K4 Classroom: Debt Management 101
Was CPP a Good Investment?!?
How Inflation Impacts CPP!
5 ай бұрын
Get Rich in 2024
6 ай бұрын
@dianetownsend9813 Күн бұрын
Can you add beneficiary?
@K4Financial Күн бұрын
@@dianetownsend9813 yes, but they usually have term limits
@Jan-fx2ny Күн бұрын
Its canada govt taking 30% if you live in another country
@Essien-ij Күн бұрын
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
@Deborah-r6x Күн бұрын
Hi. I’ve been forced to find additional sources of income as I got retrenched. I barely have time to continue trading and watch my investments since I had my second child. Do you think I should take a break for a while from the market and focus on other things or return whenever I have free time or is it a continuous process? Thanks
@Essien-ij Күн бұрын
@@Deborah-r6x However, if you do not have access to a professional like Clementina Abate Russo, quitting your job to focus on trading may not be the best approach. It is important to consider all options and seek guidance from reliable sources before making any major decisions. Consulting with an AI or using automated trading systems can also be helpful in managing investments while balancing other commitments
@Deborah-r6x Күн бұрын
@@Essien-ij Oh please I’d love that. Thanks!
@Essien-ij Күн бұрын
@@Deborah-r6x Clementina Abate Russo is her name
@Essien-ij Күн бұрын
Lookup with her name on the webpage.
@geggs1 2 күн бұрын
Just play the video in 2x. You are very welcome.
@zoranlukic3391 2 күн бұрын
If you geting max OAS it mean you are born in Canada or came as child if you geting max GIS it mean you are single and newer work in Canada($750+$1050=$1700) but say you came to Canada 35 yers old with family, work for 35 years for $2000-$4000 per month pay taxes you will get avrige Canadian pension of$750, OAS$530 and GIS $500 (since you have working pension you can't get maximum GIS) so total $1780😮.So it seams it is better don't work in Canada since after 65 yers most persons working or not will have almos same pensions. I ❤ Canada country of opportunity.
@nonasmith2405 2 күн бұрын
But what if its your only income
@K4Financial 2 күн бұрын
@@nonasmith2405 if you need it, then you should take it.
@richardlamer3910 3 күн бұрын
Possibly, you need a chart also withdrawing CPP and life expectancy life expectancy. Why force elders to work another 5 years to 70? Most, already worked 50 years. Let them have more money in their last few years of living.
@user-gh6jb1sv3x 4 күн бұрын
Hey he looks like Drew from Property Brothers
@K4Financial 4 күн бұрын
@@user-gh6jb1sv3x is he the realtor or the contractor?
@user-gh6jb1sv3x 4 күн бұрын
Hey he looks like Drew from Property Brothers
@Tryp-j9d 4 күн бұрын
Just making extra principal payments WILL PAY OFF your mortgage FASTER than this MANU-SCAM HELOC!!! And you’ll pay LESS INTEREST!!!
@Tryp-j9d 4 күн бұрын
With Manulife you WILL PAY a HIGHER RATE!
@Tryp-j9d 4 күн бұрын
It’s a HELOC. So it’s a TRICK, to get you to pay a HIGHER INTEREST RATE!!
@michaelbutler6561 5 күн бұрын
I hadn't given any consideration to putting off CPP to 70. I plan to retire at 65 in a couple of years and it didn't make sense to me. Sat down with my financial planner, looked at the data e) understood everything and left that meeting with my mind completely changed. I think we all get wrapped up into this idea that we have to beat the system and the very thought of dying before we get CPP is probably what drives most of us to take it early. But melting down my RRSPs and RRIFs in the early stages of retirement should allow for a more comfy retirement so that if something did happen at least I can say I enjoyed life as much as I could.
@rossmunro8559 6 күн бұрын
Some good points , sure. Just don't eat so many gummies before-hand
@K4Financial 6 күн бұрын
@@rossmunro8559 I am way more vibrant if I have gummies
@kartiknathan7765 6 күн бұрын
Can we add both or successor is a better option.
@K4Financial 6 күн бұрын
@@kartiknathan7765 100% go with Successor Holder if you have a spouse and want it to go to them.
@kartiknathan7765 6 күн бұрын
@kartiknathan7765 6 күн бұрын
Same goes for RRSP?
