@WhitneyBuden-d5f 25 минут бұрын
Schmeler Turnpike
@tyleranderson5183 9 сағат бұрын
…And if you insist on using the Basarios HBG for whatever reason (…I know it’s not great, but for me, it’s still fun🥲), use the fire set, but since it only requires recoil +1, replace that paolumu mail with Basarios mail for that lovely Artillery +2 attack bonus for wyvern ammo!🤯🤣
Not only is it fun! I believe its the ultimate support weapon in group hunts. Poison and Sleep is a pretty ridiculous combo. You dont need to hit the head either to stun like sticky ammo. If your building it, you'll help a lot in groups.
@xclusive2168 10 сағат бұрын
Are you gonna max out any of these weapons?
I MIGHT max out the Black Diablos HBG. Im just lacking mats. But thats a project for the future. I'm trying to be careful because im totally spending a lot of zenny on the MHN Carnival Weapons.
@Axelux99 10 сағат бұрын
I kinda wanna make rajang hbg just to easily kill and break kushala's horns. I already have the build pieces ready and upgraded. I wanna see the will-never-achieve driftsmelt build too 😂 I have zino db but its really hard to break the horns with them and imo db is a risky weapon pick for kushala (you run out of demon mode when he does the oneshot tornado) My only concern about the rajang hbg is that it doesnt have slicing ammo 😢 and I suck at using cluster ammo 😅
Im in the same boat lol. Cluster is cool, but that time frame it takes for it to fire isnt the best. I'll need a lot more practice to get that timing down.
@Caipi2070 11 сағат бұрын
is the mhnow quest damagw calculation taking into account that sneak attack and weakness exploit don’t synergise with each other for most monsters?
The result is an ideal scenario. But that just really comes down to player skill. It doesnt take into account whether you hit a weak area or not for specific monsters.
@mightyravino7069 11 сағат бұрын
No mention of the best build ever, the super ultra powerful bubble dance of death? Trust me bro, its the best 😏
You mean the Greatest of all builds!? The godmode of the game. The Undisputed King of all movement? I am NOT WORTHY. Its too good to be used by amazing players.
@franciscocataldo9238 9 сағат бұрын
Hellfire is best
@Axelux99 12 сағат бұрын
good intro song
YESSSS!! Corneria is perfect for this video!
@freddy_king 12 сағат бұрын
there is possible for bow use rajang coil and juy greaves.and then rest fill with element. work nice even for thunder as budget build. as i say long time ago :-) but ofc azure helmet is not bad tho
If your going after/have the Rajang Coil your beyond budget and into the endgame haha.
@muhammadsyafii7913 15 сағат бұрын
For those who just started building HBG from the start, i just build this weapon : 1. Thunder : Zinogre HBG 2. Ice : Legiana HBG 3. Water : Mizutsune 4. Fire : Anjanath I just built those 4 HBG. The hard weapon to upgrade is Mizutsune because it's rare for monsters to spawn in dimensional Link. I skip the elder dragon weapon because they were really expensive for me to buy a ticket for EDI. Just my opinion and See you on the Hunt, Hunters 😁😁
@muhammadsyafii7913 16 сағат бұрын
But to hunt down teostra is really frustrating for me 😂😂😂 and need spend ticket for it
@agamfierce 19 сағат бұрын
I have 9.4 zinogre bow but im not yet build any rajang weapon do you thing what better have rajang bow or build rajang hgb ?
Unless you already have a max weapon of one element. Dont build another one. It can get really expensive unless you just have that many materials just lying around. Stick with Zinogre Bow and get it to 10.4.
@Kuma04 21 сағат бұрын
Barioth's Icicle Assault last? What? The "very slow" reload speed is very detrimental in BGs & HBGs, causing either to * dodge twice then reload * block and maybe if monster is not super aggro reaload * or get sent flying or killed. (specially in solo gameplay) The only one that doesn't have the very slow reload speed is the Icicle Assault. The other two have it twice. Wyvernheart is also easier to hit than Wyvernsnipe, especially in HATs and EDIs when teammates usually knockback the monster you just used your special on making you miss.
