How To Avoid The "Layoff List"
@lissyperez4299 5 сағат бұрын
I have seen some Whoppers even on the job posting things like "we are not here to Hold Your Hand!"
@jbridge7962 5 сағат бұрын
It sounds like it is hard out there for graduates. I wish the best to all whose working hard to get work. If i may offer an option. The trades are hiring and they train you. I've been in HVAC for four years, switched jobs without effort and have had many offers. Not bragging, but many companies are struggling to find people.
@turbowolf3594 5 сағат бұрын
Never be loyal unless you have experienced it. Know your value, and never work for less than your worth. Never give notice, cuz you wont get none, if it puts the pain to em, so be it, they should have delt with the situation better. After a life time of hard work, I still dont have shit. I now look for ways to duck to fog. Inflation without wage increase to match is SLAVERY.
@walboyfredo6025 5 сағат бұрын
One time l had a job offer. The role was the Technical Supervisor. However during the Hiring Manager stated a number of questions that really concerned me 1. The Hiring manager said that she was the only person in the department. 2. She said that she want to spend more time with her family and that she didn't want to work weekends and outside office hours. 3. Lastly she was the daughter of the company owner. Therefore there was no chance of promotion. Because of all this i turned down the job offer.
@BlueberryPlays_ 6 сағат бұрын
I see a lot of people talking about 2 week notices. On a job I kinda liked with a manager that was cool with me. I gave over 3 weeks. A different job I hated and despised the manager. I gave 2 weeks and didn't show back up lol
@GuruChaz 6 сағат бұрын
My guess is because the person doing the hiring wants people around their age or some other reason that is probably not really legal when interviewing others.
@Magik1369 6 сағат бұрын
Age. I have over 30 years experience and an impressive resume as an engineer but now I am near 60 and getting age discrimination. I can still find work but it's much more difficult.
@_nimrod92 6 сағат бұрын
Things will never change until the full force of the law forces the practice of having fake jobs and stringing along to be punished.
@PinkiePi 6 сағат бұрын
There are so many videos about why you're not getting the job, how to game the system, etc. But very few videos talking about the nearly endless flaws in the system we have in place and how we should be pushing for legislature to correct it.
@user-lg7hk8wz4q 6 сағат бұрын
Not hot enough. Look like Tom Brady, will get job.
@ragtagvagabond 6 сағат бұрын
There’s a reason why everyone wants to an entrepreneur these days. The only boss that will ever pay you what you’re worth is yourself.
@interestedbystander196 7 сағат бұрын
Recruiters sometimes don't even see your application, as it first gets filtered out by some automated process. I once got an automated response saying that my experience didn't fit the requirements of the role. Fair enough, you might think. However, the role I was applying for is one that I had actually created at the company in question. I had set it up as a consultant and had been doing the role for about 18 months until about a year previously. The person who took over from me couldn't do the job and was let go after about a year, and they went out to market. I was applying to do the role on a permanent basis. But apparently i didn't have the right experience to do the role I had created and done for 18 months at that very same company... 😮
@kobe51 7 сағат бұрын
How about a video on what things are safe to talk about at work
@shroom125 7 сағат бұрын
One of my hobbies is to study law. The way the law works for me I feel sorry for regular folk who work and try to survive in this inflationary environment.
@scloftin8861 7 сағат бұрын
I'm retired. I didn't exactly mean to do so, but had a situation that I got tunnel vision over. I kinda wish I could go back and work a few more years where I was, but I wasn't building a career, I was happy with what I was doing. No, didn't get laid off, just got stuck in a mental hamster wheel that I couldn't recognize until I was out of it. Retired early, couldn't get a position that I wanted, similar to the one I'd had, and then the late spouse was ill and not having a full time job was functional. Today ... the one I left I suspect would have been better if I'd taken the 3 weeks off I needed to do something and then left when the late spouse got sick. But I've never been one who wants to scale the heights. I just wanted to do a good job and have options. My own worst enemy most days. <laughter> I think that we've taught this "get ahead" philosophy for decades doesn't help. It's what makes people thinking working all that time instead of going home at 5 is the important thing. And, of course, now that we've promulgated that theory of work for all that time, most of us believe it ... or did. And now the sheep are waking up and their kids are looking at how it's not working any more and choosing a different path. It's gonna take time, but maybe we can break out of this cycle before it breaks us.
