Are We Doomed?
14 күн бұрын
Politics & Consciousness - Alex Ebert
A New Ontology
4 ай бұрын
"Undreaming Wetiko" - Paul Levy
Cognitive Capitalism - Warren Neidich
"Breaking Together" - Jem Bendell
@rachelderham6862 Күн бұрын
What a breath of fresh air to hear such sane voices discussing these issues, thank you both.
@carlthompson8914 2 күн бұрын
This guest is awesome! I never knew anybody was talking about this stuff.
@equinnox70 3 күн бұрын
Great to hear Matt’s breakdown of the corporate cartels and their machinations (and what can be done to overturn their stranglehold on markets/economic power). Thank you both.
@equinnox70 3 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this interview. Thank you, Chloe and Daniel. Going to check out the app. Sounds perfect for how I’m evolving as a sexual being in mid-life.
@Mac-ku3xu 4 күн бұрын
Pinchbeck, you know who funds Politifact? It's unhinged that you'd use them as a source to claim the "vaccine" is safe
@ZaneLiebrum 5 күн бұрын
I still maintain its not wise to put a date on the end times. Its always wrong and it makes you look very uncredible.
@wedas67 6 күн бұрын
This is very Insightful … Truly appreciate this session 🙏
@GIEVBAHRAMPOUR-ig3bt 9 күн бұрын
It was a eurucentric discussion
@SkyOtter-w5w 10 күн бұрын
100%. Being a Latvian Jew he got me.
@EdieArt77 10 күн бұрын
Loved it! 🙏🏻
@dbadagna 11 күн бұрын
Debt was an important part of the economy of Sumer (early Mesopotamian civilization), as well as that of the Roman Republic.
@dbadagna 11 күн бұрын
In the 2021 film "Finch," the world's protective ozone layer was destroyed by massive solar flares, not the meltdown of nuclear power plants, as is made clear in the actual film, and which has been discussed by the filmmakers in published interviews. I've made Dr. McPherson aware of this nearly a dozen times (since he's made the same erroneous claim again and again in numerous videos he's uploaded to his KZbin channel for over a year).
@werdru6258 12 күн бұрын
Doomed to be dumb?
@urosstrnad5615 12 күн бұрын
Meh... out of touch content.
@werdru6258 12 күн бұрын
That was very interesting ending about your different takes on Putin's role in the Russo-Ukrainian war. I agree with Levy and I know the history and the progression of the conflict very well on a personal and transpersonal level. Though at the same time Putin is part of the problem with his take on the historical unity of the "Russian". people.
@Phoeagdor 12 күн бұрын
Incredible two clips, thank you. Like most, don't have the time for courses/conferences. It seems deliberate that the most soul valuing content goes to the bottom of the heap, to out of sight. When popcorn and click bait goes top. Extremely strange - those with supposedly huge views, beg for new subscribers. Buddhistic hungry ghosts or something more nefarious, jury's out. Just know Daniel, what you add to the collective is cherished by a real section, though dwindling. Uncalsified we salute you and beacon out.
@Phoeagdor 12 күн бұрын
Connect with Yancey Strickler, the Stoa, James True, Essentialsalts, Michael Meade. Connect up on this side of the pond with Uberboyo. That's just straight off the bat, there are many. Together we stand, divided we fall. All we're experiencing, individually and collectively is spiritual. If one can't go there, then mental, working through thought processes. Politics and social breakdown - just shapes on the cave walls. Shine On. Respect your addition..... always
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 13 күн бұрын
Kripal was already debunked in his terrible book about Ramakrishna - just read the academic reviews. Kripal is a joke when it comes to actual paranormal spiritual understanding - hence his popularity in Western academia. People eat up the fake stuff.
@ImproveYourMagic 13 күн бұрын
I think it’s something like 75-80% of ingredients for medicine are imported. Imagine when crop failures in a 2.5°C world occur. Countries will cease exports to us so as to horde what crops they were able to salvage for themselves . Just Imagine.
@drrbrt 14 күн бұрын
Mao was right.
@ImproveYourMagic 14 күн бұрын
Permaculture and connecting with others within your local community ain’t gonna save anyone in a 4°C. world. Those in bunkers will die in bunkers.
@ceeemm1901 14 күн бұрын
In 50 years time, if there are any people to look back at talks like this, it will be like us now looking back at hippies in the 60's, "wanking lyrical" in a fog of sanctimony about the "future"....nothing changes.
@CarloFromaggio 15 күн бұрын
Only here for Douglas Rushkoff...he is the shit! Guy McPherson may be nice guy, but professionally is a failed cult leader who predicted the end of the world, repeatedly, a decade ago.
@jane3504 15 күн бұрын
🎉Jazz hands👋👋👋
@quintenlanges 15 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this so much :-) Looking forward to more
@Wintercorpse 15 күн бұрын
the scientist I listen to say we're at 1.5 degrees and we hit 2 degrees for a short period but we're not there at an average
@prematureoptimism7125 16 күн бұрын
Roger H., formerly of Extinction Rebellion laid out our somewhat depressing future some time ago. Nothing new here. According to him based on our inaction in certain respects things look pretty bleak.
