UBOAT | Finale | Cardiff
2 ай бұрын
UBOAT | 14 | Land's End
3 ай бұрын
UBOAT | 13 | North Sea Wolfpack
UBOAT | 12 | Fifty Thousand Tons
@Gaspode-uj8jt Күн бұрын
Should have used the P-38s at max speed and without bombs against the Sub. You don't need to Split Group to avoid unloading all of your ships, just use Manage Cargo and unload individual ships. When using aircraft to drag AA max their speed and increase their altitude a lot. Given you saw a Rufe, the Carrier you seek may be a Seaplane Carrier, say a Chitose before her conversion to a Light Carrier. Also Rufes are Fighters in fact a float plane version of the Zero. Note that the game classifies Seaplane Carriers as Light Carriers.
@Gaspode-uj8jt Күн бұрын
Only one of the Heavy Cruisers was a Tone, the other was a Mogami. Tones have four forward triple turrets. Mogamis have three triple turrets in a low-low-high arrangement and two triple turrets aft. The Light Carrier task force did not have any Tone Heavy Cruisers. You need to ID the Japanese ships. Tone is pronounced toe-neigh, use a two syllable pronunciation with most Japanese ship names. Why didn't you re-target the Light Carrier and Battleship instead of the Heavy Cruisers in the first encounter? Coming from astern is the same thing as from behind.
@d.plates5221 Күн бұрын
According to Wolfpack345, he says in one of his videos that there is a one hour cool down affect on spotting convoys, so if you cant find them wait an hour and they should reappear
@Gaspode-uj8jt Күн бұрын
So your TF-1 can take on a force with a Fuso class Battleship (#6), a Light Carrier, two Heavy Cruisers, some Destroyers and Transports? The Dive Bomber you couldn't find may have come from the Light Carrier. The Destroyer in the three ship anti-submarine is an Akizuki class AA Destroyer, very dangerous for your aircraft. You shot down a lot of the Light Carrier's planes, it may have gone back to replace them. The float plane maybe returning to it's Sub.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 3 күн бұрын
The initial float plane was a Rufe, the float plane version of the Zero. On day 13 you kept saying you would get supplies in three days when in reality you were one day away, your days for resupply are all multiples of 7 e.g. 14, 21, 28, 35, 42. The P-39s without bombs could make it to the first three ship anti-sub force. When attacking a moving Sub from astern, wait until your stern reaches the Sub's bow to drop your depth charges. Did you speed up the Beaufighters for the Sub attack. You should wait around to see if the damaged Sub will resurface. Good job taking out the scout planes. Task Force 1 needs to rearm, it has expended 2/3 of it main armament HE ammo bombarding airfields.
@EvilSawboss 3 күн бұрын
great episode, those slingers were snipers
@Gaspode-uj8jt 4 күн бұрын
Rockets are great against unarmored or lightly armored ships, e.g. DEs, DDs, Cargo ships and Oilers. Good to see you using Map Notes. Good job with the Oscars. You can use Manage Cargo and go through the ships and unload one at a time instead of Unload All Cargo. Attack Subs with Depth Charges, Rockets or Strafing, come in fast with Rockets or Strafing since you need to get the Sub before it dives.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 4 күн бұрын
The game considers a Seaplane Tender to be a Light Carrier. You will see this by doing ship identification. The fighter you saw were most likely Rufes which are a Float Plane version of the Zero, the "Light Carrier" has these. The Battleship is a Kongo. Good to see you attacking that three ship anti-submarine patrol, a lot of other WotS series ignore them even though those player are actively employing Subs. The #1 is not a Light Cruiser, it is an Akizuki AA Destroyer, very dangerous against aircraft less so against surface targets due to its main armament of eight 100mm guns spread over four dual mounts. The "float plane" is a Light Cruiser That force consisted of two Light Cruisers, one AA Destroyer, two modern Destroyers and a Destroyer Escort. Just because you don't see any transports does not mean that the enemy force is not in invasion force. The Destroyers and Light Cruiser can carry troops and supplies.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 4 күн бұрын
The float plane came from the Sub, look it up. Don't assign targets to all of your planes at once, keep reserves! You should have target the Carrier first with say just two groups of Dauntless dive bombers, assessed the results and decided on the next target, lather, rinse, repeat. Maneuver your Avengers for good attack vectors. OMG, what a waste of aircraft. for a single ship when with planning several ships could have been sunk. Level bombing with B-25s at high altitude against DDs has a low probability of success. Should have sent the P-39s with no bombs, the 37mm cannon is no joke. Take the empty ports, other than Malaita, its easy command points and the enemy will probably ignore it since they are not objectives, you could use Subs to do this.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 4 күн бұрын
You launched the P-39s with a load out that couldn't reach the intended target. You should have sent them without any bombs, their 37mm cannon would have been devastating. You probably should re-form up your P-38s after every attack. Good job taking out the float plant. I have to compliment you on timing your invasion/supply runs to coincide with avoiding enemy air cover and your use of the Action Reports, many WotS posters do not. You should have waited to see if the damaged Sub had to re-surface. Did you notice that the De was scuttled? As you set up your air attacks pre-plan how to have them break after the attack.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 5 күн бұрын
Again another ship misidentified as an oiler, you should do formal ship identification. That many actual Zeros indicates a Carrier is in the area. Oilers are much easier to set afire with strafing as opposed to the Cargo ship you were strafing. Keep some planes in reserve, you don't need to assign each group at the outset. For example target the modern Destroyer with one group and keep the other two in reserve, then depending on the outcome of the first attack you can decide if a followup attack is needed or if you want to attack another target. Sinking one ship is better than only damaging a few. Tip: Zeros are light colored and without cammo, Oscars have cammo. The modern Destroyer was a Fubuki.