@DrunkenUFOPilot 7 сағат бұрын
Sometimes you're actually hired only to be not hired. One time about six or seven years ago, I interviewed a with a company through an engineering staffing firm, was told yes, filled in the forms I-9, W4, contract etc. and was told the start date was not determined yet. It remained undetermined for a long time - long enough for me to land an entirely different job at Intel, then move to Montana, and life goes on. Never did hear back on that one ghost job.
@dhenderson1810 7 сағат бұрын
I am now at the stage where I no longer expect to get any job. I just keep applying and hope for the best.
@greenicecube25 7 сағат бұрын
@ALifeAfterLayoff 5 сағат бұрын
Much appreciated!
@dhenderson1810 7 сағат бұрын
Do recruiters or hiring managers get paid regardless of performance? Because I wonder if they truly care if the job is filled or not, if they get paid anyway.
@dhenderson1810 7 сағат бұрын
The fact is, there are too many cooks. The recruiter, the hiring manager, the boss. I had an on-the-spot interview at a shoe store, when I handed the manager my resume. She loved me and wanted to hire me. But then the other shoe fell. All hirings went through head office. I got rejected at the head office stage, even though the person I spoke to was keen on me. I often apply at small businesses where the boss themselves does the interview and you get to know him or her. They are going to work with you everyday and pay you so it is good that they be the one to interview you.
@valeriewhitcomb10 7 сағат бұрын
Do you think that a reluctance to hire for a new software version might have to do with customizations currently part of their system that would be an issue in the newer version? New versions sometime break standing implementations because the new closes bugs that the current version implements elegant and enhanced work arounds the new will break.
@DrunkenUFOPilot 7 сағат бұрын
I wonder. An employer should go ahead and hire a person having the "wrong" version skills. How long would it take for a decent competent person knowing the software to read something describing the differences? Probably less than a day, maybe just an hour. Maybe a few days. How long will it take for the employer to wait it out for the exact fit candidate? Months?
@DrunkenUFOPilot 7 сағат бұрын
"No, no, I don't want a unicorn. And I don't want a purple squirrel. What I want you to find for me is a purple unicorn with a brown squirrel's tail. Gotta be exactly that! Don't send me candidates who aren't exactly that."
@theb190experience9 8 сағат бұрын
Might as well title this ‘Economics for Idiots’. Correct on some of the broken markets, which I’m going to guess a lot of viewers here voted for, but the class warfare rant isn’t economically sound.
@gener2842 8 сағат бұрын
Americans let themselves be screwed the minute they accepted the propaganda that unions weren’t good for them.
@dhenderson1810 8 сағат бұрын
I get a lot of interviews but fail at interview stage. In fact, many interviewers have raved about my experience. Can you do a video about this?
@christophergreen3809 8 сағат бұрын
Dogbert is in charge of hiring!
@johnzarynow4283 8 сағат бұрын
Or the hiring manager does not have that skill or has not done the job himself.
@Alex-de8kd 8 сағат бұрын
The hiring has become no longer about technical background, but a culture fit most of all even in tech. This sucks for those of us who are not into jumping on a gang wagon and trash taking.
@RumperTumskin 8 сағат бұрын
You keep saying all these things as if they're reasonable and normal. The recruiting industry needs a wholesale overhaul if these are common practices.
@swaggery 8 сағат бұрын
The only thing to work towards is a few vacations and saving up to flee your home country so you can afford to fend for yourself.
@marcbittner 8 сағат бұрын
While I get what you are saying, the root cause is really that jd's do not reflect actual requirements. I've hired hundreds of people - there are many reasons this may be true but it's a failure regardless.
