Is therapy making us crazier?
@CyntiaWood Күн бұрын
It's pretty hard to take what JD Vance is saying about childless cat ladies out of context.
@tyronejoihnson7046 3 күн бұрын
Poor Sam cracked up over maga. He’s the butt of a joke now.
@K10House 5 күн бұрын
I think we do need a name for the little ones coming up now because they're growing up with the expectation of surveillance and constant screens. A preschool teacher told me that some of them have what they call "ipad accent" because they have a screen in front of them so often that they start to talk like their favorite characters instead of their people.
@K10House 5 күн бұрын
I'm very solidly 1970 Gen X (talk about a privilege!,) and my son was born in August of 1997, so he graduated in 2015. I remember him being really down on those he thought of as his own generation by the time he entered college. He sees himself as being at the very end of the millennials (although he hates the label,) and he notes a distinct difference in the times he came up vs the times in which his younger half-sister came up. She's just finishing high school as are my best friend's daughters, and they seem to be... less happy and generally attractive as people, compared to the Denver girls and women I've always admired. And I'm not talking about looks. I'm talking about substance, attitude, presentation, and the way they interact with the opposite sex and each other. It's literally unappealing. I haaaaate to say this, but the Gen Y girls from more conservative and/or less open-ended families, seem to be doing better at the moment. Eek and ugh.
@John-tr5hn 5 күн бұрын
First of all, I'd be really really really happy to have written one of only three banned books where the other ones were To Killing a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men. Second, it remains amazing to me that so many of these progressive banners went to college at the same time as I did, attended the same classes, had the same debates, and read the same books and criticisms. We were young and trying to act adult. Being adult means learning that the world isn't black-and-white; there are so many nuances in everything. That's what great literature is all about. How small-minded do you have to be to believe that reading something didn't negatively affect you, but it will magically negatively affect your children?
@John-tr5hn 12 күн бұрын
It's really not that surprising that someone on Reddit would call Meghan far right. If the person is younger than 30, they have no conception of right and left; all they know is the culture wars and politics of their lifetime. They've never personally experienced the politics of my childhood, in which New England Republicans in Congress were pretty much tepid leftists, while some Southern Democrats in the Senate were to the right of the most conservative Midwestern Republicans. For many people of a certain age, your opinion on a given issue makes you right or left, period. They don't actually understand the right-left continuum of politics, and I partially don't blame them because it's idiotic that certain issues (wearing masks, trans controversies, free speech, etc.) that don't seem to have anything to do with left and right have been parsed that way. It makes no sense.
@megaohmaudio5963 13 күн бұрын
That was a great episode. You are a very interesting person, Meghan, with a lot to say!
@maxtradamus 14 күн бұрын
@John-tr5hn 16 күн бұрын
It's interesting that believes the science that it's mostly anal sex that transmits HIV, yet he doesn't mention that circumcised men are less likely to be infected with HIV through sex than men who aren't circumcised.
@longliverocknroll5 17 күн бұрын
Always love when minorities side with right-wing bs. Hey, guess who they’re coming after once they’ve successfully shoved the “wokes” back into the closet? You.
@CojanDaniel 17 күн бұрын
Arr childless women happier than eomen with children? Mah eCoNoMy Thats a stupid answer
@John-tr5hn 18 күн бұрын
Interesting conversation, but she sounds like a total mess. Thank God I avoided dating women like her. I know one who is on her fourth marriage. Every subsequent husband has been one of the original couple's sex partners. It's like, bro, that's the way you got in there, don't you understand that she's going to do the same thing to you with the very next guy as well? She's not what I would call typically attractive, so I really don't know what the sway she holds on these men is.
@John-tr5hn 19 күн бұрын
Yes, there was a lot of abuse in the Catholic Church. There was also lots of abuse in other churches, synagogues, and mosques as well. It's amazing to me that there's still the notion that child sexual abuse is somehow a Catholic thing. I'm sorry, but anytime a man is seen as above reproach and respected, there's the possibility that he will abuse that power for his own sexual gratification. That applies to women as well, although it's much less likely to happen. Since there are so many fewer priests now, your child is far less likely to be alone with one (outside of confession) within a Catholic setting than when I was growing up 40 years ago. Most religious education and children's faith formation are run by laypeople, mostly women.
