it was my favorite read of the month 😊 And yay for hopefully reading Mistborn!! Hope you enjoy whatever you end up reading in June!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
Oh I'm so glad Funny Story was a top read for you, too! It's one of those books that I wish I could experience reading again for the first time!
@LibrariesandLattes 11 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites me too!! Just loved the experience, so fun and I really connected with Daphne and Miles 💙
@ellenmadebookclub 13 күн бұрын
I would say that's a great reading month, both in terms of ratings and number of books. Love slow and intentional though, it's how I would like my whole life to be. Maybe not all the time, but as a standard, with some fun chaos thrown in every now and then! 😊 I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Stone blind more! I get that it might have been a bit distracting with all the side stories if that's not what you're expecting. I think that's kind of unaviodable when it comes to mythology, there are just so many stories and they're all more or less interlinked. And I really enjoyed that it wasn't just about one thing 😊 I guess Circe for example is a bit more focused on just her, but there are still other characters and quests mixed in, because they affect her story. I'm curious to read more of them, just to see how other writers do it. Anyways 😅 We all have our own tastes of course, I had just hoped that you would love it! See no stranger sounds really interesting though! I usually really like that kind of topic of bigotry and how it has so many impacts that we're not really aware of. Have you seen the documentary 13th about the 13th amendment?
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
It did end up being a good reading month! Once I got past most of my stress. 😂 I agree. I think as I get older I am really appreciating more of that slow and intentional life. I like a lot of fun and exciting too, but I think that fun and exciting doesn't have to be mutually exclusive to slow and intentional sometimes. And I think I'm starting to figure out those rhythms for me! I do definitely think that if I had more understanding of the myth or even just the number of characters involved, I would have been a bit more prepared for Stone Blind. I think it was just quite unexpected and then I was just confused. 🤣 I was trying to decide if I wanted to read Circe or A Song of Achilles. I think I want to....but maybe in the fall? We'll see! See No Stranger was so good! It definitely opened my eyes to a lot of things. I haven't seen that documentary. I just added it to my watch list on Netflix though!
@ellenmadebookclub 12 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites Yes, one realizes with time how stress can really take the fun out of almost exactly everything! Excitement, sure, but stress, no thanks! And you're right, it totally depends on your definition of fun. My happy place probably looks really really boring to someone else ^^ Yeah I get that, it's a lot all at once! We studied myths a bit when I took Latin, although it was the Roman version but they're pretty much the same, just different names. But I probably got a sense of the structure of it, or maybe lack thereof. I haven't read Song of Achilles yet, but I thought Circe was pretty straight forward, at least there isn't multiple POVs. You could try the short story Galatea first, to see if you like the vibez. And Circe would definitely be cozy for fall. Oh let me know when you watch it. It's been a few years since I saw it but it made some things... hard to unsee, I guess. I might watch it again too.
@shedreamsinwords 13 күн бұрын
I love that you’re going to be intentional with family time & your writing, and will read when you feel like it. I’m also glad you enjoyed Iron Flame! I can’t wait for the next book 😍🔥 This month I have many books on my tbr but am looking really forward to picking up Silver Under Nightfall, People We Meet on Vacation (only my 2nd book by EH), and Five Broken Blades! I hope you have a great reading month ahead 😊
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
I really hope summer will be restful and rejuvenating in all the best ways! I'm sure it will still zoom by. But hopefully it will zoom....restfully. 😂 Enjoy your June reading! Just looked up Five Broken Blades and it sounds interesting!
@GrahamMatthewsReviews 13 күн бұрын
My wife just devoured Forth Wing 🐉 and immediately bought Iron Flame! So I am glad to hear the 2nd book is still really good, I for some reason heard it was a disappointment in other places! 😱 Also Grapes of Wrath is a Tough read I stopped a quarter of the way through but I gotta get through it! 😤
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
Ahhh so glad she enjoyed Fourth Wing too! I have definitely heard a lot of mixed things about Iron Flame. Even with the different feel of the book, I did still enjoy it. Hopefully she will too! It definitely made me excited for the third one. I just wish it came out sooner than January! 😂 Well, I'm glad it's not just me for Grapes of Wrath! 🤣 To be honest, I am still definitely processing a lot of my thoughts. It's such an odd mix for me of good themes on one hand but then on the other hand there's the writing and other themes I can't get past.
@sabrinareadsalot 13 күн бұрын
It seems like you like a lot of historical fiction novels. I recently read the Kite Runner and A thousand Splendid suns which both talk about life and hardships of the people of Afghanistan. I rated them both 5 stars so worth checking out if you havent read them already! I plan on trying out some of Brandon Sanderson's works and was thinking of starting with Misborn as well so ill interested in what you will have to say about it 😊
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
The funny thing is that usually I'm not a big historical fiction person. Or at least I didn't think I was. Maybe I'm coming back into my historical fiction era. 🤣 I've heard of those two but haven't read them. I'll definitely look up more about them! Thanks for the recommendations. Ooh maybe we will both be reviewing Mistborn soon! I'm excited!
