When Oakenplar Ruled
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Average ESO PVP Compilation (PC/NA)
@dark2deeds 9 сағат бұрын
great vid sir
@MasterSoto 11 сағат бұрын
Best FPS of the decade? That's a bit of an exaggeration.
@jasonmalkovitch289 9 сағат бұрын
Yeah, maybe for him but not for everyone. In general, when people say "best blabla of the world", it's false, not everyone like everything.
@apricorum7528 13 сағат бұрын
Doom games reading this title: 💀
@user-wu1dv6jk5s Күн бұрын
It's like Cultic on steroids
@skyeplus 3 күн бұрын
This game definitely has the spirit of Duke Nukem. Only with pink blood and a bit of girly humor.
@HansAlRachid 5 күн бұрын
I'm definitely enjoying it a lot so far - there's just something to be said for good, straightforward FPS gameplay. You don't need some sort of gimmick or a ridiculously graphically intensive presentation if your basic gameplay flow is just _fun_ to experience.
@ceruleanserpent387 8 күн бұрын
Props to you for supporting sex workers
@ceruleanserpent387 8 күн бұрын
Ps great review!
@MarcosDanteGellar 9 күн бұрын
as soon as i seen the graphics and the mobility and the movement of the enemies i said I WANT THIS NOW THIS IS THE SH1T . THIS ONE IS GONNA BE THE GOAT. had to wait like 2 years. thought never gonna come the day. i need to tune it, not sure why on a 11900k with a 3090 is givin me some sync issues but i know in this case it must be my pc. this is gzdoom, i can run stuff in UE5. also the mention of the ai being a little like fear? yeah take my money! im from a poor country but i am most than willing to pay double if somehow that helps the team to work on the other 2 chapters faster. also....if this game is critically acclaimed and bought on release 1.0 , that sits a new precedent and a new bar for fps or retro fprs. and gives the chance for selaco 2, which benefits both us , the consumers, and the selaco team. and indirectly the whole retro fps market, indie devs and players alike. this is the good stuff. believem eor not , but somehow i developed over the years the ability to see 30 secs of gameplay footage among indie games and identify the next gems. must be "a gamer survival mechanism" as i dont have much money to spent on them.
@thisjointisloose 10 күн бұрын
You telling me this game is better than Doom Eternal?
@Degonyte 10 күн бұрын
Yes. Please don't tell Underthemayo.
@mystery661 13 күн бұрын
We need Selaco on console 😢
@Degonyte 13 күн бұрын
Yeah, sadly from what I understand it's very difficult/impossible to do that with a GZDoom game.
@michaelkalin2209 13 күн бұрын
well written, eloquent, detailed, highly educated. fantastic review.
@yaronlevy 13 күн бұрын
PhD level FPS lesson. Thank you!
@haslammmo9173 14 күн бұрын
Sorry, but early access does mean it's not finished. That was a silly statement.
@Degonyte 14 күн бұрын
It means that it is still being polished, but the main campaign is already there in a state that easily surpasses most v1.0 releases in terms of quality and depth. So the point was that it is different from a typical Early Access release which only has a small portion of the full game available.
@ChromisPasqueflowerBowerbird 14 күн бұрын
You not gonna blow up this way Good fps? Yes Best Fps of the decades? What you smoking bro...
@Degonyte 14 күн бұрын
I'm not a YT grifter so I don't care about blowing up.
@Mad_Alyx 14 күн бұрын
Never heard of it but I think I’ll pick it up after watching this. It’s retro but modern. Female protagonist too which might not matter to some but definitely appreciated. Only weird thing is the name but I’m sure that’s the worst of the game. Also, amazing video! Hour long video essays from small creators are always the best!
@G.a.d.S. 15 күн бұрын
What a great video!
@CartRay-gf2tp 15 күн бұрын
thoughts on trepang?
@polskastylezz187 15 күн бұрын
seeing title thinking so you dont play many fps games the games alright not more
@Degonyte 15 күн бұрын
Yeah totally didn't spend the entire video talking about the many different FPS games I've played across the years.
@Degonyte 14 күн бұрын
Yes, those are the only first person shooters I've ever played.
