@frustratedsquirrel 8 сағат бұрын
TV system is...visually unpleasant, and very sluggish to get through. If it's supposed to be an abstraction of the Hollow, it should have more visuals to reflect the sort of environments we're in. I know that's expensive from a development angle, but it would do a lot to make these areas feel more acceptable to play through. What I hate about the TV systems overall is how long they distract me from the combat. Some TV puzzles can be fun and even challenging, but it's not the reason why I play an action game like ZZZ. I feel like at least they could actually take away some of the animation flourish from the bangboo in order to make them get from point A to point B faster.
@flame448 22 сағат бұрын
do anyone know how to complete zenless zone zero arrange today's schedule
@mangshu21 22 сағат бұрын
Well the removed it entirely and now its just discount honkai. Boring as hell. Honkai battlesuits are lightyears ahead in terms of kit complexity as well. Zzz characters feel like it was made 10 years ago compared to hi3. Well done devs. The game is permanently ruined and the proxies. they should be removed from the game. Now your MC is pointless and doesnt matter. The game is now for basic ass andy's who see flashy characters, drool and think the game is amazing.
@lawrencetan8471 23 сағат бұрын
Haven't play zzz 1.2 story but I think in genshin and hsr, camera angles switching and focusing on different characters and scenery adds to the story experience too
@soundplayground3742 Күн бұрын
They way I always looked at it was that Belle and Wise are basically computer hackers so the TV array is coming from their computer screen or perspective of what they are seeing as they guide the Agents through the hollows and helping them get in and get out which is actually pretty unique and fun :) What they could also do is just make like a TV mode game and put it inside the arcade. That way it would be like a whole seperate game mode and people could polay through it and get more of the game's story and lore that way. Just an idea LOL!!
@GhostEmblem Күн бұрын
-Kamina- Kami North declares war on the -anti spirals- spiral flutist
@vioreto4411 Күн бұрын
I hate tv system but also don't want this thing completely disappear , yeah you're right the main problem is we're can't see our agent in tv system and the tone of tv system is so plain , for short time mission maybe feels fine but if it come to more than 30 minutes tv system feels boring , just make it more colorful and flip the portion of tv system will help
@Yeen_Beans Күн бұрын
I think people who don't enjoy the tv mode are just people who've never played any DS games as a child or are just casuals who only play one type of game lmao. I enjoy it alot, though I do agree it can be optimized and made harder and more engaging. Hollow Zero is a good example, the rouge like system is very fun to me. The new blitz mode is so boring without tv mode, there's no real like edge, I enjoy doing Hollow Zero and doing like 1HP runs, gaining pressure and losing health for Resonium.
@zanuka7487 Күн бұрын
The only issue i have with tvs are the loading screen it causes when switching from tv to battle multiple times in a mission because i have a not that great pc so like think of a more efficient way to incorporate them but i love the tvs otherwise
@Reldan Күн бұрын
My problem is that it feels really clunky. Movement feels laggy to me. You mention that you don't like sections with needless walking from A to B... and the TV mode feels like that's 80% of the "gameplay" there. There are a lot of old school square-grid turn-based dungeon crawler games, and they work because they have a lot more going on - items, treasure collection, and more than one solution to a given problem. TV mode right now is 100% on rails, and as a result there's nothing in there that requires any skill whatsoever. There's a lot of times where you're stuck moving one square at a time on the phone and it's just tap-tap-tap with nothing actually happening. A lot of the puzzles are way too simple, which is fine for content that you need all players to be able to clear, but they need to put in some optional puzzles that are actually difficult. I find "solving" trivial puzzles about as engaging as Chutes and Ladders. There's a lot of potential here, but there needs to be more going on, and it needs to be fluid.
