@frauelpeh1105 Минут бұрын
i've never heard of that movie and 15 minutes into your video - i'm here for the ride and i honestly wanna stick with it for the whole thing just because this is so ridiculous
@ralunix4612 6 минут бұрын
Feels kinda bad how ya seem to Villify Ody to such an extent even his love for his family is tainted.
@IRLghostyTrickster 21 минут бұрын
Beatboxing puppy is actually the best
@ralunix4612 29 минут бұрын
Piss off came back. Cause someone did piss the gods off but it wasn't Ody when it comes to that bag. Wink wink
@Howlssss 29 минут бұрын
@isaiahminott 53 минут бұрын
Im here to suffer with you buddy
@JacobPenrodWrites 30 минут бұрын
I had no idea what I was getting myself into lol
@isaiahminott 23 минут бұрын
Im 30 minutes in and i have instant regerts but ill make it through ​@@JacobPenrodWrites
@backpack_hermit25 53 минут бұрын
Oh god I had the biggest traumatic flashback… as awful as this movie is… beatboxing puppy is the greatest thing made in this lifetime. I felt my brain rotting from the story changes… just… what..
@groggydoggy Сағат бұрын
hell yes
@SoulonFire13 5 сағат бұрын
Stumbled accross this in my reccomended and will probably start binging all your Epic reacts and then some. I really love how you break down the different story elements, as well as the animatics; its such an interesting and cool perspective on everything aaaa.
@ohheyitskmedia 7 сағат бұрын
Okay, so I actually see where you're coming from [though musicals tend to be 2 Acts, as others have stated] So maybe a decent compromise without moving things around would be to split this saga into two, first we still cover Athena and Telemachus, but we start with at least one song checking in with Athena [assuming we don't give her a check in song in an earlier saga, which may be better]. Then the second half with Ody and Calypso gets a couple new songs to flesh it out. That seems like an effective adjustment to me, but I'm just a storytelling nerd, not a writer of books OR musicals lol. I just definitely see where you're coming from with this Saga. In fact, many have said that switching to the Telemachus POV to start Act 2 is sort of a pallette cleanser after Thunder Bringer, but then the two Telemachus songs are immediately followed by seven years a s*x sl*ve Odysseus, which is SO MUCH WORSE, ACTUALLY and creates this sort of emotional roller coaster. Like, the more I type this, the more I feel like it may be better to give Telemachus and Athena their own saga. You'd still get the "Wait, why are we not with Odysseus?" effect without having one saga do SO many VERY different things at once.
@setantastooddead 7 сағат бұрын
I think the implicit trust in Hermes comes from his introduction and demeanor - he introduces himself as a friend and, unlike the other gods Odysseus has encountered thus far, puts himself on Ody’s level . He doesn’t really lord over him the fact that he is a god, doesn’t flaunt his power or put himself above him (i mean, yes, he’s literally flying above him, but then he takes him with him into the sky as well, sort of letting him in on the joke and sharing his power in a sense). He’s honest and offers help without a game or an assurance it will save him. Plus, he’s fun too. Doesn’t hurt.
@amaliamorris7164 7 сағат бұрын
Honestly, this is my favourite saga because of the time skip, so I had to unfortunately skip some of your judgements. I get where you are coming from though but it works alot for me
@Dewwwwddr0p 8 сағат бұрын
Anticlae and Hephaestus sound similar because Jorge’s parents are the voices Odysseus’s mother and Hephaestus
@arthurkohn7957 8 сағат бұрын
My favorite thing about epic is how in every video so far you’ve found a new favorite- it just keeps building on itself and getting better
@KaiserinReine 8 сағат бұрын
Oh this is awesome! Thanks for sharing these helpful channels!
@TrickTheKick 9 сағат бұрын
Did we skip “I’m not sorry for loving you”???
@TrickTheKick 9 сағат бұрын
Odysseus’ mother and Hephaestus were both voiced by Jorge’s parents
@Bored_Barbarian 10 сағат бұрын
19:02 personally I think the pomegranate animatic is best.
@TrashPossum420 11 сағат бұрын
It's official, Casper Fox has competition for the Nat 20 predictions
@azzazell502 12 сағат бұрын
When this man said it’s almost too easy, I screamed “HIT PLAY!!!”
@b0neless437 13 сағат бұрын
No way did you talk about Arkham City just before Ody channels fucking batman 😂
@TrashPossum420 13 сағат бұрын
@TCG31456 13 сағат бұрын
I thought originally this was just a love story, but I think with your commentary through this has convinced me that it IS also a trauma story. And the end only cements that. In the end, Penelope confirms that even though his trauma has changed him, she still loves him, and she has been waiting for him to get out of the darkness and make it back to her all along. I've thoroughly enjoyed your reactions and commentary. It has added a whole new layer of appreciation for the musical. Yeah, I agree, I'd love for a second run through and some cleanup of the musical from a story perspective, and there are certainly some challenges from choosing to do a musical adaptations. Also, love that the last 3 songs form a sentence: "Odysseus, I can't help but Wonder, Would you fall in love with me again?" And yes, you did hear Ruthlessness, Thunder Bringer, and Scylla in the last song as he explains what he's done. I encourage you to read the spark notes of the original Odyssey to see the changes, inspirations, and some cool Greek lore that adds some more depth to the story~ Also loved how much you kept bringing up how bloody and messy he was at the end XD Loved that humor~!
@booklaus 14 сағат бұрын
I love this reaction! It's such a thoughtful and well-reasoned analysis! I'm so happy that you were able to pick up all the details and important beats- it was so enjoyable to watch someone unfamiliar with the story grasp the themes so well.
@destin5103 14 сағат бұрын
A man with a trail of bodies...
@destin5103 15 сағат бұрын
Zeus fought her cause she went up to his wife and said "Ody never cheated on his wife" lmao he's mega butt hurt
@destin5103 15 сағат бұрын
Your Athena maternal criticism is a bit off the mark for me. If you were just listening to the song and not watching the animatic it's a lot more obvious she's just helping his son because she knows she fucked up.
@coraz6825 15 сағат бұрын
one of these days I’ll figure out enough of the worldbuilding to write my novel, but until then i will be checking out every one of these channels and practicing some shorter stories
@Atraeus13 15 сағат бұрын
This feels to me like a cancer patient. At first it feels like such a small thing, barely any symptoms. Maybe if you just ignore it, it will go away. If I tell somebody about it that makes it real. Eventually it prevents you from doing the things you normally can do. You can no longer hide it from others. Soon it becomes all you are, all that people see you as. The cancer patient. Hospital gowns, shaved head, tubes, doctors, hospital beads. But you still have dreams of when you were healthy, of doing all the normal things a healthy person can do.
@coraz6825 15 сағат бұрын
One of my favorites is Kieren Westwood. His channel rocks! He gets me so excited to write :)