@MattAngiono 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, but his solutions are idiotic and even psychopathic. "Just stop oil?".... Seriously? Just how does that even work, and what's the effect? According to what Guy talks about here, that literally makes the situation worse. So he's essentially convincing people to get arrested for nothing
@prematureoptimism7125 15 күн бұрын
@@MattAngiono NEWS FLASH! Last time I checked oil was a nonrenewable limited resource anyway so it will eventually "just stop" one day regardless of Rogers "idiotic solutions". ( unless the CO2 emissions burn up the planet first that is 🔥🌏 ). What ur basically saying is that u have absolutely no problem being pro-war because surely u must realize that as long as there's a ounce of oil to be had in the ground, be it in Libya or Venezuela there will be a conflict over it. 🛢️
@roberthornack1692 15 күн бұрын
​@@MattAngionoExactly right!
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 16 күн бұрын
Daniel - I used to post on "Breaking Open the Head" - back when I was doing data entry for Tim Walz first Get Out the Vote data base in 2006. hahaha.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 16 күн бұрын
This has to be really painful for Guy McPherson to listen to - he's a conservation biology professor yet everyone else is claiming they know what evolution is - meanwhile they are blatantly misrepresenting what evolution is. Daniel you are among the worst of this - not sure if you are just promoting the whole Jose Arguelles schtick theosophy thang on purpose? A third of my undergraduate degree was in biology. Conservation biology professor Michael Soule wrote that evolution ended for large mammals since the 1970s due to lack of habitat. By large mammals he included humans. When you say an estimated Two billion people are to move to Canada - that ignores the fact that there is a lack of agricultural soil for that many people in Canada. The farther north you go the worse the soil gets.
@stich21 16 күн бұрын
That singing in the beginning is atrocious. Hard to continue the video when that’s what leads off.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 16 күн бұрын
It gets rid of all the non-serious people. You just 2x and click past it.
@alexmerab4206 16 күн бұрын
Bernardo is simply the best
@SunflowerFlowerEmpire 16 күн бұрын
Doug "magic and mind-shift!" That's what I also subscribe to... We need to shift into the great possibilities, so one real way, now, is the adoption of a true #UBI ! We let billionaires try all sorts of things to get to Mars and create more more more, but we won't give citizens a real sustainable way to end poverty, hunger and suffering ! We continue to justify why not to implement a true UBI, and to justify poverty, and accept that 30 percent of the world still lives in the poorest conditions, we are doomed. The new evolution of humanity is stifled because we are not allowing everyone to realize their best complete potentials ! If we all have that realization and able to achieve our best goals, that win, will be felt collectively, to boost us into the next evolutionary phase of our human being existence ! Right ?!
@equinnox70 16 күн бұрын
Right on! The most creative people I know are barely surviving or end up depressed and stifled working at dumb jobs just to pay insane housing/living costs. 😢
@MattAngiono 15 күн бұрын
I think we have to assume that if they do allow a UBI, it will be attached to blockchain and surveillance technology. You will only get your allowance if you behave (likely in ways you don't want to). I'm not happy to say this.... But I think it's the only way they would let such a thing happen. This system thrives off of poverty and depression. It doesn't really work when most people are well educated and free thinking
@AnnieFinchPoet 16 күн бұрын
Vicki Robin speaks truth
@zkeesh1 16 күн бұрын
love this. appreciate the sense of humor and intellectual rigor!!
@futures2247 16 күн бұрын
Erm humans do have other predators, the worst kind, other human beings.
@chickenfootranch 16 күн бұрын
Homo Colossus has truly earned the consequences of our collective hubris & this panel is a perfect diorama for documenting that.
@oceanbreeze1440 17 күн бұрын
I commented earlier before watching the whole video. This is Eurocentric discussion. The very problem. That which created the problem. Guy kept low key, perhaps because he knows the truth because he speaks of white privilege and connects climate change to European colonialism.
@Livingthewild 16 күн бұрын
Judging people by skin color or cultural heritage doesn't make sense to me. Truth isn't color coded.
@MrMark595 15 күн бұрын
Yeah yeah and its all bs terms like 'cis' white men...its this type of far left crap that has wrecked solidarity and empathy.
@juhanisaarilehto7349 17 күн бұрын
@alisonyahna8041 17 күн бұрын
Your panel is all white, mostly all old and almost all male. the ones that I’ve been fucking up the planet in the first place… Now we’re gonna let you tell us whether or not we’re doomed?
@solarsamatyahoo.comsumthin2416 17 күн бұрын
Post secular magical hoha, oh pleeeease, give me an effin break, kid. That's straight out of a handmaiden's tale, as in your ass. We're gonna all die, hopefully without the burning of "witches" and such ravings of genocidal maniacs...oh wait...genocides are happening right now? ... So it goes, I just want to get out of this place...
@4PEATCHAMPIONS 17 күн бұрын
The world is ruined so we can have 1000 billionaires.... And to double down obviously the moneys all just sitting in thier banks further harming the planet.