@superbro6413 Күн бұрын
Appreciate having a space to have an open discussion on the TV puzzles / dungeons. Here's my thoughts 1) Why the TV gameplay is important I believe it is part of the core identity of ZZZ. If you take that away, you end up with a "team of 3" action game too similar to Honkai Impact 3rd and it's contemporaries. The TV mode is the devs answer to making their game distinct and different. If it's taken away, something will have to replace it. I do not think ZZZ will fare better without a unique pull 2) When the TV mode is at it's best The world of ZZZ centers around dangerous hollows which are basically impossible to get out of without the assistance of a navigator, and they will eventually corrupt you the longer you're in them, until you turn into a monster TV gameplay is at it's best when it reflects this feeling. ZZZ was at it's best for me during the 2nd beta, where there were commissions in which you were up against the time pressure of being corrupted, and had to make different strategic decisions to complete whatever the commission asked of you. When ZZZ has the confidence to let you figure it out by yourself, and make your own mistakes, but you're able to get by with the skin of your teeth, is when the game (to me) is at its best. This isn't necessarily exclusive to the Hollow Zero mode either. Anytime those feelings and level of engagement is tapped into, no matter what the commission itself is; that's when I'm having a blast 3) What's happening with the TV mode The core issue, after some reflection, is that I do not think the TV mode is being utilized in a way that shows off its strengths. Players feel that TV mode is intrusive, or hand-holdy, or it's not snappy enough. (All of these, and others too, are valid criticisms) I would add that other than the one-off, out of the way commissions, a good chunk of the main "critical path" commissions have TV gameplay that fail to convey that sense of danger, or let you make impactful decisions. Many of them have a gimmick that's introduced, and then the gimmick is gone before there's time to do anything substantial with it. It definitely smells of fledgling dungeon / puzzle designers with a shaky foundation, but improving as they go. Unfortunately, it may be the case that we never get to see "peak" TV gameplay, if the puzzle designers are cut off from being able to cook 4) How this can be addressed As someone who personally vouches for the TV gameplay, I want to see more of it, but I want to see *quality* TV content. I understand that a majority of players did not like the mode, and they have good reasons too. For now, it's probably a good choice to reduce the amount of it for main story content, and work on getting real good TV mode commissions for the optional side stuff you aren't required to do. All said and done, we'll ultimately have to see these changes shake out Thanks once again for letting us speak on this. Peace ✌️
@pumkamay Күн бұрын
First the developers said: - We will hear you and remove the TVs. Then the developers said: - Your opinion is not important, we will return the TVs. Useless mechanics, like the people who like it.
@elstrangeenemy887 Күн бұрын
I'm just ctrl+c ctrl+v from the stream's VOD, large amounts of text do be warned ⚠ ⚠ First of all I am a TV Enjoyer, second this is a list of all the points I caught were mentioned by chat and Azrial with my feedback and opinion attached to each of them, if you would like to copy this format and use it to give your own go ahead :D the .1 points are just the continuation of my feedback and opinion as well as my own conclusion. Also please don't comment if you don't have anything of value to say... Things like "Ain't reading that" "HOLY YAPPING" are fun as memes but stop the conversation from naturally flowing in the comments. And Azrial if you would like to ever use this comment and its responses to further expand the topic in a new video that would be great! 1.- Speed Up cuts off dialogue: Yes it does and it was mentioned in the Face to Face so they are working on it. 2.-Base Speed Increase: In theory it was already increased. 3.-Animation/Zoom Speed/Oversaturation: YES, this has been an issue from the beggining and I saw almost no one mentioned, things like Fairy asking if you want to open doors, recollecting Data, opening chests, etc. have no reason to be displayed EVERY SINGLE TIME after the "tutorial" so just get rid of it after that. 4.- Movement Speed too slow: This is imo not the issue, but instead point 3, no matter how fast you can traverse TVs if animations stop you in your tracks all the time. 5.-TVs being too hand holdy/easy: Here I think we can see the first point of conflict between people who tolerate/enjoy TVs and those who hate it, if you make the TV puzzles harder then TV haters will still complain, as they don't want to be stopped in any way from rushing things and entering combat, they simply don't like TVs no matter how they are implemented. 6.-TV Layout can have way more variety depending on which setting you are in: Extremely fair point, not only does this change make immersion better but it also just straight up makes TV more appealing to look at. 7.- TV Exploration vs Agent Exploration: While a major factor is the ability to see and use your Agents the main difference I find is the amount of work you have to do in order to move along the story: In TVs you have a gameplay style that may or may not be enjoyable (regardless of optimization) that you can't avoid, in 3d exploration you just need to walk from point A to point B to get to the combat 7.1.- In summary, people get into ZZZ expecting to enjoy combats since the game advertised itself as an Action Game, but then one of the major aspects players find thrown at their face and forced upon them since the beginning is TV mode, a mode that has NOTHING to do with combat and thus turns them away from the game since they didn't get on board to do mini games / puzzles and yet they are forced upon these mechanics that let's be honest do take a lot of time compared to combat aka the main aspect of an Action Game, not neccesarily that the TVs take fights away but that they are too many and too long in between fights (Not inherently a bad thing imho since I enjoy them, but from the PoV of someone who straight up joined due to sheer hype of having a game centered around it's combat I can see why they hate them) 8.