Let's Play Eternal Ring - Part 1
Elex 2 - Review | It's No Gothic 2...
Elex 2: Things I Miss From Elex 1
Let's Play Elex 2 - Part 1
2 жыл бұрын
Let's Play Risen 2: Dark Waters - Part 1
My Elex 2 Wishlist
4 жыл бұрын
@azet955 23 сағат бұрын
did u play gothic 2 odyssey? It's cools as well, lower quality that archolos but a lot of quests and interesting lore
@HammboneBob Күн бұрын
Don't forget you can magically blast your equipment and stats into instakill no damage easy peasy mode.
@toadiloader3183 Күн бұрын
@kamilbeben9900 Күн бұрын
I really wish these games would add option to mute gulping and munching sounds. Can't focus on playing because I'm getting annoyed every time I'm using consumables or just talking with npc's using them.
@caleasthetic Күн бұрын
actually the shift for the triggers to how they are on a mouse makes alot of sense. depending on how you look aat it. you are looking at it from the perspective of a controller player, and theire is nothing wrong with that. but as someone who has a steamdeck and a steamcontroller this makes alot of sense. if you use your right thumb on the trackpad to do the course aiming, then pulling the right trigger to shoot will inadvertenly trow off your aimg, because obth your right thmum and your right pointer finger are doing the aiming and shooting. when you move your finger on the trigger you slightly trow of your thumb movement. when you shift shooting to the left trigger you avoit this problem. on the steamdeck you can mitigate tis by using the right stick to aim, wich dos not have to move so quickly as you are doing with thumb swipes.. but the hardest part is to rewire your brain to not find it strange ti shoot with our left trigger finger. but i get what you mean. it feels natural on a mouse, but not on a controller, because of how our brains are brainwashed into the console controller layout that is present in every console shooter these days.
@khatack 2 күн бұрын
Come on! Nasty? Nasty is the most irritating character in any PB game ever. Nasty made me ashamed of even playing the game. The truth is she was just obnoxious and cringeworthy and feels like she was written by some stupid teenager trying too hard to make her 'cool'.
@hiepbenh88 2 күн бұрын
I'm using wireless 1 to play valorant pc, without gyroscope, thiss controller is quiet useless ! Coz it's design for fps.
@khatack 2 күн бұрын
"Solid RPG Mechanics" is precisely what ELEX lacked completely. The whole RPG part of the game was a sad joke with stats doing absolutely nothing besides allowing you to equip better equipment.
@khatack 2 күн бұрын
Man I wish Stardew Valley had some toggle to make the clock pass slower to give you more time to do things. My Time in Portia had that feature and it made playing the game infinitely less stressful.
@khatack 2 күн бұрын
YES!! Finally someone gets it! Keyboard only is the proper way of playing G1 and G2, and once you get used to it you never want to go back to playing those games with a mouse. Playing with keyboard only is just so damn satisfying ^^
@khatack 2 күн бұрын
ELEX 2 is a giant letdown of a game. Elex had its problems but the sequel still manages to be worse in every conceivable way.
@corbynlarsson9279 3 күн бұрын
To have fun with Skyrim, you have to take in some imagination. I see thats something that everyone seems to forgo
@pyroAdapt 4 күн бұрын
I've grown to really start hating those mods people make that adds these larger than life castles and mansions that have a hundred different storage containers and grandeos statues and 20 different rooms but there's no way to actually use it lol. There's no servants or any people living there to give it life and no real way to utilize it. Less is more. Smaller more condensed houses work alot better.
@MULTIPLANGOD 5 күн бұрын
I love the Witcher’s getting drunk together
@Daniel_VolumeDown 6 күн бұрын
4:45 Why are you using OpenOffice? Libre office is fork of open office but actually maintained (openoffice If I am not wrong have only security updates). And there also exist OnlyOffice Desktop Edition which have better UI. If you don't mind proprietary, then google docs can also work offline, and WPS office is basically Chinese clone of MS.
@FatCJ 6 күн бұрын
How does it feel using the trackpad is it like a laptop track pad or is it more repsonsive
@mithrillis 7 күн бұрын
I've used the Steam controller for quite a while, and I think the biggest challenge touchpad controllers have to solve is the contact / release jitter, the seemingly inevitable and uncontrollable input when you put your finger on and release your finger from the pad. It kind of forces you to keep your finger on the pad as long as possible when you need precision, which is undesirable, because you need to access other buttons, and the action of contacting the touchpad can also be mapped to a useful input (such as slowing down gyro aiming). You kind of have to be able to detect or even predict touching / releasing of the touchpad without intention of directional input.
