Nobody cares about your mistake!
5 ай бұрын
@danielrajszczak 25 күн бұрын
W życiu byłem tak naprawdę trzy razy bardzo mocno zakochany z czego drugie zakochanie przerodziło się w wieloletnie małżeństwo na zasadach partnerskich a miłość jest cały czas. A pewien czas temu wypowiedziałem w myślach pragnienie "chciałbym się jeszcze raz tak mocno zakochać" i... stało się. Lecz rdzeniem tej miłości jest miłość platoniczna zakrawająca o miłość uniwersalną w najwyższej formie. To tak jakbym spotkał osobę z poprzedniego wcielenia, którą kochałem. Odmieniła moje życie. Były i w zasadzie są trudne momenty, ponieważ tak naprawdę nigdy nie dotknęliśmy siebie a uczucie tęsknoty jest ogromne. W małżeństwie pomogło nam to przenieść nasz związek na wyższy poziom. Dotychczas byłem przekonany, że miłość dzieli się lecz ją się mnoży. Trzeba czasu aby ułożyć sobie to w głowie ale jednego jestem pewien - dzięki temu staję się lepszym człowiekiem, wzrastam codziennie i wkładam ogromny wysiłek w pracę nad sobą. Moja żona wie o tym, a sama po czasie zaproponowała abyśmy otworzyli związek. Myślę a wręcz jestem przekonany, że zrobiła to dla mnie za co jeszcze bardziej ją kocham. Wie jak bardzo uciska mnie ten świat z jego niedoskonałościami a biorąc pod uwagę obecną sytuację to uratowało mnie to przed nienawiścią, depresją, zgorzknieniem... bo miałem dosyć ciągłej walki z wiatrakami. Dowiedziałem się czegoś cennego lecz oczywistego zarazem: aby zmienić świat, muszę zmienić siebie, bo to my jesteśmy jego kreatorami.
@Emigrantldn 26 күн бұрын
Łysy do likwidacji. Out! 🤦🏻‍♂️
@agnieszkas.2738 2 ай бұрын
Osoby starsze mogą mieć dużo większą chęć na takie eksperymenty niż niejeden młody. Chociażby że względu na większe zaufanie do siebie i lepsze rozumienie tego, czym jest ich relacja i na czym się opiera
@zdonp 3 ай бұрын
Pamiętam jak Dawid Murek w programie telewizyjnym Apetyt na Zdrowie udzielał wywiadu, w którym mówił że przyszedł do AZSu bo to gwarantowało powołanie do kadry Polski juniorów.
@Opus766 3 ай бұрын
Can you post these to Apple Podcasts?
@tapoto9 3 ай бұрын
love the vibe 💗
@ninkalaskowska7791 3 ай бұрын
This was really the most interesting podcast ever! I loved all "intros" as they've shown your way of living. And I was very exciting of each of your guests, so I would like to ask for more of their appearance. Even with just some 'hello' :)))) it could even different volley-team people (I mean not only the players), who start each episode :) for sure we were able to get to know Taylor better :) which was again an incredible journey. So, please, keep doing this great job, even if you will be "departed" and it would be done as some online meeting
@bulgarninja 3 ай бұрын
I want and I need season 2
@drastikk3556 3 ай бұрын
Most entertaining episode yet, love the underwear chat
@bulgarninja 3 ай бұрын
Andrzej potrzebuje skrótów meczowych z plusligi na yt i to nie tylko ja a można z tego zrobić fajny format szczególnie jak Polska siatka rośnie w siłe możemy mieć rozmach gdzieś trzeba zacząć. Mam nadzieje ze volleyhotline nadal będzie prowadzone nawet po prawdopodobnym odejściu taylora fajnie się was słucha ale trochę więcej odpowiadajcie na pytania
@beatabieniek7682 3 ай бұрын
chłopaki robicie super robotę ☺ intro jest wybitne 😁 bardzo dobrze się was słucha, super energia i chemia między wami 💚
@jefferyliu3015 3 ай бұрын
Love the show so far! Tell Taylor he needs to bring back his “Working Out” videos!
@mightymeh 3 ай бұрын
really enjoyed the conversation about the CEV Challenge Cup and it's personal importance to you guys. congratulations on the win!
@micahhatemen 3 ай бұрын
I absolutley LOVED how you guys ask other famous pros to answer the questions! it was sick to see Kelsey Robinson cook on here as an American viewer. Also another segment idea could be like joke or quote of the day. you could talk about how the quote can apply to each of your lives , i think it could be a cool way to keep deep conversation in the podcast which is my favorite part. Can't wait for you guys' return! :)
@adamhermanowski8428 3 ай бұрын
Great episode! Full of useful info and tips. Some of your sentences should go to some "how to play volleyball" books. GREAT JOB! Thank you. A ouestion from me: How to find the best beach volleyball player from the indoor team for an OH? Should it be setter/ OH, or MB / OH, or libero/ OH? I think that might be interesting ouestion for those who after the season indoor are going to play on the beach now ;) good job you do, please continue!