@givehuggs 21 күн бұрын
Lol this is interesting. Boss babe cosplay backfired 😅 Some groups of women had no choice, but other women chose this life and realized it's rough.
@hereigoagain5050 21 күн бұрын
Makes sense to lock in a good provider early if a life goal is to have a family. Bonus: if the hubby is older, established & no priors, then you will be a retired, empty nester at 50. But life makes no promises.
@S.L.T.P.E. 21 күн бұрын
‘Comment’ in support of Meghan
@reddragonready 21 күн бұрын
Just watched her most recent comedy special..very funny and sharp. Because of that I WILL check out this podcast even if it does begin with somebody using those silly and contradicty terms to describe herself
@bradboetig75 23 күн бұрын
Wonderful interview. Thanks.
@mdarrenu 26 күн бұрын
defintely agree. Trans kid is just the latest.
@sophiafaith 26 күн бұрын
it sounds like you're waking up. I'm a single childless woman, I opted out of all that competition. I'm happier to be alone, because feminism has failed.
@seanmurphy7011 Ай бұрын
"A lot of couples get divorced." As if that is an inevitability. Try not getting divorced. Staying together for the kids often IS a good idea. Clowns.
@RC-qf3mp Ай бұрын
Prof. Stock is rightly pissed and disappointed at the utter cowardice academic philosophers have shown in the wake of her mistreatment. Pretty much all the ones over the age of 45 know that this woke gender madness wouldn’t pass muster in a freshman level philosophy class (if presented just 10 years ago). It’s not even a serious topic worth intellectual thought by academic philosophy standards. And now, they are silent and complicit in the madness.
@reddragonready Ай бұрын
I'd say Blair White is someone who is actively fighting a lot of that new transideology and that movement . "leader" I find a bit of a weird phrase but Blaire certainly is outspoken and has almost 1.5 million followers on youtube ( which is to be fair a damn sight more than Andrew has and frankly I am an out since 1985 lesbian who has worked for Dutch gay movement in the nineties and seeing as I had never heard of Andrew until very recently, can hardly state him to be a leader to me or even influence on my views much as I for instance only ever got the idea of fighting for right to gay marriage as a concept of equality but always thought it silly to actually want to do, seeing as we are freed from expectations on the form/shape of our gay then want to push it into an, even to many straight people, outdated concept. My fave quote is Fran Lebowitz's "fighting for gay marriage is like fighting for the right to be in the army..who wants to be part of either institution?"). Re the circumcision issue..was having a conversation with a straight male and two straight women about the trans surgey issue and the guy brought up you should also be against that in order to be consistent. We actually all were in agreement with him. I wonder where Andrew is getting all that grief from for discussing the subject? Anyway..came to this channel after seeing Meghan's talk with Peter Boghossian/ Enjoyed this conversation, will be wathcing more vids and will be keeping a look out for Meghan's books.
@payleryder45 Ай бұрын
The Divorce is one thing. What comes after is another - parents no longer fully invested in the family that they broke in half, and seeking other social arrangements. The children survive in a physical sense, so I suppose you can convince yourself that the negative outcomes which emerge later are because your kid is screwed up and not because you screwed him up.
@PoliticalSins Ай бұрын
"When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." - Confucius 🙃
@joeketa6352 Ай бұрын
My parents split up when I was 6 in 1980. The stability that I lost was balanced by new and diverse experiences. It's obvious to me that the divorce had a big effect on me, but I learned early that life goes on and one needn't fear change nor be too precious in holding onto things. That said, I've noticed that many of my peers who grew up with divorced parents have gotten married and stayed married, sometimes stubbornly so. My marriage is very good. However, I think that even if it were bad I would be very reluctant to get divorced until the kids are grown. My older brother's marriage is not good in my view (they've slept in separate rooms for over a decade), but I'm sure that he and his wife will not split up until the kids are grown. It seems to me that the adults from my generation who suffered from divorced parents are now more committed to sticking together if children are involved. However, I don't know if the statistics support my experience.