@4PEATCHAMPIONS 17 күн бұрын
@georgenelson8917 16 күн бұрын
Do you mean Pray? Are you uneducated or what
@SamWilkinsonn 17 күн бұрын
That first hobo-looking guy was off his chops 😂 I can tell he is, or at least was, intelligent but it was a struggle to listen to him. I’m not a prude, don’t care about swearing whatsoever when effective, but the sweary guy was so annoying. He redeemed himself a bit on his talk although I’m not quite sure I followed what his propositions were, or agreed with his outlook on metaphysics. I agree with McPherson’s prediction of nobody making it past 2030 (besides some bunker dwellers, but they’ll only last as long as their supplies do). Dubious about there being more microplastics than sand on beaches though lol. I do like and respect him but he’s not the best of the climate scientists IMO. Vicky’s topic of overshoot is extremely interesting, I’d recommend everyone to delve into that (see William Rees). The rest of her talk was engaging and I agree for the main part although I have a much more sceptical outlook on each point she raised. When cities run out of food, they will spread to the farms, nobody and nowhere will be safe when the shelves are empty. It’s too late to become part of the ecology, we’ve decimated it. Steve raises a great point - no matter our understanding of any of the crises, we don’t seem to be able to change anything yet. I also agree, P2025 sounds terrifying. Too optimistic at the end, he doesn’t think we can both acknowledge the full extent of how doomed we are and still maintain a desire to create a better system for the end days. Douglas was brilliant; emotive, intelligent, effortlessly humorous and has an interesting take on how much we don’t yet know and much of the stuff we think we know could be wrong. Read his piece if you haven’t yet, it’s very good. All-in-all it was a good session. My criticism is there needed to be some more brutal realism on how savage a complete civilisational collapse is and the fact it’s inevitable. I stopped listening 90 mins in so my ‘review’ only goes up to then
@MattAngiono 15 күн бұрын
Good assessment. I would just add that Guy isn't a climate scientist, he's just an ecologist who studied it extensively in for personal interest (like me 😊). On overshoot, you might also like Sid Smith, if you haven't heard him yet. You seem perfectly well informed. Cheers
@SamWilkinsonn 15 күн бұрын
@@MattAngiono Sid’s very good from the one video of his I’ve see . I didn’t think I knew of him when you suggested to look him up until I searched him and remembered seeing the video ‘HTETEOTW Chapter 5’. This is probably a better recommendation than Bill’s talks for someone new to all of this because it has explanatory visuals. Have you read Overshoot by William R. Catton Jr? I found it to be a great read. I’m going to read it again actually as it’s been years since.
@keithk8275 17 күн бұрын
Is this SCTV?
@johnryan3102 17 күн бұрын
If this topic interests you, read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. It explains exactly how we got here and how civilization is not in accordance with life itself. We are all living a story that does not work and the entire basis is forcing everyone to live and think the same way. WAIT! you might say. We all think different and have different cultures. Read the book and then get back to me. I also have a question for Guy McPherson- Why didn't the aerosol masking effect take place in a major way during COVID?
@zoranmatic8329 17 күн бұрын
Well I believe it's because they started to spray the skies on a much greater scale than before to compensate for the lack of industrial activity, at least that's what I've noticed.
@TheJev25 17 күн бұрын
Look at the acceleration in global warming since 2015, just under half a degree per decade now. A lot of that has to do with changes in global shipping fuel composition
@zoranmatic8329 16 күн бұрын
I noticed something major happening above during that time period. I must pay attention to the way of my expression in order for my co..mme..nt to stay.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 16 күн бұрын
It did - Aerosol Masking Effect is regional. goto Googlescholar - there was studies on how Covid industrial shutdown also reduced the Aerosol Masking Effect and increased warming.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 16 күн бұрын
There were regional temperature increases when industrial shutdown happened during Covid - googlescholar has studies on that. James E. Hansen has emphasized the reduction of aerosol masking due to new shipping regulations as the biggest cause of global temperature increase currently. A 40% reduction of burning coal with sulfur pollution heats up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. This is based on Daniel Rosenfeld's research group on aerosol masking - when it was discovered to be twice as bad as previously thought.
@physiqueDrummond 17 күн бұрын
Just 2 minutes in... I just imagine the sound guy pulling out his hair...
@chesterfinecat7588 17 күн бұрын
The "GREEN" solar coming to Colorado will scrape the "scrub" land which has supported the wildlife here since the Pleistocene epoch. Pronghorn home range and nursery, elk migration route, eagle and hawk hunting grounds, kestrel, sage grouse, foxes, hare, funnel web spiders - an ecosystem that will be sacrificed for air conditioning, AI centers and electric cars in Texas or Arizona or some desert. Colorado is simultaneously reintroducing wolves. How stupid can we be? Very.
@mozfonky 17 күн бұрын
ya, we're fucked.
@dpdystro2227 17 күн бұрын
Guy is right, in so far as human extinction is on the menu. 20$$ is up to nature
@stillnessspeaks4080 17 күн бұрын
What in the world is this? F this F that.. that guy in the beginning is terrible. Guy must be embarrassed to be on this panel.
@TennesseeJed 17 күн бұрын