- Balance between TVs and Combat: As of 1.0 TVs did take a ratio of 80-30 with the scarce fights that were thrown at us being 30 seconds long with TVs lasting several minutes in comparison (Massive ratio disproportion that I will elaborate further in point 8.1). Then as of 1.1 TVs take the first major step back with Jane's story being completely removed from it (Now arguably this was a side story that didn't involve Phaethon and thus made sense to not have it). Then finally we get to 1.2 where we are reintroduced to Phaeton's story and surprise surprise: TVs are not there finally confirmed to be removed and even introduced optional modes to Hollow Zero making TVs completely useless and funnily enough I think that was the only instance where I personally would have removed TVs since it's meant to be a sort of grindy mode that you do WEEKLY and it burns you out really fast whereas all the story TVs were unique and you are only meant to experience them "once" and then move on to new TV mechanics from their respective chapters. 8.1.- What people fail to realize is that Zenless combat is extremely simple COMPARED to other Action Games, be it gachas (PGR, Wuwa to an extent) or mainstream (Bayonetta, Devil May Cry) and thus becomes repetitive and monotonous real fast IF it's not engaging aka A CHALLENGE: Point in case, combat during story mode is extremely dull when it comes to a challenge as it's literally designed for casual players to be able to clear it by even giving trial characters in case theirs fall short... And here is where TV mode came in: It provided a way for non stop combat similar to 1.2 to not become dull and repetitive due to how low the difficulty is during the story. Now let me ask you something: Was the combat enjoyable during 1.2? For me it was the most tedious content TO DAY since I've already tried both Shiyu Defense Modes that require you to not get downed once and the combat even distracted me from dialogue during 3D exploration since I have to either focus on my gameplay or on the text on screen... This mind you didn't happen to me once during 1.0 and 1.1 (The latter to an extent since Jane's story was a side story of which most dialogue was blabbering between her and npcs) so take it as you wish. To finish this I want to add my own perception of this issue: There are 3 kind of people right now which are TV enjoyers, TV haters and TV neutrals. Most TV Enjoyers jumped into the game already expecting TV mode alongside combat making their reception incredibly positive, most TV haters jumped into the game expecting a game HEAVILY focused on combat and how can we blame them? Hoyo did nothing to market the TV aspect of ZZZ outside of betas which made said TV haters even more displeased with TVs as their feedback was ignored in their eyes when the game launched with their inclusion being a major aspect... But I am going to have to be the devil's advocate here and tell TV Haters this: Devs have every right to choose which feedback to follow and which to ignore, and most feedback regarding the TVs during betas was "Remove it" and not "Improve it" :/ Devs had a vision and they stuck true to their guns which I really admire since I believed they achieved their objective: To grab a small loyal new audience unique to ZZZ (A mix of Dungeon Crawler and Action Combat, two already niche genres). Sadly that's not what Hoyo as a company was expecting and thus resulted in this change in an attempt to lure back the more mainstream kind of players that left due to the presence of a niche gameplay, sadly I doubt that's ever happening at this point and many of the loyal players who stayed because they loved what ZZZ devs accomplished might now be leaving the game. That's it, I never intended to say who's wrong or correct, just to share my thoughts and real dissapointment as one of said loyal players, I will continue to support Zenless as I believe firmly these are the best Devs any gacha game could ask for and can't wait to see what they do in the future :D And to quote these genius dev team "Well, in terms of feedback actually a player's feedback often times isn't necessarily what they really want".
@onelasada1707 Күн бұрын
As this content creator said. The TV mode should have a skip option. Hoyo should find a creative way to put a summuray for those story enjoyers that hate the TV Mode.
@zaregotoch.8491 Күн бұрын
Just wanted to note that I've been enjoying myself a lot without the TVs currently and the story is better for it as well. Being able to interact with things on the rallye stages has been much better and more immersive.
@zaregotoch.8491 2 күн бұрын
The main problem is that the genre gap is too large. If it was a fullfledged dungeon crawler with action and everything that makes it fun, it wouldn't be so bad but currently it feels very disconnected. From 3D fully animated fast action to 2D "turn based" slow puzzle is just very painful for me. Imo they need to get rid of the boring TV grid and create a nice looking Map that you can freely walk around on as the characters you play, kinda like in bizarre brigade. (Check out Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX, I imagine it kinda like that.) I'll be real the way TV is rn I wouldnt even want it to be 1% of gameplay but I think if they work on the gameplay and visual presentation it might not be a lost cause.
@archerkuro4158 2 күн бұрын
I’m probably in the minority but chapter 3 is my most hated tv mission and when you describe what that would be without the tv it’s sounds exactly the same as what we did with the tv we moved around in the dark and pressed f a bunch and if a ghost touched us we got sent back the visuals are different but the gameplay is the same But overall I like the idea of swapping the tv over world ratio that sounds like a good fix for both sides
@ReikiMaulana 2 күн бұрын
If y'all didn't like the TV gameplay then just go play HI3, it's practically the same core gameplay mechanics, heck it's somehow much more elaborate than ZZZ.