@billnotice9957 8 сағат бұрын
Lots of jobs. The only problem is they are all McJob's. My advice is to spend the 150 bucks and had a third party call you former employer for a reference. I did that. Found out my former employer said I was fired for cause. (Not true. My position was eliminated.) CHA CHING!!!!! Got some additional severance.
@propheticanalytics9959 8 сағат бұрын
1:20 not my kids (in their 20s) parents or grandparents. This generation knows what happened to so many of their dads and moms and will never show loyalty. And they're mostly right.
@DrEasy2727 8 сағат бұрын
Happens over and over again #Whoisaware 🤷🏽‍♀️
@drewschumann1 8 сағат бұрын
It's in HR departments best interests not to hire qualified candidates. Bad candidates equal turnover which equals more power to HR departments
@dhenderson1810 7 сағат бұрын
There should be bonuses if they hire a good candidate who lasts five years or more. Then they will up their game.
@paulhornbogen980 8 сағат бұрын
B. Sir, as always top quality information. I would rather know specifically what the employer is looking for. Thanks again sir for being blunt and truthful. Thank you.
@randys967 8 сағат бұрын
Want Eisenhower-era corporate behavior? Put into place Eisenhower-era top tier income tax rates.
@protossimba5017 8 сағат бұрын
@A Life After Layoff,Do you have any experience with hiring for Field Service Technicians / Engineers? I feel life I finally found my calling at age 30. It seems to be a job type that’s been pretty resilient with everything that’s happened the last. Few years.
@andreyhatley 8 сағат бұрын
“You don’t want to put in a two weeks?” “This is at-will employment. If you can fire me in a split second, I don’t owe you a two week advance. Double edged sword.”
@CharityDiary 8 сағат бұрын
It's literally just online dating -- a seller's market with infinite choice. You might be the perfect candidate, but the hiring manager knows this other guy that makes her feel a certain type of way. Just like dating, you don't get the job by being the perfect match, you get the job by getting them excited in the short-term.
@Larson-wr8bt 8 сағат бұрын
I had a job where this lady brought on 3 new hires, at the same time... then when she was found malpracticing she fired all of us on the spot, after 3 months. No notice, completely unprofessional, and they can get away scotch free with it. Then turn around and do it again.
@TheMusicFan1297 9 сағат бұрын
After receiving another rejection today, I was starting to doubt myself, it is somehow calming to see my situation is not that rare. Thank you for the video, very helpful and nicely explained!
@neveser 9 сағат бұрын
It's not that people don't want to work. Companies do not value work anymore... that's the real problem.
@njhotroder 9 сағат бұрын
If u r actually qualified u r not a yes man. U r not moldable. They look to see if they like you because thats a way to see if they can manipulate you to having things done the way they want too. If they descriminate based ... on .liking you vs your qualifications for the job.... guess what its a toxic work enviornment and thats a red flag .... they r doing you a favor by not hiring you.... a company that prefers people they can be beer drinking buddies rather than work creditaks is not a team.player and the job seeker can use this to screen a toxic company out. Keep that in mind. Every place i have ever worked and saw they hired people based on.if they are liked vs their work based qualifications is a toxic place and has a revolving door. The good workers left, and the shitty ones that were liked always stayed and did nothing but make every new workers life hell. Thats a big red flag to keep in.mind.... and use this against the hiring manager to see if its a toxic work place.... this is right up there with pizza parties instead of bonuses and appropraite raise giving....another employer toxicity. There are tons of things managers do that u can spot immediately to say ...good bye.... hiring people they like over getting the job done correctly is a huge one. Keep that in mind !!!!
@goma3088 9 сағат бұрын
This happened to me. Thankfully, I came out better for it eventually, but it has definitely set me up to be far more anxious about my security in all subsequent jobs.
@eugenb9017 9 сағат бұрын
I see, everybody in the comments are: they don't pay enough, they exploit us, they are bad. I have a idea for you - start a company, pay "enough", don't exploit anyone... Soon everybody will come to work for you, your company will be the best.