@Gaspode-uj8jt 5 күн бұрын
Those were Oscars not Zeros. You turned off Dogfight at Will instead of leaving it on. Make bombing attacks from astern. It was not an oiler. Good to see someone taking the time to go after enemy scout planes thus depriving the IJN of its long range eyes. The previous scout planes were all Jakes which could be Cruiser or Sub based, the Pete however could be on Cruisers or Battleships.
@cybereck 4 күн бұрын
Yep. I did that a lot in the beginning as I was still learning the game.
@jankutac9753 5 күн бұрын
Please tell us what campaign you are going to play next
@john1040 6 күн бұрын
a great episode, you are so near the end now, once again thank for all your hard work
@titoyama5760 7 күн бұрын
I'm surprised you don't know you can change the type of guns you can use
@Kwaj 9 күн бұрын
2 hits and 3 duds is actually a pretty generous success rate for the Mk-14 torpedo. The fact they didn't swim under the target or circle back around to the Kingfish is also something to be proud of. lol
@vromansaltzman5276 9 күн бұрын
Another good episode. Keep up the good work. You have a great strategy for the next phase of the battle.
@john1040 10 күн бұрын
thank you for great episode again, the cut scenes you put in work amazing well.
@EvilSawboss 12 күн бұрын
Great episode. I think the format is really working keep up the great work.
@cybereck 12 күн бұрын
I finally got everything put together the way I want and imagined it from the beginning, especially the extended battle cinematics. Enjoy!
@EvilSawboss 17 күн бұрын
The empire is always expanding, relentless and powerful
@cybereck 17 күн бұрын
If Rome was this easy, they should all put a coalition together.
@vf-114jock2 20 күн бұрын
Wolfpack 345 has a new War on the Sea MOD "defending the east" Indian Ocean on youtube now
@backseatgamer7367 22 күн бұрын
Just off Port Moresby you can dive on a zero at like 30 feet.
@backseatgamer7367 22 күн бұрын
Been watching you for a couple of days... good work.
@markniemela5279 23 күн бұрын
Why does everyone that I watch play this game send bombers after light cruiser? They’re not wide ships, with thin belt armor. That screams avengers carrying torpedoes to me, but maybe I’m wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@cybereck 23 күн бұрын
A couple of reasons that I do. One, I have more of them than avengers and two, they are generally more successful due to the high failure rate of allied torpedoes. Usually it takes most, if not all, of my avengers just to sink the battleship.
@EvilSawboss 23 күн бұрын
Great episode, that was a slippery CL
@cybereck 23 күн бұрын
Yes it was!
@Caktusdud. 23 күн бұрын
Must have a decent crew on board
@Caktusdud. 23 күн бұрын
2:18 oh look there's me:) The 94. PBY 5a Catalina. Just here watching the show from above;) I'll pick up the survivors. Im just praying those destroyers don't come back to get revenge.
@cybereck 23 күн бұрын
Don't think they would come back. I still had several Dauntless ready to go.
@Caktusdud. 23 күн бұрын
@@cybereck thats good to here, should buy some extra time to better locate and place the life rafts around. Im still not planning on sticking around. Dauntless' can't stick around for too long, and knowing some of the Japanese Destroyers they will come back for their people.
@EvilSawboss 26 күн бұрын
Cinematic openings are really looking great.
@cybereck 23 күн бұрын
@john1040 26 күн бұрын
thank you once again a great episode 7 what a cliffhanger
@MysticYears 29 күн бұрын
Great to see a new episode!
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
Happy to bring it to you!
@SupremeBioShock 29 күн бұрын
Noticed on your sub attack you did not have radar turned on and that will help with solution. Also hovering over the torpedo's will show angle for strike if you never seen it.
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
Nope, I didn't. That's one thing I keep forgetting about with my subs. I don't use a lot of subs, so not a lot of practice. And thanks for mentioning the angle for the torpedoes. Did not know that.
@dougjb7848 29 күн бұрын
As much as I enjoy watching you play this game for the cinematic value, it’s probably not near as much fun for you to play any more. I do not think the AI ever even tried to mount a coherent counter strategy and for at least the last month has done nothing but sail small groups of tiny ships around in circles, and occasionally send a proper battle fleet straight at you. I think I would enjoy watching you play a game like Cold Waters, or engage a co-creator in Combat Mission PBEM. Hope you are having a great middle spring.