@HeroMysticLYX 2 күн бұрын
This is a follow-up to my previous comment now that I watched all of your video. First, I appreciate the open discussion. Again, the sudden influx of people defending the TV system often operates on bad faith and that goes nowhere. Short Version: Just make TV Mode more meaningful to combat. Long Answer: I like the TV system. The best part of the game me was Chapter 3, and a large part of that was due to the atmosphere, music, and banter during the TV system. However, there's a lot about the TV system's design that is very hit or miss. When it's fun, it's very fun. But when it's boring, it's torturous. It's a very polarizing experience to play in the TV system. I would say I'm in the middle of this, who enjoys the TV system for what it is, but the overall execution has been very poor. When you say at 10:13 that there has to be a compromise, I feel this isn't actually the case. As you've noted, there has been two years worth of hate on the TV system, but I think it's important to say it has only gotten larger since the release of the game. The Zenless team has tried to rebalance the frequency of TV Mode in the past. Perhaps they didn't take the problem as seriously as it should have during that time, but they did try. Since then, it's only gotten worse. The primary issue brought up in the video regarding the Agents' presence isn't even actually true. There's a story mission where you use Anton to one-shot enemies in TV Mode in order to solve a puzzle, and there's a lot of the agents' presence in multiple main stories where you see them doing stuff, you just don't see the character models in place. So maybe I'm missing the context of the actual stream conversations, but the argument here feels off. With that out of the way, I want to strike at the heart of the matter. Here's the thing that MUST be acknowledged: Zenless Zone Zero is a combat/action focused game. To say it isn't would be intellectually dishonest. People went into Zenless expecting the game to be combat focused. So when people say the TV System "gets in the way" of combat, it may be objectively nonsense, but the important thing to take from this is the sentiment. The general audience wants to play combat. TV Mode, as it is right now, is completely divorced from what you do in combat. They are completely separate modes, yet they share equal importance. This is extremely polarizing no matter how much you slice it. Sure, you can do a 70:30 split or even a 90:10 split, but that doesn't fix the underlying issue that TV Mode has NOTHING to do with the action-focused aspects of the game whatsoever... ...Except in Hollow Zero. I think what I find interesting that when people complained about the TV system, they often state that the rogue-like mode is actually fun, and I believe the strongest reason for that is because what you do in the TV Mode within Hollow Zero directly affects your agents for combat. This is the missing puzzle piece here, and it's something Zenless is already doing. Just make TV Mode more meaningful to combat. That's literally the answer.
@AzrialVanity 2 күн бұрын
First I appreciate you taking part in the discussion! It's the only way we can get solid feedback to the devs. The reason I say there has to be a compromise is as I said in the video they are a company that wants to make money so they are going to try and appease/retain as many players as they can. They have already backtracked on saying they will remove the TV system from main story and stated that instead of removing they will enhance it slowly. As for the agents being present, Yes, they do have moments where the agents show up in the TV and do something but it does not happen OFTEN enough, and not in a way that players feel like they are actually doing something. They want to SEE the actual character not just an image of the character on the TV as it moves around. That was like the largest feedback is that they want to see the characters. You are correct that the modes are very different and will still be polarizing no matter what the split is, but allowing the split to be more Rally style will appease more players overall. As far as it "getting in the way of combat" again when compared to other games the amount of actual "combat" you are getting in the story is around the same, the presentation of the story is just different. It FEELS like a combat section is being taken away when in reality it's not. I do agree that yes the TV should make an impact to the combat sections and that's why I think the method listed would work, they could not only have the small TV sections open up path for the agents but could find resonia along the way or something to impact the agents more making it feel more cohesive.
@HeroMysticLYX 4 сағат бұрын
@@AzrialVanity Thanks for the quick response, and sorry that I didn't respond sooner, I got busy as soon as I was done posting this. Before I respond to anything else, can you tell me where they backtracked their decision?
@AzrialVanity 4 сағат бұрын
@HeroMysticLYX They posted it on Twitter! x.com/ZZZ_EN/status/1839209107171008690?t=UEHo3olW1jCuxK0GL6xgRA&s=19 The only mode in which they said it was being "removed" was main story and now they said "INSTEAD" of removing they will improve. So it will be in main story again.
