Just Block On Wake Up Dude...
@S.W-PILGRIM 19 сағат бұрын
Waiting for Pokke to kill the Red Glacio Dreadmane and Red Lightcrusher in WuWa blindfolded 🗿
@dreamof_endless 18 сағат бұрын
I think he cant do that at all😂 that mfs nearly killed my team( jinhsi 60/230, yinlin 50/200 crit ratio) and they were 70 and my team was 70 too😂
@Cocobanni 19 сағат бұрын
But the sage he picked was like one of the easiest ones... i get like 2 shot on the one im stuck at. Tbh tho most gachas are just faceroll if you got the gear\ characters
@KawashiK 21 сағат бұрын
Now let's be fair here. Shiyu defense right now isn't the hardest content in the game (Given it's still the launch patch). Not even close to what the Nest brings. And Pokke himself suffered in the Nest.
@BonsaiBoon 21 сағат бұрын
I dont think that the gacha community is clowning on the FGC. Its clowning on Iyo. He used negative edge as a verb, thus people laugh about that. For kara cancel, it made no sense to use the term and it was even wrong. So people are clowning on it as saying it in random situations. anyway, great video!
@Ainlore 22 сағат бұрын
I hate zzz gamepkay n tv but the reality is they are button mashing and there is nothing wrong with that. I do quite enjoy zzz when i played on mobile but the tv and the gatcha price that needed to get limited characters + weapon not worth it for me. But hey i see alot people enjoy zzz so i just shut up and did care about the game that didnt suits me. Just dont lie to your audience to get sponsorship thats all.
@zoomed66 22 сағат бұрын
The combos are crazy you get juggles in mid air so you might aswell just put the controller down
@DubExp 23 сағат бұрын
These gacha dudes will say "he's not mashing!" But this game is simple af lol
@PurpleScoutCookies 23 сағат бұрын
Im fairly sure none of the people talking about zzz actually play. He was able to do this because the mission he's on is easy af. Try doing this at later stages when the game is actually trying to be hard. Is it surprising that they made some end game content easy so bad people could feel some satisfaction? It's like saying WOW is easy because the first 5 man you did at max level was not hard. It wasn't supposed to be.
@Kramer8 23 сағат бұрын
Someone gotta do Wuwa.
@reydez84 23 сағат бұрын
When that happened iyo wasn't probably high enough lvl to do that shit, mofos should get to the endgame and then talk all the shit they want
@SonicSol 23 сағат бұрын
What a crazy timeline right now lol.
@badtzkoala8345 Күн бұрын
ZZZ is extremely gas
@campfiregames4633 Күн бұрын
Sol is literally the hero of the franchise, this is normal for him
@keizuna1097 Күн бұрын
the ZZZ content people say it hard difficulty combat...but what i actually get is combat with enemy hp thicker than usual...but if people enjoy that way...then it is what it is....i have nothin to say
@solkriger_mrt Күн бұрын
"now do it one agent only" 🤡
@BriBri317 Күн бұрын
Funny it reminds me of talking to someone without looking at the screen in gear just running my muscle memory’s general offense which would hold up in most matches
@DegenKingYT Күн бұрын
You know how bad it is mr.pokke units are lvl 40 and the bosses lvl are 43 which is the right lvl for his account so iyo's excuse is just changing the goal post after getting called out. He has no honor to admit that I was wrong
@narutoshippuden876 Күн бұрын
Because this is low level shiyu at the higher levels you can’t do this
@chinkyflahz 23 сағат бұрын
@@narutoshippuden876 i cleared shiyu 17 at rank 45 account level...i can confirm u can spam and win. plus i used 5 units...ellen soukaku/zhuyuan lycaon nicole.
@narutoshippuden876 23 сағат бұрын
@@chinkyflahz my point is at 40 you won’t be able to clear it blind folded which would be disingenuous he clear something that was basically 3 level higher be so fr
@Kiddokage 23 сағат бұрын
@@narutoshippuden876bro stop this excuse it’s a gacha game, with enough investment anyone can mash to win, you guys try to act like these games are deeper than they are when the “best players” are the ones who swipe the hardest, it’s so embarrassing
@narutoshippuden876 23 сағат бұрын
@@Kiddokage I wanna see you smashing while beating whithering garden 11/11 with whatever investment you want it won’t work specially not atm maybe later down the line when the content it’s outdated
@deviant315l6 Күн бұрын
Lee sin been getting a lot of fans recently 😂
@superpnutbutter8608 Күн бұрын
The thing these people loveto say is "it's not about killing the enemies, it's about how you do it" like, bro, if you want to have this quote from DMC community, maybe have the substance too.