@samuelhcohen 8 күн бұрын
I would love to see more trackpad controller options out there. It really is the best of both worlds (in my opinion). I have the IFYOO wireless, and I have to say, the gyro is a killer feature. It’s my go-to controller. I’m also a reWASD user. reWASD recognizes the controller and from there, the customizations are practically unlimited. Best $60 I’ve ever spent on a gaming accessory.
@peterconnolly202 8 күн бұрын
hit the like bro spent his own money and spent his time to give us this review thanks well informed review
@rubycandy92 8 күн бұрын
Just bought this game on sale, great video ❤
@rawrjay420 8 күн бұрын
18:32 just drop the ring and tell brynjolf you lost it 😂
@TheRealEncy 9 күн бұрын
What A Cool Brick You Have There! For Real! Who Would Design A Montrocity Like That!?! Egornomic Is Like Non Existent!
@omgzoremix 9 күн бұрын
I can tell your cat love you 🤣
@Kiddio 9 күн бұрын
The reason the shot pad doesn’t use an axis for controls such as WASD is because certain games won’t let you switch dynamically between a controller and a keyboard and will be hard set to whatever device you used when starting the game. It isn’t necessarily a downside, it’s a workaround so that the controller still functions correctly in games.
@michaelakudrnacova2167 9 күн бұрын
@TheNocturnalRambler 2 күн бұрын
It's my pleasure, and thank you for the support!
@jacawandersmok9043 9 күн бұрын
My only thin for me was - the use of % to skills comat was abitt too small progresion to teadios abit for me
@renanaj3828 9 күн бұрын
Im a fan of Gothic 1 and 2, and I share your discontent of the 3rd game. Feels like a cheap mmo, I played only for 5 hours and was constantly finding and questioning illogical things and behaviors. One example that you didnt mention on the video, also regarding the runaway slave, is that the dude is hiding a few meters from the gate outside, you could clearly see him if you were a guard at the gate. And then once you "find" him he asks you to help him "escape" to the hunter shack that is literally in front of the town gate. The town that he "escaped" from. As much as I enjoyed the previous games, I'll have to give up on this one, it breaks immersion all the time.
@jacawandersmok9043 9 күн бұрын
About voice acking Bacose it was fully voice in poland it was most popular there and now we say gothick bacome the polish game bacose is still alive even same people crete new campain on that engine in wolrd of gothick
@Tomato_League 10 күн бұрын
Yes the "F u" controller
@user-fv1ck4io1g 10 күн бұрын
I think the people like me who can't aim perfectly with analog stick...this are the best things for them.
@AD-oe7gt 10 күн бұрын
If modding wasn't an option, this game would've died a long time ago
@ricky865 11 күн бұрын
To bad that on Windows the Steam Cotroller freaks out and don't register wend your using older PC games like Tron 2.0 or Quake 4 but on linux I don't have this problem.
@HollowRick 11 күн бұрын
I was wondering if you uploaded your config for killing floor and dragon's dogma? as I'd be interested in using them :)
@thebigdeac3582 11 күн бұрын
If you're in the uk you can get a steam controller in good condition from CEX for about £30
@AnarickTheDevil 11 күн бұрын
Wait you use the right track pad for buttons and camera controls? That sounds like a nightmare to deal with, How do you keep the camera from going awol while doing button inputs?
@HollowRick 11 күн бұрын
It just doesn't work the way you think it does 🤷🏻 I personally have gyro on right pad touch so if I am pressing up for example I can still control the camera It's not a nightmare at all
@CrocoDylianVT 12 күн бұрын
I wish Valve shipped their hardware to my country, same shit for both the Steam Controller and Steam Deck, couldn't officially buy it from Valve cause they simply don't ship it to here, and now that the Steam Controller is discontinued I have no way of getting my hands in one without paying a highly inflated price than its original MSRP, same with the Steam Deck, officially you can get the 256GB model for $400, here it's nearly $500 for the 64GB one
@TripleRoux 13 күн бұрын
Stardew Valley is a gem. So much gameplay, so much depth and so much joy in one place. While other games I love are being destroyed by corporate greed, Concerned Ape is constantly adding free content to his lovely project. Perfection! Thanks for the lovely video!
@radu144 13 күн бұрын
This is more fun than even gothic originals!