@osazuwaogbeide8554 9 сағат бұрын
when your highly skilled jobs will look for you and not the other way around. if jobs arnt seeking you out without an application then your wasting your time applying. 9 times out of 10 receruiters know who they want without putting an application
@ottmatl 9 сағат бұрын
Another from Chat gpt Regulating fake or ghost job postings is crucial for maintaining a trustworthy job market and ensuring that job seekers don't waste their time and resources. Here are some strategies that could be implemented through new laws or regulations: 1. **Verification Requirement**: Mandate that job platforms verify the authenticity of all employers and job listings before they are posted. This could involve checking the employer's business registration, physical address, and contact details. 2. **Accountability Measures**: Implement strict penalties for companies and recruitment agencies that knowingly post fake or misleading job advertisements. This could include fines, bans from posting future jobs, and legal actions if necessary. 3. **Transparency Rules**: Require job postings to include specific information, such as publication date, number of vacancies, detailed job descriptions, and expected timelines for the hiring process. Regular updates or confirmations could be required until the position is filled. 4. **Regular Audits**: Conduct regular audits of job platforms and employers to ensure compliance with job posting regulations. This could be facilitated by government agencies or authorized third parties. 5. **Public Reporting System**: Establish a system where job seekers can report suspicious job postings. These reports could then be investigated, and if found to be fake, the postings can be removed and the poster penalized. 6. **Education and Awareness**: Create campaigns to educate employers about the legal requirements and ethical considerations in job advertising and to inform job seekers about how to identify potential fake job postings. 7. **Data-Driven Approaches**: Encourage job platforms to use data analytics to identify patterns that may indicate fake job postings, such as high volumes of postings from a single user or listings with vague details. 8. **Legal Obligations for Corrective Actions**: If a job posting is found to be fake or misleading, require the posting party to take corrective action, which could include issuing a public correction or directly contacting applicants who have engaged with the posting. These measures can help create a more reliable job market, protecting both employers and job seekers from the consequences of fake job postings.
@eugenb9017 9 сағат бұрын
The "unrealistic expectation" where they are "willing to wait a long time" is simply bullsh*t. They DON'T need somebody, they just are trying to see if they find an VERY VERY good deal. It's like somebody who "wants" to buy a car, they want a brand new Ferrari, but they only have 5000$, they are "willing" to wait. It's simple, they don't need a car, if they would REALLY need a car, they would buy a car at a real price.
@ottmatl 9 сағат бұрын
From chat gpt Improving the application and interviewing process through new regulations can significantly enhance fairness and efficiency in hiring. Here are some specific proposals: 1. **Standardized Job Descriptions**: Require employers to use standardized job descriptions that clearly outline required skills, responsibilities, and qualifications. This can help applicants better understand the role and self-assess their suitability before applying. 2. **Anonymous Applications**: Implement regulations for anonymized resumes and applications where personal details such as name, age, gender, and ethnic background are omitted to combat unconscious bias. 3. **Structured Interviews**: Mandate the use of structured interviews where all candidates are asked the same set of predefined questions in a consistent format. This can reduce bias and make the process fairer by focusing on the candidates' relevant skills and experiences. 4. **Interviewer Training**: Require that anyone conducting interviews undergo training on fair hiring practices and how to avoid bias in the interview process. 5. **Feedback Requirements**: Obligate employers to provide constructive feedback to all candidates post-interview, regardless of the outcome. This can help candidates improve their future applications and perceive the process as more transparent and fair. 6. **Technology Use Guidelines**: Establish clear guidelines for the use of technology in the hiring process, including AI and machine learning tools, to ensure they are used ethically and transparently. 7. **Accessibility Standards**: Ensure that the application and interview process is accessible to people with disabilities, including the provision of reasonable accommodations as needed. 8. **Regulation on Interview Questions**: Ban inappropriate and discriminatory interview questions that do not pertain directly to the applicant's ability to perform job-related tasks. These regulations could lead to a more equitable hiring process, reducing discrimination and improving opportunities for all job seekers, ultimately leading to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.