@HeroMysticLYX 4 сағат бұрын
@@AzrialVanity Nice, thanks for that. I guess this is what I get for hating Twitter and not wanting to be on it. 😆 This changes my stance then. I almost entirely agree with what you've said on the video since the Zenless team hasn't given up on this. I do think your approach can work, but I really think taking Hollow Zero's approach and doing something similar in story missions would work better. An example I thought of is during a TV mode section, correctly solving optional puzzles would provide benefits to your agents when it's time for combat. Maybe they'll get status buffs, or maybe it weakens a wave of what would otherwise be overpowered Elite mobs. Providing the players a choice to play as Phaeton or your agents for a mission can also be a fair approach. Doing the mission as agents gives you a Rally commission where Phaeton's gameplay is minimal, but doing the extra objectives would be harder, while playing as Phaeton would be BAU.
@ChopPieDezz 2 күн бұрын
For the marketing - not a single trailer in HSR showed a second of turn based combat, this isn't really an issue
@ChopPieDezz 2 күн бұрын
Handholding in games needs to happen after the player tried and failed, not before. That's a thing that all the Hoyo games are failing at. Think of the latest GoW, but a bit tonned down. Let the player play around the puzzle, then give them a hint. Give them a TV puzzle, if they are moving stuff around and not getting it for more than a minute, let the sibling give a hint, then an option for fairy to solve it automatically for the TV haters out there.
@ChopPieDezz 2 күн бұрын
There's a cool thing that us, Poxies, and Fairy is doing to the hollows(and tvs) - making them linear. Maybe they could emphasize the randomness of the hollows from the Agent's perspective so that the role of the player is elevated. I think that feeling is currently missing and ot was only hinted at during the prologue.
@HeroMysticLYX 2 күн бұрын
I'm about 5 minutes in and will listen to the whole thing, but I want to get this off my chest and say we need to give the developers time to let them cook. It's very obvious this was a last minute decision and they need time to figure out how to implement the stories they want to tell through gameplay, especially one from Phaeton's perspective. It's very clear they did not make this decision lightly and the feedback against the TV system was overwhelming. Rolling back the decision now seems foolhardy. I will comment again once I listen to everything. I appreciate someone actually opening discussion and not making this an "us vs them" situation like many others have.
@ancientspark375 2 күн бұрын
Nah, my feedback on TV sections is completely opposite than what you got. I don't mind TV sections replace combat. I don't even mind the handholdy problems or the TV zooms. The problem is that it sucks at telling the story because of the environmental design. This is always a problem you're going to get with overhead type perspectives because it means you're pulled out of the action to a certain degree, but it's especially bad when the TV design provides another level of abstraction and it feels like you're disconnected from what's going on. Like, to give an example. At some moments, the characters are supposed to be in danger, right? Well, how are you supposed to tell that through a TV mode? The character expressions don't change, the TV mode makes it hard to get more than a vague sense of distance between characters in the scene, you can't feasibly depict reactions to the situation besides just some up-right-left-down movement. It's impossible to get any sense of what's happening besides the characters just saying "X is happening", and the perspective doesn't even focus on said dialogue. If you can't depict urgency because of it being turn-based, fine, but there should be a sense of perspective for other ingredients of tension, right? Well, Ch. 3, the part you put as a counterexample, had that exact problem. Regardless of how "cool" the movement/puzzles are, it feels like padding because you're so disconnected from the reason that you're going out to go hit lightbulbs from how it was presented. If the devs feel they need to break up combat with non-combat sections, I'm all for it. But it needs to actually do something that evokes a reaction out of the player. Basically, the only point of feedback I actually agree with is some of the graphical things like changing the borders of TVs, etc.
@hovsep56 2 күн бұрын
the two exploration missions we had in 1.2 were more fun than most combat missions....
@Jellomancy 2 күн бұрын
"You can't tell the story without TV mode" I find flawed due to believing that somehow it's the ONLY way to tell the story, when it's purpose is to abstract what is actually happening. "Chapter 3 couldn't happen without the TV system," You're trying to tell me that the biggest gacha developer in the world can't model ghosts and lightbulbs to physically encounter? C'mon. TVs are a very conservative method of representing a scene, much like a set of stage directions for a play being performed for the actors. It's best benefit is it's efficiency as a script. That's also it's biggest problem; TV mode is playing the script, and people want to play the Play itself. It's not a lack of desire for narrative that so many defenders are trying paint criticism, quite the opposite; it's about having narrative not bogged down in disruptive analogy, events not being simplified into icons on a board that abstracts too much of the vibrant setting these moments are happening in.
@LiliNyx_ofc 2 күн бұрын
Yes! I agree with the switching back and forth in real time.
@TheMrToxin 2 күн бұрын
Without TV, this game is like any other ARPG, aside from having 'retro vibe'. There is absolutely no reason to play it for combat alone, when WuWa exists and has a strictly better version of this combat. TVs added so much soul to the game and made it unique. There were many solutions to fix it, but they axed it instead, since they're mainstream and a 'lowest common denominator' doesn't even want to solve a simple puzzle before 'combat'.