@WNH3 Ай бұрын
re: children being resilient: I used to hear that "kids bounce back" but it very much depends how high you drop them...
@activistmalpractice Ай бұрын
Stopped listening 1 minute in when I found out the woman interviewed was a pandemic denier. Can we get to "post woke" without having basic human morals and ethics, which are best exemplified by, I don't know, not advocating in favor of spreading disease during the worst public health crisis in a century? I'm post woke but that shit is pre woke.
@unkljj Ай бұрын
Pam Paul is a whack job
@pseudonamed Ай бұрын
great show
@robkeeleycomposer Ай бұрын
I can remember - just- when AS was relevant. He’s become a terrible bore, and certainly not a conservative.
@montebrodie4086 2 ай бұрын
Hormones make you do weird things.
@janebennetto5655 2 ай бұрын
@Kjspun1021 2 ай бұрын
I have TONS of things that are unspeakable that i dont want to say on my own channel😂
@Kjspun1021 2 ай бұрын
I like your in
@hudsondo9581 2 ай бұрын
Palestine was a colony of the Ottoman Empire. White people aren't the only people who colonized.
@TryAgain746 2 ай бұрын
Speaking of bi women and bi men: A lot of them don't see the point in bothering with dating women. Men have everything women have plus status minus monthly menstruation. Only lesbians and heterosexual men enjoy women, and even then, barely.
@galaxytrio 2 ай бұрын
Nadine is a great intellect and speaker. Great interview, Meghan!
@River10081 2 ай бұрын
What a great conversation ❤. I’m a boomer and a FIFE (a female inclusive feminist ex-pat). I think the majority of boomers don’t want to be cool. We were basically unsupervised by our parents and teachers - who were uncool. Becoming an alert, if uncool, parent was a rebellion. Lots of liberal boomer parents and grandparents are horrified by woke - today’s version of cool. I think that the younger parents are today, the more likely they are to want to be woke, cool. I’d like to see the gender debate and pride get away from competing moralities. The morality of rigid Judeo-Christianity versus the morality of infinite acceptance and celebration of queerness, and by queerness I mean the opposite of heteronormativity. I think our best hope is to seek common ground in frank objectivity. In Nature. She’s neither moral or immoral. It depends. But start with science. Heteronormative has moved from being a saving grace to a slur. Woah, Nellie. Objectively, in Nature, normal means most common. Evolution drives what is most common. What’s common or uncommon may be good. Having 10 fingers is common and good. Being a genius is uncommon and good. Evolution drives survival of the species. Survival depends on safety and sexual reproduction. Being good at detecting someone’s sex is an instinct. I think that a stranger disguising their sex, or telling us that they are female when they are actually male may be particularly troubling, instinctually, without moral judgment. A ram in ewe’s clothing. I think someone published an article with that title. Look how powerfully testosterone works to make males look, sound, and move like men. Look how hard Nature made it to undo. If they have a child with gender dysphoria, why not give a family the option of screening the child’s sex chromosomes, hormones, and internal reproductive hormones? Listen to the child, but don’t ignore the body.
@chrishoward8473 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to boring. It's not a bad place. Generally speaking, if you have time to protest something, you probably should have been going to city council meetings.
@longliverocknroll5 17 күн бұрын
Why would you only do that? City council members don’t do shite without pressure. Protesting is how you get said pressure. This is literally ALWAYS how rights have been fought and won.
@chrishoward8473 17 күн бұрын
@@longliverocknroll5 local government people set priorities, spend money, make all kinds of decisions. And usually no one is in the audience or even cares to be. You wait until the police are incompetent or the fire department or the traffic and then you protest and throw rocks. Not really an efficient way to run the world.
