@sunnygolightly9996 4 күн бұрын
Season 12 ranking in my opnion 13. Annie 12. Rachel 11. Monet 10. Andrew 9. Kathy 8. Kristen 7. Brendan 6. Ragan 5. Lane 4. Britney 3. Enzo 2. Matt 1. Hayden
@cosmikpowa3133 5 күн бұрын
Some things to note; Michelle got done super dirty in Big Brother 4 and was evicted over a really dumb move on Jee's part--all logic should have dictated that Michelle NOT go on the block, and if she hadn't, she could've gone really far because she was so popular in the house and would've had an alliance of 5 (Three Stooges + Dana). Without Justin's rule infraction, Sheryl would have been guaranteed to survive the vote, as he was allied with Boogie and was in a showmance with Krista. Not arguing the placements, but, food for thought.
@lilmusicguy.official 6 күн бұрын
@lilmusicguy.official 6 күн бұрын
not me thinking the first part was the intro in no particular order and THEN you'd rank them and share reasoning 😂😂
@randomnerd2332 6 күн бұрын
Is Jordan & Dick gonna be tied for the lowest ranked winners on their season? Only players that could give them a run for their money might be Rachel or Josh
@whats_holden_up 6 күн бұрын
Rachel will most likely
@BGYMix 7 күн бұрын
Monte has to be higher than that. I truly never felt like Taylor DESERVED to win. Yes, it was a cool underdog story that she managed to make it to finale night despite all the bullying the other houseguests did to her at the very beginning, but I don't think that means she should have won solely because she was a persistent person. Monte actually had strategy and executed plans to make it to the end. I honestly feel bad for him.
@SportsGuyTalking 8 күн бұрын
Kevin being #1 was the correct choice
@charlessimonsen8604 12 күн бұрын
Corey Brooks is NOT #2. Did almost nothing that season except help Nicole get far.
@andrewdery2720 13 күн бұрын
How’s alex not in the top 10?? She was so good
@creativename7230 13 күн бұрын
actually not a bad ranking tbh
@SportsGuyTalking 14 күн бұрын
Libra is underrated
@sethgladstone3581 14 күн бұрын
My rankings/boot order: 13. Jerry 12. Michelle 11. Jessie 10. April 9. Ollie 8. Angie 7. Brian 6. Steven 5. Libra 4. Memphis 3. Renny 2. Keesha 1. Dan
@SeanMcD-gn2cl 20 күн бұрын
Jag being last is true lol😅 worst winner all time
@eliasmg9144 21 күн бұрын
Ah yes, the first season where the winner wasn't even close to being the best player in the game
@psychospike7458 23 күн бұрын
Its funny that there are 3 players who did worse than someone who did LITERALLY nothing in the game 😂
@Chynna020 26 күн бұрын
Sharon should've been at least #2
@totaldramatyler4484 26 күн бұрын
Was Joshuah that bad? I thought he would be above Parker Alex and Chelsia. I know his attitude was bad so very little win equity.
@sunnygolightly9996 27 күн бұрын
I think Season 10 is gonna be pretty close to the actual elimination order 13. Brian 12. Steven 11. Angie 10. Jerry 9. Jessie 8. Libra 7. April 6. Ollie 5. Renny 4. Michelle 3. Keesha 2. Memphis GOAT. Dan
@psychospike7458 23 күн бұрын
I think it would be 13. Steven 12. Angie 11. Brian 10. Jesse 9. Ollie 8. Renny 7. Jerry 6. Michelle 5. April 4. Libra 3. Kesha 2. Memphis 1. DAN
@tattoofixerstattoos 28 күн бұрын
I would have Sharon 2nd, Sheila 3rd. 6th is even too high for Ryan. He is a terrible player despite making Final 2 as a goat.
@totaldramatyler4484 26 күн бұрын
Ryan actually did pretty well. His biggest mistake was keeping Adam in despite Adam's obvious double dealing
@tattoofixerstattoos 28 күн бұрын
Natalie definitely too high. She was so hated by the other side of the house she probably never wins a jury vote (since Chelsiah, Josh, James, Sharon never vote her vs a single person). And she got blindsided by her own alliance before Sharon who was a much bigger threat.
@SportsGuyTalking 28 күн бұрын
People forget how terrible Amanda was as a player
@elijahmanwarfield4869 29 күн бұрын
I would personally switch Chelsia and Chiara's positions. Chelsia had a terrible social game and was a mere subordinate to James. I would also move Aaryn WAY down below Chelsia at MOST. BB15 was mostly full of high school crap. And Aaryn was the mean girl who somehow influenced people to keep her despite her racist remarks. Against a more competent and respectful cast, she would have been first boot.