@MagnitudePerson 15 күн бұрын
Agree, best FPS, FAR BETTER than "Phantom failure"
@Azuraaaaaaaaa 15 күн бұрын
great video Deg!!!! you clearly put a lot of time and effort into it 💙
@Amphouse1 16 күн бұрын
Great video, you deserve more views
@spcvrtx 16 күн бұрын
R6: Vegas 1 & 2 got similar AI.
@osci2507 17 күн бұрын
@Degonyte 17 күн бұрын
@reformedjoe4907 17 күн бұрын
There's a layer of of level design that was stripped away in the dark days of the stop n' pop modern military shooter. These games simply pipeline you from one bombastic setpiece to the next, and none of them have any meaning to the player outside of the basic spacial considerations of shooting dudes in the face. You don't actually parse and navigate these spaces, and to be fair there's not really any reason to. Hallway A is the same as hallway B, just a different inert backdrop to dude shoot from. With an old shooter like Doom or DN3D, the entire level takes on significance. You aren't just worried about the space containing the latest fight, the rest of the level has meaning to you because you parsed it and figured out the structure in your mind. This is partially due to the fact there isn't an idiot arrow on your screen telling you exactly where you need to go, but mainly because the level has stuff in it that is necessary for your survival (ammo, medical supplies, powerups, etc) and progress (keys, switches, doors, wall cracks, etc). In CoD you plant the bombs because the game tells you this is what you need to do to progress. In Doom you grab the red key because you physically need to pass through the red door. It's actually way more "diegetic" A good video, even if I think you give us too much credit.
@leftjuice 17 күн бұрын
Omg I already have to thank you. I am pretty new to FPS genre, and as of late indie-retro FPS really interest me. I started playing older games, like original Doom, Quake, Blood and others butt found myself running short on time. There's just soooo much good stuff and I can't wait to complete all of it. Thank you for your work
@mex321 17 күн бұрын
This game is great, i'm addicted. And thats coming from a guy that usually don't even play shooters.
@Euphonia_ 17 күн бұрын
Easily my most anticipated video in recent memory 🗣️🗣️
@Thunderlord_Tozn 18 күн бұрын
Idk man. I think you should make a video talking about the exceptions you mentioned concerning BGs. As far as I’m concerned my Templar does extremely well in BGs with pariah and almalexias. Tanky as hell as can spam 7-8k non crit breaths on top of everything else.
@Degonyte 18 күн бұрын
I don't like playing BGs but we'll see.
@slickdaddy6073 24 күн бұрын
My small scale sorc has over 60k mag and those heals are disgusting. The cool thing is that I’m full damage and have nothing into healing. Can 1 tap players and 1 tap heal them up significantly.
@abitterdraft 24 күн бұрын
Using Matriarch as the heal?
@subsoc17 24 күн бұрын
I love my 50k+ health, 2500+ mag recovery, warden healer. It's a beast of a build with huge burst healing and lots of healing of time. I regularly hit over 3m+ healing in BGs.
@jordanscheuerman1200 Ай бұрын
What personality is that the characters with the white and black armor
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Deadlands Firewalker
@jordanscheuerman1200 Ай бұрын
@@Degonyte and what are the styles on that Breton they looked cool
@jordanscheuerman1200 Ай бұрын
I mean imperial
ball groups should be banned in pvp it kills the pvp and the players alone are at a disadvantage Now we only see ball groups sometimes I see 5 or 6 at the same time thank you for your clip
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
The fact you are not grouped doesn't mean you're alone.
ball groups should be banned in pvp it kills the pvp and the players alone are at a disadvantage Now we only see ball groups sometimes I see 5 or 6 at the same time thank you for your clip
@funkydunkas101 Ай бұрын
I mostly do 4 man groups. You should be tanky and it’s not even an option. You can provide utility just as well if not better. There’s plenty of heavy sets that can be worn that aren’t selfish. You can easily make up for your lack of heals though cross healing and stacking power buffs with team.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
It is an option because I frequently play 4-man groups without tank/heavy sets. If your team is good with stacking buffs and cross-heals you don't need extra tankiness to begin with.
@Majnore Ай бұрын
Whats the addon that shows total healing and damage on the right? can BattleMetrics do that?
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
It's a setting in RDK Group Tool.