@mysteriousdoge1298 3 ай бұрын
Wow it's the first time I see so many comments under your video. Keep on good work and people will come
@Jairorod7 3 ай бұрын
Taylor: are you ever going to pick up Tallest Podcast on Earth? I love this podcast, but I also loved what you did on TTPOE, thank you!
@monitoflip 3 ай бұрын
I loved the show and also learned a lot! I'm a volleyball player but also i have to work, gladly i do it from home but sometimes i get really bored because everything turns repetitive. However, whenever an episode was uploaded i was really excited, i used to prepare some coffee and just listen to you guys, laugh with you and also in some way connect. Sometimes you don't know how much an action like take the time to answer the video question, replying to a dm or sending a voice message can affect other person, for me, you guys are role models and when kropa and taylor answered me back, i literally told everyone about it and i felt really happy and proud! Thank you guys for doing this for us, for the people who loves volley and maybe dream about some day being where you are! Im truly grateful. Also, great production, the quality of the content, the editing, the video and sound effects, the post production, it takes a lot of time and effort! You are really good at it! Btw, i think Kropa should be in the cover too :)
@paulinaizak4208 3 ай бұрын
It was pleasure to hear you every week. Keep goingi with it. Every time after be with you I was smiking, because it is so naturalny and funny. I cross the fingers for you in Play Offs
@Arturius. 3 ай бұрын
Happy to share some feedback on the full season too. Positives -> 1. The mix between answering questions and your intros, good balance; 2. It was fun to hear you guys chat, especially as we were able to follow you through the season (like after the won Challenge Cup - congrats btw.!) as well as to get to know you more from personal perspective; 3. Volleyball kitchen. The level of detail you get into while answering the question is just perfect brain food for a Volleyball fan. 4. Changing backgrounds - great idea and very refreshing. Things to reconsider -> 1. It did sound like if it was very vague if you will come back in that format. It would be great to hear already something we could hold on to on the way forward - you will continue/not continue/in a different personal set up. Personally, I would really look forward to a follow up, the format is great. Even if you stop playing in the same club at some point, doing that remotely is also an option. Or having new seasons with different co-hosts (since we are on WronTube). 2. Answering more questions - I do not know how many you received, but if you would pick up a few simpler questions (as long you have them) next to the big one that makes the main topic of the episode. I think it would make you look more accessible, with more people going through to you, and at the same time encourage even more people to send their questions (congrats on the first set against Skra you just won! :) Kropas that serving!). 3. I think if you would comment more on volleyball from players perspective, that would be something really interesting. E.g. on rules changes, specific game situations... even more kitchen. Kitchen is gold for fans. All in all - Guys that was a splendid job did, 10 hours that went by like 10 mins, and definetly an initiative worth continuing!!! Go go go, pick up the momentum and after winning the first set, let's grab the second! :)
@Arturius. 3 ай бұрын
Andrzej, I cannot not comment now after that intro :)
@annacebula7320 3 ай бұрын
I'm a volleyball fan, sometimes I play with my work buddies, just for fun. I watched every episode, keep it up!
@KrystianZielinski-yz5nj 3 ай бұрын
Hi guys, loved the 1st seazon! The chemistry between 3 of you is great, we can all feel that you really enjoyed doing the podcast and it made each episode fun to watch. For me personally, I'd love to hear more question/answers related to volleyball details, but I get that with answering 5 questions per episode you might run out of questions quite fast. If that's the case, maybe you could do something like asking your pro volleyball friends what they are/were struggling with and than make a brainstorm about the topic? Still, I think the most important thing is to keep the show in a way that YOU enjoy making it - then we will for sure enjoy watching it :) Thanks one again and I hope we will hear from you in the future!
@mcshuffles4032 3 ай бұрын
I’ve listen to all of the episodes on Spotify and want to thank you for putting the effort in to the podcast. I hope you guys can continue it even when you may play for different clubs in the future. I’ve got a question ready for season 2 so you have to make it happen. Also where is Taylor’s vlog? I’m still waiting for it.
@Cinacious 3 ай бұрын
I usually listen to your podcast while at work, driving or cooking... Honestly, you guys could be talking about anything, Andrzej's voice, Taylor's energy and Kropas's comment always make for a good show. This episode's question/ answer about middle/ setter cooperation was the most interesting to me so far, hard to find a better trio to talk about middle blocker work specifics 😎
@mateuszfafara973 3 ай бұрын
Hey Guys I really like this podcast I see all episodes and I like this is not only about volleyball, I like to hear to about your travel experience not only travel to country where you play but what country you like visit for holidays?