@allison3852 Ай бұрын
Do you want a another all star season in the future
@sunnygolightly9996 15 күн бұрын
Watching Big Brother The Reindeer Games gives me hope for another all star season being good. But they definitely should do something to deflect the pregaming, change the competitions so the old school player could have a better chance, and just overall avoid big alliance dominance.
@shrineofmitski3950 Ай бұрын
Most of the bb8 cast were not strong game players. The only ones I consider good at the game were jameka, Eric, and Jessica (Also I despise Zach because this man is such a hypocrite how are you gonna shit on the Donatos for their “tactics” and not agree with them but then win the veto at final 5 and keep Daniele safe on Dick’s HOH)
@THEDisneyNerd 27 күн бұрын
I think Dustin was also a pretty good player, not really his fault America wanted to see Dick in the game longer.
@GodAccpetsall Ай бұрын
24. Big D (Season 24) 23. Ginamarie (Season 15) 22. Dani (Season 8) 21. Ryan (Season 9) 20. Cowboy (Season 5) 19. Eika (Season 7) 18. Ivette (Season 6) 17. Natalie (Season 11) 16. Porsche (Season 13) 15. Liz (Season 17) 14. Holly (Season 21) 13. Monte (Season 24) 12. Paul (Season 18) 11. Alison (Season 4) 10. Memphis (Season 10) 9. Enzo (Season 22) 8. Danielle (Season 14) 7. Matt (Season 25) 6. Cody (Season 16) 5. Nicole (Season 2) 4. Paul (Season 19) 3. Dan (Season 14) 2. Tyler (Season 20) 1. Danielle (Season 3)
@whats_holden_up Ай бұрын
I have it in the description as well
@GodAccpetsall Ай бұрын
@@whats_holden_up ik lol
@sunnygolightly9996 Ай бұрын
Without America's Player twist, this might've been the actual final 5.
@whats_holden_up Ай бұрын
It probably would've been. Dick and Dani would've been out early jury. Zach probably would've been gone in prejury
@totaldramatyler4484 Ай бұрын
@@whats_holden_up Possibly not. Think about this, without America's Player, there aren't any hinky votes. Nick is less likely to get sniped out. So Zach, Kail, and Jen are likely the next 3 out. But, Danielle wins the F8 HOH, and there's no way she targets Nick. Plus the Donato's probably realize that they're on the bottom of the LNC so they most likely target Dustin. Jessica likely targets Danielle at F7, and I do think Danielle goes at F7. At the F6 HOH, likely Dick wins. I do think that he puts up Eric and Jessica. I do think Dick wins veto too, keeps noms the same, Jessica goes home. so the F5 would be Dick, Nick, Eric, Jameka, and Amber. Again this is extremely unsure, as the LNC could still backdoor Nick at the F11, but it's not impossible for one or both of them to make the F5
@whats_holden_up Ай бұрын
@@totaldramatyler4484 final 6 HOH would be anybody's guess in that scenario. It's possible Jessica still could've turned on Dick and Dani at final 9
@whats_holden_up Ай бұрын
​@@totaldramatyler4484 Eric didn't like Nick so he may convince Jessica to target him at final 9
@totaldramatyler4484 Ай бұрын
@@whats_holden_up That's true, but even if it's Nick on the block, no one is voting him off over Jen. Amber hated her, Dick hated her, Danielle hated her. Not a single soul liked Jen in that house, and they'd probably vote her off just for that simple fact
@DaveIsDave Ай бұрын
lol if only zach won
@SportsGuyTalking Ай бұрын
Eric is the most robbed player in big brother history
@sunnygolightly9996 28 күн бұрын
I wouldn't say so, cause he literally signed up for it. The very definition of America's Player is that you don't play for yourself. The most robbed player is Danielle Reyes.
@SportsGuyTalking Ай бұрын
Erika should be higher
@JohnnyHikesSW Ай бұрын
Boogie displayed that he was a good player, but his actual game on All-Stars was pretty weak because he was essentially playing for Will to win
@psychospike7458 Ай бұрын
Actually it's the other way round, will was playing for boogie to win
@sunnygolightly9996 Ай бұрын
@@psychospike7458 That might be Will's intention, but the actual outcome is not. If Janelle didn't eliminate Erika at final 4, Will was guaranteed to win BB7, both Janelle and Boogie would take him to the end, and Will would win over either of them.
