My Favourite Dutch Things...
@Eberethelma 11 сағат бұрын
Since i loved living in Germany, the Netherlands would be great too😊
@vasarelly37 2 күн бұрын
Nobody becomes a dutch citizen. In a dutch passport is written "Nationality" which means Nationaliteit and not Staatsburgerschap.
@natachab7451 3 күн бұрын
Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius also has Dutch as their official language.
@jannetteberends8730 4 күн бұрын
A CAO is the result of negotiations between the labor unions and employer unions. The unions in the Netherlands are organized on national level. After the negotiations lead to an agreement, the government declares them binding. They are binding for every employer in the field of the union. So in the Dutch system Amazon must follow this rules, even when non of their workers is a member of a union. There is however a free rider problem. You profit from the negotiations of my former union, I paid every month €20 for. 😀 But you’re welcome.
@savannahblk 6 күн бұрын
Why Go Somewhere You NOT WANTED!!. The Dutch Had Their Hand In RACISM, DEGRADING AND MASS MURDER IN THE NATIVES OF AMERICA AND IN AFRICA!!. 😢. Sad, Stupid And Sorry Seeking Acceptance From People Who Don't Look Like Or Care For You. I Commonly See It's A Big Head Loud Mouth From The Country With A Green n White Flag.
@igochukwualeru6804 6 күн бұрын
highly impressed with this information, I’m a marine captain by profession,and am currently working in UAE is there openings for marine jobs, in my field I just subscribed,and also gave a thumbs up to your channel already, please if I want to Apply for jobs in the Netherland is it with the Europass cv or they have their own cv standard. Please guide me ma’am?
@kwasivividanimationgh9755 8 күн бұрын
We are coming even if the devil lives there 😂.
@fredperry523 14 күн бұрын
That guy on the back left looks just like Robert Mugabe ?
@billnunez4887 14 күн бұрын
Maybe 3rd world countrys might go but they need to ve fromnextreme poverty cultures like africa or india. Good luck with that any country
@billnunez4887 14 күн бұрын
If you had a good thing you wouldnt tell people..misery love company. Dont hold your beeatg nobidy ginna go to follow. Same goes for people live in florida
@SebastianKatsini 15 күн бұрын
If you look down the internet and look for "people are leaving" you can find people leaving you about any country. Where are they going? Some people are going to countries that other people are complaning about and so. Pretty much useless ranting these days.
@crochet.ballerina 15 күн бұрын
I'm a 14 year old Dutch girl. I have always had a strong connection with little children and absolutely love teaching. I have wanted to become a teacher since I was 4. I have always been completely bored at 'basisschool' and I never learned how to learn because I always already knew everything. I have been given the label ''gifted''. I skipped a grade and I was still bored. Then I got the advice to go to VWO because I'm ''smart enough''. The problem with this is that I don't WANT to go to University and I don't NEED to go to university. I just want to go to the PABO (teacher course) and be done with learning. Ever since I entered 'middelbare school' (middle and high school) I have been permanently fatigued and have zero motivation to try and learn something I'm not interested in. I get so tired that after like 3 hours of school I need to go home. Because of this I miss a lot of lessons. The first year I passed with flying colours, even though I had missed about 80 lessons I still had great grades. The second year everything went wrong. I was absent about 1/3 of all the lessons and struggled a lot. I still passed with 245 absences. Idk how honestly. Right now, in the third year I'm miserable. I miss even more lessons than last year and my grades are lower than ever. I'm planning on going to HAVO next year, since I don't need to do math for my profile there and all the subjects are way more fun for me there and less stressful. So conclusion: even though you might be ''smart enough'' for VWO doesn't mean you have to do it! If you know for sure what you want to do, choose what fits that best. Don't be out there being miserable for 6 years at VWO if HAVO or VMBO suits you better.
@crochet.ballerina 15 күн бұрын
Hi Joshine! I'm Dutch and very glad you like our dishes. I'm guessing that the 'green stuff' might have been spinach, or in Dutch ''spinazie'' and I understand why you wouldn't love it, since there wasn't any sauce or anything on it. In our household we mash the potatoes together with the spinach and we put 'jus' on it (I don't know how to translate it), which is made in a pan by putting a little water, butter, and 'juspoeder', which translates to jus powder, together and letting it sizzle for a few minutes. Most people eat that with meatballs but since I eat little to no meat I eat it with boiled egg on the side. I enjoyed seeing you adore the meatballs xD. Love your vibe, tot later!
@yudycampbell6988 16 күн бұрын
As Nigerian do you have conservative social-culture and ideology which makes it difficult for you to adjust to the Netherlands which has progressive values? Netherlands is the first country that legalize prostitution, first country that legalize same-sex marriage, and first country that legalize euthanasia.