@kartiknathan7765 6 күн бұрын
Have successor in both the accounts?
@K4Financial 6 күн бұрын
@@kartiknathan7765 no, but if you have a spouse, it can roll into your RRSP and room doesn’t matter
@deshrajrai-us2js 7 күн бұрын
bro you need a thumbnail designer Because I see that the quality of your designs is not that attractive
@ziaali5264 7 күн бұрын
Thank you sir for these precious informations
@southerncomfort971 7 күн бұрын
Hello and Good day, Let me start off by saying if you detect a tone in my language I sincerely apologize, but after spending hours on the phone and internet, I am truly frustrated. This all started for me back with Bare Trust near end of year, but this has nothing to do with that. Well Kent the Canadian Government, CRA has done it again. Announcements of doubling the GIS one time for July 2024 is being thrown around like cheap beer at a stag party. But what is the real talk . A friend of mine just got told that Money they were entitled to from 3 years back (2021 -2024) in the Form of GIS payments to the tune of $12,000 plus dollars is coming to them. Starting In July 2024, The letter states that the OAS will increase to $1099.77 starting in July, with the GIS included? Which brings several questions with the rush of this so called increase flooding the web. Firstly does this mean the back pay of $12, 000.00 will be paid back over a period of time? Is the $12000.00 going to be part of the (BS) increase being thrown around? IS Back pay GIS always sent out in instalments? since It should have already been paid over the last 3 years? I tried to call CRA on their behalf but of course was put on hold and told to call back etc. So Frustrated and having followed your video's for many years, Thought I might get a straight answer from you as to how it is "normally " handled and if you have any insight into this "one time "payment to OAS members who Qualify for GIS. Plus I thought for sure If I am struggling I can not be the only one and you may consider doing a whole video on the subject. Again I would like to sincerely apologize for my Tone but having to deal with the CRA as a common person is extremely upsetting. Thank you for any help or insight you might have and I do hope you are having a wonderful summer.
@robertdamin8723 10 күн бұрын
I have been a Canadian all my life as well my wife. What I would like to know in our case what is it happening? Also if I may add my wife has a better pension than what I get personaly and we are living with a certain budget and we have been mary to 49 years that would be in the 9th. of August next month. Are we in title to one like GIS and OAS both of us? Tell us please if you can which of the two are we in title are we aloud to get. We are so mixte up as you are.
@ariyahjayde 10 күн бұрын
Listening to this was painful for me. You are so far off just about everything you've said. You shouldnt be talking about this subject at all. Do some actual research
@K4Financial 10 күн бұрын
@@ariyahjayde alright. Let’s have a filmed discussion where you debunk me. Drink more Koolaid. [email protected] Let’s set it up.
@ariyahjayde 10 күн бұрын
@@K4Financial To start with drink the Kool-aid just shows the type of person you are so there is no need friend Talking with people that are not actually looking for the truth is quite pointless.
@K4Financial 10 күн бұрын
@@ariyahjayde to just tell me to “do my research,” is also wonderful. I’m wrong about everything, but you haven’t mentioned anything in particular I am wrong about. I’ve also filmed about 500 videos and will happily admit I am wrong when I am, but you just call me out without providing any evidence of me being wrong. Get lost. I knew you would decline, because you can’t prove me wrong.
@ariyahjayde 10 күн бұрын
@@K4Financial I'd be happy to have a phone call with you and explain where you were incorrect. I won't let you film anything to try to further your image on the internet. If you're looking to try to understand, let's talk. If you're looking to pick a fight, you can get lost
@ariyahjayde 10 күн бұрын
@@K4Financial by the way, you're incorrect about the commission you assumed was generated You're incorrect in assuming that the client is paying higher fees to a WFG agent for an investment Mutual or Seg You have no idea on how the compensation hierarchy structure works. You just assume that an entire company of 20,000 licensed agents in Canada are just flogging product for commission There are needs
@marinavazz 11 күн бұрын
Does anyone not take into account that 640/month received starting at 60 years old until age 65 equals $38,400 that won't be in your pocket if you wait?