@psychospike7458 Ай бұрын
@@sunnygolightly9996 oh I'm very aware of that but will was still playing to get boogie the win. Even though he would have beaten him. Unless he threw away his game at the end if he was sitting next to boogie
@ColleenJones-vk6ox 29 күн бұрын
I sort of agree but literally the lowest you could ever put him is 3rd. Will should be above him, but Danielle is the only other one you could ever put above him. Obviously you can't make an argument Janelle, Erika, James, or anyone else should be over him, despite of what you said.
@ColleenJones-vk6ox 29 күн бұрын
@@psychospike7458 Even if he tanked his jury performance, which I highly doubt, he still beats Boogie 6-1 or 7-0 with Erika the only possible Boogie vote.
@girlboss6654 Ай бұрын
erika way too low
@ColleenJones-vk6ox 29 күн бұрын
Erika is exactly where I would have her. I can see a case for her being over Janelle, but considering Janelle actualy had a chance to win the game, which Erika did not, that is justification to have Janelle over her.
@girlboss6654 29 күн бұрын
@@ColleenJones-vk6ox yes but janelle needed to win SO many comps to actually get to the end. even with 9 she couldn’t. erika only needed to win once
@aspire2797 29 күн бұрын
@@girlboss6654 She was never really a target until she was in the final five, so she never really had to do anything. Especially since she just floated, not many people liked that strategy and if she ended up in the finale two she would have lost to everyone except for chicken George, if you watched the live feeds back then everyone including Danielle and will said that Erika would never win unless she was in the final two chicken George. She never did anything until she got will out, but it was too late to make that much of a big move as she didn’t have respect from the jury. Marcellas was the only one who voted for her because he was bitter that boogie was in the finale two (they had beef).
@girlboss6654 29 күн бұрын
@@aspire2797 true, but janelle literally was a massive target all game because of her actively not knowing how to manage her threat level and making many bad moves all game. erika played a stronger social game, won a decent amount of comps and obviously had the great f4 move. i think erika outplayed her
@aspire2797 29 күн бұрын
@@girlboss6654 she only won three comps and one of those was rigged because the buttons wouldn’t work, maybe Erika outplayed Janelle to you but the whole house disagreed, I disagree too. A lot of people say that the season 6 alliance went after the wrong people but boogie and will never won comps and weren’t the best at it anyways, and the season 5 people also had an alliance and were gunning after season 6, I meant literally everyone was so I don’t see how Janelle had horrible strategy but it wasn’t the best.
@shrineofmitski3950 Ай бұрын
Erika played better than both james and Janelle easily
@benb1696 Ай бұрын
yet she was dumb enough to put danielle up… its like watching a 5 year old play big brother
@shrineofmitski3950 Ай бұрын
@@benb1696 while I agree that was a pretty bad decision however it wasn’t the worst move. Danielle was thee biggest jury threat and against Erika would have won. Also let’s not forget all the other great things Erika accomplished during the season. She played a great floater game bouncing between the red room alliance, season 6, and chilltown. By playing between all groups, every time she was in trouble, she had people pushing for her to stay which is seen when she was next to Marcellas, howie, Diane, and will. Let’s not forget that she pulled off one of the best moves in assassinating will at the final 4 and how in the final 3, she was guaranteed final 2 since Janelle would probably evict Mike and Mike would take her
@ColleenJones-vk6ox 29 күн бұрын
She was likely to make Final 2 in the Final 3 she wound up in, but she was also guaranteed to never win the game at that point. In fact going into Final 4 she was guaranteed to never win the game, even if she somehow made the end, as all 3 of Will, Boogie, Janelle destroy her in a jury vote. Her best case scenario vs all 3 is a 6-1 loss. And that is her biggest problem in general, there are virtually no scenarios she wins the game even going back much earlier. She probably needs a Final 2 with Chicken George to win the game, and she voted Chicken George out at the Final 5 and made no effort to keep him. As for the Danielle boot. It was dumb simply since it greatly decreased her chances to make the Final 2. Yes she did make it, but that is being results oriented only. She was never at all likely to make Final 2 after booting Danielle, but would have had decent odds to make it had she kept her. She was who all 3 of Janelle, Will, Boogie wanted out at Final 5, and she only avoided being booted there instead of Chicken George by winning veto. Yes she loses to Danielle in a jury vote, but as I already said she is destroyed by everyone at that point, except Chicken George. If she were booting Danielle to try and protect Chicken George (which would make sense as both Will and Boogie stay over him) I could defend that, but she wanted Chicken George out at 5, so that wouldn't even be a defense. Also booting Danielle on her own HOH lost her any chance she had left for respect from the jury to have a shot vs even someone like Boogie or Janelle, or any chance to have Danielle advocating for her, let alone even being willing to vote for her, on the jury. So it was dumb in every sense.