@sanjarmuz 17 күн бұрын
Despite this ten reasons you are living and loving the Netherlands. We will also get used to it and even love it. Cos we have one big reason to leave our country, that's Corruption.
@Goregreet 18 күн бұрын
Yes i hope they all leave Our country is FULL There is no place for natives anymore And our culture is fading away WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK
@visjesvanger 22 күн бұрын
wow you can speak clearly!
@visjesvanger 22 күн бұрын
We have a saying in the Netherlands ; Doe maar normaal dan doe je al gek genoeg
@ComfortEsumeh 24 күн бұрын
Maam, whike choosing a referee most it be from my masters , like my professors or someone i had eorked with after my bsc?
@chineyechachaokonkwo6715 25 күн бұрын
Im a hair stylist here in Nigeria and I'm looking for a job in Netherland if you have any links please help me with it
@ALT-up4st 25 күн бұрын
This video is about the Randstad, the rest of the country is a far right, xenophobic shithole
@sunshineM24 25 күн бұрын
Good insight. Kindly talk about weather and how to cope with if you come from Africa
@oguzhankara7085 27 күн бұрын
Dear Josephine, i think having healthy relationships is very important for our lifes. Netherlands mostly seems to me like a country of full selfish people which forgot to feel, to have empathy to another (yet they put a fake smile on their face and say hi) this is the main reason why people leave the country even Dutchies, the one who does not leave get addicted with chems, alcohol or mariuhana to keep on living which i think is not living just fooling yourself.
@eddyvaneden8017 29 күн бұрын
So maybe it is not for you.
@planje4740 29 күн бұрын
- држава - мафије адвоката судија политичара медија курви и лопова - пропалих глупих осигурања, инвестиционих фондова о нити чему и блесавих банака //ако си поштен и нормалан никад ништа направити нећеш //ако не крадеш на ма који начин од државе - никада ништа направити нећеш _ - мораш их лагати у порезу продаји или ма како - и онда ћеш направити нешто _ - или пак ако си поштен /мораш бити ожењен удата и јако јако шкрт //обоје радити дан ноћ и прековеремно //пратити све рекламе гдје је што јефтино тамо ићи и то куповати - али ди је центар града то гдје живе - не знају да има то _ - ја знам њихов караткер већинских и то је ван европски карактер - но по кафанама тамо иду нормални људи и жене //али тога је све мање и мање јер скупо //мисли се навече по кафанана не по дању и на којој тараси сједиш пијеш кафу _ - живе мисле постоје раде за да покажу теби да имају зидове - не возе бицикла што је лијепо него што тако штеде _ - то је холандија //или може и овако - будеш негдје неки луди профероср или професорица и продајеш им зјале //требаш им на ма који начин рећи да то што ти причаш је добро и да они хоће то платити - онда си добро _ треба да имаш које паре и да идеш у коју кафану да упознаш праве нормалне холандске људе и жене - све ово што ја пишем овуда сви ће ти они то исто рећи //али мораш их добро знати - нити су шкрти нити да нису дружељубиви //мени исто као у босни само мислим штета да није мој језик - они пјевају веселе се животу и све нормално - знати ћеш све ово _Koos Alberts - Ik Verscheurde Je Foto (1984)_ _Ik Krijg 'N Heel Apart Gevoel Van Binnen_ _Frans Bauer - Heb Je Even Voor Mij_ итд итд итд - органски не подносе qlgtb //gti, gtr+ ili je gtr++// или ма како да се то назива //али морају од закона //мање више требаш знати праве холанђане и нормалне - а не ненормалне - и бити ће све добро _ - остало немаш потребе јер правиш се будала
@AchampongAkwasi Ай бұрын
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@faithazubuiketv Ай бұрын
Pls i have a question and i sincerely would like you to answer me honestly. Is my PhD years counted as part of the five years i need to work in Netherlands before applying for permanent residency? Also is it possible to retain my Nigerian passport and apply for the Netherlands citizenship?
@faithazubuiketv Ай бұрын
Can I retain my Nigerian citizenship and still get the Netherlands citizenship?
@elcoach8931 Ай бұрын
Most Dutch people won t admit being racist as they see themselfs as openminded and tolerant. They feel hurt of being called racists and cherish their own beliefs about white supremacy in a subdued way. This is truth that is not shared about my fellow countryman. Its incredible stupid and ignorant and fed by the media that only stereotype minorities in an unworthy way. I am so sorry the Dutch travel the world an do not know shit of other cultures even if they are soaked in it.