@mr.brightside7656 Ай бұрын
Let me start off by saying that many of the points you make, i agree with, but only in preferable scenarios are they consistantly true, which many players who dont run in comp groups or ball groups will be mislead by. This is because many of the times the points you make work specifically when you have a coordinated/communicating team whos running team supporting builds with more than one healer (or everyone damage dealers running cross heals) all while staying on crown, while this is completely possible, it is much less common outside of comp groups / ball groups / natural leader type crowns which i feel was not stressed enough and would be the deciding factor between this video helping vs hurting newer/inexperienced players. Now ill go over some more specific examples which, although ive played since launch of both pc and console, the bulk of my experience is in Cyrodiil as it better provides what i want from ESO PvP versus battlegrounds. -"You cant heal when youre dead" *This is an important concept because at its base, its true. You will not always be in the perfect scenarios, with your entire team reacting perfectly. The idea that you cant build a tanky healer with strong HoTs and burst heals is just wrong. Unfortunately im not the absolute best healer as i prefer more niche builds maximizing fun vs efficiency so i dont have a current patch build to share but there are many examples in the community you can find. Ive known many people over the last decade who maintained huge heals AND remarkable solo survivability. This isnt so they can "be parcing dumbies", its so theyre a pillar of support that can focus on keeping the team alive vs having to be coddled when push REALLY comes to shove. When people die, you lose more and more crossheals, snowballing. When people die around a tanky healer, their viability doesnt drop, its just harder to keep people alive like it is for any other healer. *Crossheals are a great "layer of defense" of but to replace the basics with a buffer, thats unreliable at best and misleading to newer players at worst. I think its important you mention that these concepts only work in comp groups and ball groups which many groups dont fall into either catagory. Many players just like to make builds and play with a group in cyrodiil. This distinction would have been incredibly useful to uninformed players thinking they can run a build that relies on coordinated team play in a "green bars LFG" gathered Cyrodiil group. -Prioritizing Utility/Sustain sets and hoping crossheals will pick up the slack. This works in perfect conditions like being in a group that coordinates movement/gear selection/abilities/and stays on crown. *This doesnt work when youre being bursted down by a competent DPS burst type builds that can drop people with low resitances, sure you heal a lot but that doesnt help much when youre only getting hit over a few seconds. This doesnt work when you ARE forcused too hard by nightblades / snipers. This doesnt help when you DO take damage and fall into execute range. This doesnt help when youre pulled with a DK chain away from your group and get bursted down becauze you NEED your group to stay alive with their crossheals. Mitigation is always active from running full heavy armor. -"Healers Dont Get Focused" *Your test was to compare your damage taken vs the non healers in your group over different engagements? Obviosuly thr people that literally make up the fight its self will take more damage total vs the people not directly making up the fight its self. That doest make sense. *Theres a difference between being focused the entire fight vs being temporarily focused to kill you and stop you from healing (which your test wouldnt reflect). This wouldnt even be difficult to achieve vs a competent group whose also coordinating since youre encouraging crossheals over high mitigation. Your crossheals wont be enough to completely nagate all the burst damage if the team decides they feel like killing you. (I join pug groups somewhat often as i like talking to different people and the concept of calling out to focus healers isnt uncommon). An exception would be when fighting ball groups as they prioritize movement / self sustain / ulti dumps and fight/play differently to many other types of groups. -"When i run with a group, i always insist everyone runs Echoing Vigor". Putting aside how annoying this is in regular groups since it seems like much of the information you share is meant for comp groups with explicitly stating that but insteading sharing this as how you think healer should build for the "majority of content" even though comp groups do not make up the bulk of groups as in my notable experience players do not autimatically assume they need to run a certain set/slot a certain ability/alter their overall build to be allowed into a group unless theyre told its a comp or ball group. There are probably things i missed or forgot the point of my comment really isnt just to critisize. Its primarily so that you can see how some of your advice would be more hurtful to players who dont have that experience to understand the different types of groups/environments theyll find themselves in while grouping in Cyrodiil. Also to show the clear downsides of relying on crossheals to stay alive vs mitigation in said various envinorments. I hope this this helps anyone new and provides another point of view to the video creator. I apologize for the 10 years used to read this essay. <3