^This. But honestly, without a lot of main series features the HBG is super limited for its mobility. I love strafe firing in main series and sniper mode. HBG is really gutted in MHN.
@syberais 22 сағат бұрын
I'm building the nightshade paulumu hbg and i think its the best raw hbg cuz sleep and wyvern fire goes brr, one level of recoil down and full guard gives tons of wyverns reload. PD: artillery boost wyvern shots 🤩
Per data, Magnamalo and Black Diablos are the best ones. Defensive reloading makes you lose DPS because you have to wait for the monster to attack you.
@AriFox83 23 сағат бұрын
Should we add coral pukei hbg on poison too?
Not really. Most of the damage comes from your water damage shots. The pure poison ones are better suited to inflict poison conistently.
@XanguiniusMHN Күн бұрын
Bro, silver rathalos ???
@loneranger6953 Күн бұрын
Some of your comparisons data is off. I see you didn’t apply recoil down lvl 3 too all weapons. From your chart I see some of weapon you only apply recoil down lvl 1 instead of 3 for some of the weapon. Unless I seeing something different.
That’s because you don’t need recoil 3 for all of them. This data takes into account the optimal one you need. If it says 3 in here then that’s the best one in the most practical setting.
@johndavidnoche8294 Күн бұрын
Nice video. Looking forward to the builds. Btw can you use the HBG build for the LBG?
You can…but you would have to run the data comparison because LBGs need RS and RD at Lv. 3 by default.
@johndavidnoche8294 Күн бұрын
I see. thank you.
@codyturk6621 Күн бұрын
Yo I think I just played a Kushala raid with you, I was the rajang HBG (CubADubDub)
That was me! Sorry for the terrible performance lol. I wasn't fully paying attention and my build was totally off. Twas an honor!
@codyturk6621 19 сағат бұрын
@@KINGOFCHARMANDERS was my pleasure! We all have our off hunts! Hope to hunt again some day!
@aronricardo9319 Күн бұрын
I was waiting for this
Hope it helps!
@xclusive2168 Күн бұрын
Does the hbg do more damage than lbg?
@andrewharry6967 Күн бұрын
that 2 large mons that held in Shibuya MHN Fest is GOLD RATHIAN and SILVER RATHALOS.. it is shown at Capcom TGS 2024..
@christophmehler7995 Күн бұрын
Maybe the Anjanath one is weaker, but good lord, this thing shredds.
For sure! Considering the best option is an elder dragon surprised it goes that high
@dthao227 Күн бұрын
Don't need any of these Bows. Black Diablos BOW..."The One BOW to rule them all"
@RagingfanaticTV Күн бұрын
The Heavy bow gun is feeling kind of weak. It’s a cool weapon I really hope it gets buffed soon to be viable
You’re definitely right. It desperately needs a mobility buff for it to be great when it can’t quickly take out monsters.
@mightyravino7069 Күн бұрын
Where would HBG be in a weapons tier list?
Not very high sadly. I’ll have that tier list video out soon!
@Wraithposz Күн бұрын
What about gold and silver dragon
No data on that yet. But I definitely will publish it when it does!
@Wraithposz Күн бұрын
@@KINGOFCHARMANDERS is zinogre bow still worth to upgrade? Or rajang is stronger
@tyleranderson5183 Күн бұрын
Kind of funny that, despite being a sub-par fire HBG, the Basarios HBG outdamages the specialized poison and sleep HBGs!🤣 HBG has been interesting though…might even go with the Legiana one since progress on my Kushala LBG is stalled and it shreds black diablos pretty good. I’ll be looking forward to the builds video for ideas!😁
I know right! 😂 although it’s only towards fire, but still the sleep and poison ammo it can totally do more damage overtime or even outperform the others like you mentioned 😖
@XanguiniusMHN Күн бұрын
I love all the HBG they are all amazing, honestly ! And great content man!
Appreciate you!
@TheCountSummon Күн бұрын
Can anyone explain me what "Bowgun Fix" means in the stats?
That means the math when taking the reload and recoil into account for the bow guns.