@fellipepessoa1685 2 күн бұрын
This is the best and most complete critique of the tv system I've seen. I known it's unlikely but i hope someone at hoyo sees this
@rosem4891 2 күн бұрын
This is like, my fourth attempt to make my thoughts sound coherent, so bear with me a bit. I think my biggest issue with the TV system genuinely does come down to the puzzles and the exploration not being engaging enough. You point out how the stuff we do in 1.2 is technically less involved because all we do is stand around a pillar, but imo standing around a pillar and solving the world's easiest puzzle before moving five blocks down aren't really that dissimilar to one another. At least, with the way they currently exist. Standing around pillars sounds boring on paper, but what made it enjoyable genuinely was that ZZZ's combat is fucking fun. When I'm participating in that activity, I'm not thinking "all I'm doing is standing around waiting for a meter to fill up" I'm engaging with the main appeal of the game. TVs mode's puzzles, in contrast, just aren't good enough on their own to create the same type of experience. They often aren't complex enough to warrant much, if any, thought at all. Traversal is so scripted throughout the entire thing it never feels like I'm actually exploring. When I'm in the TV mode I *am* thinking "I am just moving Eous in a pre-meditated path until the game decides to give me more story." Despite being technically more player-involved, it feels more tedious because the gameplay just isn't engaging enough. The combat in ZZZ is inherently variable to a degree. No one person is going to approach fighting those trash mobs in the same way. Whether because of a difference in combat style preference or the characters they own, it's easy to find your own fun during those moments. But TV mode is just. a visual novel spliced between some busywork. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE visual novels, it's why I genuinely adore HSR's dialogue-heavy, slow-paced main story quests, but imo TV mode offers the worst of both worlds for that type of storytelling rn. I do hope I'm not coming across as too accusatory or anything here. I do really like ZZZ's story and I don't hate TV mode. I just think it can be vastly improved from what it is now. I do think moments like chapter 3's light puzzles and Rina's story show the potential, and I do want the TVs to stay, genuinely, but I can't say I'm all that surprised or upset to see this version of the TVs get axed. Hopefully whatever the team comes up with in the near future is able to satisfy enough people while not taking away from those who already enjoyed it.
@CaptainMeleon 2 күн бұрын
you see, the TVs are an amazing way to let us have more diverse stories and sections of quests that tell more complex stories, with minimal effort. removing the TVs on the new cheesetopia event, for example, made so that every quest was just talking to NPCs or fighting low level ethereals over and over on practically the same map. imagine the number of different routes they could've taken with the TV, having different puzzles and occurences through the quests, instead of all of them being FIGHT MOB. WALK. FIGHT MOB AGAIN. WALK. FIND ITEM. FIGHT LAST MOB. END.
@zaregotoch.8491 Күн бұрын
Id rather fight stuff and use my characters than do boring puzzles. I don't mind talking to NPCs, at least I get to see how they are part of that world, which is much more immersive.
@defe665 2 күн бұрын
I think what's unique to zzz is how we can play as phaeton to navigate through the dynamics of the hollow. It doesn't have to be the current tv mode I hope they can replace it with something better, not an empty map like in this version because obviously most players want the tv back now
@noint1732 2 күн бұрын
You absolutely nailed it in the issues being: not seeing the agents, staring into a black void, and the Constant "handholding." All of that combined to take me out of the experience. I actually liked the TV sections in the beginning, but by the end of 1.0 I found myself checking out and losing interest which then made it difficult to keep caring about the story.
@MrDisphoric 2 күн бұрын
The TVs will never truly work in the main story for one simple reason: puzzles In order for the TVs to not be railroaded sections just there to bog down speed they need to be actual puzzles. At that point they'd be engaging and interesting and it would feel like they have a real reason to be there. The issue is the average player can't handle more than square peg in square hole as a puzzle, so hoyo will never implement real puzzles in the main story or it with progress block a huge portion of the playerbase. Complex TV sections for side quests and events? Go hogwild, i would love that. But for the mainstory it's just never going to work.
@fellipepessoa1685 2 күн бұрын
Add an option for Fairy to solve it if the player can't
@milicabojic9434 2 күн бұрын
TV's are good, y'all are just tweaking
@Jellomancy 2 күн бұрын
It was hated since Beta, you just want to be a contrarian.