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Thank you for dedicating quite a bit of time for responding to this video. I won't go into detail about every point as I'll still be here tomorrow. My response is still a bit long but I think it's important to try and explain this the best I possibly can. From your response, I would like to address the idea that building more like a pure healer (so less tanky) only works in specific/ideal situations. I find this to simply not be true. I've mained a healer since Update 35 (so that would've been August 2022), and since that time I have played a healer for over 20 different groups and guilds that cover pretty much the entire spectrum of what's available in ESO in terms of group composition. So this includes not just ballgroups/smallscales, but also casual guilds who straight-up did not do group compositions, zerg guilds, pugs, semi-organized groups, etc. It also includes both Gray Host/Blackreach guilds and Ravenwatch (no proc) guilds, as well as guilds on both PC/EU and PC/NA. During that time, I have never used a tanky build. The instances where this ended up biting me in the ass were precisely 2: one time was on NA, where I struggled with survivability because of increased ping and playing with sub-500 CP and bad gear on a CP-active campaign. The other time I played in a group consisting of solely Sorcs with 0 cross-heals who did not stack and fought against groups 4 times their size. In all other cases, I fared just fine. I also healed alongside people who did have stuff like vamp 3, Pariah and single target burst heals in their build, and they consistently did less healing than me while also dying more rapidly/often. And just to reiterate, especially in the beginning I healed quite literally any group that would have me, ranging from casual to hardcore. This includes very low tier guilds such as Tamriel Fluffy Bunnies and Decimation Elite, as well as random lfg groups. So I am confident in saying that it's the reverse: you don't need to build tanky except for a small minority of cases. This is not all some weird flex; I just play this game for fun and I don't think I'm particularly talented. However, this is how I came to the thesis of my video: there is a fundamental flaw in the way people build healers in this game. So my idea is that you should start out as 'aggressive' as possible with maxing out your healing potency, and then start adding extra sustain and tankiness when you notice you are struggling. Many healers start the other way around: they start out as tanky as possible, sometimes even wearing 2 full tank sets with 0 group utility, and then the idea is they strip away some of that tankiness when they improve, except they never do. They instead learn to depend on the crutches in their set-up and never improve beyond that point. I take issue with this for two reasons. First, I have been in the position multiple times where healers tried out for one of the more hardcore groups I'm in and they always end up dying a lot because they're not allowed to wear a tank set and they have to depend on a skill they have never properly learned (positioning). Second, as said, I do think that the situations where a tanky set-up is warranted constitute a vast minority of the scenarios you encounter in Cyrodiil PVP (Battlegrounds are a different story). You can compare it to playing a game on easy difficulty vs. hard difficulty. If you start out by challenging yourself, sure you will eat dust at first, but you will quickly learn to improve. If you start playing with training wheels on, you get used to those training wheels and never really improve beyond that point. This is why the good healers in Cyrodiil at least on my server can probably be counted on one hand. To conclude this, I also disagree with the notion that it's somehow 'misleading' to encourage healers to drop the tank sets. Apart from the fact they won't need them except in specific scenarios that are less common than they are made out to be, I am sharing this info because this is pretty much the exact advice I got from my experienced healer friends way back in Update 35. It reinvigorated my PVP activities in the game, as just investing a little time into learning how to heal properly now allows me to play with pretty much any guild I want to and make videos about healing content. There is nothing wrong with adding more self-defensive measures if you keep getting dunked on as a healer, but this should be a measure you take when you're experiencing difficulties, and not the default way to build a healer. That was the idea behind my video and I still fully stand behind it.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
And to just add one more thing, about the 'healers getting focused' thing. What I said wasn't meant as a proper 'test', but rather as an observation that the healers I've personally played with who touted 'getting focused' as an excuse as to why they died and should build more tanky have all had poor positioning. This is reflected by their damage taken in logs. Of course I realize that one well-timed burst by a ganker or w/e might not be reflected in that statistic, but what I was saying is that their high amount of damage taken confirms that they were consistently standing in the wrong place. So the point was not to compare my damage taken to that of non-healers, but rather that healers who complain about getting focused without fail take similar or more damage than their DD counterparts. This has been my experience anyway. Can healers get focused? Absolutely. Does it happen often? No, not really. Not with success, anyway. And even if you do get properly focused, there are plenty of things you can do about it before you start sacrificing your build's utility to counter it. Usually having high mobility and knowing how to kite under pressure help more than just stacking more resistances and praying the burst won't kill you.
@Hithrae Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video Deg
@rdhjfjfjfjfyfjf Ай бұрын
Elfs bane still work very well against groups
@eng.gabrielmorais9643 Ай бұрын
Most case, a normal person get tired of being zergged down by a bunch of ppl that can’t kill them other way, and create a group to shit on zergling’s head.