@sabrinareadsalot 12 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites I have a lot of other books to get to still so it'll probably be a while before I get to Mistborn but I'll be looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it 😊
@Nanna_reader 13 күн бұрын
You commented on my video a while back that you were going to read it. Glad that you did, and I agree with everything that you said :) A 5 star book, but heavy! Your description is spot on and a good idea with the quotes from this book. There are so many 😃
@BonnieNicoleWrites 12 күн бұрын
I'm so glad you loved it so much too. Such a deep read!!
@BeKindandReadOn 15 күн бұрын
I love all of these recommendations. I will definitely be adding The Only One Left to my TBR!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Yay!! I hope you love it!!
@TorturedBookClub 15 күн бұрын
Wonderful video! Emily Henry was also my gateway author to the romance genre and I love how well developed her characters are for otherwise very wholesome light reads, my sister got me this for my birthday and so excited to read it!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Yess! I love how they are quick and easy reads but still have that depth. I hope you really enjoy Funny Story when you get to it!
@TorturedBookClub 15 күн бұрын
I absolutely loved The Catcher in the Rye as a teenager! I'd be very interested though to reread as an adult and see if I feel the same, will be keen to hear your thoughts!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
I ended up not finishing it, but it was a soft DNF. I do want to try again at some point! Good to know you really liked it. I don't think I've heard too many people talk about it much!
@Tierneysnook 16 күн бұрын
So great that you’re submitting your work for a contest!! 🥳That is super exciting!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'm excited to put myself out there and see what happens.
@DEBateBookz 16 күн бұрын
Ahhh I had no idea you were writing! Soooo exciting I can’t wait to hear more about your progress 🥰
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! I used to write ALL the time but life got....crazy. It's only been in the last four years or so that I have started to write again, but I am loving it!
@user-pk4gy9ic6c 16 күн бұрын
im subscribing
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for checking out my channel and subscribing!
@mynameisemilygood 17 күн бұрын
Clicked so fast! Omg LOVE rewarding myself with a little prize! Congratulations on starting a new book! I really need to watch your whole series. Omg I wanna join your writing group 😭 Haha I am so much like a squirrel I'm realizing in these comments but please know that it's because I'm holding a baby and talking to two other kids lol Bonnie it is huge that you are sending out drafts of your work and I'm so happy for you I'm also realizing that I'm a plotter versus a pantser like I thought. I am obsessed with your summer writing plans. I can't wait to hear how the submissions go. The point is not to win the point is to get it done. And that's what you're gonna do. Good for you ❤
@BonnieNicoleWrites 14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for all of your kind words and encouragement!! I am so excited and I love my self-awarded prize. That would be so amazing if you could join my writing group! Our mutual friend is in it too! Haha I love squirrels and I love your comments!! It's kind of fun discovering the plotting side of myself. I love learning more about what works for me and who I am as a writer.
@itsmimiduong 17 күн бұрын
I was just thinking that you're in a different setting! I can't wait to see what you do with the space! Congrats on finishing NaNoWriMo -- I remember doing it when I was in high school and it was SO hard. 50k words in a month right??? 😳 But yes, I agree that just purging out the words you have is probably the best way to just get things going. I'm so glad you got it going! Ironically, I was so unabashed when it came to sharing my writing when I was younger (50k word fanfiction writer here LOL), but now I feel like I've gotten shyer and actually am embarrassed to show/talk about things I'm working on (even my own YT channel) to my friends/family 😅 but I'm so happy you sent it to your friends/family!! I wish the best of luck for your manuscript. I'm rooting for you! Definitely let me know when you're a published writer. I will most definitely be a support and purchase it 💕🥹
@BonnieNicoleWrites 16 күн бұрын
Thanks!! Yes, NaNowriMo is 50k in a month. It's a lot for 30 days!! That's so great that you have done it too. I think that actually makes a lot of sense about being more ready to share you writing when younger and feeling more shy. I think for me at least, all the time in adulthood makes me just that more aware of inner and outer criticism and imposter syndrome. It can take a lot to get past that and take the leap of sharing your work! Thank you so much for your kind words! That seriously means so much. I will definitely keep updating!