@TheCountSummon Күн бұрын
@@KINGOFCHARMANDERS I see, thank you!
@Flirtz420 Күн бұрын
@mucerp2 Күн бұрын
I love hbg so much. I play guard defensive load with wyvern ammo for fun. But I'm waiting til the day a spread to spread ammo hbg comes out. I'd love a shotgun build like back in mhw
It definitely needs a buff to make it better 😫 but yeah I wish it reflected its mhw cousin more.
@MrMojackoman Күн бұрын
Also a fan of this shotgun type of game play. Also playing HBG with zinogre plus defensive loading. I love it 🤘
@leilo9157 Күн бұрын
with the teostra HBG they rlly made justice for him due his.. LBG (if we can even call that a LBG) to the point that for me (and acording to data) is the best fire weap in the game! i compared my Rathalos LBG 8.5 vs Teostra HBG 6.5.. and that was an absolute massacre.. from the Teostra HBG. i dont know how even being way lower was able to do better and faster than the Rathalos LBG also thanks for the video and builds ^^
RIGHT!? Teostra LBG is so bad it’s odd lol. You’re totally right about the difference it’s like night and day. I’m glad at least one bowguns worth going for if you really want it 😅 Appreciate your support! 🙏
@jinwan3088 Күн бұрын
Wait wait, you're saying the Teostra 6.5 HBG is better than the 8.5 Rathalos LBG? If you confirm, I might make one... just didn't want to waste materials.
@uthred6849 Күн бұрын
I started playing 19 days ago. But very active. My screen was full of Magnamalos so I started go after them and building the heavy bowgun. I guess I saw so many of those because I haven't finished the prologue. Seems so it was a great decision to go after this guy. Now at level 8 I can kill any 6 star in seconds 😅
Welcome! Glad you’re having fun! Let us know if you have any questions. If I don’t answer I’ll try to find it!
@uthred6849 Күн бұрын
Many thanks, I wish you a great time in Japan! Looking forward to your content from there! At the moment thanks to your channel no open questions. I viewed a lot backwards.
@michaelbrianuy8322 Күн бұрын
Just checked in the mhn quest website. BD HBG has the best raw damage. Or maybe I'm missing something after comparing 5 builds of each.
Turn on the practically tab. If it’s off it won’t take the negative affinity into account.
@michaelbrianuy8322 Күн бұрын
@williamsonier7578 Күн бұрын
I'd like to add that the rajang hbg is even stronger than what the data shows since it does not actually care about the -30% affinity, it only negatively affect the ult all the rest is explosive damage and cant crit or negative crit! You even have offensive guard 2 slapped on it it's crazy good I have mine at 10 2 and the damage is crazy.
@stevechicaiza2427 Күн бұрын
woah I was scared to upgrade it bc of the neg affinity, THANK YOU!!
Oh that’s a good point! I totally forgot about that 😂 Glad it’s working well for you! Are you planning on maxing it?
@strangerfwable Күн бұрын
From Ur video 9:09
@strangerfwable Күн бұрын
Ice heavy bow gun second is barioth and legiana was last.
Not sure how you got that. LBG yeah. But running all the combos HBG is legi 2nd.
@strangerfwable Күн бұрын
@@KINGOFCHARMANDERS 9:09 in your own video graphics shown it.
Ohhh my bad. The reason I don’t highlight it is because Barioth isn’t out on the field right now. The difference between Barioth and Legi is really small too. Overall, not worth stressing over Barioth.
@someone999555 Күн бұрын
I am very surprised by magnamalo hbg. Ive been building it with spare materials because i dont care about the other magnamalo weapons(im building teo), but i didnt expect it to actually be the best in an optimal setting
Right!? I was like woah. I was wrong. I thought it sucked lol.
@yavineyafui8602 Күн бұрын
Appreciate you! 🙏
@paolop92 Күн бұрын
yo, would you consider to make a Greatsword/Sleep video? nice guides by the way!
Appreciate you! I'll definitely consider it! Just a lot of other things to make right now. But when I have an opening I will!
@XanguiniusMHN 2 күн бұрын
Great information 👍