@christinee8353 11 күн бұрын
I'm struggling with how these software programs account for a larger RRSP with a good size non registered account that generates capital gains and dividend income. The dividend income grosses up the marginal tax rate, and combined with capital gains means a much higher marginal tax rate for RRSP withdrawal. How does one practically manage to be able to meltdown the RRSP enough to both minimize overall taxation and maintain income below OAS thresholds? Can you put assumptions into this AI software to account for the type of investment income (dividend, interest or capital gain)?
@K4Financial 11 күн бұрын
@@christinee8353 it calculates it if you put in the way the income is generated properly. Problem with that is that you don’t know what the market is actually going to do. Some years are great and others, not so much, so you can only trust the software so much and you will probably need to manually calculate things near the end of the year. We are looking into a new software that is quite complex and can apparently handle anything, so if we switch I’ll start showing some examples of different scenarios. Also, sometimes, trying to avoid OAS clawback is fairly pointless, because in trying to avoid it you cost yourself returns.
@christinee8353 11 күн бұрын
I'm struggling with how these software programs account for a larger RRSP with a good size non registered account that generates capital gains and dividend income. The dividend income grosses up the marginal tax rate, and combined with capital gains means a much higher marginal tax rate for RRSP withdrawal. How does one practically manage to be able to meltdown the RRSP enough to both minimize overall taxation and maintain income below OAS thresholds? Can you put assumptions into this AI software to account for the type of investment income (dividend, interest or capital gain)?
@brickman_ 12 күн бұрын
Because of the Attribution rule. Suggestion for what to do with the money in the last 3 years? Presuming TFSA if room?
@K4Financial 12 күн бұрын
@@brickman_ sure, or your RRSP.
@michaelc814 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for your insights. Lots of things to consider. Since our expiry date is a big unknown, I'm thinking that perhaps the single person (in this example) should consider taking CPP and OAS as soon as he/she can so as not to leave CPP/OAS money (a life time of contributions) on the table. Especially if they want to leave some money to beneficiaries/relatives.
@davidhughes6048 13 күн бұрын
It’s insane that a couple making $250,000 gets an unfounded government benefit. We have a $40B deficit for the love of God. This is just intergenerational wealth transfer for the rich.
@EricKinskofer 14 күн бұрын
Hey thanks so much for making this video. Wife and I have DB pension. My wife’s a teacher also, so your video is spot on! Agreed with high risk investments for increased longer term. One thing I was hoping for was some recommendations for ETFs. A lot of people recommend XEQT for all in one or a combination of XUU + XEF + XIC if you want to adjust the US portion. VFV/QQQM are also favoured these days. Just wondering what your thoughts are? Cheers.
@davidfisher3396 14 күн бұрын
Thank you, so good to finaly hear from someone who actualy knows how to run a calculator and understands the effect of the inflation increase when delaying CPP. As an aside if I die early I won't care that I did not collect the highest possible CPP benefits, I will be dead and my heirs will get to spent thei time fighting over the pile of cash I left behind
@thisispissingmeoffzz 14 күн бұрын
Canada Peanuts Plan only replaces a maximum of 25% of your lifetime average annual income. At 65 as of 2024, the average payout is a big $758.32 per month... good luck with that.
@Reggie-fk5nc 14 күн бұрын
I applied for oas and gis after 65 , why do they add these two together , and I only get the minimum payments witch is 1400 .00 per month and that includes cpp . ? I thought these payments were paid separately.
@K4Financial 14 күн бұрын
@@Reggie-fk5nc are you single? When did you come to Canada?
@Reggie-fk5nc 14 күн бұрын
@@K4Financial I was born and raised here and iam divorced single . No children .
@K4Financial 14 күн бұрын
@@Reggie-fk5nc hmm. How much is each benefit? Does your ex get some of your CPP? Did you earn any other income or withdrawal from your RRSPs?
@Reggie-fk5nc 14 күн бұрын
My cpp is 533/month and oas and gis combined are 957/ month so it is about 1500 per. Month . No exe does not get any and this is all I have for income.
@K4Financial 14 күн бұрын
@@Reggie-fk5nc hmm, GIS seems a bit low based on the tables. I’m not sure what the issue is. You could maybe contact service Canada.
@MCHomeForever 16 күн бұрын
NB's rules are stupid to be honest. They want you to die with most of your money never touched.