@Elderand 13 күн бұрын
Funny how after gothic 2 Piranha Bytes keep making the same mistakes over and over again. They make a sequel that's too big for what they can achieve, compromise on quality, get rightfully bashed for it and have to go back to their root with an entirely new franchice that's more focused. Gothic 3 was too big and unfocused, they made risen which, while flawed, was much better received. Risen 2 and 3 got unfocused again so they made Elex, which was better received. Now Elex 2, and presumably Elex 3 have or will have the same unfocused design. It's like Piranha Bytes keep trying to turn their games into things that ape and compete with games from much bigger studios and publishers instead of doing what they're good at, tightly focused, hand crafted games.
@bihn 14 күн бұрын
Without even taking the rankings into account, this has to be one of the better "top 5" type videos. The structure is clear and your opinions and criticisms are delivered in an easy to understand way. Not many people put effort into these types of videos, treating them as content farming, but this feels thought out. Respect.
@Zastrutzki 14 күн бұрын
As if Valve would sponsor a video for their discontinued controller that died 3 years ago. It would be funny though. ... so glad I got 3 extras during the clearance sale. I hope I'm set for life as I do most of my gaming on it. This thing has been my main controller since it released and I don't see why it hasn't gotten a follow-up yet. It rules. Too bad about the stupid stick though, could've done with a d-pad instead as I always switch the left pad to left stick first thing in every game.
@HollowRick 11 күн бұрын
If you look at the original design for the steam controller they actually had buttons where the stick was valve only put a stick there due to feedback from people moaning about the lack of a joystick But I agree the stick is pointless in my configs I only use it either as a d-pad or radial menus
@WyvernDotRed 15 күн бұрын
I'm also a full-time trackballer, my weapon of choice is the Elecom HUGE, Steam Deck/Controller pads or an M570 when I don't feel like using my laptop's pad. The Shotpad looks pretty gnarly and clunky in use, the concept is cool but it's not executed well. The Steam Controller feels very unwieldy all-round, but typing on it is great, in the once-in-a-blue-moon case that the Steam onscreen keyboard works properly. I currently use my Steam Controller as a desktop remote, this is a purpose the Shotpad seems like it would serve, though not as well. Another arguably expensive and clunky option for a trackpad controller is the Steam Deck. This by running the Steam Link Flatpak as a non-Steam app, as this is more reliable and flexible than using the built-in Game Mode streaming. I recently bought a second-hand Steam Controller myself and found the Deck's controls to be a significant step above it all-round. Even the omission of the dual stage triggers and shrinking of the pads makes sense after experiencing the first iteration. And typing on the Deck feels great when enabling Trigger Clicks for the Steam onscreen keyboard, again when the darn software cooperates. That said, this is an expensive device just to use as a controller, I use mine as a Linux tablet, improvised media console (hence Steam Controller remote) and the intended gaming alongside this.
@Xardasflynn657 15 күн бұрын
for me, Risen always was a real Gothic 4
@obake6290 16 күн бұрын
I do enjoy using the Steam Controller, it's really only the lack of a proper DPad that makes it unsuitable as a general purpose controller for everything. I just can't adjust to playing platformers or other 2D games with that enormous trackpad. The right trackpad is a superior replacement to an analog stick in all cases, so I've never felt a lack of anything on that side. Would love it if we could get a Steam Controller 2 - add the DPad, go from a rear paddle to 4 rear buttons, and update to USB-C from micro-USB. I'd be happy with that. I would not want something that just detached the Steam Deck controls from the screen and stuck then together to make a standalone controller. All the inputs would be great, but at minimum they would need some rearrangement to make the trackpads usable again. I don't like how they are smaller and square, but I could deal with that. I can't deal with the current positioning - I'd have to break my thumbs to reach them as they are now, and thus they are never used on the Deck.
@HollowRick 11 күн бұрын
For me all they had to do was use a d-pad instead of a joystick And that would have been the perfect controller for me As I use the left trackpad for movement anyway I just struggle like you to use it in 2D side scrollers
16 күн бұрын
Don't forget about the steam-controller-like on the Steam Deck.
@zigabizjak9682 16 күн бұрын
i like thumb aiming so like the idea but design can be improved to me shootpad sems to be better than mouse
@MuscarV2 17 күн бұрын
I'm still sad we never got an updated Steam controller. It's my favourite controller of all time but it did have a few issues, mostly how loud some of the buttons are and some being too stiff and hard to press. But the trackpads were so damn good when used correctly, best of both worlds.
@esoel 17 күн бұрын
Wow, I got mine refunded for 15£... should have kept it to scalp it 😅. I really couldn't get used to the trackpad and the tiny front buttoons (ABXY) .
@izamanaick 17 күн бұрын