@milicabojic9434 2 күн бұрын
@@Jellomancy Nuh uh
@Dave_Chrome 2 күн бұрын
I wonder if the "agents in the overworld" thing would have offset the TV hate to an extent. As it is, you only see your agents in the combat gameplay, and the menus. If you could run around as who you own, as well as see them in combat... maybe it just wouldn't feel as egregious. We don't know right now since that's coming in 1.4. But the main story TV changes to previous story are also planned for 1.4 right? :(
@mystier3423 2 күн бұрын
One of the main problems when TVs was removed from the main story was that when in combat, there’re some dialogues appears in the top right, but because we’re concentrating in the combat, we usually miss those and can’t be seen anywhere unless replaying the whole stage. Those dialogues usually important to understand the depth of the characters relationships
@ikarimisu0184 2 күн бұрын
this right here is the big problem that the devs need to solve asap, this is ruining the flow of the story and makes a lot of people ignore the dialogue because it's so far away from the action, the simplest fix to this is put it in the bottom center
@TheKingofHonoredOnes 2 күн бұрын
That was always there even when tv mode was still around.
@elstrangeenemy887 Күн бұрын
@@TheKingofHonoredOnes Sure, but I could stop and read the dialogues, I can't do that while engaging in combat now can I?
@raszXavos 2 күн бұрын
I actually fee the same way during 1.2, I felt that the proxy was not needed at all. I enjoy the TV system and actually I try not to engage in battles and if I can skip encounters on the previous missions, I do so because I want to just stay in the TV and get to the end battle only not worry about trash mobs
@ShiroNekoDen 2 күн бұрын
A couple issues with the TV. It breaks the flow of the story and combat. You can't see the agents, you can't interact with the environment, the TV mode is the illusion of interaction. It's telling us rather than showing us. Dialogue and instructions are way too easy to miss. While I don't think TV mode should fully disappear, I'd much rather guide eious or a cured belle and wise being able to go in the hollows themselves without issue. To go in myself rather than point and click it on TVs. And if you need to do the super hacker thing us a TV mode as a minimal and a toggle to hack. I do prefer genshin and honkai star rail's way of doing things. Another issue is TV mode is sluggish and really slows down the pacing. Add that to the slow character progression. It breaks immersion a lot.
@sunglassfrog89 2 күн бұрын
Out of topic here but can I ask how to hide ui/dialogue bubble especially in comic mode because sometimes I wanna grab a screenshot but the dialogue is in the way of the cg/comic For me I play zzz primarly based on vibes and half part of that is the tv mode so I really hope they get the best outcome for tv mode (sry for bad en)
@AzrialVanity 2 күн бұрын
@sunglassfrog89 unfortunately they don't have a hide UI button yet They added on specifically for the scene with the MC at the chasm but it would be nice to have a hide UI button for sure
@SamF1reF0X 2 күн бұрын
I agree with everything. TVs should complement the action, not distract from it. A great example of when these two modes complement each other is the story of Zhu Yan and Qingyi.
@GhostEmblem 2 күн бұрын
Something I've been thinking about since your stream is we did focus a lot on what was bad about the TV system and whilst it was needed getting rid of the bad wont make people like something unless there is some good underneath, conversely alot of bad can be overlooked if the good is just that good. Also I dont think the lack of TV in the marketing is an explanation. What this argument is really saying is that people wouldnt complain as much if they knew before hand that doesnt make the TV system good/better.
@AzrialVanity 2 күн бұрын
@GhostEmblem Talking about what makes the system is good is very important as well, which why I tried to mention at the start why I think it's important to keep. I could have gone into more detail but I wanted to keep the video somewhat shorter in length to stay digestible. As for the marketing conversation, I wasn't necessarily saying the marketing would have made the TV system better, but it would allowed the crowd who didn't like it to not even try the game. But now there are tons of players that started the game and got invested story wise but dislike the TV system and now we have such a huge split on haters/enjoyers. So less of marketing would have made it "good" and more like it would have brought in/kept away a more consistent crowd.
@4thsin098 2 күн бұрын
I think the TV isn't bad at all IF it doesn't lock my camera to explain some boring stuff like push a box into this or do this and that. The target demographic for this game is adults, gameplays can be dumbed down for people who aren't too good at the game but you can't expect me to sit through a tutorial for 5yo's without letting me speed through it.
@MsBlacknight21 2 күн бұрын
I believe that the TV feature in the game could have been more extensive. I disagree with the game designers' decision to remove the TV feature, as I think it had a negative impact on the game. In the story update, the TV system was there to break up the constant fighting in the game. Therefore, I agree with the game designers when they mentioned that sometimes gamers don't know what they want, but I want to emphasize the word "sometimes". The TV system was originally integrated into the game, but the main characters we play as do not interact with it in the story now. What's the point of use now? It feels boring and pointless.