@prof.jezebel 2 ай бұрын
The altercation between Pride and Pro-Palestine protesters happened in Toronto, and it shut the parade down early. A few years ago, BLM also stopped the Pride parade in Toronto, setting off fireworks (right after the FLA nightclub shooting, we were terrified). The gay principal who started the Toronto chapter of FAIR was so bullied and canceled by a narcissistic DEI facilitator that he ended himself. Every family I know has a kid identifying as trans or non-binary under the age of twelve. The selection committees I sit on have no-white guys policies. This is no longer about correcting systemic oppression. We won trans rights to safety, freedom from discrimination, medical care with the understanding that they were trans-women and women could still have their spaces. We expanded the canon and instituted social justice pedagogies in universities and had equity policies for decades so have a diverse faculty and student population. Extremist identity politics, driven by online algorithms and foreign interests destabilizing democracies, in the context of widest wealth gap ever, is going to lead us into a Trump dictatorship of white supremacy, homophobia and patriarchal control of women.
@galaxytrio 2 ай бұрын
Interesting comment from someone I suspect is interesting herself. In obvious power manoeuvres, I witnessed the establishment reacting against Queers Against Israeli Apartheid via the Pride board in Toronto and BLM hijacking the parade to extort the Pride board to accede to its demands. I think I would share many of your opinions, except for your near-apocalyptic fear of a Trump administration in the US. Although I concede he is a terrible candidate as presidents go, I believe it is undeniable that the deep state/intelligence "community"/Democratic Party establishment that runs the US has run a sustained and quite effective propaganda campaign against Trump, which appears to be reflected in your comment.
@longliverocknroll5 17 күн бұрын
If you think standing beside other oppressed groups that are being slaughtered is what is going to result in Trump or people like him getting power, you’re absolutely and delusionally ignorant of basic political history.
@markkavanagh7377 2 ай бұрын
Hello, algorithms.
@420Tecknique 2 ай бұрын
Colonialism never ended and if it did you should probably tell the Palestinians and Puerto Rico
@sylvissime 2 ай бұрын
it is so evident that puberty fixes issues and we have to wait.
@P2Reflectschannel-hh2zl 23 күн бұрын
Often, possibly in most cases. Particularly within 3-4 years of the onset of puberty. But definitely not in many instances. That's one of the most difficult issues. There's presently no way to tell in advance which kids would or wouldn't desist over puberty.
@longliverocknroll5 17 күн бұрын
@@sylvissime nope. Most people that say they are transgender for prolonged periods of time persist in doing so afterwards.
@johnnygoodman2003 2 ай бұрын
Free Palestine!!!!
@daughter_of_earth 2 ай бұрын
I never liked Strossen because of her defense of pornography and the vehemently "pro-sex" women like her never seem very feminist. Radical feminists have some interesting insights on sex. She always seem like she is trying to be the "cool girl" to please the guys in a cerebral way. She mocks the anti-pornography movement and talks about pornography as a free speech right. Pornography is so much more than speech, with the images and videos of real women being filmed being abused. Listening to her always chills my soul.
@markkavanagh7377 2 ай бұрын
Is this a repeat?
@nataphillipaworld 2 ай бұрын
thank u. yes, the T is on a whole other level. I’m one of them. Trans perspectives not only matter, they are intrinsic to a healthy society, a healthy planet. And yet, we are systematically marginalized and anonymized.
@nataphillipaworld 2 ай бұрын
context is hard to pin down. and maybe nix the music bump at the beginning pf these shorts, bc ppl are gonna watch them all back to back if they become interested in your channel. Go straight to the speech audio and that process will have momentum.
@susanrockwell139 2 ай бұрын
This conversation was in May 2021; Stock resigned in October of that year due to harassment and threats, as well as betrayal from her union, which is in place to defend academic freedom and inquiry. (Irony.) "Earlier this month Stock said she had been told by police to stay away from campus, and feared her 18-year career at the university had been “effectively ended” after the Sussex branch of the University and College Union called for an investigation into institutional transphobia."