@mjlee8013 Ай бұрын
You say bgs take skills, because you had to keep your buffs up? As 1vX'er I have to keep my buffs up myself, keep pressure on my enemies, keep my heals running, watch my sustain and to have a combat awareness on maximum level to not get cornered and zerged down. As long cross-healing is completly broken, ball groups don't require much skills that slightly above average PVP'er doesn't already have.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Guess that's why so many ballgroups eat shit immediately when pressured. It takes skill to get it right.
@mjlee8013 Ай бұрын
@@Degonyte Not every group with cross-healing is a ballgroup.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Yes I'm aware of that
@BBRocker75 Ай бұрын
I laught a lot when you said: "They don't care about XP and/or Tickets". It was so good joke. THEY JUST WANT XP AND TICKETS, AND MONEY, cuz they are mercenaries, you can buy a BG to flip or ruin a whole a map. If u have enough gold you can get their services.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Whatever you're smoking is too strong man
@outsider2638 Ай бұрын
That part of the Ichthyosaurus made me subscribe.
@Degonyte Ай бұрын
Glad to see evolutionary marine biology is good for engagement!
@The_Philosophoenix Ай бұрын
the 6 Paleontology channels I subscribed to during the pandemic would agree with you xD
@Oppetsismiimsitsitc Ай бұрын
Cyrodiil, as it stands now, is quite clearly designed for ball groups.
@laoch5658 Ай бұрын
Imagine grouping in a group pvp zone. If you solo pvp youre against the true spirit of the pvp zone
@newfaith912 Ай бұрын
Dude ballg is complete trash and you guys are main reason servers are dead and lagy. That being said ZOS has no balls to nerf you and it would be really easy to nerf you. Only reason you exist is because you can stack heals. Disable heal stacks where u can have max 2 heal instances of ANY kind and pvp would be fixed in a night.
@mipmip3855 Ай бұрын
Wow - thanks for saying all this! 100% agree... nice editing also; btw I like the the convergent evolution comparison 😀
@sunni6647 Ай бұрын
so a ballgrp is just a bigger grp - a raid - a warband so to speak yes? took eso players long enough to figure out that when they loose they could just stack bigger grps onto eachother and u know win more vs solo/duos/smaller grps - and lemme tell u this - in every other realm vs realm or pvp game where this mechanic works - it was not in the best interest for all players enjoying pvp content - it funneled more newbs into mass pvp and worse personal skill and everyone who knows how to will def abuse it on way or another
@GHKiwi Ай бұрын
The eternal battle of optimized group play and the bads that cry about it. You see it in any game where you can do group pvp. Calling a strat meta (in a derogatory way), easy, skill less and more is always, and will always be, an indicator of poor skill and close mindedness. Coordination with multiple other players takes much more skill than pressing buttons alone.
@BBRocker75 Ай бұрын
IF BETHESDA ERASE DARK CONVERGENCE ALL BG WILL DISSAPEAR INMEDIATLY. Cuz BG don't fight they just pile damage. When you take out DC, and BG really have a coordinated FIGHT YOU CAN TALK ABOUT OPTIMIZED GROUP AGAIN.
@GHKiwi Ай бұрын
@@BBRocker75 Are they shitting on everyone else ? Yes. Do they need good coordination and communication ? Yes. Do they craft their builds and comp to work together in the most effective way available ? Yes. Then it's optimized group play, doesn't mattter what you think it should be, facts talk more than your subjective opinion. Doesn't matter what they use, if it's OP or you personally dislike it. If that specific spell/combo gets removed they will use something else and you will cry about it too. As I wrote earlier, people crying about meta are always closeminded or absolutely horrible at the game and sometimes both.
@tehallanaz Ай бұрын
It only really sucks when each faction has two balls at a single keep and the server resets
@naplzt4k Ай бұрын
They're mostly trash players who can't do anything in pvp without synced sets and bombs...if zos ever ends HoT stacking in cyro bgs would be nothing
@laoch5658 Ай бұрын
Someone died to a balgroup haha
@naplzt4k Ай бұрын
@@laoch5658 ofc I have that's all I encounter most of the time in gh these days but once 1 of the key players dies they all fall like dominos because most of them can't survive without 6 resto staves shoved up their ahh