@OzzyTragic 3 ай бұрын
@OzzyTragic 3 ай бұрын
@MsEskadra 3 ай бұрын
I loved the series sooo much, i was waiting for a new episode to drop every tuesday like it was boxing day. The three of you are my favourite athletes to watch and to listen to, and its so great to experiance this genuine connection you have, you are such good teammates! And its also so much fun to listen to you, because your characters are so different, yet they somehow balance each other out, its fantastic. I would love to hear more from Kropas during next season. And Taylor - thanks for opening up with your emotional side to the audience, its very valuable and uplifting to know that even your idols are struggling. See you tomorrow at Torwar against Bełchatów 🙌🏼
@user-xp9mg7pi8u 3 ай бұрын
I told my girlfriend I was listening to a volleyball podcast. She asked what do they talk about?? Mostly about animals 😅
@kasiadumalaksap 3 ай бұрын
Loved the season (seen every episode of course), can't wait for the next one already! Even though I'm not a player (just a volleyball fan) it was fun to watch you guys and to listen to your stories. I definitely agree the struggles are similar no matter what you do in life. Great job with the changing background too - always a surprise :) Btw. where is Taylor playing next season?
@PatiPat_ 3 ай бұрын
I love it guys! I have seen every episode and im hungry for more!! hope it’s not over yet ♥️
@redandcold 3 ай бұрын
Some dermatologists say that we should wash our face only with water in the mornings to avoid disrupting natural pH of our skin.
@lukecrutchley1327 3 ай бұрын
I am middle ! Thank you for the answer and suggestions
@OzzyTragic 3 ай бұрын
Good luck Luke! keep grinding out there mate. Are you in Spain?
@redandcold 3 ай бұрын
Love your accent :)
@panteranirv 3 ай бұрын
Mega fajny materiał. Milo posłuchać o starym dobrym AZSie
@pawwskiPL 3 ай бұрын
Regarding the zoo, I had to be in the Dominican Republic and be witness 'the entertainment titled swimming with dolphins' to form a final opinion for these places #freedolphins Happy birthday to Taylor, please stay in Plusliga, even if it gets too crowded in Warsaw ;)
@piotrwarka 3 ай бұрын
Super się słuchało. Idole z dzieciństwa ;-)
@polarugle 3 ай бұрын
Se had volleyball in class and we seg bruke her forearm from pepper
@dzonyusa304 3 ай бұрын
Maybe instead of Zoo’s we should domesticate animals the same like Russians domesticate bears ?
@anitaklein2630 3 ай бұрын
@42:45 What a wild concept! there's this guy, Ary Graca....and he organizes a tournament, it was called World League before...and the manager of it even worked at the Cirque du Soleil before...../s. It already exists and it's a fiasco for everybody
@annacebula7320 3 ай бұрын
Zoos are also scientific institutions
@farnykoniec 3 ай бұрын
Dlaczego nie w języku polskim? W Polsce... Żenujące... We Włoszech nikt nie bawi się w obcy język, ale wymaga znajomości języka włoskiego, a w Polsce same zakompleksione dupki.
@ukaszklep8040 3 ай бұрын
XD spróbuj zrobić międzynarodowy kontent po polsku
@sq4nr 3 ай бұрын
Gdybyś oglądał od pierwszego odcinka i rozumiał co mówią, byś nie zadawał tego pytania. Może ten content nie jest dla Ciebie. Sorry Bro!
@mateuszsniezek58 3 ай бұрын
I would like to be a raccoon 🦝 😂 just for a day
@realitycheck_ 3 ай бұрын
if you are a men and you say in USA that you watch volleyball or play it, people will think you are gay. To change that mindset, you gotta bring in people slowly. For example some kind of endorsement from celebrity mentioning how a good time he had on VNL or in some mainstream show or movie how fun it can be to be a part of volleyball game and ofc HOW COOL IT IS! BTW. Very good episode gents, very interesting question!
@redandcold 3 ай бұрын
Mega zgrupowanie!
@kubakiepski97 3 ай бұрын
Fajnie z Wami szlifuje sobie angielski 😊
@monitoflip 3 ай бұрын
I think Zoo's can help a lot to species in danger, they can work as a refugee and also helps them to procreate. Im 60 against /40 ok with it
@namateracupodcast 3 ай бұрын
Story about eagle in the middle of the road with Kropas's gesticulation and faces killed me man XD
@PatiPat_ 3 ай бұрын
46:00 I agree with Andrzej. Its sooo spectacular! That why I love male volleyball. In my opinion female volleyball is not the same …
@abplkc 3 ай бұрын
Zgrupowanie retro Skra Bełchatów. To byłby odcinek 😄