@barbaramoore5070 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for that information
@andrewlazlak8483 16 күн бұрын
With the cost of living today cpp n oas n gis which most people don't get much on so poverty level existence
@gordonpi8674 17 күн бұрын
House for 450,000!? Hmm, where is this? Is she selling it?😊
@K4Financial 17 күн бұрын
@@gordonpi8674 Edmonton is still relatively inexpensive
@gordonpi8674 17 күн бұрын
@@K4Financial aah, ok, that’s understandable
@NoName-jg3vz 18 күн бұрын
invaders to canada get $366 per day as a living expense... weird
@josephjuno9555 18 күн бұрын
Stan Annuity Man suggest a MYGA Ladder or MYGA to SPIA? Have you heard of this before?
@josephjuno9555 18 күн бұрын
I retired from Hospital with modest fixed Pension. The Pension is actually through TransAmerica Insurance Not from the Hospital so they shud not be able to change anything no matter what happens to the Hospital.
@jovicrazed 18 күн бұрын
Commuting the DB pension to an annuity is interesting. I'll need to look at that when retirement gets closer. Still a few years from now, at minimum. Though longevity is so hard to predict with any certainty.
@DoneByD 19 күн бұрын
😂 last time I checked a smaller home still has a toilet that you may have to get down on your knees to clean behind it. Sorry couldn't resist. Maybe moving to an assisted living will get rid of the job or hiring a housekeeper to do it for you.
@gef5510 19 күн бұрын
Who here can even guarantee the CPP plan will even exist by your 65th year....take early, take often.
@K4Financial 19 күн бұрын
@@gef5510 the actuaries who know that it is healthy for at least 75 years might be a good place to start.
@gef5510 19 күн бұрын
A bird in the hand...
@sharonwysocki-rf5ql 20 күн бұрын
my husband died I GOT MY WIDOWS PENSION but when i WAS INTITLED TO my cpp and old age pension they gave me my widows pension but they said i did not get old age and widows pension so they gave me widows pension but nothing mor when i went to get my taxes done the said i have cpp and old age pension but wher is my cpp or widow pension ?
@dianetownsend9813 20 күн бұрын
OAS and allowance are not considered income when calculating GIS according to Rev Can site.
@K4Financial 20 күн бұрын
@@dianetownsend9813 I don’t believe that I ever said that they were.
@alovethedress331 20 күн бұрын
Hello Kent, Your teaching is great, speech is fine. What about using a board with the numbers , simple demo etc, instead of using your hand gestures. It is easier to retain info when it is seen as a visual....easy to remember....the tables are helpful but have to take time to follow contents , thanks for taking time to help educate many....
@K4Financial 20 күн бұрын
Unfortunately I can’t write on boards, because I’m left handed and smear everything. The chart in this one was not how I wanted to present it
@R-gw7ks 20 күн бұрын
Is unlocking based on where the pension is REGISTERED or where JURISDICTION? I worked for national company. Pension registered in Ontario but jurisdiction in BC (where i was employed). Thanks.
@K4Financial 20 күн бұрын
Jurisdiction is what matters.
@norm7298 20 күн бұрын
They have a calculator on the serivce canada web site now.
@bobsiburton861 20 күн бұрын
How much longer will we be hearing about this, when will it materialize, stop it already.
@K4Financial 20 күн бұрын
Haha, I love comments like this, where people act like I’m some sort of government agent who has some sort of reason to lie to people about how our pension plans work. There is a reason why you are not getting what I spoke about, for which I could provide a simple explanation for, but not without knowing what your specific situation is.
@timgray7908 20 күн бұрын
sound Good it will bankrupt the whole country muck sooner then everyone will get nothing
@MrPatrick1414 21 күн бұрын
The Gov has all the stats on life expectancy...they want you to take it later in hopes you won't be there to take it at all. Even though you are rewarded with more $ if you defer taking it at 65 it will be 74 until you break even if you had started collecting at 60. Take it at 60 so you are in better health and are more likely to be around to enjoy it
@TheWolfsnack 21 күн бұрын
So.....what is the max entitlement for a person who has avoided paying taxes their whole life, has never paid into any pension plan and owes hundreds of thousands to Revenue Canada? I know a fellow who falls into this category...
@K4Financial 20 күн бұрын
Good question. I’m not sure. They’ll probably still get OAS and GIS, but I’m not sure how the CRA would handle the debt.