@ittehitteh9322 Күн бұрын
keep up the good work. keep calling out the clowns 👑
@imadaga69420 Күн бұрын
to be fair tho at critical node 7 we get enemies that are level 70 while our units are capped at level 60 so at some point skill will have to matter especially for f2p and light spenders and by skill I mean things like game knowledge wise like grouping, optimal rotations, optimal attack strings, knowing who to swap for defensive assists etc. No need for any fighting game tech crap or whatever the hell Iyo says
@chinkyflahz 23 сағат бұрын
node 7 was cleared 4 days into launch in cn using 0+1 grace on one side and 0+1 ellen on the other side
@imadaga69420 23 сағат бұрын
@@chinkyflahz you think these cn players are just mashing buttons and not putting any thought into their gameplay and build?
@PikachuPolice 23 сағат бұрын
​@@chinkyflahzbru doesn't know😂😂
@kiannuwu Күн бұрын
Mr Pokke have that Negative Edge energy with this one
@roninstormYT Күн бұрын
there faking it like the other monster hunter streamers that got caught . that one could be see trough or easy too see under it the blind guy he is legit blind in sf6 on evo as well he was legit the zzz guy is not legit
@sinsei2165 Күн бұрын
My guy is coping.
@Shuraig7 Күн бұрын
I had a stroke reading this
@Atmo-sp Күн бұрын
Who care if Mrpokke can see something or not through the blindfold, look at the gameplay, he is just spamming and get hit a lot but that doesn't matter because the game is realy easy. He didn't do it to show he is good or not, everyone know that he is not, he did that to show that he can mash button and clear the content. Nothing serious.
@Averageguy1221 Күн бұрын
Everyone including Godzilla had a fucking stroke reading this
@DegenKingYT Күн бұрын
You have to be poor unless have you ever tried seeing through a sleeping mask that shit is impossible
@miramaxcinemax5512 Күн бұрын
who said the second guy is legitimately blinded? All I see is some socks on his eyes, you can see through that shit easily
@Lionheart1200 Күн бұрын
Sven is legitimately blind he lost his sight to cancer
@ittehitteh9322 Күн бұрын
just google blindwarriorsven lol
@isidroduarte8942 Күн бұрын
It takes 5 seconds to look up who the second guy is. BlindWarriorSven.
@superpnutbutter8608 Күн бұрын
I don't think you can track down the doctor who diagnosed him with brain tumor, for privacy reason.
@Lionheart1200 Күн бұрын
@@superpnutbutter8608 you don’t need to do any of that Sven in street fighter v did an interview were he said all this that how people know him
@thegameplayverse7379 Күн бұрын
tbf if you try to do this to even an Elite Mob like the Glacial Doggo or the Light Crusher in the overworld In Wuthering Waves you'd die even at higher levels
@DegenKingYT Күн бұрын
Exactly genshin impact is more hardcore than this
@rz3264 Күн бұрын
The new ice doggo is no joke lol, their backflip attack hurts like hell.
@PikachuPolice 23 сағат бұрын
Even red clangbang can kill us..mf killed me so many times jumping
@Shoujo_o 21 сағат бұрын
Wuthering doesn't have the sound design and camera of ZZZ. You're fighting with the camera and auto aim most of the time with WuWa
@S.W-PILGRIM 19 сағат бұрын
I agree, even pokke parries all zzz ATTCKS with that "sound design" he literally didn't button smash 😂​@@Shoujo_o
@vontecontroll1556 Күн бұрын
its not a skill gate its a time or credit card gate.
@saiwaqa2573 Күн бұрын
Are you another fg player that doesn't know what kara canceling is lmaooo
@uchihas1995 Күн бұрын
I just negative edge all night
@SmokingShadows Күн бұрын
That negative edge-ing joke is funny af lol. Dunno why Iyo is trying to impress gacha players by constantly slinging around FGC lingo that doesn't really apply to gacha games at all. It comes off as cringe, and pretentious. Gacha games aren't that deep, and aren't designed to be honestly, which is a part of the charm of them (for me at least). Log in, do dailies, and just chill with your favorite characters and see them in action through gameplay. Cool you touched on this topic. Anyways... Imma be negative edging now lmaoooo
@guiltyoregano7131 Күн бұрын
Gatcha community makeing drama out of the most stupidest things I see again. Man, that community is so cringe.
@distritochristianangeloa.157 Күн бұрын
I wish to see a 1v1 in any game with you vs Iyo it may be interesting...