@og_pronewb1572 Ай бұрын
@PiPZ-DOO300 Ай бұрын
How can i move to the netherlands
@LydiaOsei-ep7yx Ай бұрын
Thanks for your teachings concerning the Netherlands of which I wanted to know. What about dating a citizen of Netherlands? Thanks
@ms.vonlanthen4410 Ай бұрын
Nice, honest video! Funny, too! 😂❤😊
@ms.vonlanthen4410 Ай бұрын
The Dutch language has overlaps with German which helps, if you know it & can make the transition easier. I didn’t realize this until watching a Dutch video that had the same words.... exactly like German, at times.
@ms.vonlanthen4410 Ай бұрын
I appreciate your honesty! My uncle lived in the Netherlands & loved it! Some things are very different but it sounds like New York City which was once called: "New Amsterdam". I can see why, there's definitely similarities. Except for not showing off! Wealth & capitalism is still an American value for some more than others. Thanks so much for sharing! ❤❤❤
@ms.vonlanthen4410 Ай бұрын
Wow, how refreshing compared to so many places in Europe....for black people to be treated with respect & it's earned like everyone else. I had an uncle who lived in the Netherlands & said, he loved it. I didn’t get what was so special or different about it. I heard other blacks say the same thing...They have lots of love for it. Definitely need to check out this...anomaly in Europe. Thank you for sharing! ❤❤❤
@zusleit Ай бұрын
You was living in the wrong city
@mazzy694 Ай бұрын
Great video. Thankyou😂
@mojammeh-v2b Ай бұрын
The Dutch people are the most racist people in the Europe, just that they put too much smile on their face, which make people think that they are cool, but they are not we all know that
@Hazardous537 Ай бұрын
It's exactly the same in New Zealand
@havranbagada7509 Ай бұрын
It is never perfect time to do anything so fuck all doubters and doubts, life your dream life Asap!!!!
@kellyvandijk3269 Ай бұрын
I always say ,if you don’t want to learn Dutch and adjust yourself, go back from where you came from ✌️🇳🇱
@Sorenzo Ай бұрын
I figure the complaint about them saying "hallo hallo" means, like... if she's blocking somebody's path, they may say hello to get your attention so they can pass. I *have* heard people say "hallo" with a fair bit of condescension, but it's just like saying "Hey!" to get your attention, as I'm understanding it.
@Sorenzo Ай бұрын
Firstly... She complains about racist treatment in the Netherlands, but she's white. She complains they can't speak clear English, but she has somebody else voice the video in English for her. She arrives without having even looked at hotel bookings in the middle of winter and she's surprised by the hotel prices and the snow?? Did she mean to visit some other country and boarded the plane to Amsterdam by mistake? 😂
@nomthandazomuhambazi5896 Ай бұрын
I am willing to relocate to the Netherlands. i can't wait
@hansdevriesvonmengden3639 Ай бұрын
cost of living and housing crisis are recent reasons for people to leave. For many decades older dutch people have been moving south because of the weather. And so I will. Once we can we will start spending the winters either in the south of Europe, or in Africa. As for the Aussies: she chose the wrong province for the real dutch experience. Limburg is notorious in the Netherlands for sticking to it's own people. I know people from the north married to people from Limburg who have never felt accepted. One of them told me: if I go into a restaurant for a reservation it is likely that they will tell me the place is full. if my husband from Limburg goes in afterward there turns out to be a place after all.
@darkwillowchannel Ай бұрын
I think I was placed in the wrong country 😂 My personality is Dutch
@aminataie3869 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the information. I like this for your amazing smile in the end of each part😂
@minnemano3289 Ай бұрын
black people are racist
@pagkratiasths Ай бұрын
My wife and I, together, should make a good sum every month (we live for 10 years in the Netherlands),but the taxes are so high, I have a partner I didn't ask for 49% share of my money. We cannot make it anymore with the mortgage, groceries, insurance, utilities, car, etc..... all that part became soooooo expensive that is unbearable. Dutch are proud about their health system, but for me especially the GP who googles symptoms it's just unacceptable, and this is not only a one GP experience. In the working environment I have mixed feelings all these years, working with expats it was smooth and nice, with the Dutch you have "swallow" their attitude, colonialism in prima forma (not all but the majority)! Good things, organized, everything is digitalized, except of the tax office who likes to send envelopes AND digital messages. So, we are strongly considering getting our family and leave the country, which I feel this would be the reaction in the comments. If you don't like it get the f..... out of here. Enjoy the food and the nice weather :P
@UbakaPeter Ай бұрын
Give me visa to Netherlands