@itsmimiduong 16 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites Yesss! Something about adulthood just really takes the boldness you have as a child🙃 Regardless, I'm so happy that you're sharing your progress and I cannot wait to see what you publish in the future. YOU GOT THIS, I'M ROOOTING FOR YOU 💕🧡
@ellenmadebookclub 17 күн бұрын
This is SO fascinating to me! I'm very happy for you and all your progress so far! And I'm also so interested in the methods of writing. I think I would be a plotter as well, the idea of having different levels of depth (outline, rough draft, draft, feeback, edits, whatever else there is!) really speaks to my soul ^^ I totally get the fear of sharing your work, that's a piece of you that you're sending off for feedback. And at the same time, it's also completely separate from you as a person. But very hard to tell your feelings and fears what's what! 😅 I think you're very brave and I hope you get good constructive feedback from your chosen people! I'm not very well-read in middle grade books (as an adult) but if you would ever like more people, somewhere in between your closest friends and complete strangers, I would be happy to read your work! I will not be offended if you don't! Just wanted to give you the option. I would also love to see the room-rearranging! I get if you don't want to share that on here... but I would watch it ^^
@BonnieNicoleWrites 16 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Ellen! I didn't think that plotting would speak to my soul as much as it has been lately! But now that I have started plotting a bit more it totally makes sense. I could definitely see eventually having not just basic chapter notes but plotting out specific scenes for each chapter as well. We'll see! I appreciate you understanding how vulnerable it feels to share my work and creations! Thank you SO much for your offer to read it! That means a lot to me. I think maybe when I am closer to a complete first draft I will definitely take you up on that. I thought about putting more of the room rearranging into a video....but I think at this point I probably won't. It involves a lot of my husband's stuff and my kids' stuff and I don't want to get too much of their spaces on here. So unfortunately it will just be disjointed gradual room changes in my background. 😂😂
@ellenmadebookclub 16 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites I totally get all of that! I would be very interested to hear more about your process going forward, not just what works necessarily, but just what you’re trying or how you’re thinking about things. I find that so interesting. Doesn’t have to involve specifics either, just on an abstract level I guess. You do what you’re comfortable with, of course. The offer to read will stand, and you can take it whenever you feel like it would be beneficial to you! There is an editor who is also called Ellen (Brock?) who does KZbin videos, I find them very interesting as well. Maybe that’s for a later stage though. Maybe you’ve already heard of her
@EmmaBennetAuthor 17 күн бұрын
Emily Henry books are such great reads and so quick to read because you get so absorbed!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
Agreed! I love a book that is a quick read but still has a decent amount of depth!
@ReadingRekindled 17 күн бұрын
This is amazing, looking forward to seeing you meet your goals!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!
@EmmaBennetAuthor 17 күн бұрын
Love the t-shirt and congratulations on starting your middle grade book!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your support over the last couple of years.
@Nicole_reads_writes 18 күн бұрын
I have Fourth Wing on my reading list for some point this year. Kind of putting it off because people love it so much and I want something to look forward to lol. The ACOTAR series by Sarah J Maas really had my emotions going through a loop (especially the first three books) I cried, laughed, wanted to throw the book at one point ha ha.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
I hope that you end up loving it too!! Haha yes, ACOTAR sure had a lot of ups and downs!
@Nicole_reads_writes 18 күн бұрын
I also had heard that reading romance is like fluff and "not really reading" but it is how I initially fell in love with reading and writing even. I actually shifted gears in my writing to more sci-fi fantasy with romance subplots, but am currently writing a contemporary romance again, because it's what I love and that's what matters.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
It's kind of sad to me how a whole genre can be so misunderstood and judged. I'm curious too how much of the stereotype is because romance is so often seen as a women's genre.....but...don't get me started on that. I love that you write romance as well! How many books have you written?
@Nicole_reads_writes 17 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites I’ve written about 8 books lifetime wise if not a little more that I’m forgetting. I self published one but recently took it down. Currently editing a sci fi romance to pitch to agents and writing the contemporary romance now as well as the editing process can be a bit slow.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 17 күн бұрын
@@Nicole_reads_writes That's great!! I'm so curious to hear all about the process of pitching to agents and all of those aspects of traditional publishing.
@EmmaBennetAuthor 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, Fourth Wing I could not put down
@BonnieNicoleWrites 23 күн бұрын
Right?? It was so good! Did you read Iron Flame as well? I just finished that one a few days ago.
@EmmaBennetAuthor 22 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites I haven't yet!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 20 күн бұрын
@@EmmaBennetAuthor It was good too! And now only have to wait 7 more months for the third book. 🤣
@DEBateBookz 25 күн бұрын
I’ve recently bought part of your world and I’m so excited to read it, have heard loads of good things!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 23 күн бұрын
Yay!! It's a fun one. I hope you like it!
@ReadingRekindled 26 күн бұрын
This was a great list and so many books I have yet to read! I plan on reading The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments ASAP. Awesome video!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 23 күн бұрын
Ooh both of those books are so good!! I hope you enjoy them when you get to them.