@SoftwareNeos Күн бұрын
I only hate this cause this couldve been a great discussion for action games and fighting games. And what maybe they can take from each other. I remember a youtuber called bloody biscuits talking about kingdom hearts combat with fighting game terms. Hit boxes, neutral, jump ins. All that. Not even to say they are similar. But that aspects of fighting games was really prevelant and made some of the best kingdom hearts games.... until games like dream drop and Kingdom Hearts 3. I thought this was gonna be that. And now i am just dissapointed. Not at you... i just thought it was gonna be more interesting.
@NukeOverlord Күн бұрын
Gacha players will watch someone beat Elden Ring with dodge rolls and say "this mf ain't geared enough to R1 through the game 💀"
@sparkred4565 2 күн бұрын
Whats this game called
@SonicSol Күн бұрын
DNF Duel
@Toddry 2 күн бұрын
I beat that 🥷🏾 with a day 1 Ken in V. He isn’t hard to beat. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@someonesomewhere8658 2 күн бұрын
So are you guys twins or what?
@shironeko711 2 күн бұрын
Feels kinda bad that the gacha community making fun of all the Fighting game terms. But I bet you 90% of the community didn't even know of these terms until iyo the honoured one, The only MF that should be getting praised for knowing the secret tech xD, brought it up and made a clown fest
@acemaison2834 2 күн бұрын
Its very weird for them to adopt these phrases and attempt these things in a hack & slash gacha of all things . Just like Sol pointed it out it can exist in even games like DMC series . Honestly there is a one gacha with some combo potential to use some terms but its really bare bones and only a couple phrases can be used in it . That game is My hero ultra rumble , now ik its not a fighter and its a battle royal game but because Byking was the studio who made it plus they also created the fighter my ones justice 2 ( a anime arena fighter ). There was tech in one's justice that can be used in ultra rumble but it varies . Small tangent aside weird things in gacha community and sol gets free content so win win really .
@jawbonedis 2 күн бұрын
For me the only game that i can compare wuwa is none other than devil may cry 5 thats is the closes i can think of as a comparison nothing else, So idk why Iyo keep pushing this FGC terms in this type of games. but Iyo doesn't know this type of games has a safeguard their is a limit on the amount how many times u can juggle a normal mobs while elite or boss enemies have like super armor or resistance because the devs don't want you to cheese this challenges they want u to learn how and optimize your gameplay.
@hott-m2v 2 күн бұрын
iyo is the laughing stock of fighting games! now he's the laughing stock of gacha games as well
@재현7704 2 күн бұрын
wtf is Karacancel!
@SanSanFTW 2 күн бұрын
To me the Gacha gang using and memeing FG terms is just kinda disrespectful. Us FG players gotta dedicate mad time, lab setups, blockstrings, combos. Understanding the games system mechanics. Character specific tech. We have to dig deep and actually understanding Kara cancels, Whiff Cancels. ETC.
@JimJimmy-hb9pc 2 күн бұрын
I think u guys missed the point here, nobody is clowning FG players. those people are clowning on that one dude who use FG terms on a gacha game, yes zzz have hidden input but it's not complicated as your average FG.
@cherozkiahyusof4902 2 күн бұрын
N blame iyo if people making fun on those term 😂😂😂😂😂
@KarmasBadv4 2 күн бұрын
As a gacha gamer and dont play fighting games gotta remember gacha gamers are immature or kids so we'll shit on any term, dont take it to heart and ignore us when terms are shit/memed on
@eviltuqueque8800 2 күн бұрын
even the chat was cookin iyo lmao
@meman7831 2 күн бұрын
bro is a tectone d sucker
@Ajeez1000 2 күн бұрын
Yeah this really aint that big of a deal but gacha community always got drama they ready to eat up lol
@guydude6112 2 күн бұрын
I dabble in both types of games pretty heavily and I think there's one point that you did mention but I think could be framed more clearly. In fighting games, these techniques are *competitive*. Using them directly gives you a higher chance of victory because they are maximizing the gameplay mechanics and abusing them. The techniques that Iyo found actively makes you worse at the game because it's doing the opposite - you're not playing to the strengths of the gameplay mechanics given to you as a player. Especially in Wuwa like Fob said, juggling just makes you a worse player because you're sacrificing using the outro skill bar, energy bar, maintaining a cohesive buff rotation - and throwing anything optimal for damage out the window in order to look flashy. All this in addition to his clown tweets and comments looking down on gacha players while introducing nothing actually useful to the community is causing this huge backlash. Gacha games are largely punching bag simulators and if he found techs to push the limits within the confines of the mechanics given to us and gives us like a 10%+ damage output, even if he misused some fighting game terms, he would still be respected. An example of this would be if he made something like Sweetily's skip chain attacks video and added some fgc jargon to it, people might've poked fun at him but still been very respectful.