TheAcademySDSU The Academy for Professional Excellence, a project of the San Diego State University School of Social Work, was established in 1996. We provide over 80,000 learning experiences to health and human service professionals annually and are respected for our expertise in adult learning, commitment to the use of evidence-based practices, providing training that is culturally responsive and trauma-informed, and using innovative training techniques that transform the heart, mind, and practice. We offer a variety of services including workforce development, comprehensive training and learning experiences, organizational support, program evaluation, training-related services, and direct recovery-based services. Our Programs include: APEX Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovations (APSWI) Child Welfare Development Services (CWDS) Leaders in Action (LIA) Southern Area Consortium of Human Services (SACHS) Tribal STAR (“STAR” is an acronym for Successful Transitions for Adult Readiness)