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
True, the AI seems kinda weak in this play through, but it's still quite fun to search and destroy. Actually, what I like the most is putting together the cinematic parts of the episodes into a quasi-movie scene type experience, and to be quite honest, the sound editing I do is more challenging than the Japanese navy. Sure, I'd like a more difficult AI, but that seems to be an issue with a lot of games these days, even Total War in my other series. I've heard that the AI is better with ABDACOM and the pacific mod, though, and I'll be playing one of those in the near future. * Edit - by the way, I do own Cold Waters, but I haven't really had much time to get into the game. I also own Silent Hunter games, and I think one or both might appear on this channel in the future.
@dougjb7848 15 күн бұрын
I would enjoy watching you play CW; your combination of clear explanation of what / why you are doing and your voice quality is very good.
@vromansaltzman5276 Ай бұрын
Another great episode keep it up.
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for another great comment!
@EvilSawboss Ай бұрын
Great episode. loved the editing of the dogfight
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
Thank you! I don't get a lot of comments regarding the editing and the cinematic pieces I try to put together, so I appreciate hearing this.
@EvilSawboss Ай бұрын
Fun episode, I look forward to the next one
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
Thanks! I'm a bit concerned that it will take me all episode to get across the water to Corsica. Ships don't seem to move very far without tech upgrades, it seems. But we'll get the job done one way or another. I'd rather not leave Rome to come back and cause problems later.
@W4lt3r89 Ай бұрын
Hey, by chance have you tried to send your dive bombers to higher altitude than just the 3000ft or so the game spawns them in? TTE had an AI adjustment to allow even higher altitude dive bombing. Would let you avoid small caliber AA until actually being in the dive.
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
I have not. I have to try this!
@EvilSawboss Ай бұрын
Great episode. I don’t know why but I found it hilarious how your troops jumped off the tops of the siege ladders
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
That animation is a bit funny, yeah.
@jankutac9753 Ай бұрын
How do you find Bannerlord compared to Warband? I just tried it some years ago and what i hated about Bannerlord was that soldiers could almost run through each other. They gave up this nice feature they had in warband where every soldier had a lot of mass, and when you were inside a crowd you could neither move nor swing your weapon properly. Very realistic
@EvilSawboss Ай бұрын
great episode, I wonder if a different bomb loadout with the Mitchells would be more effective at getting hits
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
You know, I've been wondering that myself. I've tried attacking in formation, individually, from bow or stern, amidships, slow, fast, pretty much everything, and I can't find anything that works consistently. But, that's fine. I have more than enough assets to get the jobs done.
@john1040 Ай бұрын
Yet again a fantastic episode😇
@cybereck 29 күн бұрын
@josephbloughes8640 Ай бұрын
That de you couldn't find... Wasn't it scuttled?
@vromansaltzman5276 Ай бұрын
Good episode. Got a few more Japanese reefs established in the area
@cybereck Ай бұрын
I'm always looking to contribute to the ecosystem.
@rupben01 Ай бұрын
Waste of 6 planes and 12 bombs on a cruiser. Really !! Angles of attack.
@cybereck Ай бұрын
@Caktusdud. Ай бұрын
This episode is just transport fever plus a lot of commerce raiding. Have Saratoga chill in the solomon sea she can do some cargo ship killing. I dare you to have her sink a cargo ship with her guns. I know you don't put carriers that close but why not.
@cybereck Ай бұрын
Sometimes you just gotta take what they give you, but you propose an interesting challenge. I might just accept. Maybe... 😅
@juliancate7089 Ай бұрын
So disappointed. I wanted to see that Kingfisher go after the sub. In one game some months ago, I had a Kingfisher come across three Japanese subs running parallel on the surface just before nightfall. They spawned close enough that I was able to make a bomb run on one of them before they submerged, and I got one very near hit and the other bomb denoted aft. I thought, "Great. I've damage it." No, I sank it. In another incident a separate Kingfisher discovered a loan tanker, because the AI does that, and I hit it with both bombs. From experience, hitting freighters with 100 lbs. bombs causes damage but nothing more. Well, the second bomb caused a magazine explosion and sank it. So, you never know. I think you were probably too far away to get to it before it submerged.
@cybereck Ай бұрын
Well, that, plus I don't usually arm my scout aircraft with ordinance as I value range over the ability to damage ships they come across. Pretty sure those kingfishers didn't have bombs.
@gatorsecurityconstitutiona3112 Ай бұрын
The b-25 Mitchell is known for its devastating strafing runs 12 forward facing machine guns 8 in the nose two on each side in between the engine and the cockpit glass and a forward facing 75 mm yes 75 mm Cannon devastating
@gatorsecurityconstitutiona3112 Ай бұрын
Just so you know the b-25 Mitchell has up to 12 forward-facing machine guns and 75 yes 75 mm Canon devastating ground and ship attack aircraft
@cybereck Ай бұрын
Yes, I think someone else told me the same thing recently. Can't believe I didn't look more closely at it's weapons. I MUST try them out as soon as possible. And the next time we see that light cruiser.... Sadly, I completely forget about them again in the next episode. 😅
@EvilSawboss Ай бұрын
The Empire expands
@cybereck Ай бұрын
This is the way.