@Samyboy03 2 күн бұрын
100% agreed. Just make players decide which perspective they want to play : agent (unga bunga), or Eous (unique tv system) I don’t want to do the same thing over and over again.
@famimame 2 күн бұрын
Actually a good idea, since they already gave the option for Hollow Zero with the addition of Blitz mode.
@justanotherstarcoshipper8641 2 күн бұрын
Someone send this to Hoyo HQ, please...
@RafaelBanks69 2 күн бұрын
the TV is an excellent narrative device, if you actually care about the story, you'll appreciate the value of TVs; it just so happens that a lot of people don't care about the story and they skip the entire thing to get to fights as soon as possible. my say is, fk what they want, go play an overworld game if you want to play an overworld game. The main reason why these people complain is because they spam the skip button and have zero idea of what's going on so TVs feel like a waste of time, you can skip story in Genshin so you are forced to listen and watch; if you are going to experience a story it's better to experience the entire thing than half of it even if you hate the story. Because TVs are used as a narrative device, if you are already skipping half the story, the other half seems redundant. It's like being allowed to skip the first 2 episodes of a tv show then being forced to watch episodes 3, 6, 7 and 12: Without the surrounding context those episodes feel pointless and redundant.
@yusukekitagawa 2 күн бұрын
couldn't have said it better myself
@MrDisphoric 2 күн бұрын
Ahh the classic defense of "people that don't agree with me are story skippers".
@Jellomancy 2 күн бұрын
Trying to make broad assumptions about people who weren't fans of TV mode is not how you're going to prove it was good, no matter how much you ramble. Completing ignoring the negative aspects of how TV mode HURTS the narrative and attacking the critic instead, is not going to convince anybody to switch sides.
@TheKingofHonoredOnes 2 күн бұрын
The problem isnt the story telling elements its the gameplay elements.
@zaregotoch.8491 2 күн бұрын
It's not the story it's the boring gameplay and the awful visual presentation.
@emberthecatgirl8796 2 күн бұрын
For the “handholdyness” part, they should implement two modes, “story” and “challenge”. Challenge mode removes all of the panning that regards new doors opening and stuff, only keeping the panning for narrative events. Or they could call it “Fairy’s Enchanced Perception Mode” and have it be enabled by default. I’d simply like to get into the character of a Proxy, having to remember the labyrynthine paths across the hollow.
@AzrialVanity 2 күн бұрын
@emberthecatgirl8796 they do already have the "hard" mode option for story so they could add that as a part of the hard mode!
@emberthecatgirl8796 2 күн бұрын
@@AzrialVanity No! It needs to be pick and choose. People who want an immersive narrative that makes them feel like they’re Phaeton aren’t necessarily the most skilled fighters, and vice versa, people who play for the gameplay aren’t necessarily the brainiest of the bunch. Combining Challenge Mode for combat witb Challenege Mode for exploration is a recipe for puzzle-loving people dropping the game due to the Twins kicking their ass, or for the people who eat Pompey for breakfast to drop the story alltogether after looking for a vault door for 10 minutes straight. Sidenote: The few well-done TV segments made really feel like I was the Proxy, and it’s such a great thing that can’t be allowed to disappear.
@Onlyjomo 2 күн бұрын
Allow people to skip tv content like you can skip story… some people like the gameplay. And don’t care for story.
@nanakomatsu7425 2 күн бұрын
This... I don't want to read hours of monologue on TV mode, I already suffer for its puzzles... I want to disable tutorials as well, since I don't read them anyway.
@RobinOsiria 2 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this video. I would consider myself mostly amongst the group mentioned around 20:20 who want to skip the tv section but still receive the storytelling. I agree that TV Gameplay CAN be very powerful in the right circumstances (Chapter 3, Rina's story), but I think the majority of what is currently in the game is not compelling. It's also true that Hoyoverse did not advertise the TV mode, and I think that it's a big problem that players have to play through a lotttt of mediocre TV mode gameplay before they reach the examples that most everyone agrees are good. Players should ideally feel EXCITED when engaging the tv system, because it should mean that we're doing something compelling there that can't be communicated to us another way, but I don't think that a majority of people who have tried ZZZ feel that way, and it could take some time and consistently high-quality TV gameplay to get to that point. I agree that Belle and Wise should be kept at the center of the story (especially after THAT 1.2 lore drop scene, wow), and I think that 1.2 was probably initially written with more story for our proxies specifically inside the tv section, but I think that they can probably keep our proxies as prominent players in the story without them having to physically guide the playable agent characters in TV mode gameplay - they just haven't been trying to write it that way up to this point so far. Great video, great discussion, and I'm certain that the game will continue to improve as more feedback (from both sides of the TV system issue) is understood and implemented in the game.