@ellenmadebookclub 27 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this! I have a few titles on here that are on my tbr, so it was interesting to see where you put them, and that you gave them 5 stars at some point, even if your thoughts have changed or evolved since then. Especially books on fundamentalist groups, which I find really interesting anyways, but it’s kind of like you said about books on racism written by white people vs people of color. I value your opinion on books about cultish things, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I should screenshot these tiers, there were some really interesting ones on here! I like your reading tastes 😅
@Cutestbabies2 24 күн бұрын
I analyzed your youtube channel.your channel video is very good.but i found some problem of your channel. your channel doesn't get Views Subscribe and likes. I can grow your Channel if you want..
@BonnieNicoleWrites 23 күн бұрын
I appreciate your kind comment! I like to reflect sometimes on how my thoughts have changed on various topics or how I have grown. Or even just how my reading tastes have changed! I saw in your book haul that you got a memoir about a cult member leaving the cult. I need to go back and write down the title!♥
@ellenmadebookclub 22 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites I like that too! It’s easy to miss if you don’t to it intentionally and just keep going in the hamster wheel! Yes, Escape by Carolyn Jessop is the one I got. Melinda @awebofstories said it was good and that the best one she’s read on the same topic is Stolen innocence by Elissa Wall, in case you’re interested in that as well :)
@BonnieNicoleWrites 20 күн бұрын
@@ellenmadebookclub Thanks for the titles! I'll look them up!
@itsmimiduong 27 күн бұрын
I love this video!! 🤩I'm definitely going to do this for sure in the future. But I'm such a stingy rater!! I always give stuff like... 4.89 or 4.93 😂 If I were to do this... I would definitely have to round stuff up. The Women They Wanted... adding that to my TBR soon because I've been super into memoirs and reading their experiences. You ranking Part of Your World so high makes me sooo excited. It just arrived in my Libby app so I'll be reading it really soon!! 🥹 As soon as I get through all my other library books... How you managed to rate all of these and not have a 5 hour long video 😂Because I know I would spend at least 5 min a book!!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 27 күн бұрын
Ooh I love the precise ratings! I usually just pick my rating based purely off how I feel as I'm reading it and then how I feel when I turn the last page. I would be very curious to hear your thoughts about The Woman They Wanted if you read it! Ahhh yay!! I hope you love it so much! Haha I definitely trimmed down a lot! And when I was editing, I noticed that some books I said almost nothing about them and then other books I launched into a full description. So....not sure what my brain was doing at the time. 🤣
@GrahamMatthewsReviews 27 күн бұрын
I still need to read the Forth Wing! The fact it's so high on your list I gotta read it! 😮 Great Video!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 27 күн бұрын
I was so surprised that I liked it as much as I did! I think you might like it, especially since you are enjoying ACOTAR overall. I would say they have similar basic vibes.....but Fourth Wing is way better. Maybe if ACOTAR and Divergent were merged?? Plus dragons!!
@DEBateBookz 28 күн бұрын
I definitely need to read more Emily Henry books, I’ve only read beach read and really enjoyed that, it’s a funny story sounds great!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 27 күн бұрын
I would definitely say this one is worth reading!! I hope that you enjoy it if you end up trying it.
@The-Biblio-Nerd 29 күн бұрын
First of all, I love your Pivot shirt! Die hard Friends fan here. Second, I just finished this book today and loved it so much! I agree that it was fun but had a lot of depth and character development! The only EH book I haven't read yet is Happy Place, but I've loved all her other books I've read!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 27 күн бұрын
Thank you!! Who is your favorite character from Friends? I'm SO happy that you also loved Funny Story. I just loved how it turned out! I hope you enjoy Happy Place as well when you get to it.
@The-Biblio-Nerd 27 күн бұрын
@BonnieNicoleWrites that is so tough! I always thought Joey was hilarious, but Chandler is just as funny! The whole cast is amazing. But yes. Funny Story is easily top 3 romance books for me!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 24 күн бұрын
@@The-Biblio-Nerd That's so fun!! It's been a while since I've watched the whole series, but Ross was my favorite!
@bexiexz Ай бұрын
@BonnieNicoleWrites 28 күн бұрын
Thanks for stopping by!!
@bexiexz 28 күн бұрын
@@BonnieNicoleWrites :)
@onceuponabookishsteph Ай бұрын
I’m so excited for this book!! 💕💕
@BonnieNicoleWrites Ай бұрын
I hope you love it when you get to it!
@SatraReads Ай бұрын
I’m reading this right now
@BonnieNicoleWrites Ай бұрын
I hope you enjoy it!!
@The-Biblio-Nerd 29 күн бұрын
I just finished it and LOVED it! 🥹
@dg_reads Ай бұрын
I loved this one! This was my favorite from her.
@BonnieNicoleWrites Ай бұрын
It's SO good! I'm so glad you loved it!