The Daily ADHD Habit You MUST TRY
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd 6 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@monsieurene3366 17 күн бұрын
I'm finishing my master in neurosciences and I also have ADHD, + I have a company with my mother and I would like to challenge this idea of James Clear. Having read 1000pages of neurosciences of motivation studies, I've found that there's 1 way that work best, to help someone suffering from low motivation to increase their motivation, do the work, and be succesful. And that thing is winning. In behavioral neuroscience it's called positive prediction error. In pyschological neuroscience, the best proxy of that is competence and autonomy. If you have evidence that the work you do is rewarding, that reward compounds and increases the likelihood you'll do the things. To be more specific, positive predicitons errors signals the Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) thatwhatever happenned in the world leads to something good and they want more of that. Connections between the OFC, the dopamine neuros (Ventral Tegmental Area) strenghtens with respec to the external stimuli (so the task that lead to reward), and next time you face similar conditions, the amount of dopamine that is released increases , making you more eager to do the thing. The notion James Clear mentionned to change your identity is a good manifestation of that. But that only works if you have been reinforced so much by the activity, that it's reasonable to switch your value system to that new identity. One doesn't decide he's an athelete if they haven't spend 100hours running. Or lifting. tl;dr: Identity CHanges work if you have evidences.
@theJoshByrd 17 күн бұрын
I love that perspective. I think there is a lot to think about there, but it makes sense to me. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
@sartajsingh24 18 күн бұрын
@karlb2067 19 күн бұрын
Good video
@theJoshByrd 24 күн бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter to help ADHD Entrepreneurs - be sure to sign up!
@monsieurene3366 Ай бұрын
. How would you say you're productivity increased with medication compared with structure? So as to have a point of comparison
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Great question. For me, and it's different for every ADHD brain, one of it's biggest advantages is it helps me get started. I use a lot of structure and processes to increase my productivity exponentially, BUT the meds help me quiet the distractions to create and initiate that structure and then stay more conscious of distractions so that if or when I do get distracted, I can more easily pull myself back to the task at hand. So, while I don't have specific quantitative data on it, I can tell you that my career took off like a rocket at the same time I got back on my meds. Hope that's helpful context and thanks for watching!
@karlb2067 Ай бұрын
Outstanding podcast . Go Josh. Dad
@SpiderMan-xl3gh Ай бұрын
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
@monsieurene3366 Ай бұрын
I'm a Neuroscience Student with ADHD and also have a company, and somehow your video found me. To be fair, I don't think I totally agree with your ideas, but that's probably just me being not competent enough. But I'll still give my 2 cents on it, you do not have to agree. For the research that I read about motivation and focus, people with ADHD then have a waning focus ability, making them work extremely hard under certain conditions, and incapable of doing some basic tasks. Therefore, I subscribe to the fact that one shouldn't do it alone, not because of the ideas or motivation, but because there are probably a lot of boring tasks, that someone with ADHD won't manage to do itself. In fact, I'm sure you agree with me that most entrepreneurs should work with people who have complementary strengths. Now what you said about community is very true. In psychology, this is called Relatedness, a basic psychological need, that when fulfilled, tends to increase long-term motivation. And no matter how I know that I very much struggle to find communities of like-minded people that will keep me accountable. So this was a really good reminder. Thanks for the video, and I subscribed to the channel.
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and subscribing. I really appreciate your feedback and your studies are correct. There’s much more to ADHD than just focus. We can focus intensely on things that we care about and still lose our keys in the freezer the same day! 😂 My goal here is to help people understand, how to set up an environment, strategies, mindset, and accountability to be their best selves. In my experience, you can’t just do one thing to “fix” your ADHD. You have to understand it, and set yourself up for success to live with it using all of the tools at your disposal. Thanks for being here! 🙏🏻
@Tristanyway Ай бұрын
Thanks Josh 🥰
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching! I’ve got a lot of content coming your way so stay tuned 🙌🏻
@sartajsingh24 Ай бұрын
authentic, genuine, and honest approach to content creation .. good work Josh👌 .. thanks.🥂
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching! Lots more on the way. Stay tuned!
@theJoshByrd Ай бұрын
Hey Growthwellers! I have a new newsletter coming - be sure to sign up!
@aracelyjaclyn3088 Ай бұрын
😂 "promo sm"
@theJoshByrd 3 ай бұрын
Would love to hear how you balance professional growth and personal wellbeing!
@karlb2067 3 ай бұрын
Awesome review of a Great Classic Book. You will be amazed at the timeless advice on building a successful life and business.
@theJoshByrd 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much!
@theJoshByrd 3 ай бұрын
Have you read it? What did you think?
@JustinOwings 3 ай бұрын
Very cool, Josh!
@theJoshByrd 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. I’m still figuring it all out but I love the adventure!