@aspire2797 29 күн бұрын
Disagree heavily, if she was in the finale two with any of them she would have lost to both of them. If you watched the live feeds everyone talked about how Erika would lose to all of them except for chicken George, if they were finale two. Also, that she would never get their votes especially if she was up against someone like Janelle, she was carried hard by her showmance and in doing so, it just made her look even worse for the jury in the final two hence why she only got one vote from marcellus who was just bitter about boogie being in the finale two.
@ColleenJones-vk6ox 28 күн бұрын
@@aspire2797 Yes Janelle beats Erika 7-0 possibly as I think Marcellas and Boogie both vote Janelle over her. Those being the only two question marks. And the other 5 for sure do. Even though I think Janelle loses to both Will and Boogie, Janelle is actualy Erika's worst opponent of all, as she is the only one she doesn't even get Marcellas's vote against.
@ColleenJones-vk6ox Ай бұрын
Diane Henry is too high at #2, but otherwise good list.
@im.insane5492 Ай бұрын
i’d flip this list around
@grantgoffin4774 Ай бұрын
Diane should be behind both Karen and Nakomis. Despite that she went further, they make it to the end more often than her and both were MUCH bigger jury threats than she was too.
@Johnnyb-zd3pc Ай бұрын
I’d put Sarah above Kaysar. It’s sad, but Kaysar is a three time prejuror 😭 he has shown to be a bad player
@sunnygolightly9996 Ай бұрын
My opinion on season 7 ranking 14. Alison 13. Nakomis 12. Diane 11. Jase 10. Marcellas 9. Howie 8. Kaysar 7. George 6. Erika 5. Janelle 4. James 3. Danielle 2. Mike 1. Will
@casperbutwithaj Ай бұрын
Danielle was the only choice for number 1. Her loss literally changed the way the game is organized, and even the jurors admitted that they voted for Lisa only because of Danielle’s confessionals. She is the only person on this list who can truly claim to be robbed.
@ohandthefracking Ай бұрын
tbf its hard to say if she or Tyler are best runner up games - they both lost due to factors that they couldn't really influence much and weren't really game related
@MalachiReds Ай бұрын
I think Fairly Oddparents and Family Guy got the worst downfall
@mechanicalthephantomonial7757 Ай бұрын
im obsessed with how Holly and the music match up
@sunnygolightly9996 Ай бұрын
It's so interesting how there's overall not many great players, half the houseguest was hated by viewers, one of the least talked about top 2. And yet, this is still one of the most entertaining seasons of all time. Re-watching it is almost like watching a drama series, with writers creating these flawed but captivating characters.
@sethgladstone3581 Ай бұрын
My rankings/boot order: 14. Ivette 13. Eric 12. Jennifer 11. Michael 10. April 9. Beau 8. Maggie 7. Ashlea 6. Sarah 5. Rachel 4. Howie 3. James 2. Kaysar 1. Janelle
@shrineofmitski3950 Ай бұрын
There wasn’t many strong game players this season. Really only Rachel, April, and Maggie were good players
@whats_holden_up Ай бұрын
Yea gameplay was weak this season. Even those players have flaws and aren't as strong as many other seasons top 3 players
@MarsinMars Ай бұрын
YOU COOKED/pos with this list!! Great top 3!!
@SportsGuyTalking Ай бұрын
Maggie should be 1. List was good.
@Thumper7639 Ай бұрын
I would put Tommy #1 cus he basically had majority until the Holly and Michie Winning Streak and he still wasn't targeted for a while and probably survives final 5 if michie doesn't go so far out of his way to save holly
@mechanicalthephantomonial7757 Ай бұрын
nobody talking about kyle slime
@mechanicalthephantomonial7757 Ай бұрын
For me: 1. Nicole 2. Will 3. Monica 4. Hardy 5. Krista The rest lol
@MarsinMars 2 ай бұрын
This is basically everyone else and then the fight for 1st between Karen, Nakomis, Diane and Drew 😂
@Johnnyb-zd3pc 2 ай бұрын
Karen should be above Nakomis ngl